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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. That movie made me even cringe and thats hard to do with movies, I think what made this movie trilogy great was the fact that no storyline was the same. But just as messed up as the next movie.They better not go through making 4 that would ruin it just because of what happen.[hide=option]copycat killer[/hide]
  2. cute news is awesome, Their are several hacks and mods for it as well at their site haven't had a chance to try them out. But the coding potential is unlimited with this news system. Best part about it is the rss feed wizard.
  3. Thats a interesting hack, most likely this was used on older machines without the use of ad blocking software back in the day. But with new browsers out wouldn't this hack be kind of pointless now? Yeah This could help out the machines you need to jump start with a car battery. But with the proper protection you don't have to worry about ads. I believe firefox has a plug-in that blocks all ad's completely.
  4. Actually college do not allow you to cite from wiki due to the fact, that most of the information is or could be wrong. I only use wiki for quick reference and then go to a .edu base website to get the rest of the info.
  5. I think dreamweaver 8 is the complete package for web designing, mind you i haven't use all it's features and what not. But the fac they have no junk code whatsoever, makes my day. If it wasn't for that $400+ price tag this would be even a better top selling software.
  6. just to throw in a little post bump, by now all the plug-ins should have been updated by firefox, if you haven't seen the update you might have to manually install them.
  7. I agree it would need to be done over time, just to see how the current servers are handling all the info. I made mention in post on trap that with this purchase maybe we could see an increase in space maybe up 200mb of space or something. The extra money s/could cover it but that would just be a matter of time to decided all that good stuff.
  8. setting up a tracker for legit files is fine, but most know that anything torrent is going to be illegal so either way it won't matter.Since your question has been answered topic is closed.
  9. I put it like this I got tickets for the hanging $5000 includes plane ticket and bus ride. At least we are not the one's who tried him for murder his own people did so HA!!I wouldn't be surprise that the moment he is pronounce dead a million videos will be uploaded showing it is done.
  10. Most likely the problems are due to this http://forums.xisto.com/topic/91664-topic/?findpost=1064358850 So bare with OpaQue as the minor bugs are worked out because depending on how many accounts where transferred it will taje time for the servers to properly adjust to this load.
  11. It should be interesting indeed, to see if the any of the new clients will be joining the forums at all. I went to the shouthost website completely cleaned out. Like I mention in my Xisto post, OpaQue should look into smaller hosts and see if he can do a corporate take over on them as well.But congrats on the new purchase who knows maybe with this purchase we could see some upgrades to the hosting accounts. If the revenue's do work well it could happen that we go from 150 to 200mb of space maybe to 7-8gb of bw as well.
  12. Not bad deal at all, I did findout something about how many accounts that were picked up. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ as of Nov 05 2006 their where 24 domains on that account. Now I would assume that could be just domain names being pointed to their servers and not actual hosting accounts. It could be hosting too I dunno. But from what I saw about the Xisto - Web Hosting accounts though makes me wonder but I won't go into that since it's OpaQue business and not anyone elses. But I am seeing OpaQue doing alot of smart business, He should try and get a few more run down hosting sites and pick up their accounts. That would be some smart business right there.
  13. Although I don't know I guess you could google it, but setting up a torrent site is illegal and against the Xisto rules and TOS. So I would think very hard about setting one up on xisto account because you will get your account suspended and oyu will be banned from all xisto sites as well. Including being reported as well to the authorities.What you do on your computer is your own business but bring it here it becomes ours.
  14. Without beating a dead horse, If Microsoft was to do this that $50 billion would go to 0 just like that and thus create a huge ripple in the Stock market that could in fact be bad enough to warrant a possible depression. Because then every tech stock would get affected and blah blah blah.Now if they were smart about it, what I would do is going through the courts to make this legal for a 24 hour period, Were when a person turns on their computer with a illegal Windows OS it errors out on them and gives them a blue screen of death. Thats what I would do.
  15. First off you would need about at least $20,000-$40000 because the good servers cost about $3000 and upalso you would need anywhere from T1-T3 lines to make the connections fast that will run anywhere from $1000-$4000.Extra components to fix your servers just in case they break down, thats a few hundred per server.A building with a good air condition system that keeps the servers cool and from over heating.And some of hte best security software that money could buy as well.So you see it's not hard it's just very very expensive.
  16. I think though they could have hold out til November and used it for the starting of the PS3. I don't think anyone would have mind.Some pointers would be when you get the lhusa(might have spelled that wrong) mines lvl up there easy exp and the items they drop will get you about 32,000 gold a piece (99 items)
  17. Although I am a fan of Rockstar games played most of them including the one that didn't do well. Which is manhunt it was pretty cool.Bully looks interesting, but not my cup of tea.
  18. thats just sick, I wonder if he will customize a Ps3 when it comes out. Man this dude should be like at MIT or something, I wonder if Microsoft seen this yet cuz they will be overjoyed on something like this.
  19. Any respectful gamer will say Final Fantasy, Halo is just a Fps with a weak story and game play just so people can play online and blow stuff up. Not much of a challenge there.With Final Fantasy it's all about the story and game play thats why it has lasted for 20 years, which mind you is coming up next year. So most likley a big shindig or hootenanny will be happening.
  20. Well I thought I make post about the Game of the century and that Being Final Fantasy 12. Right now I'm about 20 hours into the game (most of that timing leveling up.) So I start with the ratingsSound (including voice and music) 10/10. This was the first thing I notice as I watch the intro, They gave some voice to the Final fantasy theme song which made it it even sweeter to watch. Voice acting is awesome this time. The use of British accents, German accent still haven't figure out the accent to the Viera (bunny girls). But whoever is doing Fran's voice is awesome. It makes the character unique. Music what can say you can't go wrong with the man Nobuo Uematsu when he does the musical scores for the FF series.Game Play 10/10.the use of the real time battle mode is awesome, plus it makes the fights a lot harder to win, but thanks to the gambit system it make it more strategic then ever and a lot longer if you trying to steal an item. The locations are huge as well so you can be spending most of your time wandering around just so you know where you want to go. But the maps help out just for a refresher, but still HUGE!!. Theirs more interactivity with the NPC so as to make it more realistic and interesting to find out what people have to say about what is happening. The license grid helps make customizing your characters a lot better, although with me I plan to max out all their abilities just so I can I did it. The use of chain battles is ok, it helps get better items as you get higher and higher, but it does take awhile to get there and what not. I stopped over 100 (beyond the max). I also like the new Limit system (quickening) although you allow three per character, also the fact you can chain them for huge amounts of damage. Of course you got 4 seconds to select a person and press the r2 to randomize it as to select another person to keep the chain going. I haven't got one of the summons yet, another 5 hours at least so I let you know more on that.Weapons/armor/accessories 10/10.With so many Weapons/armor/accessories it's insane as to what you can use for maximum carnage, but to come on that as well.Story n/a.Well just barely scratching the surface of the story so I let you know when I beat, but right now it is pretty interesting, you got traitors, rebellions, wars, evil people and all the other good stuff that makes this game sweet.Secrets 10/10Put it like this their so many of them I could score a few hundred credits listing all of them :lol:Monsters 10/10With the ones I seen so far they have been well designed and well put together as well. Made the harder to kill this time .GilWell they decided to do something different this time, to make your money, you have to sell loot (items that monsters drop), you get it that way some items can help you net a few thousand just like that, it just takes time to collect these items and sell them off.So unless you hate the Playstation I suggest you get this and have your mind blown away for the Final Final Fantasy for the PS2 ever.
  21. Vouch for that although paying $400+ for this is messed up, but of course got to go with the original notepad. Now only if Microsoft Frontpage would get rid of that junk coding then maybe I would use it (actually I wouldn't).Of course I good go on for days about some other one free and paid, but I keep it short.
  22. Pretty much just as long as you chmod the right settings I think it 755 and that should prevent most injections from happening.
  23. This link should be able to help you replace the file. I also included the step by step process of it as well for a just in case. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 1. Insert and boot from your Windows XP CD. 2. At the first R=Repair option, press the R key 3. Press the number that corresponds to the correct location for the installation of Windows you want to repair. 4. Typically this will be #1 5. Type bootcfg /list to show the current entries in the BOOT.INI file 6. Type bootcfg /rebuild to repair it 7. Take out the CD ROM and type exit
  24. Except for a couple of click and a spinning of the hard drive it is silent.@weaponx I might have seen one, but of course I used tape drives in the army talk about archaic right there.
  25. Well the first thing I notice was your splash page, drop it, unless your getting 20 million hits a day, doing a splash page will turn people away from it. Unless this is just a fan site then ok keep it but if you do, drop the ad banners from the splash page its a turn off as best thing to do is incorporate your ad sense ad's with in the actual website. Next would be to to make the color uniform meaning if your going to have the splash page black then the rest of the site should match up with a dark color. Maybe a dark grey. But thats just me though.
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