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Everything posted by zanzibarjones

  1. So you are saying that Math was just handed down to us out of the sky?Even cavemen understand basic math. They knew as hunter gathers that they needed to get enough food to feed everyone in their clan/family/cave, a more or less scenario, which is math. So yes it is needed for survival in some respects. Not off the wall thinking at all.Math had to have come from somewhere. Or else we never would have developed it into a more complex language. Just as we are all capable of language when we are born.We are born with basic survival skills: language (communication), math (deduction), and movement (gathering) not in any particular order of course.
  2. I am looking forward to that. I have to say that ever since Xisto, I have always been impressed not only with the free web hosting, but with the amount of community involvement here. C'mon myCents
  3. I have been thinking about Cloud computing for a while now, and I don't see the point of it. I just don't understand why someone would rent a server to work on for a few hours a day? What is the point? And it's virtual anyway, not like there are real pieces of hardware you are leasing, so to speak.But would you ever consider using a Real Hosted Desktop running XP Pro, Vista or 7?I mean a real physical machine, that you rent/lease/use for say $10 a month?The company would have the machines at their offices, say 50 of them. You could log in securely however you choose to do so, Logmein, RDP, Hamachi+uVNC, whatever. I can see advantages to some of this. Things like for streaming media, running automated tasks, etc.I guess my main thought would be, that you could log in, start an automated task, it would do it for you for however long you tell it to runOr say you download somethign like Orb, a streamin app, and put your files on there, and stream it using the hosted companies bandwidth. Or if you have limited bandwidth at home and you don't want to go over your alotted usage limits, you could use the hosted desktop to do it for you.Just some ideas and thoughts. What do you think?
  4. This is something I have been working on for some time. Hope you like it
  5. Do what you can with what you got.

    1. chini13


      yeah i have a knife and i can either chop vegetables or chop some fingers lol :P

    2. deadmad7


      at least you have some ketchup now :)

  6. Nooooo, heaven is real. Hell is here on earth. I mean if we think that there is nothing after death, than all we have learned is for nothing. It's all just so we could pass it down to our children and then theirs, etc. It's just pointless.
  7. Well Math is not defined as geometry or calculus...I still say we are born with a natural knowledge of it. Advanced math and higher math, well that is a different story. But why then is math the one true universal language. I may speak english, but I can tell you that a russian, chinese and african will know what I am saying when I write 1 + 1 = 2 on a chalkboard, or rather I + II = III.Don't you think that if there were another race of beings near here and we were to meet, that math would be the only common language that we would have?
  8. Your should try Entropia. I love that game. It takes a little getting use to, but pixel for pixel I think it's the most beautiful game out there and the best designed as far as game play goes. Here: Entropia
  9. Death like fear only have the power you give to them. If you are afraid to die, then you are afraid to live, because life brings death eventually. If you live knowing that eventually you will die, and don't feed fear into it, then when it comes your time, you will be ok with it. But It's hard to believe that fear can breed anything at all. I mean you can either fear something or respect it. I don't love God because I fear him, I love God because I respect him. I don't love him because of what he will do to me if I don't, that's ridiculous. I respect him because he is more powerful than I.Do you fear your parents or respect them?Death should be treated like that. Respect fear and you can breed many things from it. Fear it, and you will only be trapped to spread that fear amongst others.
  10. How long does it usually take for your first "myCents' to show up. I see people with as many posts as I have with mycents, and I see myself with none. I have an account on Xistro, like it was instructed to do, and as far as I know it's the same info as I used on here. I just want to make sure that my contributions are worth something. I love to talk so this is a good scenario for me
  11. You've been a part of this community since March or 2009 and you are NOW just getting your myCents? That doesn't make me feel too good right now.... I just signed up not too long ago.
  12. I have been living with ADD all of my life. My children have it, and I get frustrated about how the school systems treat children with ADD.My children are not dumb, not mentally deficient, they just learn differently. Most children with ADD learn visually or hands on. It is easier for a them to learn because kids with ADD think in pictures. It's a kind of autism (high fucntioning autism)So why have the school system not picked up on that yet. Why have they not changed their curriculum to meet the needs of those kids that have ADD. What do you think?
  13. Well Nicky, look at it like this.For you right now, this relationship most likely will not last. Not because you won't always love her, but because you will grow and change just as she will. Your preferences may change as the years go on, and you may decide to fall in love with someone else.But what you have now, enjoy it. Make it the most important thing in your life right now, because when it ends, it's gonna hurt like no other pain you have ever felt. And eventually you will get over her, and eventually you will fall in love again and again, and be hurt time and time again. It's all part of growing up and life.At some point down the road, you will have defined what it is you are looking for and hopefully she will find you, you will fall in love for the last time, and be happy for the rest of your life. I would rather go through a season of pain than a lifetime of suffering...
  14. Nah... that would make everything too simple. I mean you can say it would be easier to know, but then you wouldn't form relationships, experience things, live life as it were. I would rather live my life, love, and lost, have friends and life experiences and then just die.
  15. I really want to take up Metal Detecting. I think that would be a blast. Walking around in different areas, not looking for riches so to speak, but to find anything at all. That would be a treasure for me. Just knowing I unearthed something that has been in the ground for a period of time. I think that would be so awesome.
  16. I have this little hobby, I guess you would call it, about watching people. Not in a perverted kind of way, but more to watch their body language and mannerisms. I do it, so I can get a better idea of how to approach people, how to speak to them so that they understand me better, and how to stay away from those who do not want to be bothered.You can tell a lot from people by just watching them. Am I the only one who does this? If not, what have you discovered about people?
  17. Well I have a keen interest in science, people, observations, computers, art, music, etc. I have an opinion about everything I guess, but you know what they say about opinions.I use to be part of the Xisto community way back in the day, but I lost contact with the board when i shut down.I was a very active member of that community and I hope to do so here as well.I went my the name Moolkye
  18. Thanks for the share. I'm gonna look into that one. Got friends all over the place and I really need to keep better in touch with them. Thanks again!
  19. I have to admit, that even though I am a devout Christian, I don not read the bible as much as I should. I find it hard to get through some of the books, like leviticus and numbers....But I agree with you. If you are going to "Be for God and his kingdom" put forth 100% or don't put forth at all.A baseball team wants players who play, not just sit in the outfield and do nothing.
  20. Get rid of Obama, get a president with some integrity himself, and put all the money we are spending elsewhere back into the US. Have faith in yourself before you start having faith in others.
  21. Well this is going to be broken into a multipart question I guess, with 2 possible view points on 2 possible answers.I am not rich. As a matter of fact I am losing my job in 2 weeks.... but the other day, I was on my way home, and there was a gentleman on the corner of a stop light begging for money. His sign read, "Just doing what is needed to take care of my family"I felt bad for him, and gave him all the change I had in the car. Now I had a 20 spot in my wallet, but I needed that for gas, so I could get to work the next day. But i figured I didn't need the change, and it was about $5. So I asked his name, told him i would pray for him, gave the change to him, told him, "God Bless", and drove on.Now my question is... would you have done the same thing if you were me? You didn't have a lot of spare money, but felt for the guy.Do you believe in "Paying it forward" or giving from the goodness of your heart?Would you have given it to him, because you are religious and believe that giving is the right thing to do?Would you have giving it to him, if you had a boatload of money?What are your thoughts?
  22. Hahahaha, travelling around like Futurama would be cooooool.Clone the earth huh? Terraforming another planet, kind of like the Genesis project from StarTrek II.That would be cool and all, but I like the idea better from Total Recall, that there is somethign already in place on Mars, we just have to turn it on.
  23. Codpiece? I have never heard that term before, and quite frankly i don't know why anyone would wear something like that. I hate it when my thing gets all tangled up in my undies, then I have to spend a half an hour readjusting, etc....Codpiece, that's great!
  24. Well I think this depends on what type of media, because quite frankly I use 1 for music and 1 for videos.For music I choose MediaMonkey. Why? It's a very robust free app. It syncs with a lot of mp3 players and has a great media library. Plus looking or updating mp3 tags is easy to use, and can be searched for over the inet. very nice appFor Videos: I choose KMPlayer. I think it's the nicest player of all. Very light, robust and it handles mkv videos better than any other app, including DivX.
  25. Hey all. I'm just a guy that is looking to interact with other people of like interests. I find it hard to find anyone out here in the real world that I can talk to, share my ideas, and creativity.So here I am. I am glad I get points for posting my thoughts. I hope the rest of you can appreciate them, and discuss them in an adult fashion. I have a lot of interests and a lot of knowledge, so I hope to become a very active member of the community. Thanks for having me
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