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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. a wapsite is a mobile phone version of a website with its own set of coding rules and standards, and only the Opera browser can display wapsites. So in a way you can do most of your coding in opera and not worry about looking in a tiny screen, and they also have their own domains as well (.mob1). there should be several scripts for RSS feeds for wap sites, and here are a few examples; Zfeeder, well ok its the only script I could find that mentioned WAP, only if wappy was still around he could help out .
  2. Also you have to make sure your motherboard is compatible with everything, especially the processor and the computer case; for the video card you could go either if you plan on using a dual video card. If you haven't done this already I would suggest checking out http://www.newegg.com/ that way you can do three things make sure your hardware is compatible with each other, read the reviews about the hardware your purchasing, and getting good price for them.
  3. Interestingly enough there is a difference however its a web application reason why, the .docx extension has to do with using XML doc type. This quote should better explain it: However, install this file on all your computers and they will be able to open .docx files on word 2000, and 2003 and you won't have customers leaving. Download Pack Here
  4. Well first you need to make 1 laptop your primary connection and have a router connected to it, then make sure your second laptop can receive the signal and it should if you have a wireless PCI card installed on to your laptop. Once you are receive the signal your set really, but if you have set up any type of security make sure both computers have the same settings and you shouldn't have any connection problems. To get to your admin panel type in your browser since all routers use that same ip address, as for password usually they come pre-installed with username: admin password: adminTo sum up:-one computer as your main connection with a router-other computer needs to receive a wireless connection-Make sure both computers have the same security protocals
  5. Heck google could own a few tv stations if they wanted to with how much there stock is worth, however, TV is a hard gig to get into especially if you don't get the sponsors and stuff. I could see google on MSNBC or G4 for tech talk or something thats about it.
  6. I would have to agree with haslip although your friend played a trick on you, nonetheless the way he did it is completely wrong especially the way social sites have become a place for stalkers to get someone. You should also tell your friend that those messages are stored on a database and if someone did notice them he can get into serious trouble regardless if its a prank or not.
  7. Welcome to Xisto and let me introduce you to a good friend of mine Xisto Readme. She will tell you everything you need to know about this great community, its hosting and the rest of the xisto family. So enjoy your time here including your posting and hosting and see YOU!! in the forums .
  8. Well to start off welcome to Xisto and I point you to our best link ever, and that is the Xisto Read Me. For it answers all your questions that you could possible have. 1. No, but if you hit 0 credits your account gets suspended and then you have to ear 4 credits to get your hosting reactivated again. 2. Advertisements, paid hosting accounts (Xisto - Web Hosting.com), and other stuff. If you check out the Xisto link at the top of the forum those websites are all part of the xisto network. So far Xisto has done well with the need to place ads all over the forum. It is a good place for all your needs of info
  9. I have enjoy the series myself as it is good challenging game play that has a great story to it, and of course its done by Square-Enix. I haven't heard much on the third game although I haven't picked up a gaming magazine in months or checked it out either. I would say the Sephiroth battle was the hardest challenge it took me quite a few tries to finally beat him.
  10. Well as usual I have come to help out with tutorials and other bits of info for Ruby on Rails programming. Main Site ROR Wiki Tutorials Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 That should be enough to make your brain hurt so enjoy this wonderful source of info, and maybe we will get our first Ruby on Rails account .
  11. Welcome to my Beginners Guide To Becoming a Computer Hardware Tech guide into getting started with computer hardware installation, upgrading and maintaining. I will be talking about various items you will need and point to a huge index of links. This includes tutorials on building a computer from scratch, tips ands tricks, myths exposed and more. If you plan to build computers from scratch then you will need the proper reading in order to get a good understanding of what you will be dealing with when you build and maintain computers. The first times on the list are the books for reference and knowing the basics, and I would like to mention that these are the same books you can use to study for the A+ exams in order to receive your certificate in various aspects of computer technology. The first book you will be using is called A+ Guide to Hardware: Managing, Maintaining and Troubleshooting, Fourth Edition, and this book covers every piece of computer hardware that is needed to run a computer and the best part is this book goes into very good detail for it. The second book is called A+ Guide to Software: Managing, Maintaining, and Troubleshooting, Fourth Edition, and this book covers the software side of things such as installing, troubleshooting and administrating your computer system. Also if you’re a For Dummies fan then make sure to go and check out their website on how to study for the A+ exams and other great books as well. So what is the A+ Certification Program? Simple enough it is an exam that tells you how well prepared you are for the test and also your knowledge on the material as well. They have exams for hard, software, Microsoft products, security, networking and even Linux, and if you plan on taking the A+ exams, then go to https://certification.comptia.org/ to check their website out to get information on books, finding the nearest test center and even getting vouchers to help cover the costs of taking this expensive test. Also it is worth mentioning that having an A+ certificate looks good on a resume if your applying for a computer based job. Now that you have the reading material, the next step for any builder is a set of tools, and relating to the computers tools, there are plenty of them in various sizes. However, if your starting out then you would want a small toolset and over time you will be building on it with more tools and what not. However, if you want all the tools you can get your hands on then check this website out on how to build the ultimate computer tool box: http://www.tomshardware.com/articles/ This 12 page article covers everything you need for the ultimate toolbox in computer repair and so make sure to bring your check book or lots of cash as that is a lot of tools. However, if you want to keep things simple then go with this small tool kit for your home computer needs: https://www.amazon.com/Belkin-F8E062-55-Pied/dp/B00004Z6XS Now that we have covered the basic books and the tools for starting to build and repair, lets discuss the basic components you will need to actually build a computer: Primary Parts-Computer Case -Power supply (350W minimum recommended) -Motherboard (make sure it is compatible with the case you have chosen) -CPU and heat sink/fan (make sure it is compatible with the motherboard you have chosen) -System RAM (check the compatibility list to ensure that your RAM will work with your motherboard) -Hard drive(s) (verify the SATA or PATA interface is supported by your motherboard) -Optical drive(s) (don't forget to match the bezel color to the case color) -Floppy drive (don't forget to match the bezel color to the case color) -Graphics card If not integrated into the motherboard. (verify the interface compatibility with your motherboard, AGP or PCI-e) -Sound card If not integrated into the motherboard. -Modem -Additional expansion cards needed? USB, Firewire, Wi-Fi, others -Keyboard and mouse -Monitor (verify your graphics card output connection compatibility with the monitor, analog or DVI) -Speakers (verify your audio card capability for more than 2.0 speaker systems) -Operating System (verify Windows version: XP Home or Pro; Retail/OEM/Upgrade) The final thing I will cover in the basics is safety; computer hardware is very susceptible to static electricity and may damage the hardware beyond repair. The best way to protect yourself from discharging static electricity is use a ground bracelet which you put on your wrist and then connect it to your computer, or you can purchase a grounding mat in which you place the tools and hardware onto the mat and then work from there. Another useful item to help protect your hardware is static shielding bags, which pretty much come with all hardware that will purchase. Also it is worth mentioning that the grounding bracelet comes in that small toolkit I mentioned above. Now that you know the books, tools and parts to help build your first computer and then being able to troubleshoot other computers, I am going to provide you a list of links to help build up a good knowledge base on building computers. Computer Building Tutorials http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleID=1444 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Tips, Tricks, and Myths Debunked http://www.tigerdirect.com/static/html/pcbuildingtips.html http://www.firepower-technology.com/support-resources/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.tigerdirect.com/static/html/pcbuildingtips.html Trouble Shooting Links Troubleshooting Loading Windows 9x Troubleshooting Network Problems Troubleshooting The Boot Process Trouble Shooting The Hard Drive Hardware links http://www.motherboards.org/articles/guides/1487_7.html http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Misc. Info http://www.sharkyforums.com/forum.php http://www.tomshardware.com/articles/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.tomshardware.com/articles/ checklist.doc
  12. Saint_Michael


    Well welcome to Xisto.com the best place for posting and hosting, I would like to point you to the following places and links. Over there is the forum with many useful topics that cover a broad spectrum of thoughts and idea's, and over there is spammer that is about to get suspended from the site and over here is the Xisto Read Me which consists of all the information you will need to know in order to enjoy your stay here on Xisto.
  13. Nice, now we can blame pigs for killing off the dinosaurs now, like the way the small dino flew around though .
  14. It's not surprising though, if some of you remember my research paper, I did mention that computer hacking and viruses cost companies over sixty billion dollars. So to keep in check these two years is from 2005-2007, and that over seven billion has be lost because of the fastest growing computer crimes in today's world. The survey that was taken they asked 2000 people and list the following percentages of these crimes: 38% (760) reported computer viruses 34% (680) reported spyware 8% (1600) reported Phishing attacks at $200 a attack Some other stats they mention is that children who signed up on myspace younger then 14 was 13% and under 10 3%. Not surprisingly enough, although very debatable, is that paid security software was a lot better then free software. The reason I say that is some paid security software plain out sucks Norton, Spysweeper; McAfee though I have had no problems with them and enjoy the package they have given me on this laptop, so I be sticking with them for bit longer. Now what gets me really and of course you can blame ignorance is that 33% or 600 people, do not use any security software and on top of that, Consumer Reports estimates that 3.7 million U.S. broadband households are not using a firewall. Now I know darn well Windows XP has it built in along with most anti-virus programs, so either they don't use it at or they don't know its there. People wonder why they have so many computer problems, but what can you do most people spend the money to buy a computer, but they won't spend the money on proper protection. Of course you have members like matak who don't use it all and so how pull off that miracle of not getting attack, but what can you do though, protection is not coming in fast enough to beat out the hackers, viruses, spyware, spam. SOURCE Here
  15. I will never touch a bootleg or Illegal copy of an OS, its bad enough people can do damage to your computer with smaller downloads, but to download and run an OS that most likely has nasty surprises in it. I might as well just private information to them right now.
  16. I have to give props to the mozilla guys, I was once a IE junkie not wanting to touch another browser and denouncing the rumors that IE was Evil. However, once I got a flavor of firefox and it's plugins, I haven't switch backed, sometimes I use IE to check to make sure my web designs are ok to go and then movie on, or when I open links in MSN or yahoo IM clients thats about it.
  17. I would agree that wireless devices have gotten better over the years, and so there is no real lag left in them that I have notice. Although, technology that I have that is even close to wireless is the PS3 controller and the wireless mouse. I believe the only thing that could produce lag, if your running out of RAM (100-200 MB) or you have real bad connection that produces the lag.
  18. Only reason why IE7 was good was it had tabs, allow the png format without the blue background, other then that design was horrible, had to pay to by plug-ins, and so far hackers around the world have stripped that browser down so bad, I oculd copy hte source code down and make my own browser. We are not ignorant about IE, most us know what IE can do and quite frankly it stinks, although its the best browser to use in create web base applications, it lacks in in web design and structure and of course those sweet sweet plugins. It maybe older then firefox, but Netscape Navigator is older then IE by one 1 year. Also its not given people what they want if other, better browsers already have it, and to use a gfx term they are ripping the idea so people can come back. Since they are slowly losing the browser wars because of it's major flaws and the fact it is 100% loves hackers and doesn't have those sweet sweet plugins I LOVE SO MUCH!! (I need therapy). read truefusions posts about the acid test. Well Microsoft Did it as well, if some of you may remember my old topic about microsoft using firefox for screen shots?? Anyways here is the link on the mozilla site in which I found it on. You could say it's free advertisement, or a way for the programsers of Firefox 3 to real do some good stuff with it now.
  19. Well this morning I was surfing around the mozilla site when I saw a quick blurb about IE8 on there site, but started; the improvements of course RSS, CSS, HTML, AJX and so on and so forth, and oh yeah lets steal a few more idea's from firefox, so far only 2 have been listed; Undo close tab, saving and restoring sessions . A few sites mentions even more rumors that a IE8A (alpha) is already being tested at Microsoft, so could we seal a beta in late 2007 or early 2008? Most likely since thats when FF3 final comes out.Of course the question to us coders is will it pass the Acid test and be able to handle CSS1-2 at !00%?? Who knows.
  20. After downloading the vector render pack I started messing with some stuff, downloaded even more vector brushes. Although in order to see it in all it's beauty, putting it to your desktop will look better then on here, more or less.
  21. The reason you can't download the files is that the download url is wrong, here is the correct download url http://www.needful.de/mgmediabot-demo/compid,7/Itemid,13/. So now you can download them with no problem.
  22. First off she better pray they don't find her computer(s) because she just became a target for what she did to the largest group of hackers in the world. Secondly she had a chance to do it the right way but instead this reporter decided to go after some dirt from a dangerous group of people, forget terrorists, computers hackers are the most fear group of people because of the damage they can do to a person. Ok so the story is that the biggest hacker convention for all computer geeks, Def Con, has begun in which hackers won't have to worry about getting arrested by every federal authority person in the nation. Like I said early the person running this convention gave her the chance to have free reign on the convention but decided not to, and so she decided to do a Special Ops news reporting, of course they got wind of her being there with a hidden camera, and then set her up big time by ratting her out. More or less the thousands of members wanted blood for what she did, now mind you the media in all it's glory just blurted out her name and so one could suspect that she just became a target by the hackers. Now mind you hacker conventions like hte one in Vegas you would suspect the FBI, CIA, NSA to get names and then pounce on them the moment they were alone, however, the feds go undercover to (yet somehow the hackers know), and basically want to know what kind of damage can be done. Now most computer hackers are fairly descent when they want to be, but when you have "stupid reporters" like this one trying to be sneaky, your making the situation worse for everyone else by doing so. So hopefully reporters won't be as dumb as she iwas and accept a very rare invitation from people who don't want their faces on TV, or rather a medium to large group of people who don't want there faces on tv. SOURCE Here
  23. For written article wordpress is perfect since it is a new/blogging type software and is very customizable with mods, themes and other good stuff. Although you don't really need to know php and MySQL since the Wordpress Installation files will tell you what to do to get it running , but if you want to add wordpress mods, remove stuff from the scripts, then you want to know a little bit about php and MYSQL. Since you will want to back up your website databases on a dialy basis, or maybe add in your own php scripts to make more interractive. This site has a good index of tutorials along with traps own php tutorials as well, as you can learn a lot of information from there. Now for the articles, yes images would be very important, especially if your talking about celebrities, you would want a picture or two about them. As for adsene placement and general configuration you would want to go here, and for an idea on where to place them this site will help out as well. RSS feeds from other sites are good, advertising other sites as well; including affiliating with them with link exchange; Xisto has a good SEO section that you want to check on the various topics about getting good SEO. Now the best part about wordpress is that you don't have to worry about browser problems, since the original software and it's many themes are cross-browser friendly and so you don't have to spend much time fixing the coding for it. So hopefully these questions help you out , and your best bet is to check out the wordpress forums or support for your more complex answers you may have about this software.
  24. Another though does come to mind and I should have mention early, and that everyone knows the xisto servers are in the U.S and we have been getting some rather nasty heat last couple of months. Although, I wouldn't put it past me that there have some spammers, bad scripts, corrupted MySQL databases either. As for your website odo, I would check and see if the uni.cc/ domains are having any problems, and I know you know how to set up the NS1 and NS2 domain servers; check to verify that you have them set up properly as that could be the case for you.
  25. Well its not really a review per say, you have to cover everything like staff, support, hosting packages, server uptime (like you mention). So if you cover those area's in more detail then members here and other readers who see this will have a better idea why or why not to go to a website, and with that hopefully you read this post of mine and edit your topic ot ad more info to it.
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