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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. G'day yourself mate, and welcome to Xisto the biggest community this side of the of a moving vehicle. Since everyone has mention about what to expect to from you and what to expect here in the forums all I have to say is enjoy your posting, hosting, and dingo roasting .
  2. Long time no see Horus, it's been a year already ***faints***, well we glad you are back here do some fine posting and maybe some fine hosting as well **hint hint***. So I guess I see you in the forums and don't be a stranger in the shoutbox either.
  3. Well if it is hosting you want, then hosting you will get ; as Xisto has some of the best free hosting on the net and the paid hosting is not bad either. Like hte previous posters have mention make sure to read the forum rules to get a good understanding how the forum works and that way you won't have any problems getting a hosting account here on Xisto.com
  4. Well I am from everyone's most hate place Amerika, but thats ok I know I am a good person, anyways welcome to Xisto.com the best community on this side of the motherboard. We have thousands of members to help you out if you got questions or problems, we got thousands of topics for you to reply to, and so I leave you these words of wisdom; enjoy your stay, hosting and many great adventures here on Xisto.com
  5. The only restriction is posting is in the hosted members forum since you need to be a hosted member in order to post there. My only guess was that you were still being validated at the time, but I would try again and see if you can then post there.On that note welcome to Xisto.com, the best place in this corner of the internet, we have thousand of members, hundreds of thousands of topics and posts and some of the best computer support you can think of. I wonder if I should ask to get paid for posting , either enjoy your time here on Xisto.com
  6. Welcome to my late intro post for you , and since your post you have made an addition 14 posts here on Xisto---end of messageSo welcome to the site and enjoy your posting and your time here as we are a great community and like OpaQue the admin mention we know how to trap you here and make you post FOREVER!!! So again welcome to the site and enjoy yourself.
  7. Awhile is an understatement I guess , well welcome back to the site and hopefully you will stick around a bit longer for some great posting and then great hosting here on Xisto. However, since you haven't been here in awhile a lot of things have change so I would recommend that your read the forums rules in the Xisto read me and the forum announcements so you can get yourself uptodate.
  8. This is a bit late sine I have been rather busy but welcome to the forums and since your already hosted I don't have to go through my 3 hour speech on rules and regulations here on the forum. OS enjoy your time here, hosting and other forum adventures here on Xisto
  9. These technologies were design to handle Pentium processor�s use multimedia applications more efficiently, each new technology came out every 2-3 years due to updated technologies and new standards for efficient computers MMX MMX was design by Intel in 1997 and interestingly enough MMX is not an acronym at all, although these names have come up; MultiMedia eXtension or Multiple Math or Matrix Math eXtension with the last one being coin by AMD during a court battle with Intel at the time. However, two problems would come up in its design which would help produce the SSE technology; the first is that it used integer operations and it reused floating points and so it make it difficult to work with SIMD at the same time. Now this site provides the best overview of how the MMX technology is used including benchmark tests that been on done on it. It is interesting to note that MMX technology is still being supported by Intel and they mention on their website that processors with MMX technology improves Processor Performance by 10%-20%, and so it would seem that a technology that is 10 years old is still supported to this day. SOURCES http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/intelligent-systems/previous-generation/embedded-pentium-mmx.html http://tommesani.com/index.php/component/content/article/2-simd/34-mmx-primer.html SSE SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions) would come out two years later in 1999 to do two things, bring direct competition to AMD�s 3DNow and fix the problems of MMX floating point reuse and not relying just on integers to work, instead SSE uses SIMD, but still supports the floating point. During the time of SSE being manufacture it would spawn off 4 more versions SSE2 SSE3, SSS3 (enhancement of the SSE3) and SSE4. Also it is interesting to note that from SSE2 on the P4 used this technology. SOURCES https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streaming_SIMD_Extensions http://www.drdobbs.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3DNow Hyper-Threading Hyper-Threading is basically Intel�s top of the line technology that was introduced to P4 processor and is more advance then the super-threading technologies that were used at the time. In short it improves processor performance under specific work loads, and it is interesting to note and I am only guessing but hyper-threading could be the beginnings of dual core processors since it turns one processor into two processors. The way Hyper-Threading works is that it �duplicating certain sections of the processor�those that store the architectural state�but not duplicating the main execution resources.� This way the computer can double the tasks it can perform. However, it would seem that Hyper-Threading has a problem and that it is energy insufficient as that it uses 46% more power then the dual core processors. The following articles give in insight on threading technologies: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.hardwareanalysis.com/content/article/1557/ SOURCES https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyper-threading https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super-threading
  10. First off what happen to Velma's post it is not even there , but for the most part Jimmy is correct you have to reinstall it, worse case scenario that you would have to replace the hard drive with a brand new one. Have you tried a system restore, there is a small chance it could be done, but if that the .exe file that runs the system restore doesn't work, your computer is roasted toasted and burnt to a crisp.
  11. Well my hardware is class is almost over and after reading are weekly chapter the first discussion I wanted to bring to the class was data backup technologies, the website I am using for as a reference is this one. To talk about about what people think of old and new technologies used for backing up your computer's data. So the first website I came across is the pro's and con's of method of backing up dating through current or latest technologies. The first one the article talks about is ancient technology of the floppy drive as for the history lesson I would believe this to be the best thing since the even larger floppies discs were becoming in impractical as the 90's was the decade of the technology boom. The pro of the floppy disc is pretty much a universal agreement in the sense that the floppy has been replaced. As for the con I would like to add that floppy discs are very easily affected by dust and sand, as an example when my army unit was in Iraq we blew through hundreds of discs because the sand and the dust would ruin them and make it impossible for the computer ot read them. However, we began using thumb drives which were the most convient if we didn't misplace them and that happen a few times especially with sensitive data. I would agree on the pro's and con's for the flash drive, however, I seen a few 2-4 gig thumb drives for about $15-20; the 1 gig thumb drive I got was about $10. As the thumb technology gets older and wiser the prices will drop. As for the zip drive I have to use this quote, "Zip drives are a "second generation" floppy disk, which some predicted would eventually replace the 3.5-inch floppy disk. Zip disks, are faster, more durable and hold more information than 3.5-inch disks." We now know that didn't happen, as for why I would have to put on the CD technology and larger hard drives, since thumb drives didn't come out until early 2000. I would have to agree with the pro's and cons with hte zip drive as they were rather expensive and I believe a zip disc ran anywhere from $20-30 for 1 of them. CD / DVD shouldn't be that hard to explain since they are the most used data back format even to this day, most everyone uses this form of backing up data and I can't recollect if the price for the DVD disc's themselves as drop, as they were pretty expensive 4-5 years ago. The con's are pretty much in agreement in the sense that dust and scratches are tricky to handle, regardless if you dust your computer every hour on the hour. However, the big one that I am a fan of is external hard drives, what can I say except that if this technology was around back in the 1990s in terms of how much a hard drive could handle, I would most likely have a few hundred of these things laying around with everything I have ever done (lol). One thing I would like to add and I think I am lucky so far is that external hard drives are susceptible to viruses depending on what you use to connect them with. As with the price tag it would depend who you go through to get one, since the big 300+ GB EHD's are becoming rather inexpensive themselves. My overall assessment is that floppy and zips are no longer required technologies for storing data, but some still use it. Now as for CD's and DVD the only thing I would say is that they are needed for movies and software, with EHD's you don't have to worry about scratching or misplacing them since the EHD's will be right there. Thumb drives are the way of the future especially now that some are getting as big as 60+ gigs and also the fact that they can now be used as a form of RAM for your computer. I do know vista OS is set up so a person could do that, I haven't come across any sites referencing it though, and also I seen a couple thumb drives as WIFI antenna's as well. So it should be interesting who lasts longer the EHD's or the thumb drives.
  12. Although I would consider this topic a form of advertisement/spam because of the post's intention, it is not that hard to figure out what to do, took me about 5 minutes to figure it out, so approve me and so I can post my response .
  13. This is a personal story in which Devra Davis reflects about the killer smog in her home town of Denora Pennsylvania during the last week of October of 1948. In just three days this smog would change the lives of everyone who lived there, especially those who survived the aftermath. Which included the 40 years of researching and talking to people to find out what happen on that tragic day and why the cover up. However, what really made this story interesting is that Devra Davis compared this tragedy with the Holocaust because she mentioned that the Holocaust was an unmentionable tragedy. Meaning people who were part of these tragic events never talked about it, unless they were asked or got push into talking about it. Although the made a memorial of those who died that initial time line 50 years after it happen, those who died later on because of that even were never memorialize because it. Naturally as the book went on she used such events of London fires, killer smog of 1930 in Liege Belgium and again in London in 1952, Jack the Ripper?s five murders and of course the early 19th century when the Industrial Revolution would begin in England. With these specific events we would begin to see the cover up government officials were trying to do start when air pollution was becoming a problem and she used these events as background for the serious problem as she began delving into diseases and of course the opposite view towards the end of the book. This was a very interesting reading that provides a very historical perspective on pollution that can be traced as far back as the dark ages, when coal was replacing wood as a source of fire and the world?s population begins to grow. This is a good book to read since it gives an historical perspective of people working on trying to clean the environment.
  14. Well tramp brought you to a a good site, since this a hosting forum with plenty of coders and gfx designers, you will be able to get a lot of information, tutorials, support, feedback and other good stuff to make you a better designer. So check out the Xisto read me and even you can enjoy the great hosting like everyone else has.
  15. Saint_Michael


    Well all I have to say is welcome to the site and I have seen some of your posts and what not, but like my previous postee's have mention checking out the Xisto and if need be some topics, you get an idea what to expect here on the forums. So enjoy your stay, hosting(when you get it) and whatever else you might do here in the forums or the other xisto related sites.
  16. I can't look away from the dancing Milk Carton, it is so mystifying , well either way welcome to the website and since it has been mention about what to do here, I will let you go and enjoy your time here on Xisto.
  17. Well let me be the first to say welcome to Xisto and I would like to point you to everyone's favorite link Trap7 Read Me, with this link it will tell you everything you need to know and what not. so enjoy your stay, hosting and time here on Xisto.com.
  18. Just for sanity sakes, you would need to take the hardware out and replace it with server hardware; which would include at least a server motherboard, quad core server processor, 8 GB of Server ram, 300 Gb hard drive, hardware and software firewalls, insane security measures. Either way you might as well spend the money I am talking about onto a an actual server instead of building one from scratch. Server Motherboard http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Server Processor http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Server RAM http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ As you can see just from these 3 items your making a very large investment and if plan to do that for one site, then you might as well get a hosting plan and save yourself the money, one your not going to make the money to pay for all that hardware, two you need a back up system that will cost just as much or even more. So your best bet would be to fix up the computer and sell it off.
  19. Another solution I propose is that you google or yahoo the file name and in your search mention virus and see what you can come up with, because usually if you search the file name with virus added to i you can find results for it. Also where on your computer are these files located? Also if you haven't already download spybot, update it, then run it and see if spybot can pick it up; sometimes it works and sometimes it don't, but since your did a system restore and it still showed up that means that file was set up so it couldn't be removed, which means either you have to reinstall the OS or worse case scenario replace the hard drive and some other memory related stuff.
  20. Playground truefusion Saint-Michael Mich Imtay22 Mojoman master bacarra AndrewM Voting Playground:0 truefusion:0 Saint-Michael:0 Mich:0 Imtay22:0 Mojoman:0 master bacarra:0 AndrewM:0 Good Luck
  21. So what did you do to fix the problem you were having so other people who "might" have a similar problems in the future. The only conclusion I can draw from was that you set the correct permissions somewhere, but that is only a guess, but instead of making a new post just edit the one with the update you made with the solution you came up with or what was fixed.
  22. I vaguely remember that topic, and when I saw it myself I was YES MORE SPAM!! , but just to let you know you that if you post like that here on the forums would be considered spammish. Also I wouldn't think any school would accept that on a paper since it isn't proper English and so on and so forth.
  23. In your html document you would insert that document like this <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Untitled Document</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $mosConfig_live_site;?>/modules/mod_smo_ajax_shoutbox_css.php" type="text/css" /><script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $mosConfig_live_site;?>/modules/mod_smo_ajax_shoutbox_js.php"></script></head> So all you have to do is look for the <head> tags and insert it right there, in future reference you can post the whole code so we can view it better. By the way what kind of script is this because the the top coding looks kind of funky structure wise.
  24. Usually when FTP software times your either lose your connection or your uploading to many files at once; To remedy this upload your files in small groups and your time out will stop. This usually happens on the good FTP software like SmartFTP, but when I started using Firefox FTP plug-in I haven't had that much trouble in the time outs.
  25. Well there are ad's places on the forum (guest view and lo-fi view), but with all the advertisements xisto has and all Xisto - Web Hosting accounts Xisto is well covered. Of course there are not thousands of hosting accounts on Xisto and Xisto, I would ball park it at little under 500 accounts total. Most of the time members either leave, go to paid hosting, or sign up and try to spam, while I would say about few thousand spread out over a course of a week are active on the forums. Also on the rare occasion people will purchase credits in a case of am emergency, so for the most part the hosting and the forums are well taking care of.
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