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Everything posted by selim

  1. Oooh an interesting find. Can't wait till computers are that fast. I too wonder what will happen to the processor market. Do you think it will decrease in value? Especially for computer processors since every computer will be running at the same speed there'd be no need to upgrade. And once they manage to shrink this even small then it'll be placed onto graphics cards, sound cards, motherboards and any other board that computers use. Before I read the article i thought it was about the LightDrive system Cerebral Stasis linked to. And if the two really do get put together and used to build computers of the future then I can only imagine what we'll be able to do with them.Guess I better start saving money now to afford the upgrade.
  2. Where to start. The old classics from when I was a kid like Tom & Jerry, Pink Panther (brilliant stuff), Duckulla (English cartoon) and others that I can't think of at the moment.Right now I watch pretty much anything thats good. Few favourites are Samurai Jack, Megas XLR, Super Hyper Monkey Force GO!, Lilo and Stitch, Ren and Stimpy (sad to see that was stopped), Spongebob Squarepants and lots of anime.
  3. Maybe it's looking so confused because it woke up in a dungeon with no ears on. I don't know about you lot but I'd be very confused and frightened if that happened to me.
  4. The reason people turn to piracy is the cost of games. Around ?35-?40 for a game is pretty expensive, especially since most of the people who seem to buy games are kids, or young people, that have little or no money. Most game companies do seem to make a profit when they bring out a good game and don't when they make a crap game so while piracy is a major problem and does take away some of the profits luckily there are people who still buy these games so there isn't a major loss.Companies have put millions into making anti pirate software but like others have said hackers are always one step ahead and it isn't long until a new security program is quickly taken apart and made worthless.Another thing is the companies could reduce prices of their software. Sadly I don't think this will help that much either. Think about it. If you choose between paying for a product or getting the same product for free which would you go for? I still think piracy will occur even if games were cheaper because of the fact that people want things for nothing.
  5. Nice to see it's not just us UK lot getting conned on our car insurance. I'm 19 (20 next March) and I pay about ?1000 (around $1700 atm) for car insurance. It sucks so much, then there's the cost of the petrol + road tax + maintenance. At least petrol is cheap in the States. We pay about ?0.85 (at a cheap petrol station) per litre. That's $1.48 (at current currency conversion rates). I'm not exactly sure how much you pay for it there but I know it's way cheaper than here. The alternative is to not have a car. Just cycle about the place. It keeps you fit and you save a tonne of money. Then get a car when your older and can afford it. Insurance usually gets cheaper after you've aged a bit.
  6. Snuff Check out more of the site. And ok so it's not really giving up but it beats smoking. And those scientist people seem to claim it's not hazardoues (sp?) to your health but I think wedging wads of tobbacco under your upper lip must do something to your mouth. I haven't done it but I had a few friends who did and it does help stop/cut down smoking but they did say it seemed to be making that small gap between your gum and lip deeper. It might just all be in the mind, I don''t know. Maybe if you try it out you'll know, or if someone who takes it now might tell you.
  7. Yeah these things are pretty snazzy and small but trading in something that plays videos for one?*slap*Anyway can't the ipod hold files aswell, like a spare harddrive? I'm sure I read it somewhere that it could.And isn't the screen on an ipod too small to properly watch movies anyway?
  8. Save your money and just some ribbon. Thick red one will do nicely.Wear something sexy, or not ;PTie ribbon around yourself et voila.The last thing your boyfriend needs is more games, especially if he has one of those football managing ones. I hear they are life sapping. + he will actually be spending time with you and 'not playing stupid games' (as my gf would say).Enjoy and merry christmass.
  9. Not true. A computer may last longer but to play the very latest games you need the latest hardware. PC games coming out now will most likely work very badly on a 2 year old computer. And the hardware is really expensive too. Graphics cards can easily cost Ł250-Ł300 for a good one and will last for maybe 2 years, 3 really pushing it until it's obsolete and needs an upgrade. Then don't forget the CPU (although to be fair the advancements in speed seem to have slowed down ) and RAM and soundcard. Oh and sorry, it looks like your old motherboard can't take the new CPU you bought, so you need to get a new one of those too. And hard drive(s), optical drives and a case. True a lot of things don't always need to be upgraded but the two main ones, graphics card and CPU are the most expensive. And then you have the problem of installing the game. Oh it doesn't work, seems like window has some sort of error. Better patch it and instal the latest drivers. And have you tried getting some off the older games to work on a PC? It's insane. You need to configure so many things and install this that and the other. And even some of the more modern games don't work with the latest Windows build, like System Shock 2. Even after a patch and looking on the internet for different guides on how to fix it. Consoles are so much easier to use. But even after all that I still love and prefer my PC so any console out there.
  10. I bet in a million years a lot of the will be ripped apart and replaced with water. Maybe an ocean in the middle of the dessert will be a good thing for Africa. And will Ethiopia still be considered part of Africa after it's been separated from it or will it become a completely separate entity. Maybe even a war will break out as they try and fight for their independance. Who knows.
  11. Wow everyone is talking about this. I live pretty near there, (Uni of Herts campus) and didn't hear a thing but apparently one of my friends did. Are you sure it's heading towards the Atlantic? When I saw one picture taken by satelite it looked like the smoke was traveling south towards London and the English Channel.The Atlantic is all the way on the other side. That cloud is gonna pass through Wales if it's heading that way.36 deaths was the last figure, not sure how many injuries. It'll probably go up since they said it'll take a while for the fire to be put out.And I'm sure it's going to play havoc on the environment for a while.
  12. Thing is pay to play games can be worth the money, just make sure you play a good game that will keep you hooked for a while. Here's some maths to explain.Say average singleplayer game costs ?30Average amount of time you get out of that game 20 hours (I know, there are games that are a lot shorter and some that are a lot longer so it's hard to work out an average.)30/20 = 1.5 so ?1.50 per hour of playMMOG game costs about ?10 per month for subscription.Average amount of time you play game per week. OOh lets say 1hour per day so 31 hours every month (Even though it's blatantly way more than that.)10/31 = 0.32 so ?0.32 per hour of playNow I know these are very rough averages and some singleplayer games have modsa and multiplayer etc but I guarantee that you will find pretty much 90% of the time that MMOG games will come out cheaper than other singleplayer games except maybe games like Unreal Tournament or Counter-Strike or Battlefield but these games are quite limited to what you can do or where you can go and do get repetitive.I play EVE:Online and find that I don't need any other game because I don't have the time or urge to play them, unless a blockbuster comes out like Half Life 2 or FEAR.
  13. IMHO moldboy and buffalo are wrong. I mean come on, the teacher blatantly butt into a conversation (which he/she weren't part of) between two friends and then started to single out two students who didn't celebrate christmass. It seems like this teacher had made it their job to annoy you but then again maybe they didn't mean it or it came out wrong. Or maybe they are genuingly predjudice.I'm sure you know by now that nowhere where in the world you go or whatever race/colour/religion you are there is always someone that seems to hate you based on those criteria, even though they don't even know you.
  14. It would have to be my girlfriend. I text her everyday and try to spend as much time as I can with her.A close second with have to be playing about on my computer. Espcially games. My favourite is still EVE:Online even though it's quite hard playing it from behind a proxy. Actually thinking about it now I think EVE is probably my second obsession and love. When I'm at home it seems to be the only thing I do, apart from going out now and again and training. See, I'm not completely sad.
  15. In the UK it's possible to have your number not publicly listed, although I think it costs a bit of extra money. This stops telemarketers from calling you and trying to sell their crappy products. I'm sure they have a similar in different countries that can help get rid of those annoying calls. It also helps with dettering prank calls since it's harder to get your number, unless your friends get really drunk one night and think it'll be cool to call you. Which I don't mind cause it wastes their money.
  16. I'm here to rant about that *darn* banner about the smileys. You know, the one that makes a noise everytime your mouse scrolls over it. 'Say something' and 'Whaaaat'. I understand adverts are what help keep Xisto free but that one needs to go. Replace it with one that doesn't make a sound or is so bright and flashy it gives you epilepsy whenever you glance at it.I bet it's going to appear in this thread too.
  17. Wow so it happens to other people too. I want to know why it always happens when the good bits are/about to happen. Although sometimes I think your likes to be really cruel and tease you. Like when I had a dream about kissing a girl i liked in college (but she hated me). As soon as the kiss happened I woke up and thought wtf.And then there's the times your glad you woke up, like last week I had a really wierd dream, which I won't go into, but it basically ended with some small disgusting, shrivally imp type creature standing on top of a cupboard behind me and screaming 'Look at mine'. I was scared stiff in my dream and when I woke up I couldn't sleep for an hour because I was so scared.And while we're talking about dreams I hate it when you have to run away/towards something but you seem to run in really slow motion no matter how hard you try. I know my girlfriend gets this too so I'm not the only one. And whenever you need to shoot something your weapon doesn't work or some sort of equipment stops working. Can anyone explain why this happens?Oh and why do you have to wake up at 5am to go to school kirby?
  18. I thought only some cities in the US are in high res with 3D buildings available to look at. While the rest of the world is stuck in flat low res mode. Still a pretty cool program. Can see my house and some places I used to live.
  19. I say just eat it and be thankful she is making a big effort to cook such a nice and big meal for this special occasion, even though she isn't felling well.So you might end up with the flu. They aren't that bad.
  20. If everything was perfect then things would get boring and boring relationships aren't always happy ones.And like The Pianist said you don't have to have the same interests. In fact it's a lot better to have more different interests than the same ones. It means you can try things out with your partner which always keeps things interesting. And you never know. You might find something you enjoy doing.
  21. I'm sure you can install a few HDDs and use it for network storage. Something a normal router can't do.
  22. I'm not sure if this is the right place for it but I want to know if it's possible to connect my Playstation 2 to my laptop through the s-video output port so that it displays on the laptop screen. Surely there must be a program out there that can do it. Thanks for the help.
  23. Isn't there also the problem of the signal fading if it has to travel long distances? I'm sure I remember learning that not all of the light in a fibre optic cable isn't totally internally reflected, but some of it does escape. Although it's probably so minute it's negligable.And the original post about computers working at the speed of light, or at least that's what I understood from the post, seems a bit far fetched. Freezing atoms to nearly absolute zero? That's -273 degrees celcius. I doub't that's very cheap to do so a computer that has a freezer that can go that cold will cost shitloads. It does seem pretty cool though how they've managed to slow light right down. Got a link for where you read this?NB EVE>WoW
  24. Turn his head left and right? I'm almost scared to ask what type of accident.Anyway it's the same with a lot of proffessors. You should wait till you get to university, if your not in there already. Alot of the profs there don't even teach properly. Most just read notes they put up on the OHP and don't even stop to let us finish writing our notes or ask questions.Or there's the ones that write out the notes on the OHP and they only ever do it for a really long formula they want to 'teach' you. Thing is they write it so fast your brain feels like it's about to explode and your hand suddenly combust from all the rubbing it does on your notepad as you frantically scribble down gibberish.Bah. Lucky we have an online system where the lecturers put up the notes so we can download them and then look at them later. Thank you technology.
  25. When they said Iraq had WMD. Now surely it's just theory that an anti-gravity machine needs unlimited amounts of enery. And, like most theories, it could be wrong. Or maybe this person has figured out a way that doesn't required unlimited amount of energy to be powered. Plus you all are just quoting the article when you say that it requires unlimited energy yet provide no link or reference to other articles which say the same thing or at least provide reasoning to the theory.
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