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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. OMG Google has three april fools jokes AHAHAHAHA This says it all Interesting that they only mention TISP and google paper on the article but not this :lol: Although most of it looks convincing the email address and the date give it away.
  2. could you tell as what kind of critical errors that WP 2.1.1 has so we could have a better idea, because sometimes upgrading to a new sofware is not always the most feasible, unless it's a major security update that is needed.edit: Well I guess it would be feasible to upgrade wordpress then thanks mike
  3. stone cold sober as well, reason being I don't even want to know what I look like drunk or high. I have enough problems in my life that I don't need alcohol or drugs to make it worse. Plus money is tight these days, high gas prices and all that other good stuff.
  4. Well the reason Opera is fast is it's due to the fact for some strange reason the browser optimizes HTML and CSS a lot better then FF and IE the acid test proved that. I don't about the cache stats for the browsers.The only problem FF2 has right now is loading ajax because in ff2 it takes forever for trap to load, most likely theirs somewrong in the coding for the shoutbox, so I been using IE7 to go to trap while I use FF for everything else. I don't know if FF 3 has worked the kinks out forcoding ajax but most likely they will by the time full version comes out.Of course I got IE7, FF2, Opera and netscape installed on my laptop but I only use IE7 and FF for every day use, go figure.
  5. I would think that both trap and the person who sign up for the domain who own it. Reason being Xisto is covering for the cost of purchasing and hosting the domain through it's servers, while the credits the person spends more or less covers request for the domain. @Autumn it would have to be more then 1 post due to the fact that since the person is already hosted, they have to earn credits just to keep their hosting active. I would say at the minimum a person would have to make 3-4 quality posts to cover for the hosting and 1-2 posts to stock up on credits to either rename your domain or get one. Now you don't have to post that to cover for hosting and a domain you could make 20-30 posts a day if you want. Now a good plan would be to bank at least 5 credits a day https://support.xisto.com/ so during that one year you will be building the credits that would be needed to rewnew that domain. So if I calculate it right in 2 1/2 months of storing 5 credits you will get the ones you needs and the rest you can use for your hosting.
  6. Your older then most of the members now LMAO :XD:

  7. Well I am not saying that I want it to happen, but when you think about the fact people who have low paying jobs with cheap bonuses are barely able to afford to live a descent life, it's rather disgusting to think that these guys are getting paid $1 but are super loaded in bonuses. I maybe no tax expert but I do believe they have to pay taxes off the dividens they make off their stock.
  8. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I don't know whats worse the fact they would actually do this just to show how rich they are or have nothing else better to do but to let the news paper mention this. Yeah you can flaunt your wealth any way you want but still when your making your money off the stocks alone why even bother drawing a salary for a measly $1 plus every single bonus you can think of to milk it. It makes me think that I can't wait for the stock market to crash again.
  9. Well the news keeps coming in about this exploit, even after the fact 3 patches have been made for this. It looks like 450 websites have been "monitored" that exploit this flaw. Then of course the slew of email spam that have been produce such as the "Hot Pictures of Britiney Speers" email that are laced with this exploit. But to add to the growing problem it looks like M$ new about since December of last year, which means that hackers, crackers, phreakers, spammers have had plenty of time to work on this. This also mention that a group of servers controlled by Russian hackers that give out the whole buffet of attacks and what not. Their has been a root kit that was designed from this little exploit as well Definition of a root kit By the looks of it from the article the russian hackers who been using this are gaining some steam from this. They even go on to say the originas are from a bunch of Chinese hackers who were trying to steal WOW accounts and then of course they say it's history. They mention that botnet attack might increase as well over this, which leads me to believe that everyone who follows the darkside of the computer will be using this wonderful exploit until it has lost all it's steam and more importantly that would lead into the fact that Vista just lost in the security department over this exploit since now everyone will be programming from this bad boy. They even mention the fact that the russian hackers have been waiting awhile to find a new hack to crack the windows OS, I might as well disconnect fro mthe internet right now just make it one less machine. Source HERE
  10. This pretty much says it all http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://www.yahoo.com/tech/ I wonder what colors it comes it Becase I would be pretty skeptical about this paint, because paint can be warn down from weathering and all that could stuff. The potential is and it sounds good, but how could paint generate a EM field to block hackers from hacking wifi signals. If someone could explain that little fact to me then I could change my view on it.
  11. http://mods.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/5933 This the raffle mod for 2.1.x, so just completed the insanity of this, all you would have to do is see how it works and code in the credit system. But yeah the random number would be on the javascript part, but I do believe php could do it as well, if you think about how random images work you could base the coding for that. But yeah if that amount of credits is being thrown in then you would have to do a top 3 winners or even top 5, just depends on how many people enter will determine how the prizes are distributed, that how we do it when I play poker at my brothers house. This is what the mod consists of
  12. it would help if you had images to with this tutorial so other will have an idea what it should look like.
  13. Last year opa bought another hosting company and added in their clients and thus the added revenue and the remove of all ad's except for the one before you log in thats up top.But on to the raffle system, interesting idea I do believe back in the 2.0.x days of IBP forum their was an actual a raffle system mod. I would have to check to see if it still there.But the programming to create a raffle system by scratch to fit the credit system would be insane, it would be a combination of javascript and php.I would say the winner of the raffle would win the credits that where spent in purchasing the tickets. Like 100 were sold that be like 1000 credits that person would win.I spend my winnings on a new car
  14. it's called spam and the quickest method is to just delete it and move on, billions of spam get email on a daily basis, so they can trick you into getting your info. Like I said just delete and move on thats what I do, but sometimes if it's a new one or more inthe lines that they change the wording, I read it laugh and send a masty email right back with some choice words in it.
  15. for a slight update any my insanity, I did get my thinking juices somewhat going again, I more or less caught up in all the school work I didn't do. Spent about three hours in a writing lab for my research paper, it took 2 of those hours to be able to somewhat think clearly. Of course I caught up in my web design and management course work this morning, and it's sloppy as all hell can't get a stupid php script to work correctly and it's coming fro mthe book no less but I got done. So i figure out hte problems in class tonight.With my paper though it is literrally still in it's first draft and the second draft is due next week . Hopefully now that I am healthy again and I got everything I needed to be done I can actually slow down and breath again.So thanks for the support and all that :(
  16. well first this is the correct url http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It has nothing to do with the upload it's about not complete the url to the images try this code <html><head><title>banner</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"></head><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"><!-- ImageReady Slices (banner.psd - Slices: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06) --><table id="Table_01" width="992" height="768" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td rowspan="4"> <img src="../images/banner/banner_01.jpg" width="21" height="768" alt=""></td> <td> <img src="../images/banner/banner_02.jpg" width="952" height="192" alt=""></td> <td rowspan="4"> <img src="../images/banner/banner_03.jpg" width="19" height="768" alt=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <img src="../images/banner/banner_04.jpg" width="952" height="192" alt=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <img src="../images/banner/banner_05.jpg" width="952" height="192" alt=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <img src="../images/banner/banner_06.jpg" width="952" height="192" alt=""></td> </tr></table><!-- End ImageReady Slices --></body></html> your forget to finish off the file location for the image thats why it kept on appearing as though the images where broken it was this images/banner_04.jpg instead of this ../images/banner/banner_06.jpg A small reminder make sure to close off your directories so no one can see whats in them, thats how I was able to figure what was wrong with your site.
  17. you can download the manual here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for offline usage, but the online version would most likely be the current one unless they update both of at hte same time.
  18. Hopefully the next suprise will be that OpaQue will give anyone a uber computer for like 2000 credits .Actually after looking at the FAQ brings up another question bare with me on this.What if you got hosting somewhere else say like Xisto or quipis or some other webhosting place, couldn't you just go ahead and generate the credits as a regular member and then when you get the 250 ge the domain and then just transfer it to that other account? Yes I am talking about the credit crossing, but it would seem logical to so, if someone posts on both sites and only has one account, it could be feasible to use those credits from the non hosting account to apply for a domain.Does that make some sense?
  19. To add to this wonderful topic http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ its funny how this report just came out a day or so , right after the Apple EMI deal came out in the open. Of course this is all ove europe not just london, of course it's not like modt people care about getting music legally anways.
  20. I found this to be a interesting website. This website monitor all web traffic across the world now we can know why websites seem to slow down or not show up at all. Thier faq is pretty detail on how this site works http://www.internettrafficreport.com/faq.htm With this in a way, you could use this information and find reliable proxies to use and what not to be able to connect to the internet anonymously At least it's good news that North America avg time is smaller then everyone elses WOOT!! but to conteract that our packet loss is pretty high as well So another useful and somewhat genius website to look at from time to time
  21. I remeber this story awhile back and thought it was funny, of course I thought he was taken care of but he will be soon background story British hacker Gary McKinnon hacks into 97 government computers which includes the Pentagon, army, navy and NASA systems, which cost over $700,000 in damages, just because he was looking to find UFO the government was hiding on everyone. But heres the kicker; If the British hacker known as Gary McKinnonfound is found guilty in the U.S for hacking government computers, he could face up to 70 years in jail and pay a nice fine of $1.75 million. Of course some reports are saying her deleted stuff off these computers, which would make him even more of a liar, but of course thats based on opinions that he actually deleted stuff. Which they never confirmed in these reports. Sucks ot be him right now Shouldn't have got himself caught Although I did find this interesting Why because he's British HA!!! he got caught doing a illegal computer activities and since they were American government computers he was hacking into they have the right to bring him to justice. Send Dog the bounty hunter on his butt . Of course what I find funny is that the British government hasn't prosecuted him because he's free at hte moment and they could get this mess over quickly by sending him to jail for 70 years and pay the money. But that why the justices systems alsways have loop holes in them. SOURCES HERE HERE HERE
  22. Well lets start off by saying these 2 people are complete morons. The first guy who had this thing loaded up on the internet so it could be shown on how it works and not securing it so it couldn't be downloaded. Does a home server ring a bell? guess not. second guy for downloading it and then uploading it to his site with the excuse that "he thought it would be useful to other security professionals looking for ways to illustrate just how dangerous a scripting attack can be." Now this code has been found on several websites and now could be use to hijack web browsers. Well heres a clearer explaination of it: Noo really??? Well It was smart of him to find a way for this could be done hopefully he has a way to block it from happening now. Well it looks like we will be getting more patches for every browser that is currently being used. To add to the stupidity I would be very angry that someone just upload this program to be used to hack a person browser and computer, but no the first guys says he's not moron. I would say maybe or it oculd be a possibility but now that they have an idea on how to do it expect different versions of this to pop up in the near future. Now here comes the punch line neither of them have been arrested over the fact that this in a way illegal coding and actualy help people in using this to commit crimes. It argurable that they don't have to be arrested but still one made the code that is used to hack into computers/broswers, 2 it was uploaded for everyone to see and use. Thoughts on this? SOURCE HERE
  23. Yep I saw it as well, kind of disappointed to the fact hte match were slow, in which you could actually see them setting up the moves and what not :lol:I would say money in the bank and taker & batista match were the better ones.Vince getting his head shave was good, the match was meh.Kane match omg wasn't even worth it same goes with the lumber jill match it was just god aweful, from a westling news site people did mention the fact during that match people were leaving to go to the bathroom or stock up on food and drinks.I think the outcome to the cena michaels match was just plain wrong, michaels should have won due to the fact he was putting more into it, cena already got his credentials when he beat HHH last year, it was time for michaels to shine again.Benoit & MVP was sub par even for benoit, the action was smooth but not face pace like it should have been.
  24. Yes you can mix in (x)html into PHP here is an example of how it would be done <?php// Our log file;$counter = "stats.txt";// Date logging;$today = getdate();$month = $today[month];$mday = $today[mday];$year = $today[year];$current_date = $mday . $month . $year;// Log visit;$fp = fopen($counter, "a");$line = $REMOTE_ADDR . "|" . $mday . $month . $year . "\n";$size = strlen($line);fputs($fp, $line, $size);fclose($fp);// Read log file into array;$contents = file($counter);// Total hits;$total_hits = sizeof($contents);// Daily hits;$daily_hits = array();for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($contents);$i++) { $entry = explode("|", $contents[$i]); if ($current_date == chop($entry[1])) { array_push($daily_hits, $entry[0]); }}$daily_hits_size = sizeof($daily_hits);// Daily hosts;$daily_hosts = array();for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($contents);$i++) { $entry = explode("|", $contents[$i]); if ($current_date == chop($entry[1])) { array_push($daily_hosts, $entry[0]); }}$daily_hosts_size = sizeof(array_unique($daily_hosts));?><? echo "<b><font color='#FF0000'>Page Hits:</font></b><b> " . $total_hits . "</b>"?> This is the html that the php script will display when someone goes to your website <? echo "<b><font color='#FF0000'>Page Hits:</font></b><b> " . $total_hits . "</b>"?> It's funny that people mention about going to xhtml heres the thing XHTML code is design for XML use and from what my teacher told me html 4.01 strict is the same as XHTML 1.0 transitional. So youdon't really need to go to xhtml unless your trying to have your site keep up in current coding. As long as you follow the standards to HTML 4.01 you can display very same thing as you would in xhtml. Because if you wanted to make your site xhtml you would have to do it by scratch, since is coming from a validation test in xhtml trans in which you have 181 errors to fix, so I would go with coding to html 4.01 strict standards in which you only have 7 errors to fix. Yeah XHTML is the new standard but thats because of the XML applications people are using for their websites (mostly businesses) and that XHTML used more for structure then actual design. Like I said you can do the same thing with regular html (albeit with a lot more code) but that is what CSS was designed for so you can remove most of that code and put it onto another file for universal means. Although most of thats a bit contradictory due to the fact I don't code in html anymore, but that's me. Also another that is worth mentioning is that you don't need get away from tables, the only reason people say get away from tables is do to the fact that if you design a site in tables you have to do deal with a lot of code and tweak it just to perfect in pretty much everything. But thats for business/professional sites. for personal/portfolio sites as long as you keep the design simple and try not to get all bizzaro world on it then tables will be fine, especially if your design and slice temple stick with tables it generates. Im working on perfecting my skills of converting tables to divs in psd templates it's challanging because of all the tweaking, but it will worth it in the end. But pertaining to yoursite I would fix/add the following things -that background gradient get rid of the white and go with a lighter color then just the white to bluish color -with the background border you have at the top move it down to image you have in your site (of course adjust the size to fit) -add a drop shadow to your site either on the sides or on the bottom. -with your toppic1.jpg and toppic2.jpg combine them into one image, with that you save on load time and some space --I would change that grey to a gradient effect to go with the background bar you have Other then those recommendations it's a clean looking design.
  25. I found this to be very interesting, a group of hackers routinly attack Myspace to find flaws and it looks like they have already started finding them I find it funny that they actually told Myspace that they were going to do this, although I doubt they could find them anyways. But again they already found one which has to do with the url set up of which I won't post because of the legality of it or the actual post they made about it on their site. Most likey myspace has it already patch so you can't do it anyways. So for you myspacers watch out for your accounts. If you remember my post awhile about the flash hack, they did mention it by per chance, found it interesting that they do these monthly these on specific stuff like PHP or Apple, wonder what they will do next month Department of Defense .
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