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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. well it is pretty obvious why you come with less disk space, how do you think the os is running, the amount of disk space taken is used to run the computer and all the files and what not to run the programs needed to use the computer.
  2. bet they have the phone right next to them with the speed dial set to the nut house when your reading to
  3. first one looks good, the text was the problem, the second one though is alot better but the gradiant color for the text blows, go red with black stroke and use thee ressurection font at dafont, ot suits it better.85/10 for both
  4. hmm yeah you have seen my pic, bet you got that saved on your computer and showing everyone too....
  5. daman is vacation thats why he's not around, plus he's been woeking on other sites with a friend of his, so that why don't see him aroundbut on ggg i have no clue.
  6. the rules are posted on how to vote for the sigsin the main forum of the sig battles.
  7. meh i was more like using them for referances on what they were looking for, cuz i had a hard time looking for scripts that fall in the lines of what whistle was looking for.
  8. correct on the text, snlil try setting the feather to like 10-15 and select a good size portion with most of it open space thats what i usually do, tp make less transparent. no i was saying that the background look flat like the sand background that i did on one of my sigs that looked flat.
  9. the thing is thought that you can't have pure capitalism cuz its going to be flaw no matter how many laws you make to make it better, the system will always be flawed.
  10. hmm never really notice the bevel, that would explain the halo around it but i forgot to give my scores Sig 15/10Sig 25.5
  11. send it back to gateway, but a theory comes to mind though, it most likly has to do with the settings that where installed in the computer itself but other then that no clue.
  12. well i would have to say the middle east since it was the first time i went to saudia arabi and iraq, but when i was free raoming the in military home was the best vacation since i could forget all the problems at work.
  13. but your missing something in the coding, yeah you set up the process for the image to be shown but how would you retrieve it. out of this line of the code ".rand(0,54)+2"
  14. 18 smilies i thought the smilies stop at 10 hmmm, but yeah its could to find sweeet hosting but it sounds like you have gone to every hosting site known to mankind just to find what your look for, well actually i did that too but it took me 8 years to find it, why or why was this webiste not up 8 years ago?
  15. well the rarely been happening the last few weeks, but thing is though i do not see a link for this free bandwidth project site, yeah i can search but a link would have been benficial as well.
  16. well its just simple stupidity on both parts if the guy just stopped and talk to them none of it would have happen, but the bobbies went over board though, all they had to do was immobilize him killing his was not the way to go.
  17. i tried it out once but when i saw how far back i was and could not purchase anything of use, i stopped, i was playing army system for awhile but i stopped playing it.
  18. hmm are they in english or in japanese?, i looked at manga in book stpres but the whole backwards thing irratates me for some reason and why read when you can watch the anime.but i have one question is that supposed to be an I or L i your name, marle sounds strange but marie makes sense, just curious about that.
  19. scam that is all i have to say, really why would some waste 5-10 minutes on a useless survey, thats doesn't really help the situation at hand.example: whats your favorite colorcome one that is so cheesy to ask in a email.
  20. we doing that as well phyre with our battle or we sticking with the 7, its up to you since its your challange.
  21. well i would have gone more abstract to make it more fluid with the render instead of the grunge, but its kubi so it is his to use. you know what can't remember what i was going with that, unless i was referring to the you got schooled comment.
  22. are you using php as your index file? if so change that into index.php
  23. i oh i will MUHAHAHAHA!!! yeah posted my sigs with yours so lets how this pans out.
  24. don't worry we will make kubi vote, if he wants to see his stuff bunny ever again MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
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