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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. The ADDON-Domain option is just for that. You have have sub-folders in your account act as domain names. And the best part is, We allow you have to unlimited ADD-on domains. :-)
  2. The auto-corrector script has run and detected that your account was not setup correctly. Go to https://support.xisto.com/ and create your account.And for GOD SAKE, improve your spelling!
  3. The main question is, Do you want to play the movies in DVD player? or is computer fine with you. I rip DVD movies to DIVX format and my friend has one DVD which has about 11 DIVx movies on it.Getting back to your question, Did you try ROXIO? I am sure it has utilities which will allow you to do it.
  4. I was reading this post (http://forums.xisto.com/topic/25797-is-god-to-blame-who-is-to-blame-for-the-pain-around-us/) and felt like sharing this information.I believe, there are 3 things in persons life (Average) which maintains its balance. (In most of the cases)1 > Health2 > Wealth3 > FamilyEither one has lots of money and good health, but has a very bad family life. When I say family life, it is more leaned towards peace. Similarly, one might have a very good family life and health, but has Financial problems. In some cases, all are equally balanced but he enjoys those things at an average level. Its quite complicated, but if one thinks logically, it does make sense.Any comments, most welcome
  5. Google Page rank depends on the no. of other sites which link to you and also the no. of pages you have in your website. It is also influenced a bit by the internal linking of your pages. But the main thing here to note is, it depends on the external sites pointing to your site.A good page rank helps you score better in search engine results.On the other hand, Alexa has a diffrent ranking system. It collects small bits of information from people using the alexa tool bar and ranks a website according to its reach. So, more people using alexa visiting your site will shoot your rank up. The traffic rank is analyzed in similar way.However, both the systems are not reliable. In case of Google, a new fresh site which has lot of information and content might not have enough link backs and hence can fail in search results (despite being helpful).And in case of Alexa, I have hardly seen people using the ALEXA toolbar. So the Traffic rank info is not soo accurate unless your website reach is really large.
  6. I use the PHP reference manual. ITs really handy and if you already know the basics, you can learn advanced stuff easily by trial and error.
  7. Trap17.com (The main site) is monitered every half an hour. And Till date, I have never got a downtime alert. (except for rare major hookups). So probably the problem is from your ISP. Please contact them.
  8. OMG~!!! STOP IT! I am smoking a LOT these days.. and everytime I see these remarks.. I make a resolution to stop smoking. but it hardly lasts for 12 hours
  9. jzyehoshua, the topic says its a Joke No offence, I respect every religion. Take it lightly.. I m sure, "Brown bear" also has nothing against it. Its just supposed to be a joke. So laugh it off
  10. I think this question is silly. Looking at all the people's answer, Everyone is satisfied with their own place. (no matter how it is)The reason is, You are between your own people. When you are in your own country, you feel the strength and unity. When your in other country, no matter how long you have been there (or even if you have their citizenship), others are still going to consider your diffrent. In short, These things root deeply in human minds.If you people go and ask anyone is Afghan, where he would like to live, he would say Afghanistan even though Afghan is a deserted area. They would still say, its heaven for them. So, US people will like US but yes, when it comes to vaccation, they might prefer going ofshores. But going on a vaccation since you like a place, does not mean you dislike your home. I also believe that, it is because of people changing their home country have to face things like racism. Racism cannot be banned or anything. But one who does not belong to a particular place does feel it. And he cannot fully blame the people or the country. Its an obvious reaction.Anyway, I am from India. I have travelled to many places in India and abroad. I still love my place, Mumbai. (I feel) No other city rocks like it. (thats what I believe)
  11. We kindly request that next time when you post a complaint like this, please mention your site name so that we can look forward in the issue.thanx.
  12. If the Question is fairly small.. then its fine. But If you make a page full of queries and copy paste that entire thing there. Then its wrong. Its recommended that you post he question at one place and paste a link to it at the other.
  13. content copied. Will not be tolerated at all.
  14. ahhh.. thats the next thing which is more difficult than running Xisto.com
  15. Stardock is company which has many products. Some of them are...Iconx, Windows Blinds etx which help to enhance the Windows Desktop. Adamrosso, next time making a comment about a product, please give some extra details about it. Else, your post will be considered as spam.
  16. That is really stupid. However, I don't understand when did rules from the government ever start affecting people. Its a known fact that sharing music is piracy. I don't see anyone actually sticking a postick in front of his computer and abiding by this rule. However, Banning a game like that in Australia can also be considered as a good decision. It will really make the people aware of the game and also keep the parents with young children at home from buying it. Secondly, it also shows how much the govt. cares bout the country citizens.Anyway, I dont think this rule will ever effect those people who still share music ;-) So why *BLEEP* bout it..
  17. We dont create downtimes or pull the plug as per a schedule. Being a free host, people must try to understand that, some of our members host with us for learning. They learn and they execute scripts. The fact is, some of the scripts which are badly programmed end up slowing down the server. We try our level best to keep up the uptime.Till date, I have suspended 100's of accounts for bringing down the server. When the problem was very major one, I even announced the account info. If you check our forums, We have had cases with paypal since one of our members was trying to send mass emails (phishing) as PayPal.We have been through cases where members were found to be distributing codes and programs which was made to bring down our forums. There are many things that do happen behind the scenes. The posting at the forum is one thing which is not as effective as asking the members to pay. When a member pays for hosting, He loses money, if his account is suspended. That is one reason, why my paid servers are not been spammed so heavily as the free ones. The members on free servers have nothing to lose if their account is suspended. The hosting credit system is soo kind that gaining 10 credits is like a childs play. It hardly takes 10 mins to get those and the person can have another account here. My point is, We try our level best to keep up with the uptime. Please support and help us.
  18. What do you mean by wireless internet.. It can actually mean, acessing internet right from satellite or accessing it via access points which are setup by ISPs. Anyone with more information? I would appreciate if you could give us the advantages and disadvantages in more detail.
  19. rvovk has 330 credits in his bank. The bank can be considered as a demand draft. Once credits are transfer to the bank, they cannot be taken back. So those 330 credits now, nolonger belong to rvovk. Any member who wants to confirm this, can use the form at https://support.xisto.com/ to view rvovk credits and bank credits.
  20. I wish if this can be used in automobiles. I think, we will then have the solution for global warming.
  21. Man, I think after few days, you will have to drop this idea. Because I m quite sure, you will have that list in hundreds..and you will have one big SPAMMED signiture :-p
  22. Cool thank.. Cgi Formmail tutorial will definately prove to be helpful for the members
  23. Yup, That is the reason why kids find it easy to go with the views of their friends. They have a good communication relation with their friends. Kids share more with their friends than with their parents. However, they fail to realise one thing. That at some point of time, if they ever fall in trouble, the only person whom they can trust and expect to show up is their parents. Parents should also realise this and try to make the first move. Most of the times, they find it embarassing bout talking things. However, parents should realise that its their responsiblity to make the first move. Thats what kids want. (Just like girls hehe.. they always want the boys to make the first move ;-) )
  24. You feel that because you have been seeing things in that way. You saw the negative part of the society. Imagine, you grow old one day.. The society usually appreciates you only when your young. Once you grow old, do you think you will get the same attraction ?After you cross your age, its then only you. IF you were married, then the case would had been diffrent. You will have a partner to share your thoughts and a person who knows you better. Who can ask you if something is wrong just by looking at your eyes.. these are the beutiful things in life which one has to look for.Remember, when your digging deep for gold, you dont curse the mud that your digging. all you are intrested is the gold. So marriage is a beautiful thing. Also, one should carefully chose a partner. So, dont hurry up when you face these things. Imagine that you have stepped in the garden of roses, feel them, look at them.. appreciate them but pick the one which you think will be the best for you. Keep in mind, your chosing a partner for life. Have a healthy communication with him. Let the relation go for some time and think bout marriage only if you feel that you are comfortable with him. Remember, he once you put the ring, you will have to live with him for next 50 years. which is more than the time, you spent with your parents. Also, most of the marriages break because of lack of trust and faith. The relation of marriage is considered sacred and hence the entire foundation of this relationship is on trust and faith. Have a strong hold over these things. What else can go wrong if you both trust each other. I hardly see any reason to break up then. Some marriages are broken due to personal diffrences. But imagine your partner to be just like you. His choices, likes, dislikes... almost everything. How ODD would that be. Diffrences spice up life. I suggest you see the positive part of life. Things will look bright automatically.
  25. The young minds of children is like wet clay. Parents mould n shape it.. Now its with the parents how they shape it up.We cannot ignore the evils of society that affect children. However, some things like family values, culture can be sown soo deeply in minds of children that they learn themselves to stay away from such things.We dont expect parents to keep thier children away from such things, but yes, they can very well give them the power and determination to stay away. A good warm feeling in family is the main thing which one should maintain. Returning home from school should be an exciting thing for them. Wheras, I have seen for many, who say... "Oh! No.. I dont feel like going home... its the same thing again and again.. ".Culture does make a lot of diffrence. This is the only thing, for which I encourage involving religion in life. If you see, All religions help to impart culture. They tell us the right way of living. Coming back to point, no parents would like their children to go on wrong paths. However, the parents who suffer this are not exactly bad. Either they havent given time to their kids.. or they have did it in excess. Parents should be caring as well as strict. Strict where discipline is concerned. ( I don't mean, they should start beating their kids.. being strict does not mean beating or scolding )There is also one thing, that should be considered i.e. Communication gap due to the diffrences in generation. The newer generation is smart and mature.. Parents should try to be more of a friend to their childs and less of a parent. That would help to have a better communication and both will be able to share their diffrences. Children are usually afraid to say things to their parents. If proper family values and culture are sown in kids, They will learn to ignore evil things themselves. So, try giving the kids strength to stay away rather than cutting his reach from such things. BEcause these things will find him no matter how hard you try to protect him. Make him such that, next time when he goes out for teen party.. abuses drugs etx, he should feel ashamed of himself and coming back home. So that the next time, he will ignore it.
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