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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well this Great Turtle race is over and here are the Final results; Taking the gold medal and in first place - Billie Taking the silver medal for 2nd place - Stephanie Colburtle Taking the bronze medal for 3rd place - Champiro 4th - Turtleocity 5th - Purple Lightning 6th - Genevieve 7th - Saphira (My turtle) 8th - Freedom 9th - Windy 10th - Drexelina 11th - Sundae Now for the last 3 days of results Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 This sure was a good interesting race, hopefully the turtles and the research get help in protecting these cool turtle, can't wait for the next race. Of course the race to save these turtles are still going on so if you want to help out visit their site and see what you can do. http://www.greatturtlerace.com/
  2. Although I am not a professional more like a noob with 2 years of experience , I see some good designs, idea's and professional layouts from everyone and of course good luck to everyone else. If I were able ot multi vote I would place my votes for the following:niru-faviconlivingston-text effect
  3. Basic Info & Download/Installation Tutorial for ASP.NET 2.0 Well I received a book about ASP 2.0 and was ask to go over and review it later on which means test out the scripts that come with the book and what not. So far in my success in learning ASP I was able to download and install the proper software in order to get ASP running on a local machine (my computer) and so those who would like to ASP like I am somewhat. These series of tutorials that I will provide thanks to this book will give a general idea on how ASP works and build "robust" web applications. I will list the software that you will need and then break it down for you as best as I can understand it from this book and what I can find on the web. First let's talk about what ASP is, well ASP is a Active Server Pages which is a server side technology that build web applications based on the Microsoft .NET framework and windows server based operating systems i.e. Windows Server 2003, 2005 and it's database component being Microsoft SQL. Now with this complete package of Microsoft technology what programming languages does it support? Easy enough 40 known languages are support by ASP.net which includes C#, VB, VB.NET, JScript and XML to name a few (at this time I don't have the complete list but once I find it I will update this post). So what's all the big hoopla well as stated in the book that ASP is unique because of the wide variation of programming languages it uses when people are designing ASP.NET web applications, however their is some other interesting stuff in it as well, for one it has full access to the .NET framework which includes database interaction, email and web services to name a few. Also with ASP it is possible to have it separated from html coding which means that you don't need to have to upload it into a webpage in order to see it; you are able to run the scripts separately. Well not to bore you with all this technical jargon and boring dictionary terms lets get right down to business, but first I would like to point to everyone the main ASP web page that pretty much covers everything about ASP.net and funny enough the domain is ASP.NET and look just remembered a website with no effort at all. Now to fun stuff the software components, well to simply put their is the paid version of all this software, but why spend thousands of dollars when you get all the tools you really need to run a ASP.NET server on your computer, so lets begin shall we. Just a small reminder that as we install the components to the required software to get a ASP server going, I would recommend that that after each installation that you run the software update/patch when they mention them. So at the end of the installation it will lower the possibilities that something might go wrong if you do it in one fell swoop. Software Requirements .NET Framework 2.0 Basically this software is what’s needed to run ASP.NET simple enough and so where can you download it? Simple enough right HERE. I would make a small note on that .NET framework there is a 3.0 version out, but since I am a beginner as much as anyone else reading this tutorial we will be sticking with 2.0. Ok now with that out of the way go ahead and install the .NET software and of course choose the language that your computer is based on (i.e. English, German, French) and also make sure your computer fulfills the following requirement: So after you download and install the framework component it brings up a message th get any updates and or patches, In which of course I recommend because it's always to get your self protected, especially since your running a server that could be connected through the net. So go ahead and download the patches and then install them accordingly. .NET Framework 2.0 Software Development Kit (SDK) This next component you will be installing on to your computer is the SDK for the framework, which consist of developer tools, a debugger, and documents and examples of some ASP scripts. This is good to have so you can get an idea of what to expect with ASP.NET, when you begin the long process of coding and debugging these scripts. So to download the SDK go HERE. So once the SDK eventually downloads (don't know why it is taking forever but might as well do this one step at a time). Of course make sure to choose the appropriate language for you to properly install the software and you don't get yourself confused through the quick installation process. Ok we are now installing the SDK and low and behold you done, wasn't that easy? Well not yet, we have comeback to the dreaded update screen but this time we come with another message as well; simple enough lets first run through the updates and get the necessary patches and what not, go ahead and install them and then we might as well and go ahead and open up and download the visual J# files, so go ahead and copy the link I provided without the quotes. Small reminder you will get this message when you install the SDK, which lucky for us you can highlight and then copy and paste. Visual J# Version 2.0 Redistributable Package Simple enough this is used to run Visual J# applications through your .NET framework and of course to find the proper link for this I point to you HERE. As usual install the software and make sure to read through the fine print and update according as so to protect you from those unknown dangers that may lurk about. Of course the update/patch message does come up so go through the process of updating those patches. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition The next software component to this wonder world of ASP is the SQL or server database software, which of course is used to store your information through databases ie: name dates and shopping cart items. Lucky for us who don't want to shell out the several hundred dollars to get SQL, Microsoft provides us with a free version of the same thing. What is the catch you say? Nothing its still fully functional as if you were purchasing the more expensive version but since we want simplicity and not to overwhelm ourselves you could say this free version does just that. Well now we are in a predicament which version of the expression edition do we choose? Simple go with the basic version and if you feel comfortable enough with coding knock yourself out and download the advanced version. The download page also consists of some SDK, but since I am following the book they don't mention it so I won't download them at this time. Also I would like to mention they give you the options to register this so if you want go ahead if not then click no and then download away. I almost forgot the link which is right HERE . Now let's begin the installation process, simple enough just read the directions and off you go. Also you happen to get this warning message by clicking a link on the com portion of the installation; Ignore for now as it won't affect your installation but as a recommendation I would ask and most likely when the time comes to update I will add in the reason for this warning message. Also when come upon a authentication screen in this installation, go with mix and add your own password, as so you can double the security of your ASP.NET files. Also select both error reports as well since they can benefit you in the future as you’re learning to program in ASP. Well we just got 2 more downloads to go and the hard part is over YEAH!!. SQL Server Management Studio Express With this piece of software it is used for visual representation of the above software, reason stated as in the book, it don't come with the installation. Which don't matter because this software is free as well and now for that important download link HERE. If I am reading this correctly and I should, this software is used to physically see what’s going on your SQL server and what not (smells like another tutorial). So once I know what it is all about you will know deal? Also a smal FYI download the non X64 if you are not running that version of a processor. Ok now we come in a predicament well not really unless your running the home version of windows, their are two ways to get your server online or the way they put it "aware" is either install IIS or Internet Information Services or another program they recommend called Cassini (which you can download Cassini Here). Which does the same but easier I guess. Now I will go through both ways but since I don't have my Windows CD with me I will go by the book on setting up the IIS so bare with me on that. Configure IIS To start this off make sure you have everything installed and updated and of course have your IIS installed by going to your control panel > then add/remove windows components and then select Internet Information Services then click on next and IIS will intall on your computer automatically. Once the installation is completed do the following; 1. Open the command prompt by selecting Start> All Programs > Microsoft .NET Frameworks SDK v2.0>SDK Command Prompt. 2. Type this aspnet_regiis.exe -1in the command prompt in order to install ASP.NET, it should look somewhat like this in the command prompt window (will update with a image). 3. Once ASP.NET is installed, closed the command prompt and check again to confirm that ASP.NET installed correctly. Although this next step is optional because ASP.NET could have been installed already But run aspnet_regiis.exe just to double check to make sure it is running. Configure Cassini Now if you don't want to go through all that hassle then go ahead and download Cassini HERE. So go ahead and install Cassini I’ll wait....(3 seconds later), ok now there are two things I need to discus first about this and depending how you do this it will still comes with the same results. First you must type the following in the command SDK command prompt which you go to by doing this Start> All Programs > Microsoft .NET Frameworks SDK v2.0>SDK Command Prompt. Now what you have to type is simple gacutil /i C:\\Cassini\Cassini.dll and then press enter and Cassini is installed. Now if you remember that I had 2 things to talk about well the second thing is that, you don't have to run this command line (which is used to open port 80). You can set up a bin folder in your root directory of your server by copying the cassini.dll file in the Cassini folder on your hard drive or where ever you installed and paste it in there. The reason for this if you do not run the build or place this file in to your bin folder your default port (80) will show a pop error state to the fact that Cassini cannot run on port 80 due to some other program running it. I haven't gone into deep on search what this program is, but port 80 has to do with your computer connecting to the internet. But like I said if you run the command prompt line you won't have the problem. Also there is another method of setting up your ASP and that is by setting up a free account through this server that deals with Cassini HERE. This consist of a download ot your computer and simple registration and that's it. Of course I will be converting more of that in my next tutorial on directories and viewing files. Well that’s everything, if you have done everything correctly by following this tutorial (I hope) you should now have ASP.NET running on your computer and read to build applications and other fun stuff. So to keep things simple all questions/problems you have from this tutorial make sure to be specific. Also any questions you have beyond this tutorial will most likely be covered in future tutorials so try to stay on topic. It's a lot of reading but very useful info, hopefully as people have questions pertaining to this tutorial I will be able to update it accordingly, so make sure to ask specific questions to improve on this tutorial. So now for some copyright info: UPDATE After going through some trial and errors I would recommend that you use IIS as your man server support for running ASP applications, after finding out the difficulty and lack of configurations options Cassin has and of course the book I am using says so. I will briefly mention that in the next tutorial. Author's Notice Small note any questions you may or might have in the future about this tutorial and related tutorials in the future I will try my best to answer them. However, I do recommend that you go to Microsoft's, asp.net, or any other site that talks about ASP.NET. Since I am a beginner at ASP.NET as I can't provide you the best of information, but I will try to provide you the best sources as to find out more or to answer your questions and as such these websites can provide more accurate information then I can at this time. Make sure before you download anything that you check and read system requirements for all downloads, because your system maybe incompatible with this software since there are 2 versions x86 and x64. As such I am not responsible for any damages this may cause to your system if you install, uninstall or alter any files on your system when working with ASP.NET 2.0. Also this tutorial is copyright by MRA aka Saint-Michael 2007. Maybe redistributed as long as this warning and copyright information remains intact and that you provide the original link to it’s source.
  4. Basic Info & Download/Installation Tutorial for ASP.NET 2.0 Introduction Well I received a book about programming in ASP 2.0 and was ask to review it after I went through this book. In my success I was able to download and install the software needed in order to get it running on my computer. So those would like to like to learn to program in ASP or refresh your mind. Then this tutorial I am providing will give you some basic information on ASP and install the software needed to get ASP running. Unless you already have a windows base hosting provider, then you wont have to worry about installing it on your machine, but in this case that is what this tutorial will be about. First lets talk about what ASP language is. ASP is known as Active Server Pages, which means it is a server side programming language that is used to build web based applications. ASP is based off the Microsoft .Net framework and requires a Microsoft based server in order to run it. Such as Windows Server 2000, 2003, 2005 and 2008, and also is need in order to run Microsoft SQL, a database program based on MySQL. Now with all this wonderful software the question is what other languages does ASP support? Simple answer ASP.net supports over 40 known programming languages, which include C#, VB, VB.NET, Jscript, php and XML to name a few. So what is all the big commotion about ASP? Simply because ASP is unique language and that it can support other languages within the core programming language. Meaning that designing web based applications can become well diversified if you set up ASP to have these various languages. Of course, with having full access to .NET framework, which includes database interaction, email and web services, the in house business applications that can be designed to help run a business are very beneficial as well. Another good thing about ASP is that you dont need to have it connected to an HTML document and so you can thoroughly test out the application without the need to upload it to a hosting server to check to see if there are any errors on it. Now that you have a somewhat basic idea what ASP.net is, lets get to installing it on your computer, and I would like to point out that to get any news or updates related to ASP then head over to http:http://www.asp.net/ as that is the main source of information and one of the more popular sites as well. Now for the fun part, software components to ASP.net, which there is both paid version and a free version of this software, but why spend all that money when you can install it for free. On a side note, as we go through each component that is needed to install ASP.net on your computer, I recommend that you update/patch the components immediately and that way you can stay current with the software and also protect your computer as well. Software Requirements .NET Framework 2.0 To start off you need to know the system requirements in order to make sure you meet the minimal requirements to run ASP.net on your computer. Ok now with that out of the way go ahead and install the .NET software which you can do that with the following link, http://www.asp.net/downloads/essential?tabid=62, and of course choose the language that your computer is based on (i.e. English, German, and French) and also make sure your computer fulfills the above requirements. So after you download and install the framework component, a message will appear to search for any updates or patches, and as mentioned early you might as well say yes and get them installed, because your server will be running once you install the framework on your computer and it will be open to the internet. .NET Framework 2.0 Software Development Kit (SDK) The next piece of software that you will be installing is the .NET Framework 2.0 Software Development Kit (SDK), which can be downloaded at this link, http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download. The files that come with this SDK are developer tools, debugger, documents and examples of some ASP scripts. With all this information is a good idea to see what to expect when programming in ASP. Ok we are now installed the SDK and low and behold you done, wasn't that easy? Well not yet, we have comeback to the dreaded update screen but this time we come with another message as well: First let us update the SDK, and while that is downloading go ahead and download the Visual J# files needed, link provided up above. Visual J# Version 2.0 Redistributable Package The title should explain it all, but for the beginners this software is used to run Visual J# applications through your .NET. As usual, after installing the software, update accordingly and make sure to read through al the fine print as well. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition The next software component to this wonderful world of ASP is the SQL or server database software. Which of course is used to store your information through a series of databases ie: name dates and shopping cart items. Lucky for those who don't want to shell out the several hundred dollars to get SQL software package, Microsoft provides us with a free version of the same thing. This is the full functioning version of this software so there is no need to worry about 30 day trial version or anything like that. Well now we are in a predicament which version of the expression edition do we choose? Simple go with the basic version and if you feel comfortable enough with coding knock yourself out and download the advanced version. The download page also consists of some SDKs, but since I am following the book, they don't mention downloading any of them, so I won't download them at this time. Also I would like to mention they give you the options to register this so if you want go ahead if not then click no and then download away. I almost forgot the link which is right HERE . Now let's begin the installation process, and you might get this warning message by clicking a link on the com portion of the installation: If SQL Server setup fails, setup will roll back the installation but may not remove all manifest files. The workaround is to rename the files and then rerun Setup. For more information, see How to: Work Around COM+ Check Failure in SQL Server Setup. Ignore it for now as this will not affect your installation, but as a recommendation I would ask to see how this can be fixed. Another reminder that you will come to a authentication screen during this installation and I would recommend going with mix and your own password in so as to double up on the security of your ASP.NET files. Also select both error reports since they can benefit you in the future as you are learning to program in ASP. Well we just got 2 more downloads to go and the hard part is over YEAH!!. SQL Server Management Studio Express This software is used for the visual representation of the above software, which is free as well and you can download that by clicking on this link http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download If I am reading this correctly and I should, this software is used to physically see whats going on your SQL server and what not (smells like another tutorial). So once I know what it is all about you will know deal? Also a small FYI, download the non X64 if you are not running that version of a processor. Ok now we come in a predicament, well not really unless your running the home version of windows, their are two ways to get your server online which are either installing IIS or Internet Information Services or another program they recommend called Cassini (which you can download Cassini at this line http://www.asp.net/downloads/archived-v11). Which does the same but easier I guess. Now I will go through both ways but since I don't have my Windows CD with me I will go by the book on setting up the IIS so bare with me on that. Configure IIS 1. To start this configuration process off, make sure everything is installed and updated, then to configure IIS go to the following location: Control panel > then add/remove windows components and then select Internet Information Services The click on next and IIS will be installed, and once the installation is complete do the following: Start>All Programs > Microsoft .NET Frameworks SDK v2.0>SDK Command Prompt. 2. Type this aspnet_regiis.exe -1 in the command prompt in order to install ASP.NET. 3. Once ASP.NET is installed, close the command prompt and check again to confirm that ASP.NET installed correctly. To do that just type in aspnet_regiis.exe in a command prompt window and that will confirm everything is running on your computer. Configure Cassini Now if you dont want to go through the hassle of running IIS, then go ahead and download Cassini, but there are two things I want to cover and depending on how you do this it will still come out with the same results. First you must type the following in the command SDK command prompt which you go to by doing this: Start> All Programs > Microsoft .NET Frameworks SDK v2.0>SDK Command Prompt. Now what you have to type is simple: gacutil /i C:\\Cassini\Cassini.dll and then press enter And Cassini is installed. Remember those two things I wanted to talk about? Well that second is that you dont have to run this command line again (which is used to open port 80). You can set up a bin folder in your root directory of your server by copying the cassini.dll file in the Cassini folder on your hard drive or wherever you installed and paste it in there. The reason for this, if you do not run the build or place this file into your bin folder, your default port (80) will show an error stating that Cassini cannot run on port 80 due to some other program running it. I haven't gone deep into researching on what this program is. But port 80 has to do with your computer connecting to the internet and like I said if you run the command prompt line you won't have the problem. Also there is another method of setting up your ASP and that is by setting up a free account through this server that deals with Cassini by clicking this link http://ultidev.com/Download/. This consists of a download to your computer and a simple registration and that's it. Well thats everything; if you have done everything correctly by following this tutorial (I hope), you should now have ASP.NET running on your computer and ready to build applications and other fun stuff. So to keep things simple all questions/problems you have from this tutorial make sure to be specific. Also any questions you have beyond this tutorial will most likely be covered in future tutorials so try to stay on topic. It's a lot of reading but very useful info, hopefully as people have questions pertaining to this tutorial I will be able to update it accordingly, so make sure to ask specific questions to improve on this tutorial. So now for some copyright info: UPDATE After going through some trial and errors, I would recommend that you use IIS as your main server support for running ASP applications. After finding out the difficulty and lack of configurations options Cassini has and the book I am using says so. Author's Notice Small note any questions you may or might have in the future about this tutorial and related tutorials in the future I will try my best to answer them. However, I do recommend that you go to Microsoft's, asp.net, or any other site that talks about ASP.NET. Since I am a beginner at ASP.NET as I can't provide you the best of information, but I will try to provide you the best sources as to find out more or to answer your questions and as such these websites can provide more accurate information then I can at this time. Make sure before you download anything that you check and read system requirements for all downloads, because your system maybe incompatible with this software since there are 2 versions x86 and x64. As such I am not responsible for any damages this may cause to your system if you install, uninstall or alter any files on your system when working with ASP.NET 2.0. This tutorial is copyright by MRA aka Saint-Michael 2007. Maybe redistributed as long as this warning and copyright information remains intact and that you provide the original link to its source.
  5. Well after receiving a free book for ASP.net 2.0 and of course looking around for some decent ASP hosting (so far found 350MB site), I was thinking that why don't you set up a windows server hosting based on the Xisto protocols and so those that are interested in ASP programming they can get the same great hosting from xisto. Yeah you can pretty much guess I need some ASP hosting to try this book out (this group wants me to review it) and too cheap to pay for hosting , but I thought I would throw out the suggestion and what not.
  6. HC My comments all gone NOOOO!!!

  7. That's more of a splash page type of logo if you tried to use that font in a small size like in the thumbnail it would be hard to read. Also the background defeats the purpose of the reflective text as well. I would say to make it truely great you would have to pull a full 3-d effect like this logo. It's good I will give it that, but your using 2 different idea's that cancel each other out (sweet background and the reflected text).
  8. shadowx pretty much covered pretty much hte major idea's for creating a site, but to make another addition see what other websites that doing the same thing and see what you can do to make them better. Another area that you would have to cover would be advertising, see which sites you can advertise with that are similar to yours and thus provide a broader resource for subject matter. Who knows you may have one subject that doesn't cover everything and the other site might so it's a catch-22 on that when advertising one site you have to make sure they are advertising you as well. Another thing you have to do as well and you should get use to it and that is validating the code so your website will run smoothly without the browsers running quirks mode on it and ruining the design in small ways. Also another thing you have to do as well is set up SEO to your site so you can get it properly index into search for people to find which includes keywords, description and other meta related items. Another thing you have to look for is web hosting of course, which hosting plan suits your needs and of course what they have to offer in order for you to get your site going, so I would say the order would look something like this:-Identify the Type of site you want to make-Identify the web hosting provider-What do you plan to have on the site-Design the prototype and adjust accordingly-Validate the coding to make sure nothing will go wrong on the browser-Upload the site to the provider and then adjust anything you need to-Once Site goes online submit it to search engines-Set up advertising with other sites-Then Maintain the site.I think there is a few other things but make any additions to the lists that posters see fit.
  9. I will say no, because for some reason when I downloaded like every google application on my computer and started getting BSOD's because of them so a deleting I did a go. OF course with the phone it will look like a PDA and so your already seeing a price tag about $2-$500 just for the phone by itself. If I remember correctly phone plans for those kind of phones get expensive as well at about $80+. Odds are the google top players will get a free phone with everything that goes with it while the regular employee's get like a 1% discount .However, another problem I would see is that google will be setting their own cell phone towers thus ruining the plants and tree's and the bee's who make honey in the tree's, but most likely they will pick a cell provider already after making a multi-billion dollar deal. they can create all hte products they want but what reason would a person want another phone except for to keep up the latest trends, I only can imagine how many people have like 5-10 cell phones and actually use them .
  10. It's ok since your using the default template, should do some browsing and see what templates you can find that fit your theme. I check out the links and I found the following problems; Rantings Page: text broke outside the template should check the coding on that. Everything else looks fine from what I can tell from how the original joomla template works.
  11. I think theres a web page for ever forum now, just have to finish settings up pages for 7gears.com, googlade, googlaid.com, and trappedin****.com and a web page for the Real World and the forums are complete .
  12. Well before you do that download Spybot Here after you install spybot run the update for it and then check for problems, odds are you will pick up some good stuff from spy bot. Then go ahead and run the program and then anything that shows up red is a virus, trojan or whatever make sure they are selected (they are by default) then click on the fix button and your set. Then defrag your computer and tdo a disk clean as well. After all that restart your computer and the computer should be a bit better. Also I recommend downloading a registry cleaner program there are some ok free ones and then run that program to clean up your registry of any errors and what not. Hopefully through this mess it should fix your problems since I doubt your friend did any maintenance, also I would suggest getting Mcafee security center since it has everything that I just mention, simple to use and run. Also another little program called PC Surgeon (Trial version still good) which does a lot more cleaning up a computer. Now if you still having problems after all this then go for the reload and then that would fix all your problems.
  13. ug just now remembering this topic and it's a official win to Saint-Michael (me of course) so this battle is complete.
  14. Man this old battle but to give this a slight bump to finish this sig battle off.My vote goes to Sudden as well, since it is a well designed sig with good lighting, text and depth.SUDDEN:3MIGUE2k7:0
  15. Here is a set of glass buttons you can use to replace the default buttons with. These are some demo colors that you can be created from the original. Tutorial: To change the color for the button make a copy of the original blue layer [layer 3] and the press control+u to select the color you want to use. These buttons would be most effective on vista like forum designs that use the glass effect Download: Here
  16. I just happen to see this and I think it is weird and cool at the very same This particular date only happens everyone 1000 years because of how unique it is, that time is 02:03:04 05/06/07 or 02:03:04 am/pm on May 6th 2007. As you can see this is the first 7 numbers excluding 1. Bu I have figured the time and date for the first 10 numbers which is 0-9 and that date is 01:23.45 6/7/89 or june 7 in the year xx89.Now talk about how time is unique so with those 2 dates, that means they happen twice every 1000 years which includes am and then the pm of those dates. I know of janurary 23rd xx 45 is another unique date as well. Can anyone else think of time and date that follows this logic?
  17. richierich1m contact support@xisto.com and let them know your situation, you will get a quicker response that way instead of repeating posts trying to get admins attention.
  18. Well to add on to the requirements needed for this coupon, they have to provide a randomly generated number based on their account and then enter it in order for that coupon to be accepted. But with the credits thing being used to get a discount themselves would be infeasible since your paying for hosting and getting credits for free unless you buy them.
  19. Which is true, but there are some things that go to far, I remember a article last year that talk about how violent regular TV shows have become, I am a BIG!! CSI fan and I have to admit there is some stuff that should get to graphic especially when the start cutting into people and open them up. Then of course the age factor, Dakota fanning has done a CSI character based on a rape episode and I wonder what she is thinking when she finds out she has to play this character who just been rape (do not show it of course. I wonder how most kids feel when they find out they are playing a rape victim real or fake, because if they don't do soul searching on something like that when they are acting on that role it makes me wonder if they are putting on a show or they being sincere about it.
  20. You made some good improvements on your site, I see that you moved all your images to CSS, which is a good move, however, since your site is just a image you could design it out of div tags and cut pretty much all the coding out of your index file. Nice drop shadow, since now your images gives a little separation to the background. gradient. Someone mention about the copyright notice, I would agree that changing the color (orange) to go with the rest of the template so that doesn't stand so much from the rest of the site.With the forum nice layout, however I would change the black and the orange to match the colors of your website to give it that uniform look, same goes with the red logo as well. Other then those things and stuff mention in previous posts its looks good.
  21. AHAHAHAHA that is awesome, I would think that was intentionally too, it would been even funnier if they mention that you had to take plane for this. Hmm.. I tried a few other places but it hasn't kicked yet, but I keep trying and see what I can come up with little trick.
  22. Man that has to suck, of course the question I have to ask is why didn't it click in that something was fishy about the situation, in which two complete strangers that you don't know asked you to do this? Also I would talk to someone who deals with credit cards and your credit score, because this could affect your credit score very badly especially if the bank is asking you for money. So I would get on that right away because this could take some time to repair and what not and it would be good to start with that as well. Also I don't know to many sites that accept money orders anymore, due to the security that goes with online purchases these days.Yeah you will find a good start with Xisto hosting, its about 10 times better then paid hosting (somewhat) 1000X more better that web hosts like tripod and geocities, so you shouldn't have a problem getting your website back up here.
  23. Well as for search problem I would say the best solution especially those who use google in your key words make sure to have +Xisto in your search and type all the words you want, of course you want be very specific, but thats a solution to the search.Also a lot of these topics are repeats, I know a good size of these repeat topics have been found and taken care of over the past but as members don't just report spam if you 2 or more topics that are the same report them as well so as to organize the forums. So when people are trying to search they won't have several topics talking about the same thing and people repeating the answer over and over again.t3jem that could be a good suggestion to bring to the admins attention, since the tutorial section is growing especially in the php area it could be a good idea to start sub grouping them.
  24. Man I can't believe they went 4 rounds already, of course I want to rub it in that our new RB (Greenbay) is from cornhusker lands . Should be interesting what he does in the preseason and hopefully he can fill in green's shoes lets GO CHEESEHEADS!!!
  25. Not to beat a dead horse into the ground about this topic...to late, yeah I agree besides using a bit more juice, adapter and router gets nice and warm, you wouldn't really have a problem unless if your in a mythbuster mood drop in some morejuice into that router and see if it does melt.Of course I don't keep my computer running 24/7 because I want mine to last , although I don't think their is any proof that I can remember that keeping your computer running that long will blow up unless you have it in a non-ventilated room and roasting at 200 degrees.
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