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personally i suggest every one to avoid using contact lenses because lens is something external you put in your eye and even if it is healthy it is still an external object and our body is not responding well to external objects which get implemented in our body, actually i'm one of those peoplea which do not like to see other peoples trying to fake their face to look like more beautiful (which most of the times is more worse), i like to see the original color of peoples eyes and i never thought that green and blue is more beautiful than black and brown and actually i think black is the best color in eye colors, now if you want to see which color more fits you, you can find out by two ways, first go to a contact lens shop and they have test kits then try each color and see which one best fits you and if you don't like that way you can take a picture from your face and using photoshop you can change your eye color and see which one is better for you, the second way is more easier and more healthier too.Now i will give you a simple tip to find out whether a person wears a contact lens or not, first if you are very close then probably you can tell from the line of the edge of lens but if the contact lens is a well built one then you need to be more professional to detect one. now if you want to know id some one is wearing one or not it is very easy just use flash light, lenses are not reacting to light so when lighting condition changes from dark to lighter ones you can see the real color of eye through the lens, so when you use flash light in a dark condition and use it suddenly on the eye of that person (be careful about not blinding him/her ) you will see if he/she is wearing one or not. for learning this you can go to youtube and see some videos to find out how to do that.
the answer is very simple in every game that is capable of playing in multiplayer mode through LAN, you need to make one of the PCs as server and other ones connect to it for playing, this is a rule and can not be changed, now the PC that gonna act as server should be more powerful compared to those who gonna only manage one player. now it is your choice to make one of the your 20 PC as server or buy a standalone one and make it a server but most peoples buy a powerful PC as server because you need one PC for controlling the accounts of your players, now if you make this one powerful you can use it as server and you don't need to make one of your 20 as server, if you wanna to make one of those 20 as server then you should be aware of minimum system for playing your desire game in multiplayer mode and with 20 players (which needs a powerful one if you want to play recent games).An example: call of duty 4 is not a recent game but many peoples love to play it multiplayer, so this game needs 1.4Ghz cpu and 1GB ram server for being able to handle 8 players, but this is minimum and you know what recommended is ? it is a 3.2 Ghz processor with 8GB of ram, so even this game in recommended settings needs a powerful server for running, now you can do many things to prevent from buying a powerful server, one of them is to split you 20 PC into 4 groups of 5 PC then LAN them together and make one of them in each group as server, now with only 5 player each group you don't need very powerful server and by doing this you can also get more customers because all peoples do not like same games for playing. the second suggestion is what i said before, getting an internet connection and just play through steam network, when you buy games from steam with online playing feature then the server is on their side and you don't need any server at all you only need a good internet connection, and of course it depends on your customers whether they want to play game with each other or with other peoples around the world.You can do one more thing too, just run old stuffs like counter strike and world of warcraft and Battle Field 1942, these games still are very popular and many peoples still play them online and multiplayer, so by doing this you don't need a powerful PC because those games can even run as server in a normal PC with 2GB of ram and can get many players together. now to see which one you choose you should look to your environment, if in your place people are having great internet connection and have access to latest game then i think you should go for steam network but if in your place peoples doesn't have great internet connection and nice PC then the latter solution is the best for you.
my suggestion is wordpress but first let me tell a thing that happened to me with blogspot, i was having a blog for about two years and it was about gaming and i had some followers which were coming to my weblog regularly and every thing was fine. i was even making money from it by placing some ads on it and it was a very good experience for me till one day i opened my blog and saw an empty page, it was like hammering my head as i saw there is nothing in my blog and i had no back up! this was really sad and i started to search and find what happened to my weblog, first i emailed the blogspot and all of my visitors which i knew and had emails, i get no answer from blogspot but some of my viewers said when they was watching my weblog they was seeing some posts disappearing and they thought i'm cleaning my blog, so the blog was gone and this was the time i decided to only make blogs on my host because at least i can get some regular backups and save them without any worry and just transfer them every time i faced to a problem to another hosting provider. any way i didn't find out what happened to my blog but i think one of these two things was happened to it : 1. someone hacked my account and so because of not any known reason he deleted all of my posts and leave my blog without any warning to message (because most hackers leave a message) or 2. blogspot servers had a heart attack (or even one of their employees ) ans they decided to delete my contents. So first my suggestion is to go for wordpress and second host your blog on a hosting provider not on the default space wrodpress or blogger gives to you, by doing this you will get huge features for getting some regular back ups and also you will get the ability to change your hosting provider every time you face any problem. so get a free hosting from here and install a wordpress on it and then you can freely put thousands of ads on your wordpress without any worry, and i don't think you can put ads in blogspot everywhere you want because you have to follow the main template style and so you can not place it everywhere. anyway be aware of that putting a lot of ads on your page will decrease number of your visitors because most peoples do not like to face a lot of banners with different colors and never find the content they want easily. and of course with wordpress you will get the ability to force visitors disabling their adblock before visiting your website and be sure about them seeing your ads so you can make more money with wordpress rather than blogspot.
yupp , i'm sorry for them too, actually i live in a city but we are in the border of city because two house after ours you will see a big mountain and so the city ends, but i should admit living in such a place is a little dangerous too. we are in city but as we have a mountain on the west side so when the night comes, some wolves come around in the streets but they didn't harm any one till now but some nights hearing them is just scary enough . the main reason why people are prefering to live in a jungle of concrete rather than living in a jungle full of trees is the need of having access to what they want as soon as possible, we need many things in these days to be able to continue our life, one of them is Banks, you can not live without them, every thing you want to do in your real life you need banks and i know that you can do many of your works through internet but you can not do all of them, and also you can not find many banks in a country side so you need to go to cities for doing your jobs, so we can live like this as many peoples are doing, we live in a natural place and so for doing our paper works we can go to cities.Now why people don't like that, because living in a city is just EASIER, farming is a real hard work to do and everyone knows that but you can make money for just going to your office sitting in your chair and write some letters and sign them then again rest till the lunch time comes and go for lunch then come back again and make a phone call again rest till your work time ends and then go home. after going home if you feel sick you can go to a hospital which is less than 1km away and if you want to go cinema then again you can go there just within 15 minutes. this is why peoples like to live in cities because they can access to every thing they want ASAP and also do not need to get tired for getting their daily works but what disadvantages this life can have ? First of all you can see, cancer is something that is more popular in cities and i can say those who live in countryside doesn't get cancer as much as peoples who live in city get. this is same for other problems too, those who live in countryside are less criminal and having less mental problems as well as physical problems, and this is because of their way of living. most peoples know that but no one wants to leave the city because it is easier to live in it (or at least we think it is easier ), actually maybe in total it is easier but not safer because most of crimes goes on in cities and so living in city is not very safe.Humans do many things without thinking about it, we destroy jungles and make cities instead of them then we find out that living in nature is good so we try to bring a little of those jungles back by making parks or getting some animals and plants in our house and then we find out there is not enough place for making houses so we again destroy a little of jungles from around of our cities and build there more houses and so this thing goes on. i think this thing will go on until it is too late and we will destroy all of our world but anyway i think this is impossible to prevent this thing to happen, so till we have some jungles out there go out and see them before we lost them.
1. most of multiplayer games which are released in past 2 years are not capable of playing offline using LAN and they are only available for playing through STEAM network, so my suggestion is that you create 20 accounts on steam and then buy the games you want to be playable through those accounts from steam itself, after that you only need a programmer to do somethings from preventing your customers to access those accounts directly (like being able to change pass and etc) and also you need a nice internet connection, yes i know this is an expensive way of building a Game Center but this is what you have to do if you want to have good games like recent Call of Duty and Battle Field in your gaming center.Now if you don't want to do that then you have to choose only from games which are available for offline multiplayer on local network. my suggestion is to buy every game you want from online shop of its producer website, by doing this you will be completely sure about original license. for some games you can buy 20 license with huge discounts, again for getting that discount you need to contact their shop support to see if they give any discount and how they will do the process. 2. Look, if you want to download them and run on all of computers you need a different license for each or if you can get a license for 20 then you will need only a license (which is called a license for 20 devices) and then install each game on each PC using same license, and of course you can download them directly from the producer website. most of the times downloading a game and buying its license is much cheaper than buying the Disc of the game itself. if you don't want to spend a lot of money for your game center then you can just use free games which are capable of multiplayer mode. you can find many of them on the net but some of them i can say right now are : Savage , Nexuiz , Cube , ... but anyway most customers prefer some other games like COD for multiplayer playing.3. There are many softwares available you can choose but i will introduce you two of them and you can find any other one you want in google, first is Cyber Cafe Pro , i don't know if it is free or not but one of my friends were using it and he was completely satisfied with its abilities and features. it can handle up to 250 PC in the network and can manage many accounts and give you results of usage in shape of charts for easy calculating in weekends , now the second one Cybera which is free and open source but with less features compared to previous one, any way it is regularly updating and you can start your gaming center with it and if it didn't suited you then you can change it in feature but i don't know if it supports any export type for transferring accounts to use them in any other software.4. I think for doing that you need a programmer, i haven't seen any software doing such a thing, you can disable every thing on windows but preventing customers for seeing the desktop of windows is something i haven't tried or seen anywhere, by the way you can do more search on google or wait to see if here anyone knows the solution.
hmm, do a little thing, search your email with its previous password on google and see if you find any results, many hackers provide a large list of their hacked e-mails on some websites, they do this because they do not want to login to those account themselves because of some security reasons so they provide hacked emails on some websites as a log and then they are pretty sure at least one person will see those ones and this is enough for them. by the way do the search and see if you can find it in any website, if you found then you are infected by a software called iStealer which comes in any form to steal all of your password. this software is capable of searching and find any password you entered or enter in IE, FireFox, Chrome and Opera and other softwares like skype, yahoo messenger and many other type of softwares. so be aware about that if you are infected you need to do some serious actions because if the hacker is a pro one then he writes something undetectable by all of antiviruses, i was infected by one iStealer about 1 and half year ago and no antivirus was able to detect it until i found my pass and email on a illegal website and then i studied a little about these softwares and i found that because they do not use their written software on many people (they sometimes write a software and use it only for 10 peoples and then another for other 10 peoples) so antiviruses doesn't get aware of them.By the way that one was infecting me, was capable of sending my data through yahoo messenger when it was open so with checking of firewall i was not seeing anything. brute-forcing Gmail is not an easy way so forget about it, their system doesn't let you to try many passwords one after another and so the probablity of brute-forcing is just very low. my suggestion is to use more than one e-mail and with more than one provider, then when you are registering on different websites every time enter a different email so when some one access your account he is only able to destroy your accs related to that email and not other ones and of course you should not use same passwords for you emails too. you should now check every account related to your email to be sure about them to working properly and without any pass changed, actually i also recommend you to inform google about those spams and tell them you acc was accessed from another place too, because they are doing investigations on this and your information will help them to increase the security of their services.Now if you don't know i should tell you can use a more secure way of logging in to your account and it is a two step verification of gmail, for logging in to your acc you need a mobile phone and you need to give its number to google and you will receive a verification code which authorizes your PC, so when someone else wants to access your acc from another PC then you need to get another verification code from your phone and this will give you more security to protect your acc.
Yes charging time is a big problem and no one can say anything else, i live in a city but my university is in another city, those peoples you see using public transport everyday for going from one city to another for working are not little, so if you have to charge a car for 16 hours after every discharge, then you can not use it for going to work. many companies are saying they have reduced the charging time but they tell you a time that you can never see it in real world. Now we can see the advantages of electric cars in many websites and ads and billboards and many other places but look the disadvantages are so bold that no one says them, battery is a replacement of fuel tanks in electric cars because the main goal of battery is to save energy and the fuel tank does the same thing too, now you can refill the fuel tank unlimited times but what about batteries? how many times you can recharge a battery ? so if you ran out of charge every day and recharge batteries every day then the batteries will die after two year and another thing! just like your mobile phone every time you recharge the batteries they will give you shorter time and this will give you less time which you can go with every charge when time passes by, these are things that everyone knows but buying an electric car now is only for keeping the prestige.
Hello again, the game of today is "Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45" based on unreal engine from Bold Games which released in 2006 and is a FPS style game which is a multiplayer game.The game is a only multiplayer type but there is also a single player mode available too but only for practicing just like the single player of counter strike which is not enjoyable when you play it offline and it only is good when you want to try and learn a trick or train your aiming abilities. the game gives you many types of moving like proning or crouching or sprinting, you can even deploy a machine gun and get behind it, this will give you more flexible game play because you can choose your strategies easily from many available ones each with a special type of movement or series of them. now what i think is a disadvantage for this game but some thinks it is an advantage is the aiming system, they have made it more realistic so you don't see a regular crosshair for aiming and instead you have to do that by two other ways each will waste your time just trying to do a precise aiming and most of the time also wastes you ammos too, but anyway some peoples like the game to be more realistic like being unable to aim when you are running but i'm not from those persons and i think the game should come with a normal crosshair and normal aiming system just like many modern FPS games that come these days and we can see they are still using crosshair which shows people still love this old style.Another thing which again i don't like is the health system, when you get hit you will see what part you have been hit in display, now if you get hit then you will be slowed down for a time and if you hit in hand then you will loose your current weapon so just imagine an enemy attacking you, you will be slowed down and loose your weapon (usually both happens if the enemy attacks you by spraying his rifle), so you will be dead because you have no weapon and you can nor run away too. now in counter strike you will be slowed down but you can attack the enemy in the same time without loosing your weapon so this will give those sharp players the ability to even kill the attacker which saw them faster, but in this game this thing is nearly impossible, but again many people like this feature as it seems ti be more realistic. there is something that i like so much in this game and it is the ability to use vehicles, and now my most favorite part is that when you drive a tank and the other member in your tank shoots to a thing you will get some points too and this is what i like, look in counter strike many times you shoot an enemy many times and damage him more than 90 percent but one of your team members comes and just throws a grenade and kills him and gets the frag, this system i think is not true and you should get points depending on your effectiveness in killing of that enemy, so this game can do this in one aspect. This game comes with many maps and mods available for better online experience and it is so much fun when you play it with some of your friends, this game insists on team work specially when you are running a vehicle which the design doesn't let you to control all of it yourself and you need at least another member of your crew to get the thing working. game is beautiful and well designed with beautiful scenes in the game, in some maps there are many hidden places which you can hide in it and in other ones there is not so much place for hiding and you should do your shootings from far distances, in total this game is just a nice multiplayer game which made many peoples smile, so i suggest you to play it too.
I saw your website and it seems you are trying to put counter strike 1.6 maps for downloading, first i have two suggestions for you, the first one is that most (and probably all) of the counter strike 1.6 maps are available on their official website for download but if you are the author then story differs but if not then just put the direct link for downloading them from the main website of counter strike, so by this way you don't need to be worry about 50mb upload size limit. the second one, i think a shared web hosting service is not a good choice for a website like yours which needs a lot of bandwidth because of its download, so my suggestion is to use VPS for better experience and less problems, by the way if you don't have many visitors which download your maps then you can just continue using your current host.Now for what you have said about your needs i will give you some examples, for blog you can use wordpress instead of your current CMS which seems to be phpNuke. for that download stuff my suggestion is to use this plugin with the wrodpress i said about https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-downloadmanager/ , by using this you will get those abilities but if you don't like that then you can find many other plugins which will do same but with different interface and themes and some different abilities too, for example another plugin is this : https://wordpress.org/plugins/download-manager/ , by just searching the main website you can find many of them doing what you need. now for the forum my suggestion is VBulletin which is not free but it is the best, so if you can pay then go for it and you will have no problem because you can find tons of documents and helps for it but if you can't pay the money then go for mybb or phpbb.I can't understand the problem you have with phpbb but you need to install it beside your wordpress in a different folder like /Forum and then pointing some sub-domain to it if you like. by the way the process of installation of PHPbb is just easy and i haven't found any problem with it in anytime. do not use script installers for installing phpbb, just install it yourself, it is very easy and you don't need much knowledge for doing that. if you faced any problem then just ask in their support forum which is very active and i can say you will get your answer in it within 4 - 10 hours, so by doing this you will also learn something more for your latter developments.In the end for the problem you had with phpNuke and youtube links, if you want a preview to be available in the content of your posted article then you need to use a plugin in wordpress which gives you the ability to embed a full featured youtube player into your post and contents and even in comments. again there are some plugins available for doing that, an example for you : https://wordpress.org/plugins/smart-youtube/
yes there are many free games you can play offline, here i will suggest some with a little introduction for each :1. Spelunky : an action-aventure game, in game you will play as a spelunker who is exploring caves for finding treasure and other things, the first version was really weak on graphic but recent ones is just great and very fun to play. you have to avoid from enemies and some other type of traps like things, the game is very fun to play with its many items and feature. for example by combining of some items you can get a special ability, some times you need to steal them from a shop, if you do that the person in the shop will become your enemy. the game is just very addictive with its 2D graphics but don't think that being 2D is a disadvantage because when you play it you will understand how much addictive this game is.2. World of Goo : if you don't heard of it till now then it is better for you to download it just right now, one of my favorite games based on some physics, you have to make a structure to reach some goo balls to a pipe which gets them in it. doing this is simple in first stages but as the levels go up you will find making that construction is not so much easy, specially when you will face a few number of goo to produce your structure and sometimes you will face some other problems like wind or gravity which will destroy your structure if it is not well built. this game even has a story, which is a beautiful one too and you have to find it yourself.3. Savage 2 : as i see you are trying to find a free alternative for age of empires or such RTS games, then savage 2 is just fitting you, it is a combination of FPS , RTS and RPG so it is a real good game, even with its engine based on open GL the graphics are completely acceptable and i suggest you to play it. the main advantage of this game is that you even can do the fights in FPS, so you can controll your character as a first person shooter game and just kill the enemies with a little army. in most levels you have to destroy command center of enemy to win the round. the controlling system is a little different from regular RTS games but if you play it for some hour you will find it more comfortable rather than some games like age of empires also as it has RPG elements in it so you can even do anything you want with a character. Anyway finding a free game is a real hard work, it needs a lot of developers working together to make a game like half life but doing that for free is most of the times impossible and this is why we can not see very high graphics free games. by the way if you like to play free games then you should know most of free games are puzzle type or something like this and games like COD and BF doesn't come for free and i don't think ever we can find a free alternative for COD.
Which Is The Best Iphone Or Blackberry mobile phones
Iniyila replied to hira's topic in Mobile Phones
first if all i assume that they are giving me that phone for free because if i have to pay for it then the answer is just Android like the previous post but if they want to give me one for free then i will choose one , i should mention your question is weird, black berry has many phone and you haven't said which one you are trying to choose and what budget you are talking about. Anyway i will choose two phones and do the comparison between them, here is my candidates first from black berry Storm2 9550 and second from Apple Iphone 3GS. both come with 3.15MP camera but black berry comes with flash too, black berry screen is a little smaller than iphone but it has more resolution but in the screen iphone wins with better colors and better contrast. Iphone is 135 grams while black berry is 160 grams so in weight iphone wins again but the dimensions of both are nearly same (a little difference), also iphone screen is capable of multitouch input but black berry doesn't have that ability. black berry comes with 2GB internal memory expandable using micro SD cards but iphone comes with 8/16/32 GB of internal memory which is not expandable, so here even with much higher internal memory of iphone, black berry wins because of its expandable memory.Connectivity options are same in both, like wi-fi and HSDPA and many other ones, cpu of black berry is not completely known but it seems to be MSM7600 which is not as powerful as the iphone one with its powerVR graphic accelerator, both have gps and both can do many things with 3rd parties apps. but now the price, the price of black berry is now around 230$ but the iphone 3gs 16GB is around 350$ which is more expensive, but any way if you pay more you get more too for better screen, cpu, design. but one important thing, remember black berry is the king in network connectivity and call quality so when you buy this phone it is a powerful cell phone with some extended abilities like camera and etc but when you buy iphone you get a normal cellphone with better extended abilities like better screen and etc, so i choose the black berry because of its better call quality and if i want another phone to use as camera and music player and other things i get an android based for those purposes. -
Which Kind Of Website You Will Choose Php Or Asp?
Iniyila replied to web_designer's topic in Websites and Web Designing
if you want to know which one is better for you then you need to specify what you need from a language, so here i will say some differences and in the end i will say which one i will choose and why.1. if you are familiar with C# and you do not want to learn another language for making your website then you should go for asp.net, this is why some old and popular website still insist on using asp because their employees are .net programmers and so if they want to change the language of their website it needs a lot of money and time for them to be able to teach their employees to work with php and write their scripts in php, this is why my university is currently using asp for its website because its employees are not familiar with php at all.2. PHP is open source (something that microsoft never understands ) so you can do any change you want in it and so any thing you want with it, so it is just more flexible for professional users and also php is capable to be run on both linux and windows based servers so the developers shouldn't be worry about transfer their website from a linux based to a windows based but in aps you only can use windows servers which are more expensive too and less customizable.3. May years before php was unable to encode the scripts inside server but asp was capable of it from when it born, but as php is opensource so it didn't take too much till Zend came and so php got somehow that ability too. again in that time as the asp had a lot of libraries and components so writing a website based on it was a lot faster and a lot easier but as php grew and got a lot of scripts too so they are both now nearly same in fast writing of a web page and with help of many php based CMS which are now more than asp based ones you can make your website in under 10 minutes which shows why in past people were trying to use asp for their website.4. Now what about IDE ? from the beginning of PHP there were a lot of free IDE for it but the main IDE for asp is Visual Studio which is not ver cheap! anyway some developers never use IDE.So i definitely go for php because first i can do anything i want with it and second as i'm not very rich to spend a lot of money on both server and IDE, and third because i really hate .net based desktop apps because of their low performance with using a lot of resources. by the way as i said many websites are based on asp because in the past it was better than php and now changing the basis from asp to php is not an easy work and still there are many peoples thinking that asp is better. -
first do not trust google analytics and go to your cpanel and see detailed bandwidth usage to see if this number of visitors can destroy your website or not, if the bandwidth usage is high then there is some one messing with you, if the bandwidth usage is low then it is probably from google side sometimes their service really goes on my nerves because it shows a lot of traffic coming to my site but when i use other type of counters i find that the numbers are just not true. if your bandwidth is high then it is probably some one using some type of softwares for increasing the bandwidth usage of your website to destroy your service, as i don't know you have an enemy or not but a person can do that thing by two ways, first using a software to reload your page constantly and as some servers know this type of abuse so the software they use changes its ip to a mail service provider to prevent server from blocking it. the second way which i don't think any one want to do that to you , is to sending mass mails for visiting your website this is really a not easy work, there is also a third way but i don't think this is even close to your case, the person can write a special worm which does what i have said in the first way just from many computers around the world.google analytics is not very trustable but it is more trustable than others, by the way i was facing many wrong data from it so i just deleted it from my page and i'm currently using some type of commercial software which does this more detailed than google but google is best in free ones. as i said if you want to see if the traffic google tells you is true or not just check your cpanel, by the way if the traffic is real then you need to do something before things go worse. my first suggestion is to find the ips which comes from hotmail inboxes then just block it on the .htaccess file in the root of your website so this will stop your website from being visited from any visitor which comes from hotmail. if the ips are not one or two and there are many of them then you need to block a range of ips which will probably reduce some of your real visitors too, so put a message to be shown to those who will be blocked and give an email in it so real visitors can contact you and you can allow their ips. i don't think your case is a type of attack and it seems to be just a mistake from google. i can say it is not a bot because bots are just coming to find somewhere to write something in it (like comments section, contact us section , ...) and if they find that your contact or comments are not accessible will not come to your page again (but if the programmer is a fool one then maybe they come ).
Hello again, game of today is "Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood" from Ubisoft which is another nice FPS released in 2009 and got 8 from gamespot which shows it is a good game.Games is a western type action, one of its great features is its story, it is simple but very nice written and makes you play it till the end. the story is about a family and three brothers in this family, the opening scene is when two of them are trying to kill each other while the third one is telling the story about why those two are now enemy with each other. during some war their mother dies and so because they have run from both enemies and the army of their country and they have lost their home after one year they go to mexico for finding a treasure and in there one of them fell in love with a girl and some people stole her and so they go for rescuing her, anyway the story is simple and without any mystery in it but it is not short and this is the advantage of its story. some dialogs are just like western movies and they make you enjoy the game more.In game you can choose two characters to play and which one you choose the game play differs, when you kill 7 enemies you get a special feature which lets you to slow the time and depending on what character you are playing with you can do different things, in one of them you have to kill them in another one you can mark them and when the time gets back to normal he will kill them himself. the AI is really bad, i have not seen any game these days with such a low AI, even if you start the game for the first time with hard difficulty you will not face any problem, you enemies are just fool and will not react to your doings. you can kill them very easily with just standing in a your place and shooting them or even you can just handle them to your other two brothers and they will kill them all for you without dying, if the AI of enemies were like your other two brothers then this game was just a lot better.You have to do some duels in the game but i don't like them because maybe it is hard for the first time but when you got it then till the end of the game you will not face any harder level of dueling and this is just annoying. game is open-world so you can decide how to do your jobs, you can use vehicles of that time like horse and this makes the game better. duo to what character you choose you can handle several guns, one of the characters is better in shooting from far distances and the other one is capable of doing mass kills from near distances. you can take cover in game but i never used it during game so i don't know why they have implemented it when you enemies are as fool as a carrot. they even not shoot you when you are in front of them so you do not need to think about covering, by the way sometimes you need to take cover for restoring your health. Do not think about destroying anything in this game because you can't, you can not ever destroy a wooden box, we were even able to destroy boxes in half life many years ago but in this game they have decided it is not necessary so you will not see a beautiful scene when you use explosion as the only thing you can see is dying enemies and nothing else destroys. but the graphic is amazing and it is very detailed, you can see many detailed things from dress of you enemies till trees and other things in the game, even shadows are detailed too and the angle of shadows change duo to the position of the sun. the sound effects are good too and the guns and the bullets when hit something make just the right sound that you would expect. the characters voices are nice too and sometimes you think you are seeing a real western movie but a modern one. The game is good in total but it could be a lot better if they were working more on AI and more on team work, the team work is good but your team mates will do the job completely with you hiding in a place and this is just not right. by the way this is a nice western FPS which we can not see many of them these days except the new Red Dead Redemption which is a great game too.
The answer to you first question is very easy, you can not set a particular view type for a cd because every time you put a cd in your cd-rom windows will decide how to show the content related to its contents itself so for doing this you need fist set a particular view type for each folder you want to burn on the disc, this can be done by going to properties of the folder and in the customize tab you can choose from various types like music, pictures, etc. so set it on the picture and every time you put cd in your cd-rom you will see thumbnails as default.The answer to your second question is easy too, you need a 3rd party software and i will introduce you one which will do the job just great. Karen’s Directory Printer is the name of the software which is capable of printing names and many other things like created date and modified date , attributes, extension, size and even MD-5 hash of the files in specific folder for you, when you give it a folder it will print names of the files in that folder and all of its sub folders so if you just choose your CD-Rom drive so all of the folders in it and all files in them should be included in your prints, here is the software : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Any way for seeing pictures on a disc i never suggest you to use windows explorer because it has no feature related to viewing huge number of pictures, i never used ACDsee Photo manager but it seems to be a real professional software for viewing these type of CDs but it is a little too expensive . i have seen picasa and it seems to be a nice free alternative for ACDsee but my suggestion is digiKam which is free and opensource, it is designed for linux KDE but you can use it in windows too and its interface is beautiful too, here is the windows version : https://sourceforge.net/projects/digikam/files/
hmm why not ? i have many of those moments too :1. When i was in school some day we tried to set fire to a trash can but it get worse , actually i had to get some papers for putting in it because it was empty but when we was filling it we just didn't stop with a little and we made it full of paper so when the other boy set a fire on it, it started to burning like hell and i hit it with my leg so some of those flaming papers went out of the trash can, in this time one of the guys went to turn it off using his leg but it went so bad and on of the curtains of the class started to burning too, anyway with help of two distinguisher which were in the school we (not we actually ) inhibited the fire of both curtain and trash can. why we do that is a mystery, you know sometimes something comes to your mind without any reason and then you do it without any thinking and in the most of the times it get so much worse than what you have thought like our situation, but i can say we have done not a new thing and i think may peoples around the word have done this but mostly by their cigarette. actually i have its movie and when i saw it i really think about why we have done that but anyway it was so much fun and we really enjoyed it but anyway there was a punishment after which ruined our fun moments completely.2. Another one of the mess i have did is related to 2 years ago, it was my first year in university and i was with some other guys and we thought we should do something to laugh, we just installed some auto shutdown software on the PC of the class which were able to shut down system after 2 minutes of start up. when our teacher came and started the PC (because he was teaching using slideshow presentations) when he tried to open the power point file the pc started to shutting down, again he went for booting and this process went for around 30 minutes by the way as our teacher was a fun man too he didn't get mad instead he started to telling some stories which were really boring and instead of keeping us in class for 90 minutes he kept us for 120 minutes and this was really worse than just him teaching his regular course, by the way i don't know how but he was aware of the people who have done that (including me) so after class he told us about the thing and so as a punishment we had to give a presentation in the next class. so this time it wasn't fun at all not in the class and not after but anyway sometimes i do something without thinking and i should say all of these moments are good in total and when you remember it, you just laugh. I have done many other things too, some of them went just so bad but most of them was funny in the moment. we are humans and we should do such a things because we are not robots which do not do anything without thinking and nothing wrong. i don't think there is any person without these type of moments in his/her life and there is nothing wrong with such a things.
yoga is useful but it takes so much time and if you do not spend enough time per day to its trainings then it will not show any result in you, so having around 1 or 2 hours a day free time for doing some trainings is very important, the main reason why i was not able to continue yoga was the time, i had not enough time everyday so i left it. when i say free time i mean real free time without any disturbance, you may have 10 hours free every day but you can not be free for a hour completely so you can not do some trainings because they need to be continues and without any disturbance between them otherwise the result will not be significant.I can see above mentioned that doing 30 minutes yoga will be nice for your heart but i need to say that 30 minutes of doing yoga means 1 hour in a day because for doing yoga you need to be first relax, doing this takes itself around 30 minutes so you need 1 hour and do not think you can do it just in 20 or 30 minutes. yoga has many benefits, one of them that i felt it myself is a good sleep, when your day is bad you fight with your boss and then in home you face problems with your family then you can not sleep easily in night and you will be tired in morning because you have not slept deeply, but doing yoga will just relax you so much that you forget everything and then when you go to bed you don't remember any bad things and you can sleep like a bear all the night and be powerful and fresh in the morning, yoga helped me to have better and deeper sleeps which increased my efficiency in days and i got a huge improvements in my works and so by enough sleep i was able to get up early in the mornings which was one of my problems. so it solved a lot of my problems with just helping me sleep better and this is one of the benefits i have seen.Another benefit of yoga is when you do breathing exercises, this breathing exercises will give you some abilities, one of them is increasing your lungs capacity by doing them regularly, when your lung capacity increased you will be able to do other exercises and many daily works faster and you will not get tired soon. another ability you gain is that your breathing will get synchronized with other things you body do, if you come up from stairs you will start to pant and by doing these type of exercise your breathing during coming up of stairs will be more synchronized and so you will not pant like before. after doing these exercises you will learn how to control your anger too, this is really helpful as you will be a more patent person and you will not get angry soon, this will surprise peoples around you as they see whatever they do you didn't respond them violent and this makes them angry (i love this effect). So if you have enough time don't forget yoga, you don't need any teacher you can learn its exercises from youtube and many other websites so learning it is cheap too.
During many years i found that nod 32 is better but what i say is in total, in some things Norton is better than Nod 32 and in some other things Nod 32 is better.First i should say i was using Norton as the first antivirus that was pre installed with one year license on my PII PC , those days it was enough for me but i faced many problems with it, first it was unable to detect some viruses on some discs so i had to change my windows and do a fresh install for many times because norton was unable to detect the virus and my OS was ruined, this was the start of its problems and from that time i started to look for better ones, after that sometimes norton itself ruined my os, i mean it hanged and deleted some OS files so windows was unable to start and problems like this caused me to do fresh install of windows again, but this is not the end some months later i found that i can not install Norton on my PC anymore, it had problem with license but my license was remaining for another 6 months so this time i really got mad and just used my windows for around 3 or 4 months without any antivirus and in that time i was opening discs with an external explorer for protecting myself from those auto run viruses. During this time i searched for many antiviruses, i used McAfee sometime but it was really resource hungry and so i deleted it, after that i was using Trend Micro PC-cillin for about 4 months but it was like nothing and never detected any virus so again i was searching for alternatives and i found Nod 32, it was really hard to buy a license for it in that time and the trial version was not working properly so i walk away from it and went for using no antivirus again but after getting a virus by e-mail and changing the windows again i tried to get a license for nod 32 and i finally got a 1 year and i just installed it, i was first having problem with its settings causing my pc to get slow but latter as i found some annoying options in it and disabled them i found it as real nice antivirus, the only problem i had with it was that sometimes it didn't delete the virus and only detects it, this was annoying but was not causing any problem to OS so with help of this antivirus i was able to use my windows for a 1 year without any fresh installation. By the way later when i bought my first flash memory that behavior of not deleting went on my nerves, because when a flash was infected then every time i plugged it into PC nod 32 was killing me with first hanging for around 2 minutes and then non stop alerts of finding various viruses on it, but as i had bought a 2 years license for it i couldn't change it easily so i kept going on with it, later when nod 32 version 3 and 4 came out these problems were solved and i was happy with my antivirus, so this is why i prefer NOD 32 to Norton but remember to test both yourself because i haven't tested Norton new version from 3 years ago and so i don't know how much they have improved their products.
First of all let me ask you a question, do you afraid of hearing "no" ? or what will you do if some one rejects your request for getting out or things like this ?Both questions are very important, it seems that you are thinking about these things all the day or at least some hours a day, but i think you should not, look these things should be very easy to you (it seems it is your first attend) you should not bother yourself thinking that is she liking me or not, if you want the answer do not ask here and do not ask yourself too, just ask her. i suggest you to ask here to see if she is interested in going out with you just the nest time you saw her, if the answer was yes then just continue your way but if the answer was no then do not think about why she said no to me, just go on and try another one and this is the difference between love and like, when you love someone you should insist on what you want but when you like some one then if you get the "NO" word just go and like another one . sometimes you will hear a third answer and that is something like "not right now but maybe later" , so this is somehow a yes too but it means you need to work on the case more to get the positive result (but if you ask me if the answer was not a straight yes then just forget like you forget you bad scores).The second question i have made in the first is very important too, i can see many peoples around me doing insane things for being with a girl, just see and thing about what you will do and how you will behave with her after hearing no because you have to see her everyday, by the way it is very strange for me that you haven't told your friend about her and so he went for her first, if you want to be with her then tell the story to your friends otherwise someday you will see one of your friends with her. as you have the opportunity to know her more by her friend then do not loose this opportunity and ask X to see what Y likes and what she is interested in that haven't told to you.Final suggestion, if i were in your situation i just forget both X and Y (or the name you call her) and you know why, because this is really not good to see them (whether they have said yes or no) just every day in different classes, just imagine that you get a "yes" and the someday she see you with another girl that the girl is just asking you for helping her in a course or something like that, then this is just beginning of your problem. this is why i always insist on saying people to do not date with some one who is in your school or collage or university, if you want to date someone then pick her from another places and again i suggest you to date with some one who is not living in a place closer than 20km from your house .
Hello again, today i wanna talk about a real nice action role-play game named "Mass Effect 2" release around one year ago for PC, PS3 and XBOX 360 so many peoples were able to play it.Why i started from second version, lets say i enjoyed more from second version than the first one so i prefer to talk about second version first. the story is sci-fi and it follows the story of the first version. the whole story is about a man which is leader of a star ship, duo to some attacks he will be left in space alone (he rescues all of persons inside the ship except himself) and somehow it gets alive again and so he tries to find other crew he had and the story goes on. the game is role play but in its own way, in this game if anyone dies in some stages then you can not get him/her back to life by loading from your saves, so you should be so careful, actually this goes even further that if you have the saved files of the first version then you can transfer them to the new version and just see those characters who were alive in the end of the first version in this version too, so the game is just amazing from this aspect, even in a stage if Shepard (main character) dies you can not bring him back and by this way you can make the ending of the game as you like!So the story and the system of role playing is just amazing in this game, the graphics are just great too, the environment is so detailed and very beautiful made to show a unusual space, the characters design is just brilliant and their face is just designed very precise, their lips are moving just right with dialogs and everything in the game comes with a shadow. you will face many different type of enemies in this game and even in crowded place you will not face a real frame drop which shows the engine of the game is working perfectly. the game environment consists of some obstacles to get hide behind when you are shooting and this just reminds me "Gears of War" style of combat. as the game consists of many characters and many ways of seeing the process of progressing so it takes a lot of space on your hard drive but this helps the game to run faster and requires less system resources compared to those games with same graphics.In this game you will face a huge collection of guns with many different abilities, you have to use different guns for killing different enemies and this makes game more exciting, the game system is completely random, you can not predict where you enemies are based on you last experience because every time you load a saved game you will face different type of attacking and different strategies from your enemies, and of course their AI is high too but don't think that this game is so hard because it is not and most of the times you do not fail in your attacks, but if you think it is easy then just start your game again on Veteran difficulty setting and you will enjoy more (however the veteran mode again is not comparable to games like Far Cry 1).The sound effects are nice too, guns sound just like real ones (not all of them because you can not see some of them in real world ) and the musics make you enjoy your playing time. they have said this game used 90 voice actors for reading dialogs of 546 character, so they have done a great work and the result is amazing in dialogs. by the way i don't like talking too much and forgetting the gun but anyway from this aspect game is brilliant too. this game is just very amazing and you will never forget it and if you want to play then buy their special offer which gives you both versions with huge discounts.
I think i got what you wanna say , i think it is better to say those who talk to much with a high level of self confidence are more successful in their lives, this is a fact if you have the knowledge but you don't have the courage to talk about it then you gonna loose in all battles, self confidence is very important (now that i'm talking about this i think the proper section was life talk not the vent for this topic), a person who can not show other peoples what he knows and what he is capable of then he will not get any job at all. yes i know there are many peoples without any knowledge but with advantage of having high level of self confidence they can get any job they want, this is a fact and you can see it every where you go. having the knowledge of all the world is not enough , if you are a social person then you have to be able to talk about what you can do, you have to say what you have done till now and what you are capable of, so not being able to say such things can cause failing in all opportunities.I don't know what you exactly mean by *Bleep* but i think you mean "talking without any knowledge behind it" only for using those opportunities, i think this is a good ability too, you don't have the knowledge but you can get the job by only using your power in "public relation", this is a science and many peoples are using it for getting their pockets bigger (not empty and bigger but full and bigger ). anyway if you feel sorry for the person B just suggest him to increase his self confidence and learn how to use nice talking as a tool for be more successful. sometimes i think some peoples like me which go to university and try to learn something are just like some dolls for those who are able to get both sponsers and employers together for making a company, we will be working for them and they only used their "Public Relation" and "Talking Techniques" , this is why i think having the knowledge itself is not enough you should be able to convince other peoples with abilities you have and things you can do.In the end i should say if you are a team and other members of team thinking like you too, then just try to get him down from his position, it is not impossible just needs some conversation techniques and nothing more, those who think are really brilliant are always in mistake, you can use their own techniques to defeat them.
your question is no clear, for building a new PC it is very important to know what do you want to do with so i will give you some information and after that some examples for better decision :Cpu is very important but there is a very important factor you should have in mind and that is the price/performance factor, it means you have to keep both in mind and do not waste your money on a cpu which doesn't give you the performance compared to it price. now i will say what i mean more clear, you have chosen phenom II x4 945 for 144$ but i suggest you Intel Core2 Quad Q8400 , AMD is powerful in gaming but Q8400 is powerful in some desktop apps like photoshop and things like this, and in total Q8400 is slightly more powerful but this is not why i have suggest it to you, i have sugeest it to you because i saw you graphic card which is not very powerful, in fact it is weaker than old 8600 GT and this fact shows that you are not very interested in gaming so i have suggested you the intel one, with going for intel you will save around 10$ too.Now the motherboard, if you go for intel then you should change your motherboard, my suggestion is DP43BF from intel itself, so it is reliable and cheap ! it is around 80$ now so you will save 30$ here and you will get same performance so do you see how you can save your money ? by the way i thought that you are not a fan of overclocking but if you want to overclock you cpu this board will do that only in basic settings. i have used this mother board and i can say intel motherboards are more durable than those which made by ellite group (ECS) but i also think the price you have mentioned for ECS board is a little high in your place.Graphic card : first of all i should say why you want DX11 ? look when your graphic card is weak then having the ability of handling DX11 is not an advantage because in real world it can't run a dx11 game in the conditions that you can feel the difference, i mean if it even allow you to play a DX11 game you have to reduce everything (resolution, details, AA , AF ,...) so you will not see any features of DX11 as expected, but anyway the price you mentioned for a 5450 is so high, just try to see other shops too, my suggestion is XFX Radeon HD 5670 for around 90$ , so the brand is same but this is more powerful (really more poweful!) than your chosen card, with this even you can have the experience of DX11, it will give you the ability to play some DX11 games with medium and even high details with acceptable frame rate of above 30 frame per second.Ram is good, H.D.Ds are nearly same these days so don't worry about it and the monitor is something that you should like, go to shops and see the color and response time and choose what you want, be careful about the panel, don't buy chinese made panels only go for those which are korean or made in japan (u.s.a is a little expensive ). for psu my suggestion is cooling master and the amount of it for my suggested system can be a 600 - 650 watts. for case go for local made ones, most of the times they are better. for keyboard and mouse and speaker again my suggestion is local ones if your country makes and if not then for keyboard and mouse Genious is cheap and Logitech is strong, for speakers go for a Creative one.Again i say this is very important to know what you want to do with your pc, so before buying you hardwares just think again about it.
Yes i agree with anwii you can not outlaw suicide because after someone kills him/herself then who do you want to punish ? so there is no way for getting it in the law. By the way as the law was unable to prevent people from suiciding so another way of prevention is just created and it is religion, in most of religions it is a big sin and those who do it will get to hell or will be punished hardly. this shows that as the law was nothing to do with suicide then they have thought to at least try to prevent faithful peoples from suiciding. if you are seeking for why it is bad or why peoples have tried to prevent other ones from suciding, then i can say everyone can tell many reasons for why he/she thinks about suicide be a bad thing. look governments just get advantages when a person kills him/herself because most of these peoples do that after getting depressed and duo to some emotional problems they decide to do such a thing, when a person becomes depressed so much , she/he has no benefit for the government or even for her/his family so when you try to change someones decision about suiciding, you don't think about any loss or benefit and you think about something else.I think first of all, we all get so sorry when see a person trying to kill her/himself because most of us know how beautiful life is and we want others to enjoy this world too so we try to change their decision, another reason is that when a person suicides, he/she kills hope in some people, this thing is really dangerous for any of us who is not in a good condition, so if someone suicide then it will affect the environment where lives in so badly and can cause real dangerous condition for peoples live in that place, for example i know a family that their son's killed himself after that they went to u.s.a but some years later their daughter killed herself, they went to canada after that but just a year later their neighbour from the place they where living in u.s.a killed himself in UK , so i think this is why governments are really serious about such things because they know if the rate of suicide goes up in a country, this means peoples of it are getting more hopeless everyday and this can destroy a whole country so they should prevent from such thing to happen. Should it be controlled by law ? hmm as the law have no way to prevent someone from suciding then i prefer to answer this question : can a government do anything to reduce suciding ? i think the answer is yes, they can. they should provide people with hope and this is a really hard thing to do but it is possible. first of all, job is very important, a jobless man or woman is hopeless so first of all they should try to make sure that there is enough job for everyone to do it, the second thing is trying to educate people about love, really most people do not even know what love should be like and they only think that they love somebody, governments should try to educate people about failing in relationships, there are many peoples around the word suciding for failing in their relationship so governments have to do something about this, they have to show people that being alive is more valuable than loosing their loved one. another thing is that to make sure no one is alone! this is very important and just nearly impossible but this should be done, one of the things i wanna to say is that to force people to encouraging people to live with each other, give huge discounts and many things like this to encouraging people for doing this. Anyway suicide is a fact, no one can delete this word, so we have to accept it, many experiments are going on to find ways for reducing this and some of them are really nice. i have seen some micro chips which can alert doctors when somebody is in dangerous conditions so they can find him/her before anything bad goes on. anyway no one can say why someone takes his life because no one can feel what he had felt in that situation.
How Long Does It Take For Google To Index Your Website?
Iniyila replied to dwolters's topic in Search Engines
Hmm, i found google to be a little random in these things but anyway i'm using its webmaster tool for many years, the webmaster tool seems to cause faster indexing for your website, by the way it needs sitemap of your website and for cms softwares you can find many plugins for making a sitemap for you web page so the result depends on how the plugin works. in joomla i can say you need no sitemap at all because with only changing url type of it you can get indexed very fast, for example for a new built website which uses joomla with seo friendly url type it takes around 1 hour for getting indexed on google, this thing is even better with wordpress, when i create a wordpress based website, without any plugin or any modification i can get indexed on google just in a hour so for most of the CMS based website you should not worry for indexing.But in forums everything is different, when you create a mybb based website you need to use a plugin for making sitemap for your forum and give it to google in webmaster tool, if you don't do that the result is just disappointing, by default it takes maybe 2 or 3 days for google to index you or even sometimes a specific topic will not be indexed at all, so using a sitemap generator is really needed for this type of forum software, but again you will face that problem in not indexing some specific topics, i think this is related to webmaster tool of google, many times i have checked robot.txt and the sitemap itself but everything was just alright. this things never happens with vbulletin, when you use VB you do not need to do anything, in default config your website will be indexed after two or three hours but if you enable url friendly you can reach below 1 hour for indexing.After trying google webmaster sometimes you will find removing your sitemapo gives you better indexing, this thing happens when your website gets enough visitors, when you get more than 1000 visitors a day your indexing speed is not related to sitemap anymore, so you can remove it, sitemap can even cause your indexing to be slowed down so you can remove it when you get enough visitors, so the important thing is the number of visitors, a website with thousands of visitors a day do not need to be worry for indexing, i can see many websites which google index them faster than per two minutes and they even don't have a sitemap, so i think google webmaster tool is only for websites with not enough visitors. in most softwares you can see how many times the crawlers of google or yahoo have seen your website, just check to see how times google bots come to your website and if it is less than 2 hours then for a new built website you have done just nice.Linking is just great work for getting indexed as fast as possible, so try to exchange links with other blogs and websites to get index faster, if you have the money then just put your latest topics in other peoples website, this will just cause your page to index very fast. by the way do not forget to make a social network page for your website. -
Online Education Tell me how you think of it
Iniyila replied to FunkySurd's topic in General Discussion
I think online education is nice way of educating peoples but only for universities, i think online education can be a part of education in schools but if the whole education goes online then some bad things can happen, if some one in some stages like middle and high school sits behind a desk and uses a PC for communicating with other peoples and teachers then he will never learn how to behave with those in real world, this is very important to go to school and sit on the chair beside other class mates and feel the environment conditions and be happy from being with his friends, i think your real friends, those who will be in your home within 15 minutes after your emergency call, will not be happy from only communicating through a virtual connection. by the way i think school will teach people how to do a team work, this thing is very important for your work and daily life, you can not learn such a thing trough online education, online education will give you more freedom but these freedoms are not always helpful, you can sit on a chair and do not wear anything but in your school you can not do that (or you can ), i mean those limits you face in a school is just for teaching you how to behave as a social person. But in university everything is different, first i have seen even if they are using online education, they come to university regularly only for making some friends, they have passed those stages and they know online education is not enough and they need to be in university itself for seeing other peoples and communicating with them and just having fun. as peoples in these ages do know that online education is not enough so they can use it without any problem and they will not face any problem in their lives, yes i know that online education has many benefits like do not wasting time on the distance between your school and your home and many other benefits but if we do not waste our time on the way of school then waste it on what? we are not robots that should have efficiency of 100%, we are humans and we have feelings about each other, we can not just see each other through a 17 or bigger inches display, we need to get face to face, to shout each other and to laugh with other peoples, so i still believe online education will make situations worth and will make our peoples more depressed.