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Status Replies posted by NNNOOOOOO

  1. Be or not to be...

  2. why are all the statuses sad now?

  3. I'm hungry hungry like a hippo. /game reference

  4. i want to be the first to say ..."HAPPY THANKSGIVING" for all of you...may god bless you all and make your dreams come true by the next year...happy holidays :)

  5. Someone really likes planes..

  6. headache. ow. got GTA 4 now. my eyes. GTA 4 is fun.

  7. Where is my cookie ?!

  8. I'm pissed, beware my wrath

  9. "The only time you start at the top is when you are digging a grave."

  10. A in physics yay!!!

  11. hahahaha! the youtube video I posted 2 and 1/2 years ago has reached 200k Views... 62 likes and 537 dislikes and hundreds of hate comments! muhahaha

  12. I'm 17 years old today! Woop woop! Bring out the party poppers!

  13. I'm 17 years old today! Woop woop! Bring out the party poppers!

  14. 99% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber standing on top of a skyscraper about to jump. If you are the 1% sitting there with popcorn and 3D glasses, screaming "DO A BACKFLIP!", copy and paste this as your status.

  15. Does anyone have "Toccata and Fugue in D-" tabs for GP5? Ones that are easy to play on guitar.

  16. I just found out that KnowledgeSutra isn't blocked at my high school. Now I can post even more in my free time :D

  17. ummm hmmm thoughtless???

  18. woohoo! today is Stupid Questions day!

  19. Look at my horse, My horse is amazing.....

  20. bikerman is the chicken, truefusion is the egg, and i am the walrus

  21. Just might start learning Morse Code tomorrow.

  22. Just might start learning Morse Code tomorrow.

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