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Everything posted by Lozbo

  1. I know that you can declare alternate stylsheets for your pages, but i dont know how will a user change it, i mean, i know you can change styles depending on media, or even with some js or server side coding, but with pure html? how does the user set what style he wants to be displayed? the code goes something like that: <link title="Alternate Style" href="/alt1.css" rel="alternate stylesheet" media="screen" type="text/css" /> thanks... -lozbo
  2. Yes, i think you are right. Its just, as im new to dtd, schema and xml, i was just wondering if that was possible, and maybe thinking that it would be even more extensible or something. Thanks.
  3. How's that wordwrap function from php? So i have also been trying to hack that out but didnot know how to do it. Michael i think that <br /> or <p> wont do what kvar seeks, becouse that would make the layout always break, not when the browser resizes.
  4. Hahahaha that was a good one, i didnt quite catch it but... now i get it (hope you guys understand this joke). And thanks for the info, i was very confused always talking about the bandwidth a given hosting company offers but did not know what it was, cuz i assumed that the bigger, the better, but what does it actually do? now i can compare and decide better.
  5. I didnt actually understand what you were asking, but i think i can see what your trouble is, as you put so many 'b's together, the div is expanding itself to fit its content, but it would be different with normal words (words with less than 10 characters or whatever). So i think that what st mike said wont do, i dont know if theres anyway to css that, like "white-space: nowrap", but upside down this property, becouse what i understood is that you want the text to actually WRAP.
  6. not too big becouse when i remove the line that declares the "display: inline" they come back to life... and im searching the web for it, it was w three skulls where i got this code anyway on the first place... but im askin if some one knows right now to post it here... thanks anyway this is the actual code im using, that is working: CSS:#footer ul {list-style: url(img/bullet.gif) inside;width:100%;padding:0;margin:0;}/*#footer ul li {display:inline;}*/#footer a {text-decoration:none;padding: 0 10px 0 0;color:#FFFFFF;} Note that the footer ul li is between comments? When i remove the /* */ my list becomes one line, but the list-style bullet gets removed too... and i *DO* want my bullets there... so im asking if some one knows how to hack that down... thanks Notice from BuffalHELP: Please refrain from double posting. You can use the REPORT! to tell mods to include additional information to your post. Double posting means posting one after another. Merging.
  7. I am sorry for not explaining right.I want a menu, which is in fact a list with links, to be displayed inline, but i want each list item to keep its bullet, which is a custom image, but as soon as i get it inline, it removes the bullet... So i hope you guys understand me better this time...
  8. i mean something like this: <?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE note [ <!ELEMENT message(to,from,subject,body)> <!ELEMENT to (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT from (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT subject(#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT body (#PCDATA)>]> So an example xml document for that given DTD would be: <message> <to>Saint Michael</to> <from>Lozbo</from> <subject>Sig Request</subject> <body>Your sigs rock dude! I have already made a sig request in the right forum, hope some one as good as you has the time to do me that favor! </body></message> But something like this, highly customizable for XHTML...
  9. I have a menu that i want to display inline, in the same row, something like this: <style type="text/css">ul{float:left;width:100%;padding:0;margin:0;}a{float:left;text-decoration:none;color:white;background-color:red;padding:5px 10px;}a:hover {background-color:blue}li {display:inline}</style> The only problem is that i want a custom img for showing as list-style: url(img/bullet.gif) But seems that display:inline makes my bullet go away... could some one point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance...
  10. Can you set up the document type definition in order to create your own tags in XHTML? (Just as it happens with XML).I have been learning XML and DTD, and as i actually DO find it useful, i think its even more useful the fact that a language (like HTML) already strongly accepted, has its own structures defined. Its just sometimes you need to add a little adjustment here and there. So i ask if theres a way to define this in XHTML, your structures of tags and attributes and all that. I already know a coupple of sites which teach xhtml, but just have not found what i was looking for. Thanks...
  11. I think you mispelled, Its .htaccess, like the second time you wrote it. And kvarnerexpress, i actually didnt understand what was your other question, but about the index issue, if your hosting offers you the "cpanel" you can also mess a little bit with it to see if you can configure what kind of extension file is the folder going to point at first (in case of having several files named "index" but with different extension, i.e. .htm, .html, .php...). Im not sure if you can change or admin this, or if theres a manual way to change a server file (if you have access to them), to address this problem. Hope i made my self clear. If you DO have cpanel (hosting at Xisto offers this service), you can control wheter or not you want a folder to show off its contents if theres no index files at all within it. You can find this in the section named "Index Manager" (Site Management Tools / Index Manager).
  12. Thats why i would like to request a sig from any of you guys who know how to do it... if i could ask how i would like it.... here it is my desired theme:something kinda "death, black or dark metal", like obscure and maybe a little "futuristic" and of course it must say "Lozbo", and maybe some wolf or something like that...I dont know why is this even here, i mean, would you actually do me that favor? would someone actually take his time to please a poor member of Xisto forums? i hope so, hehe thanks in advance!
  13. Forgive my ignorance, but i heard in the shout box that they were going to turn trap seventeen to a dedicated server, ive heard about that but i actually dont know what it is... so if someone could clear that out i would be thankful.
  14. Guess a wiser topic would be : "has anyone not used dreamweaver"? hehe, and i didnt understand the question. You mean "select" options to be loaded from database? Im not sure how to do that with access, but it would be easier to script it down in php and mysql (not sure if mysql queries work on this kind of data base). Just a normal connection to DB and query.
  15. How do you do that? i mean, damn, its really cool all your designs... Where was that forum to "ask saint michael to do me a sig"? hehe
  16. Lozbo

    Doom 3

    yeah my pc did not run it, and i had a not so old machine, 1.9 GHZ, 80 HD, 512 RAM, mm dont remember that graphic card's mark name, dammit, but it took centuries to install and it ran slower than the pope. hehe
  17. Sorry, i dont know about server controls, but Hey compa for3v3r, para que te den jostin' ac? en esta madre hay que postear mucho, con cada post que pones te dan 'cr?ditos' con los que 'compras' tu cuenta, necesitas 30 cr?ditos para comprar el hosting de 150 megas, que es el que generalmente la gente quiere, pero junta s?lo los necesarios porque una vez que compras tu cuenta, te resetean a 2 cr?ditos. Yo ten?a cincuenta y nueve cr?ditos y compr? mi cuenta con treinta y nom?s me dejaron dos, ulero, pero ni pedro. Chido y suerte. Just advincing my compatriota here, hehe:D Guess this answer does not belong here but if this can help 'for3v3r', i think its good right?
  18. Ive used Crimson Editor, the only editor i know. And as i dont have it installed right now on this machine i couldnt say if it can search multiple files, but i believe it can. And its freeware! But its only for windows i think. Could you point out more of those editors?
  19. How would you do that? dynamically change it? I usually have my includes like header and menu on separate files, but i think that the way you work is easier... thanks for the tip.
  20. As soon as i joined the "hosted" (by actually creating my account, having enough credits), they took out all my credits and left me just two... Is this normal or is there a way to get them back?
  21. I didnt understand also what you wanted, but if what you are looking to do is a site which is organized with bands and those bands are classified by genre and by the first letter of it and others, you need to plan your data base, so that all is related and links between tables are structured correctly, i dont know phpNuke, but i assume it does something similar.Im not also an advanced php coder, so i couldnt really help you a lot with actual code, but i can tell you that the database must be well structured in the beggining, in order to avoid troubles later.You can start like this: Theres gonna be a table of bands, which will contain the band name, the band members, the genre and (for example) a unique (and could be consecutive, just for organization) id. Then you could have another table called Musicians which contains the fields: name, birth, bands where it has played, instruments he plays (etc). Then you could have more tables with more data, but for this example this could be enough.So what i think you want to do is link the Musicians with the Bands, right? so you strucutre a query on Mysql that will you a member of a given band that has played in other given bands, and there you go...I hope i making my self clear, and since you posted this message last month i supose you could better understand me now.
  22. We all know firefox rocks... its great! since i installed it, ive lost 20 pounds! (i mean of weight, not uk money hehe)
  23. What do you mean? if you use dynamic content meta tags are invisible to search engines? As far as i know it does not matter, as server side coding (like php) renders itself in the server and runs on clients browser as normal html (or whatever you specify to print), so if you include for example a file named "meta.php" with all the meta tags defined in it (which i find myself cool) and then include it in each of your pages that need that given set of meta tags, it should be visible by all the search engine spiders, as its normal html what is displayed. About the templates, i find it easier and more customisable working with php, but i could not say as im not and advanced user for dreamweaver templates, thats why i asked if any one knew...
  24. Come on guys! Im really surprised! Does not any one know the "Find and Replace" function? (and dont tell me you dont use dreamweaver). Macromedia Dreamweaver has a very very powerful function, beyond what it looks. You can search and entire site for finding and replacing items, a whole folder. When you click control + find and open up your "Find and Replace" dialog box, you have a section called "find in:" where you can select from various destinations, including: "current document", "selected text", "open documents" (last one depending on the version i think), and: "folder... (browse)" (among others). Here you select the folder which you want to search. Then you have the "search" section which you set to "code" (it also has the value for searching "text" in the document(s), only text but no html nor other kind of code, and "specific tag", which can for example, remove desired atributes from any given tag).Then you have the "find" text box, where you type what you want to replace, example "<?php include ("menu.htm"); ?>" and the "replace" text box, which you could set to: ""<?php include ("menu.php"); ?>".Yes, some times dreamweaver does more that what you want with your code, it leaves garbage in it, but in cases like this, it could save you a looooooooooot of work
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