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Everything posted by Lozbo

  1. Ive found most people agree that Firefox is THE browser. Im a big fiery foxy fan too, its my main browser, and i try to stick it up into every body elses mmm pc hehe. But the fact is that this is an uncivilized world, so i always have the hated ie at hand, and for counting in those who like to perform nice web surfing, i also have opera, mozilla and netscape under my belt, and after reading this forum (actually after reinstalling my OS) im trying out Maxthon and Avant browser, and ill keep checking out for other browsers in order to keep up always with what people use, so my webs are always avaible in everyone.
  2. Dammit thanks a lot Tyssen! that was it! I think admins can close this, as it got resolved, unless any one wants to add something (like the path file for a non windows OS for this)...
  3. Im reinstalling my OS, but i have a lot of bookmarks. I found a file around the folder at the program files called:"\Mozilla Firefox\defaults\profile\bookmarks.html"But it aint got my bookmarks, its kind of a help file. I want the actual links to my pages. Does any one know where to search? In order to import them later on to my newly installed firefox.T.I.A.-10730
  4. With the Web developer tools, which you can search in the extensions homepage, you can do it in 2 clicks:Miscellaneous -> clear cache.It installs a bar (by default under the link or the address bar) which you can hide and it also installs a contextual menu anywhere where you click on the page.This bar has several menus, which (left to right) are: disablecssformsimagesinformation>>>miscelaneousoutlineresizetoolsview sourceoptionsYou have a real big deal of web developing tools, its one of my fav extensions. From the miscellaneous menu you can clear a lot of things (some of them are: clear cache and clear history, but there are more) and you can assign keyboard short cuts in the options, but these short cuts assignment does not include clear cache and clear history though.Well ill let you check it out, not really sure if a keyboard short cut can actually be assigned to it, i have not found it out, but at least is just two clicks away, no need to enter general options.Hope this worx for ya.-10730
  5. Thanks! It does help. Actually i had already thought something like that, but never tried. Additionally, isnt there an easier way to do this? To float all p to the right and all input to the left, I dont know how but i mean to avoid having to put inside a div each line of stuff... I think you understand me... just an easier way.I mean i thank rvalkass, i do find this helpful, im just asking hehe:)
  6. Yes, i agree with that, as you can't learn everything in books, you must search pages to find out how they did it. And about copying and pasting it just like that i believe that at least they should post a "thanks to" note or something, i mean there are projects that take more time to develop and a lot of time and money for someone just stealing it, but like they say, you are never going to completely avoid it.
  7. Not that i assume but ive read dont remember where something about it, that the absolute url (dns name or site ip) will make slower the retrieving info. What i assume on it is that as the site is already in that when trying a different domain it must call again the http headers or something like that (im not sure about this) like reloading it.And as of the base tag, i found that the god damn IE6 messing with every file when declaring this: <base href="/folder/next_folder/" /> Instead of this: <base href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; /> The first case made all routes of my files missing like if IE was searching i dont know where else something like this: <img src="img/ico.gif" /> I couldnt find what was it and as soon as i change to the second case it fixed. Im not against microsoft, but dammit, if a group of people working in open source can keep up, why cant a transnational do so?-10730
  8. And what if i have a web where cpanel is not at use? should it be the ftp account? What if its a linux server? What does www mean, will it go to the actual root folder of the web server? Thanks anyway, have not tried but gonna take a look. Thanks:)
  9. We all remember the good old tables right? When we used them to design or beloved websites. But nowadays things have change a little bit, strict code format, css, xhtml and no tables. And so when it comes finally to the design of a form, instead of having two rows (left row with the label and right row with the input tag) and those rows aligned to look nice (left row= right aligned and right row=left aligned), how can we keep order with our fancy style sheet?Thanks in advance.
  10. Every one knows that we can include files in our site, so we have a folder with 2 files, an index.php with a menu.php included. But they are on the same folder, what if we wanted to make a relative reference for it, so we will always put include("/files/menu.php") and it will always work wherever that file is (the file calling the include).Ive had troubles with this, as it doesnt seem to be working, i have to change to the dot notation (like ../../../../../files/menu.php) in order to keep my includes right. Does any one know what the root is for the include or how can i make a root that always answer to the slash (" / ") location?Hope i made my self clear.
  11. Yes i delete it each time it comes up, but i dont want to spend the rest of my lousy days deleting a folder if i can avoid it hehe, it bugs my site! hehe:)
  12. Macromedia fireworks can export web pages, when using slices or hot spots. Whenever i export my layout (layout converted into tables for html or xhtml) fireworks creates this "_notes" folder with comments in the root folder where exported. You can also make use of this comments from dreamweaver, when doing certain things. They are like developer notes for working with a group of people.But as im not using it right now ill rather turn it off, but dont know where. I want fireworks to stop creating this _notes folder in my documents. Does anyone know where to switch it off? Ive searched into the options of the export dialog and the fireworks over all options, but unsuccessfully. Thanks!
  13. What do you mean? do you want some one to make ya a tag like <a href="http://forums.xisto.com/; Forums </a>? or do you want some one to declare an XML DTD or schema to personalize a particular tag?Or by tag you mean a nick name or a label?I think what you mean is a SIG right? but it has its own special forum to post sig requests
  14. Ive read the w3schools tag description for <base> and i fount that it must be written in this format: <base href="http://http://www.mysite.trap18.com/img/; /> So what im asking is if this href must be absolute or can it be relative like: <base href="/img/" /> As i did not find anything about it on w three skulls nor in google (yet i only visited a few links). Absolute links slow down the retrieving of the info right?Thanks! -10730
  15. Ms Office documents have a "save as" function that allows you to save as html (and even xml). Ive used this in excel, but the code is a little bit messy, though it keeps to the design well. If the design is too complex maybe it wont hold it, and I don?t remember how obsolete the code was (according to w3 standars), but it might be a nice start for coding it all into css hehe? Maybe you can post a link of the file and if I have the time I could give it a look, or you could get some other good old trap seventeen member to help ya sort this out.-10730
  16. Right, i know how could i translate that into php. I dont know why but i just thought it would be harder, but this looks really simply and should save a lot of work in some cases. Thanks!
  17. I think this tag has become obsolete in XHTML, so i would recommend you to use css and container divs, which will center the content inside the div, so you would have something like this: <body> <div id="container"> <p>text text text </p> </div> </body> and the css would go like that: body {text-align:center;}div#container {text-align:left;} There are also plenty of hacks to get rid of some troubles you may have while centering all the body, couse some browsers will center all text even though you declare the second rule of the container, it works fine in IE. And Panda, i am aware that all cpanel does is to graphically ease the work of what you can do in the code of some files, but im not really a coder, hehe some times i cant even remember how to write my own name, hehe, so ill rather go for the GUI, and maybe in time ill learn a little bit more about it. Hehe thanks!
  18. Thanks jlhaslip, i know i can do that, but the thing was to keep the links as a list, not as separate paragraphs or lines, but thanks any way for your help. As i told ya in a personal message, what ive found reading here and there is that this was not possible, that if your inline a list, the bullet will always go away, though im not entirely sure, so if some one knows about this please drop a message so we can close this thread.
  19. Dammit! its great! thanks a lot! how did you do it? What program did you use? did you make that guy by your self? its awesome thanks!! :P
  20. alright that was what i was looking for, couse on one site i have this google flavored search or whatever, but i think that a normal or customized search engine for its own site (a site that does not necesarily has data bases) would be better and more skin personalizable. Thanx for the link! ill give it a closer look.
  21. hey little weseth, about this issue of making its parent box scrollable, i havent been able to make a td scrollable, i think i heard it was not possible, is it? only thing i can figure out to get pass this is by adding a div inside the cell, but i dont know if theres anyother way...
  22. Theres also a meta tag that you can define on the head, but not sure wheter it refreshes even if the content has not finished loading or if it starts counting when the head section loaded. Code would be something like that:<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="600">
  23. Wow now theres even a calculator! this is great so we dont have to worry about math anymore! hehe, its everything online, remember the truth is inside there ... I did knew about the search within a site, i think thats what a lot of sites do within their pages, they include a link that searches google, adding "site:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;.
  24. alright, thanks then, i just thought that as this alternate style sheets had its own attribute declaration in the html link tag, it might have a functional way of switching those from within the html document itself, no additional scripting required... And that ALA article is going to be very helpul, thanks, ill take that js...
  25. Wow, that is really cool... could you explain a little more that? how did you achieve that? i supose it has something to do with php file reading functions right? And this threads question in the first place i think has not been completely answered, so is there a way to load content into divs or table cells without reloading the rest of the page? and without having to load all content into js the first time a user enters the site?
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