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Everything posted by Hurt4love

  1. Oh no...Writer's Block, not now please I need to finish my assignment!

    1. web_designer


      drink coffee...watch you old works and you will be inspired again...good luck honey..

  2. I hate when I get a sudden allergy...Why did it happen this time?

    1. anwiii


      i have that affect, h4l....but i ain't going anywhere so you'll just have to get used to it :)

    2. web_designer
    3. web_designer


      good you told us...now i will talk to you from behind walls :D..you are dangerous on me..:)

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  3. sigh...nevermind. Somtimes I just don't know anything

    1. web_designer


      we all like this honey...sometimes we don't understand or know anything...relax..

  4. I am slowly going crazy with crazy work load!

  5. Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :-)

  6. :) :) :) :)
    1. chini13


      :) and u always look beautiful when u smile...so keep that always
    2. Hurt4love


      Thank you :) I am just very happy and wanted to share that with my friends :D

    3. anwiii
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  7. I don't know...don't ask me...

    1. web_designer


      i know and i like what i know...:)

      and sure i will always ask you hahaaa

    2. anwiii


      hahaha you're funny wd

  8. Please, at any rate don't stop talking. Don't you see how much interest you are rasining? I always yawn when I am interested...

    1. rob86


      I love reading your status messages... yawn... :)

  9. i have a bad migraine. It is like brain freeze on onee side of my head. i think it is the heat...i want snow :(

    1. anwiii
    2. web_designer


      yeah honey...fan and some panadol..2 will be great...and stay in the dark with soft music and try to relax...and don't forgot to drink a cup odark tea..

    3. chini13
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  10. I feel pretty...Oh so pretty...I feel pretty and witty and gay...And I pity...Any girl who isn't me today...I feel charming...Oh so charming...It's alarming how charming I feel...And so pretty...That I hardly can believe I'm real...See the pretty girl in that mirror there?...Who can that attractive girl be?...Such a pretty face...Such a pretty dress...Such a pretty smile Such a pretty me!...I feel stunning

    1. anwiii


      Nooooooo! hahaha hmmmm maybe everyone should sing it then :)

    2. web_designer


      well,anwiii hates celine dion...so obviously he will hate everyone else except beatles...we should make him a brain wash...:)

    3. deadmad7


      well.... who could hate the beatles?

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  11. I feel pretty...Oh so pretty...I feel pretty and witty and gay...And I pity...Any girl who isn't me today...I feel charming...Oh so charming...It's alarming how charming I feel...And so pretty...That I hardly can believe I'm real...See the pretty girl in that mirror there?...Who can that attractive girl be?...Such a pretty face...Such a pretty dress...Such a pretty smile Such a pretty me!...I feel stunning

    1. rob86


      Yeah, I sing this before I go out too.

    2. anwiii


      oh goodie....this status has almost made it down off the main list. now i can get this song out of my head! hahaha

  12. Why? I just don't understand!...Why is it the way it is?

    1. Hurt4love


      I wish I can find out...But I know I can't...

    2. web_designer


      because everything happened for a reason..and have good and bad in it..maybe you can't see the reason or the good in it now but you will later...welcome back...:)

    3. chini13


      because it was meant to be so

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  13. Still enjoying...I love this place!!!!!

  14. Been Touring around the province...I love it and there are only few days left. But it is so intriguing and the weather is just so wonderful!!! Dear Canada...I love you !! :D

    1. Hurt4love


      Rob maybe it is hot in NB but here in Ontario the weather is awesome. It was 26 degrees celsius yesterday and today it was 23 and this week it has been beautifully sunny with a light air breeze. You should come to Ontario for a perfect summer! It's just wonderful! WD yeah we are all eskimos right anwiii?

    2. web_designer


      haha...glade to see you in this mood..welcome back my friend..:)

    3. chini13


      ohh gr8..have fun :) seeing u after long time h4l... we all eskimo..but where do i get the ice??

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  15. ahhhhhhhhhh, There's no place like home!!!! Finally home sweet home :)

    1. web_designer
    2. anwiii


      i am glad to see you made it home safe!

    3. Hurt4love


      Thanks ya'll...I am so so much better now that I am home :)

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  16. ***sigh*** ok

    1. anwiii


      people aren't stopping at stealing my words, they are going so far as to steal my writing style! nooooooooo!!! not my writing style! hahaha

    2. Hurt4love


      well anwiii...I got your permission to use your words :P

    3. anwiii


      yea....my words....not my writing style! haha!

  17. somewhere over the rainbow...blue birds fly...birds fly over the rainbow...why then oh why can't I...

    1. web_designer


      i believe i can fly...i believe i can touch the sky...

    2. anwiii


      everyone can fly when they learn HOW to first....

    3. Baniboy


      anwiii yet again spreading the wisdom...

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  18. sick in bed :(

    1. web_designer


      i will make you some soup...and you will be fine...:)

  19. I am doubting myself and thinking that I was wrong and that it's all my fault...sorry anwiii :( you warned me but I don't know how to fight it :(:(:(

    1. chini13


      hey h4l :) u will be fine and u will fight things..and turn positive :)

    2. Hurt4love


      Thank you my wonderful friends I am just not myself right now so please don't take what I say to heart.

    3. anwiii


      well you have my 100% support!

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  20. Thank you WD...You have touched my heart in a very special way by dedicating this to me in a very difficult time for me like this. You are truly a very special friend and from the very depth of my heart I would like to heartfully thank you for this wonderful dedication. You are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Someone in this forum found it amusing yesterday to make fun of what I am going through and thought by sticking insensitive messages on my profile that he/she is being funny. Well tell you what...you know yourself if you would like us to switch problems I am up for that because I'd like to see you walk a mile in my shoes. Sometimes silence is gold and if you think my troubles are funny keep it to yourself.

    1. anwiii


      go get 'm chini! :)

    2. chini13


      yeah anwii...i would teach a good lesson lol

    3. web_designer


      hope you will fine soon honey...and just remember that pain may open new doors in our life sometimes...so we should bear it with a smile and expecting the best to come... be strong and a new beginnings will show up soon just trust that with all your heart..

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  22. in so much pain...

    1. anwiii


      i wont be better til my friends are better :)



      I hope they get better too.

    3. Hurt4love


      sometimes when the pain is so deep you wonder if you'll ever get better.

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  23. Today is the day. I more upset than indifferent but I am sure so anxious. Will I be strong enough today? Will I be able to leave the impression I want to leave? Or will I look weak and incapable of handling it? I am very anxious and nervous today.

    1. anwiii


      oh. i have no doubts you will be able to leave whatever impression you need to make. no doubts. i believe in ya!

    2. web_designer


      go girl..i trust you...do you best and don't worry about others...

    3. Hurt4love


      Thanks anwiii and WD for your encouraging words. I will speak to you guys when I come back. I will miss you both!

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