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Everything posted by TripleH13

  1. I have gotten like three of these. At first i was like what this becuase first of all i don't even have a paypal account so i knew that it must have been a scam of some sort. But everyone should be very careful becuase if you do have an account it seems so real that you might actually think it is paypal.
  2. i have heard so much about this game in the last few months. I have never really bothered to look into becuase i really dont like those types of games. But i really wasnt sure hat it was and it seems to be an okay type game. So i might decide to try it out. I hope i like it as much as some of you guys.
  3. I have heard alot about this in the last while about how the cell phones can be very dangerous for you. I heard it is even worse for kids. Nut i dont thing these studies will stop people from using a cell phone.
  4. are you sure? Becuase i heard that it was going to be out in november. I have even seen some pictures of the box to preorder it at certain stores. But you never know they could have just decided now to stop it for a while. But that would be pretty stupid considering alot of people who boaught xbox 360 where buying so they would be able to play Halo 3 in a few months.
  5. i havent really played alot of the games either. I played one from psone along time ago and it was ok. The new ones seems to have really good graphics and i have heard good things about the psp version that is coming out soon. I am hoping this will be good if so i think i will try the latest one before this one for ps2.
  6. there really arent alot of girl games as stated before. Mostly the stuff they put for girls where all singing games like american idol and britney spears one. Know they have made all those games you can play on the dance mat. Those are the only ones i know that are basically for just girls.
  7. that looks great. the way you blended the picture so nicely it just works together so well. You should really make a tutorial of how to make a sig like that becuase many people would want to know.
  8. it looks really good. I have never really been into these games much. I have seen tons of them tho. From looking at the box i never really understood the main point of it. But from what you guys are saying it seems quite good and i might try it.
  9. seems pretty cool. I do really like gmail but this one seems much more customable. I think i am gonna sing up for a free account. Thanks for letting me know about this i had never heard about it before.
  10. seems realy good for ds owners. It was only a mtter of time before they added the browser. The only thing that sucks is that you have to buy that wifi thing i think. But i dont think it is to expensive.
  11. I use to go there all the time. I had some much money until one day because me any my sis both had accounts it said they closed both accounts. I was rally mad becuase i have been playing for months. So after that i basically stopped going.
  12. It a really good game but like you say very similar. It would have been nice if they would have made some better upgrades like better maps and weapons. Hoepfully Halo 3 will have some of the stuff like that.
  13. I never really liked these game since when i use to play it on ps1. They really have improved it alot in the years. But it doesnt compare to any of the nfs games. I really prefer those alot better than that. But i havent played the latest one yet so i take a look at it and try it out.
  14. seems like some really good computer specs. I am pretty satisified with my own pc. All the games run pretty smooth for me. But a pc with those great specs would certanily be nice.
  15. i would say rap. With all the great music that has been produced this year alone most of it has been amazing. There are so many up and coming artist and all there songs are amazing.
  16. i nver really knew what they where talking about when they said this. I had an idea but thanks for letting me know.
  17. I personnaly really like firefox. But i havent tried the opera browser. I have heard a mixed review of it. But i think i will test it out and see how it compares to firefox.
  18. seems like a really cool mod. i need to install it on my board aswell. Thanks a lot for posting about this becuase i have never even heard or seen this mod. I am gonna try it now.
  19. thanks for the big list to uploading files. The only thing i dont like about some of them is it takes alot of time to uppload to them or to dwonload from them. But i agree this should be pinned. And thanks for the list i am gonna try out some of the ones i have never heard about and tried.
  20. Alot of people where telling me this game sucked. And that Halo was alot better than that game. But know that i hear so much good reviews from you guys i think i will check it out.
  21. that would be awesome if xbox did a handheld. As long as it isnt to buggy. It would be nice to see what sony would do to compete with it. It would also be cool to see what size and how the graphic work on it. I am assuming that if xbox does make one it will have a memory already bulit in becuase thats a big reason why some people dont buy the psp.
  22. i heard it cost millions to do. It is a cool idea but i really dont think it was needed. And yea the Lisa really had no resemblance at all to the cartoon lisa. But it was still pretty funny and how well it was created. But overall a total waste of there money.
  23. yea only big companyies who are using it for very important stuff will be using that. An average house wont be able to afford that. Like someone already said if they did lower it down a bit and made it cheaper it could do very well. I wouldnt expect to see a an average persons house getting this for at least 10-12 years. But you never know it could come down in price if it gets even more advanced.
  24. i really like dthe firt one. I have played it so much. Not much latley though becuase i dont play my n64 that often. But when i did i would always play it. It is even better whne you play with friends or family becuase it makes you want to play more entesivly. Overall i would say it is an amazing games. The newer version are good but still i would say 1 and possibly 2 as being the best games.
  25. i really like most wanted. Especially on computer. There are many cheats for it and it is really fun to play with the better cars. But i also liek underground 2 which is not there. It really changed the driving type games. But overall i thought that nfs most wanted was the best thing at the time and really made them what it is today.
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