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Everything posted by Hurt4love

  1. My dear buddy Anwiii...Thank you for being my friend and for being there for me. You are a really wonderful friend and without your friendship I wouldn't have been able to get through this dark cloud that I am going through. Your friendship means the world to me. Happy friendship Day to you my friend!

  2. My dearest WD...I was so touched by your very sweet message. Happy friendship day to you too and you are and you will always be a very sweet and dear friend to me! You will always be so special to me :)

  3. God after so many days of thinking and preparing now I have a 30 Kg suitcase...I'm only allowed one suitcase of 23 Kg :( what am I supposed to do I need everything :(

    1. anwiii
    2. web_designer


      yeah anwiii...and MEN will always carry our baggages hahaa...

    3. anwiii


      hahahaha! you are so so funny there wd.....

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  4. I'm gonna cry...My back hurts so much...even massage wouldn't help :-(

    1. rob86


      Hey don't cry :(

    2. anwiii


      yea- wd told you to take care. weren't you listening? :)

    3. Hurt4love


      I was but you know I was having many back problems lately...

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  5. "Things pass, and the best we can do is to let them really go away. Getting rid of certain memories also means making some room for other memories to take their place." ~ Paulo Coelho

    1. web_designer


      take all your cloths and shoes..hmm and makeup, and bags...a cam and some hats...and some accessories..:)

    2. Hurt4love


      yeah WD which comes down to more than one suitcase :) see my point we girls need everything I can't just take one pair of shoes and one purse I have to take matching purses and pairs of shoes, matching accessories for my outfits and I have to at least wear a different outfit each day :P Well you are a girl like me you understand me :P

    3. Hurt4love


      yeah and matching hats too for each outfits :)

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  6. I cried myself to sleep last night...When I woke up...There were tear stains on my pillow...It hurt so much to sacrifice what I gave up...Without you in my life...I will always feel lonely...Losing the love...From someone like you...Not a day goes by without something...Reminding me of you...The truth is that I miss you...It gets so hard not being with you...There are times when...I go crazy In the twilight of the night...How I long to be your woman again

    1. web_designer


      god h4l...i can't help you in here,i wish i can finish all your sadness...i wish you will be happy again..

    2. Hurt4love


      I hope I will be soon WD...Thanks :)

    3. anwiii
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  7. I can say I both agree and disagree with you. I don't know but perhaps as time goes by you start seeing the big picture that you did not see before and then the hurt can grow more and then you would not believe that someone that loves you can behave in certain hurtful ways towards you. I didn't mean you would hate the person you love per se but you'd hate the pain and hurt inside you, over time it all can lead you to hate that relationship itself and perhaps even yourself for loving so much. It can be to a point where you might feel some kind of negativity towards the person you love for making you feel this way. But in time everything keeps changing and even your ideas and feelings keep changing too everyday after being hurt. That's just the way I see it now
  8. How can the deepest Love turn into hate? Can't things be normal again? I sit alone in the dark, crying and isolating myself. I try not but end up crying myself to sleep every night I don’t even know what's wrong with me? Maybe I'm good at pretending that I’m alright I have buried away my hopes, my dreams, my wounds, my pain and even my bleeding scars Trying to bring myself to life back from the dead I know by heart now Love is not always forever, at some point it ends up turning into hatred
  9. Can't things go back to normal again?

    1. anwiii


      what is "normal" anyway....

    2. Hurt4love


      My definition of Normal is: the state when things were not as bad

    3. chini13


      bad times are the part of normal life

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  10. My back hurts...I can't move much :-(

    1. web_designer


      god h4l...i hope you gonna be fine soon...miss you in here...

    2. anwiii


      missed her just a second ago. you were online and she was in chat

    3. chini13


      its long since had a chat with u h4l

  11. So you ask people what's with the attitude and rudeness and all they have to say is "Freedom of Speech" to shut you up. What a fake lame excuse...Freedom of speech never dictates that people should go around giving attitudes and being rude and disrespectful to each other. Seriouly some poeple need to be more considerate to others!!!!

    1. Hurt4love


      yeah some girl at the hospital where my dad goes :)

    2. anwiii


      yea...ever heard of it? :) i would have told you to put her in a hospital but she was already in one....

    3. web_designer
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  12. I can't seem to get enough sleep ***Yawn***

    1. web_designer


      just try honey...sweet dreams...

    2. rob86


      I, um, dedicate this song* to the ladies.


      Dodo l'enfant do, l'enfant dormira bientot. Une poule blanche est la dans la garage, qui va faire un petit coco, pour l'enfant qui va fair dodo. Do do l'enfant do, l'enfant dormira bientot :)


      *It's a lullaby, now go to sleep.

    3. anwiii


      drink chamomile :D

  13. What in God's name is happening to the world Cup? 4-0 and Argentina loses what the heck is going on?

    1. Hurt4love


      I can't bet anyway :( All my teams lost...The World Cup sucks this time :(

    2. deadmad7



    3. deadmad7
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  14. I feel Good...*sigh* - What a great Day!

    1. Hurt4love


      :) That's a sigh of relief :D I'm giving out a sigh of joy anwiii; I finally enjoy the simplest things in life so I sighed :D


      P.S. I know you'll allow me to use your word anwiii, so it's a presumed permission :P

    2. anwiii


      ok. why not. everyone else does. at least it's a sigh of joy :)

    3. web_designer


      yeah anwiii..told you before ..you can't stop us from stealling your words hahahaa

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  15. People that love me & care about me always said I am HOPE & JOY to everyone around me. This is a responsibility I am honored to bear & for that I REALIZE that life has its downs sometimes. I ACKNOWLEDGE that life will be joyful too & bring its ups after its downs are over. I WILL NEVER LOSE Hope because I deserve the best :)

    1. anwiii


      i'm curious...what IS "the best" anyway :)

    2. Hurt4love


      The best is what I believe is best for me ;)

    3. anwiii


      you really know how to be specific. well that clears THAT up haha....

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  16. "Some think it's holding on that makes one strong; sometimes it's letting go."

  17. I'm not in a good mood :(

  18. Even when there is an eclipse, it doesn't last for long and the sun always comes up :) H4L says that's enough and starting today she will always remember that the sun will soon come up, the birds will chant again, the rosebuds will bloom and the beautiful rainbow will appear! :-)

    1. anwiii


      btw- another eclipse is coming up soon... :)

    2. Hurt4love


      yeah I heard...:) I'm talking about a real eclipse :)


      You're not talking about the movie though are you? :P

    3. anwiii


      no. i am not talking about the twilight saga :)

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  19. "I don't know baby what I'd do, On this earth without you, We all live we all die, But the end is not goodbye, The sun comes up the seasons change, But throught it all love remains, An eternal burning flame, Hope lives on and love remains"

  20. Dear Migraine I hate you so much...I wish you would leave me and never come back! I have a really terrible migraine :( My head hurts...

    1. web_designer


      you will get rid of it soon..and i understand u fully coz i've been there before...before my migraine headache continue for 1 week and return every 3 days...but now i controlled it somehow and when i got it it lasts only for 3 days or about...it really needs controlling, relaxing, and avoiding stress and food that cause migraine, also the strong light or noise...and of course panadol..speedy recovery dear..

    2. Hurt4love
    3. OpaQue


      I recommend "Singing" and "singing".. group singing.. even better :)

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  21. "There's this place in me where your finger tips still rest... your kisses still linger and your whispers softly echo... It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me." I know that one day I'll be able to forget...

  22. My whole world is the pain inside me, The best i can do is just get through the day, When life before is only a memory, I'll wonder why God lets me walk through this place, And though i can't understand why this happened, I know that i will when i look back someday, And see how you've brought beauty from ashes, And made me as gold purified through these flames, After all this has passed, i still will remain, After i've cried my last, there'll be beauty from pain...

    1. anwiii



      sad, but true...but a good thing too. as the past creates us, it will guide us forward. as you still remain, through the beauty...and pain...

    2. Hurt4love


      I only hope so...

  23. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY...I finally finished writing my first book..:-)

    1. Hurt4love
    2. rob86


      what's your book about anyway?

    3. Hurt4love


      Text editing in The English Language :) - My next book is a fantasy novel and it's coming soon too :)

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  24. This is a fine piece of writing. Beautiful wording and very refined imagery! I absolutely loved it
  25. My broken heart hurts, but it's the memories that kill me :(

    1. rob86


      Don't be sad Hurt4Love :(

    2. Hurt4love


      Hahahahaha, ok I'll try not to be ;)

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