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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Congratulations for winning SOTW #27 you will recieve your tab shortly also you can now add your SOTW 2x winner tab as well pick that up at SOTW multi-champ topic. here is your tab
  2. Due to the Uniqueness of this SOTW im going to be numbering them from left to right 1 through 9 in the voting setup. 1-Senor Mainiac (0) 2-Albus Dumbledore (0) 3-Razor (0) 4-Saint-Michael (0) 5-Truefusion (0) 6-Mayank (0) 7-Avalon (0) 8-CoolFreaker (0) 9-Reaver (0) Remeber you must give a reason why you vote or it will nulled ie "I like it does not count".
  3. To clean this topic the only legal version of IPB board is the 2.1.x series board. any site offering to download the board 2.1.x or below is a illegal copy and nulled board are illegal no matter what people say due to the fact that the coding is edited to make it null. Also invision's main site does not provide actual downloads for full copies. If you can afford the price tag for the full legal board then purchase it if not then find a alternate board to use.also it is recommend that if the board is 2.0.4 or below do not upload it to a xisto related site cause if caught you will lose your hosting privilages and reported as well.So i pay very close attention to that little tidbit of info.
  4. well heres a positive thing about this situation you know more then him when concerns computer related topics. Its his fault for giving that password out to so many people. But the thing with school computers is that they are really not all secure to begin with yeah they got filters but really only a "smart person" would not realize to give the password to like 1-2 people and they do all the work not 9-10 people and then letting their friends now how to get in.so you tell your teacher to get real and pay attention to who works on that computer.
  5. the only problem with pixel is that it selective on sig making tutorials, what i suggest is go to chaosgfx.com or gamerenders.com for more detailed tutorials but get ready for a long night though alot of people have different ways to do them so you have to ready a little and then decided which one is the best.
  6. with a simple design like how about give it that professional look grab your circle marquee tool and create a half circle top or bottom then fill it with white then lower the fill or opacity to 20% and it gives you that little touch and also slap a little gradient effect use black and white and then set that to overlay to give it another little boost as well.and then work on some text effects like making the text glow or to increase the professional look do a reflective text on it as well.
  7. well im just going to tell you all now the first 170 episodes have no mention of his parents so all those posts are based on rumors mind you it could be explain later on in the series after it hits 200+ episodes but for now.ALSO THIS IS A WARNING: TO YOU ALL what you do on your computer is your own business but on this site even the mentioning of download illegal material will get you banned.
  8. you think since firefox was all big and bad that they wouldn't be needing all these browser updates, but since I somewhat use firefox for a just incase my ie is not working right then ok its good that its getting updated.
  9. on the first two look good cause of the detail put into them 3rd its ok but nothing fancy.4th looks like the kid got hit by truck full of yellow paint that went bad, you need to loawer the contrast a bit cuz that yellow is annoying and drawing away from it.
  10. well i wanted to perfect my sparkle brushing a bit and so I came up with these three sigs, so if the ladies of the forum who like these go ahead you can put them on your sig block. but of course if the guys want them to knock yourself out as well.
  11. well that post right their is complete spam I suggest you reedit that post and ask what you need help in specifically.
  12. well i wanted to perfect my sparkle brushing a bit and so I came up with these three sigs, so if the ladies of the forum who like these go ahead you can put them on your sig block. but of course if the guys want them to knock yourself out as well.
  13. well this is my entry to SOTW #28 i think I somewhat did the ice effect if can call it that. and use the the right amount of blue on the render as well which looks good.
  14. that would clean up some SOTW and sig battles and you jsut added enough color in the background to make it look even better. just not to keen on the font used for pain.9.5/10
  15. I like the idea but i think it would have been more suited to a solid background instead of a grunge background. should be interesting what the voters say though.
  16. had a change of heart when we last spoke hmmm?1st ok but the blue doesn't really go with that render at all.now is that default brushes or default filter settings?
  17. I wouldn't be surprised in 5-10 years from now a Superior OS is made by them. If Microsoft employees where smart then start sending their resumes over to google main offices just look at good in the last few years over $9-10 Billion in stock alone I only can imagine what they have thats not in stocks.But yeah even if you paid for the service just look at the gmail hack that was posted a few days ago not everything is secured. But by now google got whiff of it.But about the main subject yeah 1 you will have to pay for that service and that will get expensive the more bw you need and the gigs you need, 2 you might as well let the hacker into your own computer cause all they have to is set up a virus that runs when you either upload or download from the storage computer and finally 3 it only take one dumb mistake to ruin everything remember that.
  18. not bad the only slight alteration you should make is have the bats come from the left side instead of appearing right in the middle.
  19. well you failed to mention in your posts (well if you did sorry about that i just scimmed the posts) once you used the disk you cannot override it and add more stuff to it (unless you can and Im outdated somewhere) you would need alot of stuff to put on that disk in order to maximize its usefulness. But yeah over time cd do wear down even if properly taken care of, but at that $20k price range it will takea few years for that to go but by then a better and cheaper version comes out as well.
  20. well i was going to say she might be lactose and tolerant but im glad i finished reading it about the food poisoning, but yeah get them good, most likly the employee was having a bad day so he or she basically said the hell with and never wash their hands or tainted the food but yeah get a few gs from them well even though i never really experianced it but yeah get them good Z-man.
  21. jusr for kicks I took it and here are my results well thats how I believe on about religion and what not of course i odn't really beleive in all that bs until I see proof so that just me.
  22. well if you don't want to program your own here are soem sites where you can get your own shoutbox already set up. http://saybox.co.uk/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but their are some scripts as well including the one eddys showed in the previous post.
  23. im a kind of in between the issue I think abortion is only appropriate in the extreme cases, but if your dumb enough not to plan out the whole having a child or using protection then thats your fault. If you can't handle it put the baby up for adoption so someone who want to take care of a child will do you it for you.But you have to remember though most of goverment is like 90% catholic and the other 10% are religions and of course knowing bush dumb@ZZ he will be like rock on or something like that.
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