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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. it has been reported that steve irwin was killed by a sting ray barb to the heart while filming today. He the famous croc hunter we seen on tv on the Dicovery Channel and animal planet. He leaves behind a wife and two kids.on a side note (and to be creul )whoever placed money that he would get eaten by a croc lost some money.
  2. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/40903-topic/ heres the post i made on Xisto about this.
  3. heck now myspace has 2 things to worry about getting hacked and pedophiles .
  4. Well buffaloHELP just mention and I have confirmed it by many articles myspace accounts have been hacked or in hte sense that if your account was hijacked then anyone viewing your profile will also get infected as well. In a article by chaseandsam.com go into detail on how this happen and a solution to it as well Click here for more ---WARNING--- Also this hack is also a virus in which a person who is viewing your hacked profile will get their profile hijacked as well. Also Symantec mentions about it as well Nortan How it was done ---SOLUTION--- ALSO YOU NEED TO UPGRADE YOUR FLASH PLAYER TO #9 as well also if you have a custom template you might have to reinstall it as well. As mention in the article as well. If anyone still has questions go ahead and post him and we will try to answer them ASAP.
  5. All i have to say holy (you know what), talk about the odd's. Whats weird is that even though i don't know the whole story besides the final outcome is that you have to provoke just enough for them to attack you.OF course it's going to even harding on the kids especially his son who will only remember him by picutres and video's.He will be sorely missed by everyone across the world.
  6. let me say this after checking the links out most of them were dummy urls.Im glad I don't autosurf it's a waste of my time period.btw that's some good stuff dooga.
  7. Although it is a interest tutorial and could be useful, just remember that if you do it wrong you or your computer doesn't like what was done it could mess up your computer very bad and most likly you would have to do a complete re-installion of OS.Also i highly doubt a restore will fix it either so just to give a fair warning.
  8. Although I never had that problem don't have the need for the toolbar anyways. But the good news is thier are several solutions but the people who try these solutions have had other problems so to play it safe either google or yahoo the following words."google toolbar crashing IE" put this in and check out the different sites that have possible solutions to your problem.Do this unless a trap member has a solution that works.
  9. I have to agree it is original in concept, it like a mix of myst for it puzzle's and run of the mil fps game. do you have any idea what game magazines rated this game at all?
  10. a wireless adapter or tech lingo wifi connection is used to to connect internet from signals that are spread across other computers, satellites and antenna. You friend can be as far as away as possible as long as you both have a connection to the internet then you will be able to connect to each other 20,000 miles away.But i don't have a gameboy so the wifi connection set up could be different.By try this though ask your friend to be like 1 mile away form you and see if you 2 can connect to each other and see what happens.
  11. yeah but if you look at the list most of those site are chump sites maybe a few big sites but not many.But really you think micrsoft will get hacked HA!! i only can imagine what stuff they have that no one knows about and that only their elite control and most likely get paid thousands not to say anything maybe millions.but of course i could be wrong due to the fact that a elite hackers website got hacked but of course that's because of crappy server admins.
  12. i did a search on the internet nothing came up except for this topic and unrelated sites. so try that method and see what happens.
  13. go through the process of downloading IE 7 RC1 you will notice images from firefox browser.Now really why are you going to give your compitition free advertisement like that or any at all. Especially when they got the better browser? hmmm...
  14. oooh thats funny hahahaha, should have told him that you would give him half if he helped out. btw where their any camera's in that store?
  15. IMO the Courtesy Wave is something that is being done on the road if everyone did then we have some traffic problems. It is not neccessary nor is it a cardinal rule, consider it a favor of some sorts.Sometimes if i been waiting awhile say 10-15 minutea trying to get on the road then i will do it but if its just a couple of minutes then i don't bother.
  16. I like to make a small correction IE 6 doesn't handle most xhtml you need ot have IE 7 since that browser is xhtml xml complient.
  17. they must have gotten a chop shop version of the xps because mine works beautifully.btw stop posting in very old topics.
  18. God was created by the human mind and it is obvious by all the science discoveries over time that proven that fact.Many people have their opinions and of course they are entitled to them but if you look at the history of mythology you can tell that most religions are inter connected thanks to the rome craze of christianity and making it the dominate religion across the world.
  19. the message is about people trying to impeach president Bush. The rules are that every State in the country has to vote on impeachment proceedings and in which the House of Representatives and the Senate have to vote in which to procede to the inpeachment and if the 51 to 49 (senate) 217 to 216 (House of Representatives) goes through then hearings start in which all hte evidence is shown as to why they are being impeach and if found guilty then they are kicked out.Now with that bit of information it would be next to impossible to get bush since he has the tendency ot make documents disappear or make people disappear.Everyone knows he's a lying SOB but when you got people to pass the blame on then people will believe it blah blah blah.So basically im saying it is impossible to get bush and most likly no president will get impeach due ot the corruption the U.S Government has made since WWII though alagations have been made that FDR pulled a bush and let Pearl Harbor happen who knows how long our government has been corrupted.But that's what happen when people gain pwer they think they are above the system and so they change the rules.Techniqually if someone wanted to bush could be charged with war crimes against Iraq since he had no properable cause to attack them.I have more but im cutting it there.
  20. I put it like this it's not going to do anything, like the president is going to be surfing the interenet at look at some no name websites and be concerned. I say it's more of a way to ruin a website especially if they have alot of visitors.
  21. it's called wifi but even then you still need to be connected to some sort of internet.University=school.Of course you can get free internet from a library, your friends thats the closes you will get.
  22. Well if one was to assume, but I guess I would be right and that this will be the most expensive tv series in history the cg alone would be in the millions per episode and of course the hundreds upon hundreds of extra's that would be needed as well.
  23. Alothough it might have been mentioned but the reason dragons exsist is that no one knew what they discovered when they first saw them and that is dinosaur bones.So most conclusions are simplefied to the point that the bones that where discovered were most likly Pterodactyls or something close to that so dargons are nothing more the myth.But if they do exsist well they must be intelligent enough to stay away from humans cause we most likly hunt them down and make them extinct.
  24. i bumped into this clip when i was looking at the gnarls barkley mtv movie award clip and I have to say talk about turning something good into something even worse. though it is funny but you can figure out why it became worse. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  25. I was checking up on some star war stuff just to see whats on the market and what not and I hit this site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ after reading them i did a quick search on episode 7 and their has ot be thousands of site about this. Heck even Mark Hamil mention something about it. Now this would be sweer except for the date that was claimed 2014 or something like that. Now rumors are still out on the tv series to bridge the 20 year gap between episode III and IV are somewhat confirmed. 100 hours worth of episodes so if it was broken down to 13, 24 episodes a season it will take a while. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_live-action_TV_series though wikipedi tends to be wrong. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wookieepedia http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page Now i wouldn't mind seeing the tv series though the dark settings it will contain especially with the jedi getting hunted down and what not but it will be interesting to watch and hopefully the ratings will be good enough to keep them aired. Hopefully though we won't get the stale acting like the prequals had.
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