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Moderators are here, you should not look for their post because most moderators barely post they search around forum for any illegal/spam post to be deleted or to warn users about their activity so the important thing is their "Last Active" section which is hidden for most of them to keep some eyes away from their activity which i think is good too ! because it is only related to administrators and not to users.And about the second part what do you mean by forums going crazy ?! here is everything calm yet and nothing is going crazy as far as i can see
Android or iOS ? it all depends, One of the important things which it depends on is a simple question "Where you live ?"Of course in US many can go for iOS because they can use all of it and they can get it for a small amount of money within their contracts but if we go to other countries then what happens ? in many countries providers will not give you a mobile phone within their contracts and you have to buy them from market. then if you look at your budget you will find out that you can easily buy some android phones while the oldest iphone available costs so much that you can not afford. so one of the key features android has is the mobile phones which are cheap enough for you to buy ! which you can not find from apple ones.The second impotant thing is itunes ! lets say we are not going to modify our phones, then in ipad /iphone you have to use itunes for nearly every thing, this maybe good for newbies but for programmers and those who want to play more with their phones this is a restriction which you can not bypass without modifying your phone and modifying it will break the warranty. but in android you don't need any specific software to connect it to your pc and you can do anything with your phone a lot more easier. actually in android you have freedom a lot more than iOS.Now lets see what made iOS to be lovely even in nonUS countries , i remember the first experience of android which was android 1.5, when i tested it the first thing which was annoying me was the smoothness, it was not smooth at all even scrolling was laggy. but iOS was great even from its first version it was smooth a lot more smooth than symbian and smoother by far than android. when most users of symbian and android in those days were seeing iPhone for the first time they just enjoy it because the OS was a lot better. This was the main advantage of iPhone, its os was a lot smoother, a lot more compatible with apps. actually this have changed in android 4.2 and jelly bean is now a lot better and smoother and as you can read in reviews with Nexus 7 it was the first time when GSMArena said this OS now can be a competitive os for iOS.So what i think is the main advantage of iOS now is a great experience its users had during the years, they never faced a laggy and unstable OS during many years of iOS development and people will never forget it. i think for android it is a little hard to get to that point but if they keep it good like 4.2 maybe someday android can become a lot better than iOS (I think now they are nearly same).There is only one big problem and it is android update support. many phones out there are completely capable of running android jellybean but they haven't got that because their manufacture like samsung or HTC didn't release any update for them. I think google has to force manufactures to release at least 3 major update (nexus series get 4 or 5 of them) and don't let them to use android if they don't want to do that.In the end i just should say The Most important thing is what you feel when you use android or iOS, the one that makes you feel better is the right one for you !
Do You Feel The Need To Format/defrag Your Brain?
Iniyila replied to The Simpleton's topic in Science and Technology
Format ? no never , i have many good memories and of course i have learned lots of useful things that i never will even think about formatting my brain, why should someone want that ? even one single good event in your brain worth it to not to format it. also i think when you have the format option probably you have shift+delete option too ! so if you don't want it just delete it, and as you may know if you do a quick format, lost data can be recovered but if you make a shift+delete and write some good things instead of that sectors then those things you have deleted will never be recovarable and so you will forget them forever.But about defragmenting first lets see the main purpose if this job, when you defrag you h.d.d you put information beside each other so blank spaces can be reached more easily as well as data. so when you do that you will not hear the sound of you hard trying to find a file too much and that is a good thing and also speed of your harddrive access will be increased. so i think if you have deleted many things from your brain then you need a defragment to have more speed for accessing what you have in your brain but anyway is our brain working as a hard drive too ? i mean does it store everything in anywhere it can or it uses a specific algorithm for storing things ?As you know we have short-term memory as well as long-term memory, so every thing you keep in your mind first have to be kept in short-term memory and if you try a little it will go to your long-term memory. i don't think we can see such thing in hard drive. now deleting something stored in short-term memory is so easy just do not think about it a week and it will be deleted. but deleting a file from long-term memory is really hard. this can never be compared with a hard drive because surely if you delete a file from a hard drive and using a software fill exact sectors with some data then your data will not be recoverable but in long-term memory this can not happen.Another difference is that you can store exact amount of information on hard drive but your brain i don't think we have any certain capacity for our brain. so by filling out brain with data we can not say we can delete all data from our brain. so as you grow you will learn more and more things and never have to buy a new external brain to store your learned things in it because your internal brain is full.So there are many differences between our brain and a hard drive, so even if i want to format it i simply can't and this is why it is really hard to forget some bad memories. there is no defrag, no format , no delete for our brain and also there is no system restore either. we live for once and we can not delete anything, so it is better to live somehow that you never need any delete , format or defrag and it is a lot better to live somehow that you never need to wish for a system restore. -
I never flame anyone because of bad english writing or speaking, here we have members from all over the world and of course some of them can not write english very well, so we can not judge people by this.by the way english is the most used language over internet, so everyone who wants to be active in it needs to be able to write english, here we have a spell checker in text editor of this forum which can show you which words that you have written are wrong but even with this extra feature still a sentence may be meaningless even with correct words.So my suggestion is that we can try to help others to speak and write english better and we can start it from here, it is not his/her fault that his first language is not english and should not be blamed for that. my english is not very well also but i try to write and speak it to get it improved, but no one ever told me that my english is terrible because they don't like to flame me because of such thing. so after i got my english improved a little bit i thought like that and i tried to help other people to learn english too.But sometimes you find a meaning less topic where you can not decide whether the starter of topic was trying to spam or he/she can not write english very well. If you have ever seen spam bots you will know what i mean, they just put something in text box and post it which doesn't mean anything and in the end of post you will find a link which shows the main reason of the topic which is advertising that website. with help of many spam protection techniques that have been used in forum software, spam bots can not work very easily but there are now some people which you can find with some googling that will get a little money and post your website link in many forums, and as they don't want to write anything useful , most of their posts/topics are meaningless words that when you see for the first time you think the writer can't write in english.So i will first try to find out whether the post/topic is a real or spam one then i will decide to flame the user or not. and i know my english is not very well but i'm still trying so do not flame me
In most cases i've seen a bad ram causes a faulty post beep, just look into the manual of your motherboard to see what post beeps are related to what conditions. when computer boots, in the first steps it checks your memory banks so if it finds any faulty ram it will probably notice you by a warning on screen as well as a different post beep rather than your normal post beep.Now you are saying that your fans are not working too which is a little weird for me, because if it was your ram, your computer will stop at the boot screen but will powerup the fans and i think cpu fan should work also. as you press the power button on your PC you should hear the post beep, before hearing the post beep your fans will start to work, so i think any RAM related problem should not stop your fans (cpu and case fan) from running and of course there should be a post beep. so if you don't have a post beep and your fans are not working i think it is probably your PSU which is infected. it is really simple to check your PSU which you should do always in the first step when your computer doesn't work properly, just google "how to check psu" and you will find many tutorials showing you which wires should be connected to each other to powerup your PSU , if it failed then you should repair/replace it but if it didn't failed then read rest of this post.If it was not your PSU and you are still in trouble without having any post beep, you should check your motherboard which is the hardest part in all of tests, but before doing that you can do another thing. first disconnect everything from your motherboard, then only install back necessary ones, for example your computer should boot and work without any optical drive or if you have onboard graphic then remove the graphic card and even for seeing the boot screen you don't need a hard drive so you can even disconnect it and just boot using motherboard, cpu and ram and graphic (if not onboard) to see the boot screen. now if your PC failed to boot again at least you have now only 4 parts that maybe fulty.When you are at this part there is no other way rather than testing all parts one by one, give the cpu lowest check priority and give the motherboard the highest, now you should find another motherboard to test with your other parts, just borrow one from a friend and test it, i will say it is 90% from your mother board but if it was not then you have to test other parts like ram, graphic and cpu too.I say it again but i maybe wrong, i think if it was your RAM you should hear a post beep telling you something is wrong, if you don't hear a post beep i think it is from your PSU but nothing can be said certainly before a full test.
yes this is a sad news for me, i have just searched some of my scripts and found that nearly in every single php file i have 2 mysql commands in average and this means if i have to upgrade my php then i will have serious problem with these deprected functions, by the way mysqli commands are quite good for many works.there is only one problem, i have read many times that mysqli commands should bring down cpu usage, so i have changed one of my scripts and changed all of mysql commands to mysqli commands , then i put them on my vps to see the result but after a week there is no change in server load or memory usage, i should say that the script only uses mysql for a simple login logout functionality and nothing else so maybe if i use it for a more dynamic script like CMS or forum softwares i can see differences but for a simple script i saw no difference at all !i've just checked some of my hosts php version, most of them are 5.3.x and so i don't get a warning about deprecated functions but if you run a php 5.5.x you will get warnings about those functions being deprecated, but they are still there and i think they will be removed completely from php some versions later like 5.8.x or so because removing a most used function of php will cause many scripts to stop working and that needs lots of time to inform all people about it.about PDO it seems that there is no advantage for you if you are using mysql below 4.1 (or at least this is what i have read somewhere) , the documents about this approach is still limited on the internet and it is hard to say what is the difference between pdo_mysql and mysqli, in some disscussions on the net like this : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1408968/pdo-mysql-vs-mysqli-when-using-zend-db people say there should be a little difference or no at all in performance between these two but some other say they have found pdo_mysql to be faster than mysqli, anyway i will still stick to my mysql commands because they are fast enough for my work and if sometime i changed my php from 5.3.x to 5.5.x or later version i will also change my mysql commands to mysqli.
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- mysql_query
- php
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thanks a lot about these info and i've got some mycents too but i didn't check my mycents before posting yesterday and i don't know how much mycents now i get for every post, by the way it is very nice to see mycent back, tanks Velma & OpaQue, and hope a great year with great mycents .
Actually popup ads are getting more and more popular and this really annoys me, i think a new era of popup blocking by web browsers should start to stop these popups. i don't like to get 3 or 4 pages in front of my face including lots of ads that even are not related to the article i'm reading. firefox & chrome are still very powerful in this aspect but these days i see that they fail lots of times.Now i have searched a little to see why people are going to use popup ads and i found quite interesting information, because most of users are now using one of these browsers : Firefox & Crhome, so webmasters have found that if users use AdBlock plus addone will be able to skip all ads and this is not good at all for a webmaster which wants to make money, so they found that popup are not blocked correctly in most of browsers and they changed their method, as you know many websites use popup to show next page you want to see when you click on the links so if a browser blocks all methods of popping up a page you can not use some of websites correctly , now i see that firefox opens some popups and then closes them itself ! which is a little weird to me but it happens to me a lot during this month and i think they have found a way to keep those popups away from us. I think an addone with capability of seeing what is on the popup page should be able to block ads and i again think that soon we will see these type of ad blockers.@Sheepdog : i found that popup ads are very expensive ! searched a little on the net and found that if a banner of size 120x120 pixels cost you 30$ on a website then a popup ad on that website will cost you around 150$ which is 5 times more. all the things webmasters get by a popup ad is traffic, they doesn't care that this traffic is going to buy anything from their website or not they just want a visitor ip so they put their whole website on the popup to get more visitors. so by making a webstie and spending money on popup ads they get good ranks in Alexa and after that they sell their website and make money by this job.@mrdee : i even guessed that i'm infected so i updated my antivirus and ran a full scan then downloaded some anti spyware stuffs and again scanned my system but there was not any virus or spyware in my computer, the fact is that these popups are growing very fast and i'm afraid of the day you open google and click on search button and get a popup !again i think we need google hands here to solve this problem, they can easily get us rid of all these popups by just changing their SEO method to something against popups (which they don't have right now). people who are using popup ads mostly want to get better ranks in google and alexa , so if popup gets their rank ruined they will stop using popup ads and again we can live peacefully on the net.
Yes it is SMO , a new era in SEO has just began when facebook invented, now we have SEO which is search engine optimization and SMO which is social media optimization. now as you may know there is a good article describing what is SMO on wikipedia, you can read it and it gives you lots of information about what SMO is, so here i will explain what is the difference between SMO and SEO .In SEO the goal is to get higher rank in search engines meaning that you want to see your article in the first page of google search when someone searches anything related to your article or even you try to bring your article to the first place in search results to get lots of visitors and of course having lots of visitors means you can earn more money , now keep this word in mind : "more visitors !" you will easily understand that nowadays google search is not enough for you to get enough visitors you need also to keep yourself active in social networks too, because people will only search what they need in google search but they spend lots of time in facebook and twitter just going around to friends page and other pages to see what is going on there, so you can use this opportunity to make then interested in visiting your website or buying you product (when i say buying your product it is more Social Marketing rather than Social media optimization). so everything you do for SEO will not affect your SMO and you have to use other strategies to get visitors from social media networks too, i know many websites that get more visitors from facebook than google and they really know what they are doing.Now we know what is the difference between SEO and SMO but we need also to know what to do for getting started with SMO, first of all there is one important thing, SMOing a website is a lot harder than SEOing it ! because when you want to optimize your website for google you just need to know what is the policy of google then you can act according to it and get higher ranks. but in SMO you have to face people whom use facebook, and this means if you want to create something that gonna be shared by people then you really need to know what people like and what makes them to share something. for doing this you need to first know what people like most and then you need to find the group that are interested in things you have in your website. so for starting with SMO first you need a page for your company/website then you need to find what makes people see that page more and then gather those information in your page, by doing this you can get more visitors in facebook and thus more visitors in your website. there are many thechniques for doing such things and many companies are now working on SMO and do SMO stuffs for companies and etc.And in the end i should say SMO is newer than SEO and i recommend every one that wants to start making money by SEO to switch to SMO because i think SMO is getting lots of attention each year and maybe two or three years later we can completely replace SEO with SMO, and i'm not kidding, i've seen people that search what they want in facebook first instead of google and if this goes on and every website or company makes a page in facebook soon google will be the second source of searching !There is also another word "SMM" which is social media marketing , it is a little different but i think SMO started from that but i'm not sure, also there is quite interesting article about SMO and tools for starting here which i recommend you to read it : http://www.toprankblog.com/2011/03/integrated-seo-social-media/
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- social media optimization
- optimization
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Trusting information available on the net is not easy, you should always try to find reliable sources then you trust them, for me as i'm a student in our university we always try to get correct information from reliable articles in reliable journals, for finding this we always check the "impact factor" of a journal and decide whether it is reliable or not. it is very important that even in academic places information you find may be unreliable, in some articles from some conferences you can find lots of incorrect information ! and this is why we even can't trust articles published in conferences, in journals there is more supervision and you can trust them more easily but as i said again not all of journals are creditable and you should always check for values like impact factor if you want to see how much reliable that journal is.So what do you think about information on websites ? they can easily be wrong because there is no guarantee that those information are correct, most of the articles you find on internet is just a copy paste of a source, in some you can find the source in the end of article but in most of them you can't even know where those info comes from. so trusting what you read on internet is not easy at all, the first method i suggest is to read reliable sources, there are some reliable source for everything you want, like for beginning web programming w3schools is now a complete reliable source. finding a reliable source for every work is not hard at all, you just need to ask somewhere like here , there are many peoples that know some good resources and if you ask in a social place like this forum you can find some, so always before trusting your readings on internet first be sure that those information are from a reliable source and not fake.The second method when you can't find a reliable source is to searching for different articles with same meaning, when you search for example "how to bake bread ?" you will find some results. in those many of them are just a copy paste of eachother and are completely same but some of them are different, so start reading those different ones and you will find a procedure for baking bread in each of them now there will be a similarity between all of them about how you can bake a bread and of course some differences. now if you don't know whether the resources are reliable or not you can tell that the similar procedure which is in the most of your findings seems to be correct but you can not judge about the differences between them and maybe some of them are true and some are false but at least you can find something which seems to be true.And in the end i should say you can never say something is completely correct or incorrect because even when scientists say something like saying carrot is good for eyes you can not expect this sentence to be true for ever because maybe some years later some other scientists conclude that sentence was incorrect. so first try to find reliable resources and if you didn't find out try to find different articles about same thing and then find similarities between them. and remember to not trust internet for everything, if you want to buy a software for burning discs you can trust reviews on the net but if you want to loose weight then i suggest you to go to doctor because it is your health and it is dangerous to trust things you read on internet.So i can say internet is completely trustable in many things and untrustable in many other things, but with help of it we can find our answers a lot easier and faster.
I don't see many of really needed softwares instead i see some you may really don't need. it seems you have gathered these tools depending on your needs because for example i'm using computer for i don't know maybe more than 13 years and never used any extra software for taking screenshot of a webpage or as i have an unlimited bandwidth internet service so i never monitored my network usage. but thanks to your writings i found a good software here and it is "Last Activity View" which seems to be a lot useful for me because i leave my laptop on my desk in laboratory where 30 else people are and sometimes i forget to lock it when i go out for resting , ... so sometimes i doubt that someone may used my laptop or watched my personal files and it is hard to find out such thing without help of third party softwares. so now i will add some other useful things which i think are necessary for normal usages : 1. Imgburn : a great free tool for burning dvd/cd which is lightweight as well as a lot useful , i'm using it for many years and i can say that i didn't failed to write even once while before finding this software i was using nero burning software which was failing lots of times and wasted a lot of my dvd/cds. this simple software can copy to image and burn from image too but can not convert you video files to a DVD Video disc which in these days with DVD players that can play nearly all type of media files i can say that you don't need that function or if you need it there are lots of freewares which can do this and then use imgburn to write the disc. you can download this software from here : http://www.imgburn.com/ 2. PDF X-change viewer : the first software you install after a fresh install of windows is probably a pdf viewer and most of you probably use adobe reader as your default pdf viewer but the thing is that adobe reader is not optimal enough, when i say optimal i mean memory and cpu usage compared to the speed of rendering a pdf file, i found that pdf x-change viewer is capable of providing lots of better performance compared to adobe reader, it can open huge files a lot faster and it doesn't eat up your whole memory for opening a pdf file. there is a free version where can do all the things adobe reader does and comes with some marking and commenting tools to highlight a text in pdf and etc. scrolling a pdf file is a lot faster than adobe reader and you don't hear the fan of cpu when reading a pdf file because cpu usage is very very small. https://www.tracker-software.com/product/pdf-xchange-viewer 3. Gimp : if you want to do some editing on your pictures and don't want to pay huge money for adobe photoshop then this software is a great alternative for you, it is free and comes with lots of features, you can use brushes in this software too and it can do many of things that photoshop can. as previous software this one is also a lot more resources friendly compared to photoshop and it runs fast on slower computers, also as it is cross platform if you learn it you don't have to worry about learning another software if you go and use linux distros in future. this one too can be downloaded from : https://www.gimp.org/ these were the softwars (freewares) i like to install after every fresh install of windows, of course all of above are free and you can try them. this topic can be really helpful for those who want to know what useful apps other people are using and i think everyone can write the freewares they use here.
I think it really depends on the factors i will say :1. Country : in some countries keeping a kid away from internet really doesn't mean (actually the town/state is important too) , many schools today teach kids to use internet and computer from start at the age 7, and kids should do their homeworks by computer and email it to their teachers so how you want to keep your kid away from internet when their school system needs your kid to work with computer and use internet to send their homeworks ? even some schools have virtualized some or their courses and your kids have to sit behind a computer/tablet and use internet to learn that course and this thing is just getting more and more popular everyday and we can not deny it. but in some other countries schools are still using old fashioned method so your kids don't have to be familiar with internet for doing their homeworks and learning stuffs. so it really depends where you live to decide what age your kids should be before they can access internet by themselves, i know that parents can control their kids access but when they need to use internet for their daily homeworks (they have to search and gather information for their homeworks) then controlling them is really hard and needs lots of time which i doubt most of parents can do it.2. Friends : friends your kid has are very important, if i was a kid and had friends whom all of them had a facebook account i wanted to had one too. so if you live somewhere, where people let their kids to access internet by themselves in a specific age you can not restrict your kid from accessing internet when his/her friends can. so you should live in a place that other parents think as you or you should think like other parents of that place. and of course you can not force your kid to not get friends from that place because kids will find their friends first in where they live and second from school.now i personally think that the most important thing is to educate our kids to use internet correctly, if we can educate this then there will be no need to restrict their internet access but this is very hard and can not be done only by parents. the society is very important too, unfortunately these days less people care about such things and they think kids should learn everything in the very early ages but i don't think so. you can see that our society wants our kids to grow up very fast and i think our kids will not have the chance of being a kid anymore. changing this process is very hard and if you don't want to be a part of it then you should live the cities and go live in a outlying place which is not a solution either.the only thing that i can say now is that in a country where kids get into business in the age of 8 how you can expect to control their internet access for a long time ? trying to be a good parent while you care about your kid and in the same time wanting our kids to be like their friends is something really hard these days. so now about age restriction i can only say if you have the time keep your eyes on your kids activity not only in internet but in all aspects till they get to 15, don't restrict their access directly but try to convince them to do a self control. i know it is hard but we all should try if we love our kids.
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- kids internet education
- kids and internet
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hmm, i remember this topic where i was sharing my gaming experience with you, now after one and a half year i came back to write some other reviews here, during this period i played a few games because i was busy with my university but now i'm a little off and i can get back to gaming stuff as before The first game i want to write about is Call of Duty Black Ops, i always like CoD series because they have simple and easy to learn gameplay and another thing that i like about them is that they really don't have a story, there are sometimes a very short story which doesn't tell much things, Black Ops is just like others too, there is only a short story which you can follow and it is a bad guy which first seems to be a nice guy but later you will find him as a bad guy and you go to kill him and his forces. so there is not so much i can tell about storyline. And now the gameplay, it is like other CoD games just easy to play in easy mode grab a gun and start shooting all enemies you see in front of you, but you should also do some other thing too, like driving a vehicle or getting behind a vehicle to fire enemies coming behind you (in most of the cases you should do this instead of driving the vehicle) or shoot enemies from a helicopter, and most of the times you are on your foot and should run and take cover, aim and shoot enemies or use grenades when they take cover behind obstacles. simple but very exciting as there are too much of enemies. the big plus for this game is enemies, there is a good strategy developers of CoD follow and it is having lots of enemies that you can kill easily instead of hard to kill but few ones and i really like this strategy because it is a lot more exciting for me. of course enemies are smart but not very much they may run from your grenade but will not shoot you when are running to take cover ! by the way i really hate too smart enemies and i like these a lot more. So i told about enemies but what about your friends ? during the game in many places you have at least one person with you which will shoot enemies but don't think there is so much help because my experience showed that your friends will only kill one or two of the enemies in front of them and after that if you get hide you can only see that your friends are shooting without any goal and not killing anyone and your enemies are just aiming for you and not your friends ! and i think this is good ! very strange but if i hide somewhere and wait for my friends to kill all enemies then i have missed the whole game. in many other places you are on your own (like the final stage) and you have to fight your own way but if you play the game in easy mode you can barely die and really i played the game on easy mode till the end and i never died from shooting by the enemies. but in harder modes you should be more careful and game gets a lot better and a lot more exciting. And now as this is a FPS game so we should talk a little about the guns, there are lots of guns as any other FPS games and the collection is quite interesting. rifles, snipers, ... all of these kinds are available for you during the game. again there are shotguns in the game which i really don't like and never used because there are many rare chances of getting faced to an enemy from very close distance, and of course the popular WA2000 is out there too which if you get it once you never wanna to drop it (for those who don't know what is WA2000, it is a semi-automatic sniper rifle so the time it takes between its shoots is a much less compared to other snipers and if you get cover good you can use it as your main gun for any type of attack !) So i told everything and only one thing left, multiplayer experience. the game is just amazing when you play it with your friends and remember that everything you learn in campaign mode is useless in multiplayer mode and you need to be a lot faster and a lot smarter. all popular modes are out there like deathmatch or capture flag mode and other things is just same as the older version but as always i recommend you to play this game in multiplayer mode because FPS games are made for being played with friends not against computer controlled enemies which you can guess what will they do in their next move.
Google+ As A Social Network Now :/
Iniyila replied to darko100's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Google is a good competitor for facebook, but it is really strange to hear that people only spend 3 minutes for google+ every day. by the way google can bring up its service to become number one very easily, google has many services and the most powerful one is google search engine, now google indexes other peoples written things in their profiles in your searches and this is very good. but google needs to implement some more interesting features in google+, look at facebook it has many features which i like a lot but google + lacks many of these and of course if google wants to get in the game it needs new ideas and should bring some new features which people really need. currently i think facebook is just a lot better, the chatting system, the way you can communicate with your friends and their unique features is just making me to get interested to facebook a lot more than google + .Now the question is why i think that google can easily beat facebook, look at google services like Gmail (which i think now every single person who has a facebook acc has a gmail account too!) , google just makes their service better and better, i really like the new gmail skin and new lab features they have added to it but google doesn't get any money from you for their service and there is only some text ads which are not very annoying. facebook is good at this too but the speed of improvements in their services is just a lot slower and their ads are not only text and there are always image ads like yahoo which are really annoying for me.Another thing is google security , i think google is the best one in this aspect, some day i went to a public place and i tried to enter my facebook account and then i decided to change my pass because it was a long time that i was using my old pass, in the night when i get home i discovered my facebook account is locked and i can't access and it was requesting me to send ID card scan for getting it unlocked, this process took me around one month to get my account back but why i have to do all of those hard process to get my account back ? only because i changed my password from somewhere out of my house ? i don't think you can call it more secure, i call it more annoying, they can easily harden the process of changing your default email and by doing this there is no need for worrying about someone's account to be stolen.And we should never forget Facebook created before google+ and if i want to be honest we should call it the creator of social networks as i know them today, ans i think it is fare for FB to be number 1 in its category because they don't have the money google have and they had lots of new ideas in social networks. by the way we all know google's policy, they will start something and if they didn't like it or the project failed they will close it down easily (remember googlewave !) and i don't like this policy, so for now i will still use my FB and i'm happy with it, maybe someday if google made their google+ more interesting i switch to them. -
Humanity Should Be Destroyed!
Iniyila replied to triple6fistdestructionsoulhammer's topic in Science and Technology
Actually i don't think so too ! you know i always thinking about people destroying the world around them but i always ask myself one thing : isn't this world built for humans ?I think the goal of such a world built is to have humans living on it, so if humanity should be destroyed completely then i will say this world should be destroyed completely because without humans there is no goal left for this world and there is no need for such place to exist. so now the question is that when the world belong to us why shouldn't we destroy it ? the answer is clear, the world belongs to humans but humans are not just us, our childs, grand childs, ... are human too so if we start destroying this world we will start to destroy the place our kids will live in it and before doing anything wrong we should clearly think about this.I have done some research about why people are destroying the world without caring about their childs and i found some interesting information. if we go back to years ago we will find out parents were a lot more responsible about their kids compared to now, in these days most of the parents don't care about what their kids do after a certain age like 16 or so , some of them support their children up to college but nearly none of them continue their support for university and graduated stages, but if we go back many years ago we will find out that the responsibility of parents were a lot more and a lot better. this thing is going worse and worse and how can you expect people to care about the future of their childs 50 or 100 years later when they don't even care about it for a lot less period.Another thing that i find out is that people now are even destroying themselves, so how you want them to care about other peoples in future ? people now don't even care about themselves , they eat anything, do any job and don't care about their health. with technology improving and this speed of progress people in 50 years ago were expecting that human will live a lot longer 50 years later but now we see there is no improvement in average life expectancy and even it is going down in some places, so these progress and these technology have side effects which caused people to don't care about themselves anymore. if you search life expectancy in google you will find the popular chart showing the life expectancy of US during recent 50 years and it shows a grow of ten for this duration but if you think a little you will find out that the speed of progress in these 50 years were a lot more than the speed of life expectancy grow so this shows that there is a problem and needs to be solved ASAP before it is too late for next generations.So in this decade i shall say humanity should be rescued instead of destroyed. we need help and we should help each other to get a better life for ourselves and make a better life for future. for doing this we don't need to do a lot just start to care about little things we don't and start to see the things from different views. we should increase our responsibility against everybody and everything and the best place to start is to increase our responsibility first against ourselves and the against our childs. we should do care more and never say humanity should be destroyed and i hope someday we can see a world that is just a lot more beautiful than today. -
You have gave us a little information and in this case saying what is wrong with your config is really hard. first thing i can say is that check to see if the database server is working on , in many cases you run a mssql server and it doesn't even run on the server so connecting to it remotely is impossible so first check mssql on the server to see if it works. the other thing you need to check is the connection between server and each computer, simple way to do this is using ping command in commandline which i assume you know better than me so from now i have two assumptions 1. the mssql is correctly running on server and 2. the connection between all laptops as well as the server is proper and there is no problem for them to communicate with each other. Now you should prepare your mssql server to allow remote connections, for doing this just go to connection section in server properties and make sure "Allow remote connections to this server" is checked, this is the only setting required by the server for allowing remote connections but there are also some other settings that can effect your remote connection. one of them is network protocol which you should check to see if TCP/IP is enabled there. the other thing is the port used by tcp/ip for this type of connection, you can find out the port in TCP/IP properties, you should be sure that this port is open in firewall for any connection. for doing this in both server and your clients check their specific OS tutorials for opening a port in windows firewall because this differs from win server to win 7 or win xp. there is also a complete tutorial about the same thing in microsoft website : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc646023.aspx If neither of above solutions worked for you then try to search your error code in microsoft website. some simple things you can check also are 1. check to see if SQL browser service is running on server. 2. use target machine name instead of ip if you are using mssql server on a local network. 3. check your firewall for anything related to sql browser service. 4. use extra monitoring softwares for more detailed log about what is happening between your computers for better results. and remember the error codes you get are very important because they themselves say what is wrong and what is needed to be changed.
000webhost Review Review of the hosting
Iniyila replied to Mike90014's topic in Websites and Web Designing
actually i have tested 000webhost long times ago maybe it was the first hosting experience i had, there are some good about it and some worse things too. the first good thing is that if you want to just bring up a temporary website you can do it within just minutes using 000webhost easily. just register and activate and install some cms on it and you are done and your website is up.one of the other good things about them is that they exist out there for many years now, as we know there are many free webhosting providers which doesn't last too much and they gone within a year mostly, so seeing a free webhost provider lasting this good means two things : 1. they still got enough people coming around their website to have an account every day 2. they can make enough money for their services to keep it alive, the first one is good because it means that they are popular in free webhsoting service providers but the second thing is not very good because it means maybe they are doing something to make more money.one of the other good things is the specification of their service, you can get 100GB bandwidth per month which is enough for most of websites with huge number of visitors. other specifications like space are good too, you can get many features with their free service.now about the bad things about this service , the most important one is when you get an email said your account has been canceled due to inactivity, this is very bad and i myself don't like service which cancel their services because of inactivity of the website, now let me explain why : when you get one of these type emails you don't know really how much inactive you were. if you search a little in 000webhost forum you will find out that there are some people saying that they where getting 10 visitors per day and then suddenly got their service canceled. in somewhere in their forum the admin has stated that you should get 10 visitors per month to not being canceled (http://www.000webhost.com/forum/t/cancelled-of-inactivity-why/22284) but actually there are many peoples saying that they got that number but their account still canceled. so this is why i don't like inactivity limit.another problem is uptime which i faced this one myself when i used their service (don't know exactly but i think it was 4 years ago) there was some problems with accessing my website during some hours everyday, i don't know what was the reason but it was really annoying and was the main reason why i left 000webhost those days.there are many other bad things too, like the panel which is something weird and not working sometimes, the ftp connection was not good those days and were interrupted time to time and many other things, my suggestion is that if you want to test your website before going for some good hosts you can use their service to bring up your website temporary but for long use i don't even suggest their paid option (when i see unlimited traffic and unlimited space i easily know that the service quality will not be good at all!) and go for other good alternatives which you can find out there. -
you can check the content of $dState and $dJob before selecting from database, as you said an "if" will do the job great, so have you faced any problem using "if" ? for example i use your code to show how you can do it : 1.if user didn't set anything and location and job both are in their default value : if(&dState == &All& & &dJob == &All&){ &sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM mytable"; } 2. if user sets the job but not specifying any location so : elseif(&dState == &All&){ &sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE job="&dJob""; } 3. if users sets the location but not specifying any job : elseif(&dJob == &All&){ &sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE state="&dState""; } 4. and in the end if user sets all fields : else{ &sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE state="&dState" AND job="&dJob""; } so here you can do what you have mentioned, but also there is another way of doing such things and that is switch case method in php, maybe it needs less lines of codes but about the efficiency you need to check php version and then search around to see if you can find the resource and time consumption of each function.
New Versions Of Firefox Will Have Video Chat In Themselves
Iniyila replied to darko100's topic in The Internet
Seems to be a nice feature in mozilla firefox, i just searched around about this feature and found some good information about it. actually webRTC will give us lots of realtime features that we haven't seen in any other browser yet. i have seen some ideas about using it for example using it for getting comments of visitors by their voice, so they don't need to write down their comments and they just say what they think about the text you have written somewhere more easily. the only problem i afraid of is the privacy, as the technology progresses companies can collect more information from us and if a hacker gets those information then we can face serious problems, now i don't know how exactly WebRTC will work but i think it will lower the security of our computers and maybe even hackers can take our pictures and record our voice more easily than ever,By the way i'm waiting to test this new feature which seems to come around soon. it seems this time google and mozilla both are planning some new things for us . -
hmm, actually the message you received as "are you alive?" and the next message after that is showing that she is thinking about you, by the way some girls need a lot of time to accept something. you should first know the person you are communicating to by checking her past history to see if she had any boyfriend and how long does their relationship last and asking people to know how it was started. you should know the past of your target because then you can conclude from what you see more accurately. for example when you search the past of that girl you will find that she hadn't any boyfriend before you so for getting her ready to accept your invitation you need lots of time and maybe it takes you thousands of those texts to see any result, but if you checked the past and you find out that she had many boyfriends then you can be sure that when she responds cold she means that she is not interested or less interested. so you need first to check the history of that girl which is a really hard work but i myself do it for my every relationship.The second important thing is to asking what you don't know, when you think the answer means "i'm not interested" just text back "do you mean that you are not interested?" (do not use this word use more polite ones ) , you know most of the times people don't ask these type of questions because they worry about the answer, but i say don't worry about the answer because this single text will give you two options, if the answer is yes so you have saved a lot of your time to go and think about another one and if the answer was no you can be sure that taking time for this relation worth it. so go ahead and ask these questions directly from the person you are trying to communicate to.And another thing is that, do not answering the messages is not a polite way of cutting off because the person will not understand what happened and sometimes may cause a misunderstanding about the situation. if i was in your situation i respond the text like this "yes i'm alive, where you alive in past 3 days too ?!"One of the things that i didn't understand from your topic is that what do you want from your relation ? do you want a friend or a girl friend ? because i don't know what you have said to her but this is very important to know what do you want from your communications. by the way i wish you luck and hope to find a solution fast .
yes i know a way, there is a software called Convert X to DVD (probably meaning that converts everything to dvd ) which is capable of doing that, using this software you will have the option to have many subtitles on a DVD and switch between them in you dvd player. but i don't know that it can put different sounds in a DVD too or not. by the way one of the great features of this software is its speed in converting , i haven't seen any software with this huge speed of converting that can convert your whole avi file just in less than 15 minutes which is really great when you compare to other softwares like Nero which takes you years to convert a video to DVD but this speed have some down sides too.some times the converted videos are not synched with the audio, you should check this before burning the disk and this is very important because most people which work with this software for the first time doesn't change the default settings and so the software itself starts to burn the disc right after it finishes its converting process so you have to disable that option and write the files to your h.d.d before burning them. if the audio and video were not synched then you have to change setting to get them synched again and sometimes with some avi files you will never get success in a proper convert so you need to use other softwares instead of this one.the other big problem i faced with this software is that it doesn't burn the disc successfully in some times, it just fails in nearly ending of burning procedure and this is really a bad thing because you will loose your disc, so my suggestion is that you never burn the disc using this software and only do the converting using it and then use an alternative software (which i recommend imgburn for it) to burn the disc.this is my experience and there may be many softwares with better performance or better converting results out there but i have used nearly 10 softwares for doing such thing and i came up with this one to be best of those 10.
Why Is Xbox Better Than Playstation 3? How is Xbox better?
Iniyila replied to Dadman's topic in Computer Gaming
first of all i think xbox360 is better than PS3 in some aspects and not in total , they are different things and the gamers depending on what they want will get one. xbox360 comes with kinect which bring lots of fun to the players so those who want to jump in their home to move their body when they are playing a game will go for xbox360 but PS3 is powerfull console too, graphics is a little better if you get a full HD display you will see the difference and i like the controller of PS3 a little more than xbox360. by the way both are good consoles and as we see not all of games will come for both consoles so the buyers should see which games they like more and then go for the one that they want. -
first of all you should remove the battery and plug out the chrager from your laptop as soon as possible to avoid any electrical shock , then i suggest you to remove the keyboard from your laptop (most of the laptops are coming with separate keyboard, i mean you can remove it very easily from the body of laptop) and then use a hot air blower to dry the keyboard completely. after the keyboard dried you should search under the keyboard for finding any sign of liquid on other electronics, you can also use the hot air blower again on the elctronics that are moisturised by the liquid but remember that electronics inside laptop are very sensitive to high temprature and you may damage them if you keep the hot air on them for so long so you should be careful. never use any clothes for drying because the pins of electronic devices are very small and can esaily break with a little pressurre so never use such things for drying anything inside the laptop. actually the time it takes for you to remove the battery and unplug the charger is very important, if you do it fast i can say nothing will happen and your laptop will be 100% functional after drying but if you do it slow or try to shut down the laptop using normal procedure then i can say if liquid goes inside the laptop it will damage parts under keyboard like RAM or other parts. another important thing is where the liquid spills if it spills on the middle of keyboard then the plastic cover under the keyboard will block it from going inside but if it spills in the corners of keyboard then it can go inside and it is very dangerous situation. @Guest_Jill_* : i didn't completely understood what you said but i think the water is now trapped between the LCD and the Protective glass in front of it , you can use a hot air blower to dry the water or if you can you should remove the protection glass and try to dry it by a cloths carefuly. maybe a picture from what you are facing now can be more helpful to help you but if water is under protection glass then you don't have to be worry because LCDs will not face serious damages will water spilled on them and it will dry itseld but the signs of where it dries will remain under the protection glass so it is better to take the glass off and clean it.
actually this is a question for many peoples, finding a good converter is a hard workd because the huge number of convertors available on the market or even now with huge number of free ones too, by the way the main problems of these converters are : 1. time : the time it takes to convert your clips to dvd format, i have seen many useless converters are only able to use one core of your cpu so they will not do the job in a small amount of time because they are only using half or 1/4 of your PC cpu power for converting the clips and it takes twice or 4th time more to convert compared to convertors able to use all cores at the same time. 2. quality: in many converters you will have serious quality problems, when i say quality i don't mean a little quality drop, i mean serious problems like getting black and white or jumpy result in the video stream. 3.synchronization : most of the times convertors ruin the result with a sound unsynchronized to video and this is a bad problem too. these are the main problems i have faced with many convertors during the years, so a good convertor should be able to do a convetion without any of those above problems.ConvertXtoDVD : probabley the most popular one when you want to convert anything to DVD, it is fast and uses all cores but sometimes crashes on my system without any reason. quality is good but the unsynchronized sound problem sometimes happens for me when i'm using mp4 format but in these times i use jet audio to convert my file first to another format like avi and then i use convert x to dvd for converting it to dvd, the problem that annoys me when i use this software is that the resulted dvd sometimes doesn't recognized by dvd player, this happens only on some old dvd players but anyway this is really annoying and i have lost many dvds using this converter, anyway this is the best one i've tried so far but it has its own problems and is not a perfect software.Nero : i think many peoples have used Nero for burning their DVDs, this software in its newer versions gives you the ability to convert your files to be playable in dvd players but the problem is that it is too slow, when compared to convert x to dvd it takes me 3 times more to convert a movie from avi to dvd using this software but i have never faced the unrecognizable dvd problem when i've used nero for converting my files and it is a big plus for this software. this software is a little expensive and if you want to use imgburn for burning your dvds (which i found to be more reliable for burning cheap dvds) then buying this software only for converting your files is not recommended. but if you arusing this software for burning then test its conveting ability too.these are those two softwares that i remember i've sed for doing the job, currently most of dvd players are compatible with .avi and .divx formats so barely i convert anything for viewing in the dvd player. there is also a software called "super video converter" from "erightsoft" which is free, you can try it also, it is getting updated regualrly ,i have never tested it but my friends have used it and they say it is a complete fast and reliable converter which only does the converting and for burning you should use another software, so you can convert your files using super video converter and burn them using "imgburn".
yes i agree with k_nitin_r , using frame work means using more cpu in most of the times for doing a simple job but actually now it is very hard to do coding from base, if you don't have a team and want to develop a software you wouldn't go for doing it from base because it takes a lot of time and of course you will not be able to it in small manner of time. but with help of frameworks you can do it a lot easier, now with help of many many opensource projects based on frameworks (CMS as example) you can make your script from modifying them which is even more waste of hardware but a lot less time consumption. i always think if someone had done something before us, we should not try to do it again but we should use what they have left for us to continue our works.now we all know with help of new webserver available out there "G-WAN" which completely destroys the new fast NginX webserver in speed, you can use more resources. the only problem now is that most hosting providers are still using absolute "Apache" which is not any good, so how we can expect a programmer to write a lightweight script when the servers are running the slowest webserver in the world ? i think time is very important so if you want to do something first i suggest you to first go for any opensource script which is closest to what you want and modify it and if you didn't find any script doing what you need then go for a framework and after that if you worry about resources usage buy a VPS and install the fastest webserver (G-WAN) on it and run your script without being worry about resources anymore.so now i recommend the old Zend Framework as a good and stable framework, i have used it for a few projects and it never disappointed me, it is not the fastest one but very promising. its search is based on "Lucene search engine" which is one of the fastest search engines i have ever seen and gives you lots of features. actually i found it to be enough for nearly 70% of what i needed in my projects which is very good for a php framework but of course for remaining 30% you should do your own coding.for CMS my vote is still joomla, not because of resources usage but because i have worked with it for many years and i found it to behaving in a little different way compared to wordpress. one of the things i like about joomla more than wordpress is the way you can make a theme for yourself. by the way wordpress is still the best when SEO comes in, and of course WP is the most used CMS because of its power in blogging which gives you a lot more than joomla. so if you don't think that joomla is more complex you can give it a try but if you are not familiar with any CMS then go for WP which fits any needs with help of its huge collection of extensions .