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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. WRONG! Right now, A Total of 11,768 Members have Registered! We Prun members, so that only those members are counted at this forum who have actually contributed something. We are not interested in false Show off ;-)
  2. This is how it goes. If you are NOT Hosted { Get 10 Credits and apply for Package 1. -------> STARTER PACK OR Get 30 Credits and apply for Package 2. } If you are HOSTED (Package 1) { Get 30 Credits and Upgrade! } The next Question is, Why to have STARTER pack in first placE! => This is because, if you are doubtful about your posts OR don't have faith in our service Or think we are a scam Or too impatient to get your Hosting, Then, you can quickly apply for this account. This is also helpful for those people, who have Crappy posts and spam our forums and apply for hosting. For them, they get DENIAL notice before they do additional spamming trying to apply for package 2. In most of the cases, these types of members improve and get along with the forums. While some leave, which is again good for this community. As we cannot tolerate anything which harms the integrity and quality of our forums. Why Credits are RESET! => I have answered this question many times. Credits system has 2 stages. In Stage 1 before you get hosted, Your hosting credits are not reduced with time. After you get hosted, the Credit calculation is changed. And enters a completely new system in which credits are reduced every second by a very very very fractional amount automatically. Each Hosting Credit represents "1 DAY (24 hours)". So If you have 50 credits, after one month, it will be 20 (Provided you don't visit our forums and don't make a single post). OpaQue Owner/Administrator Xisto : Free Web Hosting Xisto Corporation
  3. I feel like laughing over you... You are just opening your filthy mouth and showing the world how dirty minded you are. Not only that, you also displayed the care and respect you have for others publically.. Things like this reflects ones CHARACTER and PERSONALITY. I really don't want to say anything about this, Others who are reading that will very well come to know WHO is WHO! :-) I appologise others for the language I have used .. but I and our entire staff cannot tolerate any disrepect towards any of our staff members.
  4. This topic is being approved only because of the fact that you are the owner of this post. However, please do not post further content which has an online presence on the internet.
  5. PAY PER CLICK Pay Per Click (PPC) programs pay you on the basis of the number of clicks you earn through your ads. They are only concerned about the clicks and the no. of times you show the ads dont matter. Also, any purchases or Actions generating through those ads will not be counted either. Therefore, PPC advertising/ CPC advertising is : ADVERTISERS : A bit expensive for Advertisers compared to Pay Per impression but its more reliable as they are paying only for clicks generated. PUBLISHERS : Good for Publishers as CPC ads pay more per click. However, publishers have to take extra care that their ads work well with their campaign. Else, it will turn out to be a loss for them. However, When targetted properly, PPC/CPC ads are the best form of advertising which is profitable for both advertisers and publishers. CPC : Cost per Click Payment is given to the publishers on the basis of the no. of clicks generated on the ads.
  6. PAY PER IMPRESSION Pay per impression programs pay you on the basis of the number of ads you show rather than any other criteria required from the users side, like clicks, signups etx. Pay per impression are the safest mode of advertisement. Which is :- 1. Cheaper for the Advertiser (since the rates are low but are less reliable) 2. Quite reliable for Publisher but low paying. Publishers dont have to worry about clicks or signups. CPM : Cost per M Here, M=1000 (Roman Letter) Since, calculation of Ads or no. of impressions delievered on per ad basis is difficult, Advertisers use the word CPM i.e. Cost per 1000 ads.
  7. Can you please tell what these FIREFOX TWEAKS do exactly. I would like to know if I am not screwing up anything important with these tweaks. Firefox is my primary browser ;-)Do you have any more firefox tweaks ?
  8. Yes. When We gave them pure US traffic, their support replied, they have advanced filtering / geotargetting crap. And said, it was because of the international traffic, we had so low payout. Anyway, Realtech network is very unreliable. I would like to hear from anyone who uses Realtech network and give us a review about the traffic they have. Anyway, we placed realtech ads on lofi pages to give them pure unique traffic coming from search engines.
  9. You can now check other people's hosting credits from https://support.xisto.com/
  10. Additional credits for tutorials, I had felt this need but then I integrated in the credits system. So, posts which are longer get bonus credits automatically.
  11. ContextWeb was promising. However, they were not upto their word. When I signed up, it said, If by may or some month, we managed to have more than $100, then we would get $50 free. This was their marketting offer. No doubt, being such a big site and putting their ads on all the forums, we did manage to get that amount. However, when we finally recived their payments, no where they mentioned about the bonus value. Besides, their email was really stupid. I put their ads on LOFI pages, which has only and only content. May be said, our forums are so vast dealing with so many topics, that they dont have enough ads to show on our site. Anyway, ContextWeb Rules are very very Strict. ContextWeb's TOS, has something like this... They are simply swindling people there. And there are many other rules as harsh as the above one. However, One thing is clear. They are not targetting small websites. Instead of ContextWeb, I would recommend Google Adsense. Unlike, ContextWeb, they do also have a rule for monthly payout of $100, but if you fail to make it, it is transfered to the next consecutive month. Anyway, there is simply no comparision between Google Adsense and ContextWeb. Also, the RATE per CLICK of CONTEXTWEB is filthy LOW! Its nothing compared to Google Adsense. ContextWeb is better than other pay per click companies like bidvertiser or clicksor.. (But still the harsh payment rules need to be kept in mind). I hope this information helps. If you are thrown out of Google for some reason, and want to find a CPC Advertising Company, then you can go with ContextWeb. Else, They are not recommended. Thanks.
  12. Its a Javascipt code. So, if they want to use it, they have to pass this again to the server by making you click something or submit some form. However, anyone who is interested in how this thing works, can check this out. The Code used on that site is. <script Language="JavaScript">var content = clipboardData.getData("Text");if (content!=null) {document.write("<center><font size=5 color=red>WARNING, TEXT RETRIEVED:</font> (see below)<br><br><span style='background-color: #FFFF00'>");document.write(content);document.write("</span>");}else {document.write('<center>No text found in clipboard. This is a good thing!<br><br>Works with Internet Explorer and Netscape.');}</Script>However, What we have to note is, there is this small javascript object "clipboard". Using the method, Gettext, one can retrive values of it. clipboardData.getData("Text");
  13. PHP is made for Linux Servers.ASP is made for Windows Servers.PHP is good and open source.. Its says, I will give my services to everyone. I will provide libraries to be integrated to any type of server and any OS.ASP is not as good as PHP. It says, I will rather stick more to Windows so that My company makes more profits selling Windows Server and OS. So that people suffer and cry if they are on linux and want to use me.Now, Running ASP on Linux servers using forced mods is kinda risky and can open serious security holes.PHP on other hand provides support to be easily installed on Windows Server. So, people with Windows as well as Linux servers have PHP but people with Linux Servers cannot have ASP. IF they do, they might be risking the server and also degrading the server performance.Hence, you find PHP everywhere, but not ASP. I hope this helps.
  14. AstaHost is the ideal haven for all brainiacs. Xisto is dedicated to offer Free Web Hosting to the "Talented Minds" who love serious discussion. Xisto strives to be one of the best professional free web hosting service providers. FREE WEB HOSTING / Free Web Solutions correctly put, POST TO HOST website hosting. (member testimonials) SIMPLE STEPS TO START/SETUP/MAKE YOUR WEBSITE AT THE BEST FREE WEB HOSTING SITE -> Xisto ( these steps are for those people who are extremely impatient and want to get started without reading the instruction manual ) Signup here (our forum), Contribute & Share knowledge by discussing here. Everytime you post here, you get points called "myCENTS". You will receive funds automatically when you post and you will be alerted on your email. Once your earning is about $2, you can buy a website package at Shopping Area. Participate in this forum to earn myCENTS. (Please observe forum discipline instructions strictly) Signup at our Shopping Area, This is the area where your earnings (myCENTS) from forum participation will be deposited. This money can be used to buy any of our products using myCENTS. You are not required to have any credit-card and there is no age limit. myCENTS: We have a point system called "myCENT". And yes, each myCENT represents 1 American "cent". The goal is to make good posts and gather 100 cents. Every time you cross 100, your cents will be converted to US Dollar and deposited into Xisto - Support.com Billing/Shopping area. So Keep Discussing and Continue Earning More Funds(myCENTS) to buy anything offered at Xisto - Web Hosting.com HELPFUL LINKS Free Web Hosting with little ads at bottom, check out Qupis.com - absolutely free web hosting Reliable Hosting with Quality Support - check out Xisto - Web Hosting.com - Prices starting at $1.95 / mo. only. Need Help with starting a Website - Got Questions? Ask them without Registration - click here. Planning to buy Web Services - Get in Touch with the Experts to take the Right Step! Benefits & Rewards - *free web hosting without ADS* - yourName.com Free! As a reward for your contribution to this little Community, We will give you advanced & quality Web service or website(s) for Free. This includes your own (YourName.com/.net/.org... etc.) Website (Registration Service), Personalized yourname.com Email Solution, Software & Knowledge for Creating, Administrating, Promoting & making revenue from your own Website. Web Hosting service supporting latest Technology like PHP, ASP, MYSQL, MSSQL, Ruby on Rails, JSP Tomcat, Python, CPanel etc. For advanced web developers, we will even help you setup your own Private Virtual Server for FREE! When it comes to Web Services, Our commitment is pure Quality. All our Products can be purchased FREE by contributing posts in this forum..For any kind of Web-Help or Website Solutions, please e-mail - sales [@] Xisto - Web Hosting.com. OR call : +1 (213) 984-1190. :-) The Deal / Catch here is Simple, For your Sincere participation for sharing knowledge, We research the Web for you to serve the BEST Web Solutions with Reliability, Uptime & Security. Our mission is to help everyone enrich their lives using The Internet & we believe that today, having Online Presence is a must for everyone. If you like us, Connect us on Facebook - Our FB page: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ :-) RULES The Following set of rules must be kept in mind by all members of this forum : Languages (warning): All posts made must be written in decent English. This means you will at least try to write grammatically correct sentences and be a little careful at what you're trying to say. We're not all psychic, so if you want to make something clear, do it the right way. Should a post be made in another language, you should at least add an English translation to it. Spam (warning): Any post that is off-topic or contributes nothing useful or interesting to a thread is considered to be spam. Most spam posts will be moved or deleted. Spam includes posts that: only contain emoticons. only contain a short message, such as "LOL", "thank you" or "hello". Anything that our Staff Feels UN-FIT for our mission. Double Posts (warning): Double posts will not be allowed. If you already made a post and wish to add something, use the button and change or update your post when no other replies are present. Short Posts (deleted): Posts that are under roughly 150 characters or less than about 25 words are considered to be pointless, and will be deleted. Routine maintenance will automatically delete such posts. Stay active (suspension): Once a user has been granted a hosting account (s)he must stay active in these forums for as long as (s)he wishes to keep that account. Keeping track of myCENTS is your responsibility. Privacy (warning) : Posts containing private information of a person, will not be allowed. You will respect any person's privacy at all times. This rule does not apply to situations where this information is of vital importance, or when it is your own. Yet please be careful when posting information about yourself and keep in mind that search engines DO scan these pages. Private information includes, by is not limited to: eMail addresses, IP addresses, IM handles and other contact information. Full or partial names, postal addresses, or other physical information. Social information, Passwords, ... Advertising (warning): Advertising on the forum is not allowed under any but the following conditions: a website in the review website forum providing it does not compete with any of our services. when it offers a solution to a problem stated. Subjects (warning): The subject line of a thread should be descriptive, not something like "help plz." If a certain subject has already been discussed, making a new thread about it is discouraged. Please browse or search the forums before posting a thread. Respect (frowned upon): All the members in this forum must respect and treat justfully all visitors of this forum. Everyone shall be treated equally in the matters of judgment. "Flaming" members unjust fully will not be allowed. Swearing (frowned upon): Cursing and swearing is highly discouraged. Keep your language decent, and don't talk provocative. Text Style (warning): Messages should be written so that all members can easily read them. Use of color and different text size is discouraged, FULL CAPS and CamElCapS are frowned upon. They will only lower you in respect by the general forum population. Illegal Content (ban): Posting illegal content, or referring to it with, for example, a link, and even discussing such material will not be allowed. Such material includes but is not limited to : Warez, or other illegally distributed software. Hacking tools. Pornography or nudity not safe for children. Avatars & Signatures (image removal - warning): Images of large dimensions or file sizes are not allowed as they will interfere with the forum's layout or displaying performance (esp. with users on slower connections). Maximum signature dimensions: 590 pixels wide, 125 pixels high Corrective Action: If you fail to follow these rules, you are at risk of receiving a punishment stated next to the rule. Every warning you receive will bring you closer to being banned permanently from the forum, and thus, eventually loosing your hosting account here. We also reserve the right to edit/delete your posts/account or deny your access to this board. If you are banned, you must not try to bypass the ban, for example, by registering new accounts, and you may not post messages to any part of the board. Members with a warning will be denied all services from xisto If a member gets warned for any of the above listed reasons, he/she will thereby lose all mycent privileges and will not be able to either buy new services or renew existing services. This applies to everything from domain registration, hosting, dedicated IP, shell access, SSL and so on. Upon removal of warning, member account will be restored back to normal. If a member is banned permanently from the forums, the services owned by the member will be terminated and the billing account will be locked from future use. Note that any data provided to this board, including your IP address, is stored in a database. Private information will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent. However, we cannot be held liable for any hacking attempt in which your data is compromised.Xisto ChatBelow listed are preamble to main rules of the Chat. We cannot list out every minor detail because it would take forever! Forum moderators will guide you to the rest of CHAT rules. And as always, administrators and moderators of Xisto forum reserves the final decision.These are just the main features. Remember, you would not be banned just as long as you abide by these rules! Do NOT post links in the Chat. It is strictly forbidden to post links to your own sub-domain of the aforementioned sites. Be kind to others. Do NOT use inappropriate language, any Language not understood by Chat members. Respect everyone and treat the forums with care since it took a good amount of time to create this service. Do NOT post large pictures in the Chat. Be active and have fun! Even though we attempt to edit or remove any messages that are against these rules or the law, it is impossible for us to review every message posted on this board. For this reason, you acknowledge that all messages posted on this board express the views and opinions of the original message author and not necessarily the views of the Forum Staff. Therefore we take no responsibility and cannot be held liable for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy and completeness of every message. PRIVACY POLICY http://forums.xisto.com/topic/2283-privacy-policy/ TERMS OF SERVICE (TOS) and ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY (AUP) http://forums.xisto.com/topic/2284-terms-service-acceptable-policy/ REMEMBER :: No one is going to snatch away your account. So take your time, Relax and then post at the forums. Don't post in a hurry to simply get an Account. You will get it at any cost, provided you make GOOD posts. Get it in a good way. You are expected to be active at the Forums even after you get your hosting account so that you collect good amount of myCENTS to keep your hosting for years to come. Some More Questions discussed.. Why should I post? When you post, you help the other members and also help us to attract new members. Our entire hosting is supported and sponsored by Xisto - Web Hosting.com which is member site of Xisto. Xisto strives to be a good forum targetting all topics connected to science, technology and reality. This inturn helps us save marketting revenue and at the same time generate advertising revenue. We do not believe in advertising on member websites and hence, none of our sites have any forced advertisements. The forum ads if visible are only for guests and are completely disabled for logged in members. What is the *Active* thing after all, and why should I be active at the Forum? Staying active is to have a steady flow of myCENTs in your account. This money collects safely as a deposit and is used in future to pay any of your services purchased/ordered by us. How Active I should be? Depending on the quality of your posts which considers the title, description and body of your message, you get myCENTS. These myCENTS increase automatically as you stay active and keep posting depending on your activity, popularity and your posts performance. Each Post can pay upto a Dollar or more. This is sufficient to keep a 1GB Hosting account with mySQL worth $1.49 at Xisto - Web Hosting to be active for a month. Can I request more, why am i posting, UNLIMITED SPACE AND BW!? Yes . With more myCENTS accumulated, you are free to order More Services. Is 1,000 MB space and 10,000MB BW enough? (Our Default Package) The following are Xisto.com(our partner site) statistics as on 01 Aug 2004 Number of visits : 518 Pages : 13575 Hits : 86950 Bandwidth : 255.47 MB So Roughly, for 1 GB BW you can serve about 3,47,500 HITS and 54,500 Page Views! If you really get so much, why not plan for Paid Hosting.. Well the Topic does not end here, we give out more as you need upto 25GB! Xisto.com was using hardly 20MB space with about 4500 posts.. Don't get carried away by other companies who claim to give UNLIMITED SPACE AND BW! If you really like those, collect myCENTS and order for IDEAL PACKAGE inside Xisto - Support.com @ $11 per month. What is the CATCH behind all this? SIMPLY NOTHING! Your Active participation at the forums is enough to support us. We get paid by the Ads and Marketting. Is this a Joke? Certainly NOT!, We have given away accounts to every member who has requested till date with Genuine posts! Is it safe and Reliable? Our Servers are completely Protected and your Data is SAFE. Your earnings and transactions are maintained in a SECURE control panel. We have been servicing internet community since 2004 and have been processing our company customer's Credit Card Payments. You have nothing to lose Can I use this hosting account to give hosting to Others? Yes, Once you feel confident that you are earning myCENTS like PACMAN, you are welcome to buy multiple packages and gift them to your friends. :-) You are also requested to invite your friends to our forums :-) What if I break the rules? We respect and honor every member on this forum but if you are found creating noise in our little peace, We maintain every right to ban your forum account any any services linked with it. Will Ads be put up like others? Alright answered, no. WOW! You guys are helping a lot? Is there anyway, I can help? Yes! and It is very much appreciated. Please Link back to us. Spread our Name. Refer us on Free Hosting lists. Refer us on another Forums (which do not provide Hosting for posting ;-) ) and Blog sites. You are requested to take further advantage of affiliate system at Xisto - Support.com Billing Area, which earns you percentage commision on every member you refer to our partner hosting website, Xisto - Web Hosting.com. What if I want to put up your ADS and help You? CooL!!! Best Regards, Xisto: Free Web Solutions
  15. Your post is COUNTED at 95% of the Forum Topics. There are some exceptions like "Hosting Request forum", "Support" etc. where your post count does not increase. This is because we believe that these areas do not contribute much the the Information base of the forums. ?? POST COUNT & HOSTING CREDITS ?? The Hosting credits is a system which was introduced on 5th January 2005 to keep a track of Active members. Before we go into details of HOSTING CREDIT, let us see what it does and how to increase it. [+] Why is this system useful? How does it help members? The Hosting Credits System tracks the posts and keeps a record. It depends on the type of post you make rather than normal post counts. When you post a tutorial, article .. you recieve more credits than the conventional post count. Hence, it ensures that your work is not wasted and it is properly credited. The next advantage is "Activity Period". The Credit system, will tell you approximately how many days you can remain inactive. Unlike our competitors, WE DO NOT :- 1> Force our members to post Daily. 2> Hide or disclose information regarding activity 3> Force members to visit forums in particular period. 4> Give them Periodically posting targets. 5> Take long time to approve accounts. The Above manual system ( used by our competitors ) is not useful. And has following limitations. 1> A member is willing to post Quality posts but limits it, because of the Post count system. As large posts will also be counted as a single post and not contribute anything extra. 2> A member wants to take a vaccation or leave for few days and has to depend on Administrators. 3> A member is supposed to request adminstrators for every details regarding activity. 4> A member has to wait for long time for his account activation. 5> A member has no knowlegde about his activity and has to depend on the sole discreation of the administrators. He can be asked to post more or less depending on the admins. 6> As the system is not automated or tracked, there are lots of members who abuse services as a result, these hosts fall down and shut down. 7> The Forum activity decreases and is usually below avearge thus making the forum experience boring and dull. [+] HOSTING CREDIT *DOES* DEPEND ON POST SIZE. The Hosting Credits depend only upon the size and Quality of the post. It does not depend on the number of post you make. All posts are counted except posts like "thank you", "LoL"... [+] Hosting CREDITS are *NOT* counted in forums where Post Count is NOT counted. [+] Hosting CREDITS are nothing but the number of Days you can remain INactive. You can see your credits on the forum index page. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php [+] Hosting CREDIT has NO CONNECTION with Post Count. And both are completely Seperate values/variables. However, if your post count increases, you can be assured that your Hosting credit has been incremented too. Because the Post Quality filtering tools apply to both of these functions ( Post count system & Hosting Credit ) Hosting credits are calculated and maintained inside our system. The possible calculations determine a users activity at the forums, performance. The Calculations depend upon your frequency of activity, length of posts etc. :: IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION REGARDING WORKING OF HOSTING CREDITS :: Hosting Credits are scheduled to be checked on daily basis. The Forum members credits are checked and steps are taken accordingly. The Following is our Hosting Maintanance script task :- [+] Hosting Credits Exhausted : Your Account gets SUSPENDED*. [+] Hosting Credits Satisfactory : Your account is kept Active. If it was suspended, It will be un-suspended / Activated. [+] If your Account has Exhausted your Hosting Credits and you have been inactive (after exhausting credits) for One month or more, Your Account is TERMINATED**. *SUSPENDED : Files are safe, only the site is blocked. **TERMINATED : Files are all deleted and all the records are cleared. No recovery possible. If for some reason, you fail to be active and your Account gets Suspended, you will have to make the necessary posts and check your validity so that it shows it is healthy again. This will AUTOMATICALLY ACTIVATE your hosting account. ( Your files are safe ) :: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION :: [Q] : Can I transfer my hosting Credits ? A : Yes! Go to https://support.xisto.com/ [Q] : When Do I lose credits or when are the credits reset ? A : Credits are reset (you lose your credits) to 3 after :- 1> You Activate your hosting account. 2> You Upgrade your Hosting Account. The Credits have to be reset because until you apply for hosting, The credits follow a static system. The basic purpose of Credits system is to act as a COUNTDOWN timer. So, as days pass by, the credits go down and finally reach back to 0. After they reach 0, your account is suspended. Therefore, you are requested to be active and collect enough credits (for eg. 30 credits for one month) so that even if you stay inactive for month, your hosting remains safe. When you first register at our forums and start earning credits, To help the new users feel comfortable and to keep permanent tracking, the credits don't act as countdown timer. So, when new members earn 5 credits, their credits remain 5 even after a year. They don't go down. After you Activate your hosting, this is where the credit system starts its actual work. (The countdown begins :-) ) So, in this phase, the complete calculation system is changed and hence your Credits are RESET back to 3. So that you have 3 days to again collect your credits. After you get your account, suppose you make a post and earn 5 credits, (i.e. total 8) that will allow you to stay inactive at our forum for complete 8 days. :-) Credits are RESET even if you apply for upgrade. So, If you upgrade, your credits are rest back to 3. [Q] : If I cannot stay active at the forums, What can I do ? A : This is one of the most frequently asked question, The answer is, Be EXTRA active at the forum and collect enough hosting credits to take a nice leave. Do not Spam. We handle Spamming issue very very Seriously and we will not step back to Suspend your account if we see that you are spamming. It is better if you have a forum reputation. It helps us to know your activity and quality of posts. [Q] : If I am in very Bad Emergency, then what ? A : You can purchase the Hosting Credits. Please contact sales@Xisto.com [Q] : The Hosting Credit shows my account in healthy condition/ Good condition, will posting more help any further ? A : Yes. The hosting credit reporting tool reports the number of credits you have. But as for the credits are concerned, you still go on accumulating it. The limit max limit of this hosting credit extends upto approx 110.8 years. In short, your every valid post is counted. :-) [Q] : What is the Best way to be active and collect Hosting Credits ? A : We suggest that you make posts regularly and collect hosting credits accordingly. You will find it easy to make posts regularly and maintain your Hosting credits near 10 days or more. As you go on collecting more, the amount of credits offered also decreases. [Q] : How do I know, If I am suspended ? A : Your site will be redirected to a new location. ( suspension page ). [Q] : My Account is Suspended, How do I un-suspend? A : The main forum page will show you your current hosting credits. If it is negative, your hosting is propably suspended. You must have at least 7 Hosting Credits, to un-suspended your account automatically. We do this, so that members dont activate accounts and become inactive again. Activating and Deactivating puts a lot of load on our server and it requires us to restart the services. If you want any more Questions to be answered, kindly post them. Warm Regards, OpaQue. Dooga: Fixed forum link
  16. Yes. All our Free Web Hosting Accounts fully support latest Frontpage extensions. OpaQueXisto : Free Web Hosting CompanyThanks.
  17. The Box in the center which has update written on it must be the UPDATE box he is referring to. I don't understand his query either and I dont see any white lines.
  18. I havent gone through the replies you recieved above, but this is a very common error. Headers can be sent only before any output is sent to the client. You must ensure this so that you can easily avoid this error.LEAVE no space,before <?, Because, if this is your starting file, then you will get this error.Now, space after ?> Does not make much sense, but it is good if you dont include spaces after. Because, suppose, you are including a particular file A into B, and if A has space after ?>, then you will definately get the error again.Create Functions for ERRORs and ALERTS. We usually have a tendency to directly use Print statement. But then, once we do that, we start out the output and we never know, where the output started, if your script is very big. Embedding them in a function will help you pinpoint, where your code is giving output from.If possible, Create a output class for displaying output to the user. And pass everything to this class. You can then create functions which will buffer this output and give you more control over your script. (This can be achieved using a simple variable too, but it is not soo flexible.)
  19. I don't know about Linux Servers, but I think it can be easily done on Windows server. However, I dont understand, why would you want PHP with COLDFUSION. Both are pretty powerful scripting languages. I had installed Coldfusion server long time back, so If coldfusion has no support for running under other Server softwares, then it is hard. Else, If coldfusion can run under IIS, then PHP and CF can be used together.
  20. Well, not on my own computer. But Xisto.com and Xisto.com will be shifted to a new server P4, 1 GB Ram. It was supposed to be finalized yesterday, but there is going to be some delay and the shift will take another 4-5 days. However, Dedicated server for a site means, Dedicating and Entire Computer for one site.Thanks.
  21. There is a POLL for this I guess, Norton VS. McAffee.There are around 87 Pages of information on Xisto regarding Norton and McAffee. Please use the Search function or atleast the google search to get find your favourite topics.
  22. All charge money. 2CO.com charges 5% flat + $0.45 for processing. Even merchant accounts charge money. The thing is, they have to charge this amount as processing charges because i believe they have to pay a part of this money to the CC company providing this service. Anyway, its how the world works. Nothing comes free
  23. Sorry for all this mess.. Its my fault and I appologise for this. I usually look over the servers and keep a watch on the processes. I was out for a tiny vaccation (2 days) and things went haywire. I did not expect Xisto to go down. Anyway, looks like servers are more fragile than I thought. anyway, I will try my best to not let this happen in future. Thank You for your co-operation.
  24. As long as the people know that those subdomains are being hosted by Xisto, everything goes fine.If you are using UNI.CC, then I request them to put a note or message saying, Free Web Hosting Provided by Xisto.comand also your site to have such a link which is clearly visible.
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