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Everything posted by Lozbo

  1. But it runs only when you are on internet or even when you are offline?
  2. Yes, i have had a custom manager (not developed by me actually but by the software development area, as im not as good as id like as programmer), and im actually going to need custom managers now, becouse i havent found anythying that matches my search especifically.But thanks anyway! I will keep searching so if anyone knows keep posting please!
  3. I need a software for scanning the screen and caputre it into video, just like macromedia captivate....I cant use captivate becouse it doesnt seem to capture the animation im trying to get, but only when it found a mouse click, and what im trying to get is that animation from google earth...Thanks!
  4. How do you do this method? Could you give further details please? Thanks for this tip!
  5. Thanks im checking out xoops and php nuke, ive heard that the best free cms is mambo (and now joomla), but i was just thinkin that maybe a commercial version would be even better than the free versions, and as i can afford to pay for a license...So thanks and hope people keep posting about other cms...
  6. I think the use of h1, h2, h3... is the best way to make a coherent structure that will explain itself even without css, which means that will be legible for screen readers... So you better markup your code right and you would help make the web easier for everybody Also I think you can take out the measurement unit (px) from your code... so it will be like this: css:h3 {margin:0;padding0;} Hope it helps Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited as reported.
  7. I need to know what is the best content management system (free or commercial), for a site that needs lots of modules, general like news, searches, and particulars, like a directory with particular fields and a built in search by field, and things like that, highly customizable and of course standards compliance, multi user and user-privileges restrictive (so not every user can publish or update every other module)...Can somebody help me out with this? I guess i will have better chances with a commercial cms... so if you know about it please... post it! thanks!
  8. A topic about this had been opened before, i guess you could just have pasted this issue there.
  9. Hi QWERTY, sounds interesting but could you be a little bit more specific? like steb by step, couse im not sure exacly how to do all things you posted... thanks!
  10. But how do you make a ROM in the first place? If id like to get my games into the pc and emulate them there...
  11. If you press the windows key (in the keyboard) plus E, R, D or F you can open certain things, like:E = EXPLORERR = RUND = DESKTOPF = FINDM = MINIMIZEThis opens up a Windows Explorer window, a run box (like the one thats in the start menu), show desktop, a search window or minimize all windows open (which is not exacly the same that showing desktop).Maybe a lot of people know this but if you dont, if you are running microsoft windows xp you have 2 messengers; windows messenger and microsoft network messenger (MSN messenger). You can access both, and have to sessions open at the same time. Bring up yer run box and type:msnmsgr - for msn messengermsmsgs - for windows messengerNote that windows messenger would not be able to upgrade, but once, and it will still be the 4.7 version.For those who dont know: you can access almost every program from this run box (windows + r), for example:winword - microsoft office wordexcel - microsoft office excelpowerpnt - microsoft office power pointcalc - windows calculatornotepad - =firefox - =http://www.whitepages.com/ - opens default browser with the given addressregedit - windows registrywmplayer - windows media playerosk - on screen keyboardmagnify - on screen windows zoomtaskmgr - task managerservices.msc - servicesetc etc.You can close a window by double clicking the icon at the upper side of the same window, on the left, like if you were going to close it normally on the 'X' but in the left side.You can browse through windows with alt-tab, most of you would know, but what some of you wouldnt is that you can go backwards, shift-alt-tabbing.. (the same as for normal tabbing through a form in the web or the options of any given 'options' menu, shift + tab will go back instead of forth).You can view the screen upside down. Go to start > run rand type "esc" (yes, the escape key up and left corner of keyboard). Then grabb your screen and turn it around (im sorry, thought this would be funny ).- 10730
  12. Yeah i dislike them too, its really annoying. Like if you are showing off your page, it means you are showing off your info, it means you actually DO WANT people to know about it, so maybe they want to copy and paste the dates or times of the event or whatever, or maybe they want it printed, so you cannot censore all becouse of thieves... they will always find a way. I know there are sometimes things you dont want to get too much attention though... How is that? like a swf that calls from beneath it another swf file or variables or something? Im not sure if i understood correctly and id like to know...thanks!
  13. Lozbo

    Max Table Width

    So what would be the easier options? I know about max-with and its compatibility issues, but i think that javascript would do fine. Do you know what pecentage of web surfers have blocked js in their browsers?
  14. I used frontpage like... let me see... almost 10 years ago (actually like 8) and i dont know if macromedia existed back then, but i sure didnt know it. Front page seemed the right thing, for a teenager that was entering this "internet realm".I would say:"NOTHING IS ABSOLUTE" there are just opinions. And what i think is that extreme hardcore programmers would match a combination of hand-writting code and dreamweaver, and for novices, frontpage will do the trick.Since then, i have not used frontpage again, but i guess it would look in the same line as microsoft office products, so many people would think that, as they have been using office software, it might be easier to start diving into this "internet era" and "home page building mania" with something that they are comfortable with, like a product they already know (at least the background).I searched the source code for microsoft dot com and did not find a clue for where it has been coded, like a geneartor meta tag or something. The code seemed a little bit weird, but nothing compromising (not that i know though). For me, it could have been done in notepad.But macromedia is for web, and microsoft offers a lot of things (operating system, office packages, pc gaming software, gaming hardware and games for x-box, some design software and i dont know how much things else). So keep that in mind and you would find a complex answer: I prefer both an average user would say, as it depends on the user itself what is his software of choice. Thanks... -10730 Notice from cmatcmextra: Edited as request
  15. Hahaha lol, yeah it could be a trouble! People who owns the stores are much happier with hand-shopping users (or even hand shop-lifting users hehe). I, myself, have not ever used a phone to access a web page, but a pocket pc though. There are not a lot of places where i can plug my self in with the mobile stuff anyway (besides of the university, and my room! some one in my block has a wireless internet connection and it reaches my bed:D )hehehe -10730
  16. I found sites that use tons of diffeent sheets, that way they can customize different things on different files.Usually i like betterworking with only a file, which will have all styles i use for my site.But when it comes to something like moodle, when you have to do your own skin, i think its easier to have different style sheets, like one named "color", other named "layout" etc etc...What you can have for different skins is have one file per skin, named for example "name-of-the-skin.css" and within it you have the @import rules to import all styles needed (like layout.css, text.css, colors.css etc..) I actually have not done this, but i know its a way to do so. Usually i only leave one style sheet per page, with only one skin, have not time to do more (i do but im lazy ) hehe-10730
  17. Yeah, people are not willing to update just becouse.I used to be like that, and im still like that. Instead of searching for the right plugins to see a given 'anything' from the web, i would look for the compatible 'anything' that works for me. Or even sometimes change to a close machine.Sometimes (like when i changed, err UPGRADED to firefox) i do so to test things, but truth is people are lazy (myself included) so you can never persuade someone to download next version browser. Besides, there are users (internet users) who actually dont know how to download a newer version, so there you go...Anyway, glad you posted this, its going to be very helpful.-10730
  18. Truth is nobody would really do it, but hey, technology is advancing every day... Who would have told in 1600 something like the internet? Maybe in a few years. Not right now, but i bet it would be very nice to be the first, or one of the first to have this system implemented in your website, as someday people would be willing to do so. Thats why they made celphones with web-capacities in the first place...I believe theres gonna be a point where people would not even have a pc (or mac or whatever) but they will be still connecting to the net and downloading, and chatting and shopping online from whatever media avaible they use.Who knows... maybe tomorrow we'll be able to connect to the net via telepathy... hehe (i wouldnt trust my mind to do money tramits trhough the internet though... )
  19. Dont worry too much, most people is glad to help out wherever we can I have a php script which lets you do the trick, let me find it... <?php# http://http://www.lawebdelprogramador.com//* Take local time, it has to be at the beggining of pageCoge la hora actual. Tiene que estar al principio de la pagina*/$InicioCarga=date("H-i-s");/* Our page begins here...Aqui empieza nuestra pagina******************************************************************************our page ends here aqui finaliza nuestra pagina *//* take local time. This has to be at the end of the documentCoge la hora actual. Tiene que estar al final de la pagina */$FinCarga=date("H-i-s");/* function " SegundosDiferencia, returns number of secons betweentwo different time (in time format)la funcion SegundosDiferencia devuelve el numero de segundos entre dos horas. */$resultado=SegundosDiferencia($InicioCarga,$FinCarga);/* show resultsMostramos los resultados. */echo "Ha tardado ".$resultado." segundos en cargar la pagina.";/* echo "Yer lovely page has delayed".$resultado."seconds loading this page. There you go buddy."; */function SegundosDiferencia($horaini,$horafin){$horai=substr($horaini,0,2);$mini=substr($horaini,3,2);$segi=substr($horaini,6,2);$horaf=substr($horafin,0,2);$minf=substr($horafin,3,2);$segf=substr($horafin,6,2);$ini=((($horai*60)*60)+($mini*60)+$segi);$fin=((($horaf*60)*60)+($minf*60)+$segf);$dif=$fin-$ini;return $dif;}?> Hope this worx -10730
  20. I live in Mexico and my girlfriend went to England, and i found the cheapest way of calling her was skype (she did not have a pc there, so the phone call was from my pc to a public phone somewhere in london).And as of chat, i dont have many friends plugged around skype and the ones i have in skype have messenger, so we usually chat trough ms software.By the way, MSN means Microsoft Network, its usually mistaken with MSN Messenger, hehe sorry about my pedantism.
  21. But how are you planning to use a php in your pages if your server does not support php? _I mean if you do have access to a file in another server which supports php, why dont you migrate all your content to that server? Would be much easier...And if you do not own the file you are planning on including, what kind of file would it be?Also, trap seventeen here offers php in its service, guess you already know.. hehe-10730
  22. Right so theres no way to get past this? adding an adittional format is necesary? You talking about streaming, right? Not downloading the file and then play it, or playing it while downloading it, but right internet streaming media....
  23. That is a sad story Flakes, it also happened to me! hehe, nevertheless we have other linux distibutions. Truth is im sick of pc, so i will be turning back to my good old typwritter:D
  24. Just adding to this thread the next question (and also asking again for the threads main issue: the most compatible streaming format, which has not been adressed yet): How do you make a .mov downloadable? When i upload it and click on it, it starts playing. I mean you can always control+click it (or click it with the secondary mouse button) to bring up the contextual menu to "save target as", but most non technical users dont know they can do that (i know i can also put a message "right click it" or "control click here to save video"), but an actual way to avoid is (and not getting it into a zip file)?TIA.. -10730
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