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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. JAVA is the only way in which you can GET the REAL IP address being used by your website client.By JAVA, I mean those real applets and not javascript. I have forgotten how JAVA gets to know the real IP, but for some reason, it bypasses the proxy. All you have to do is, get the Java applet call one of your php scripts to record its IP. :(This is the best method to get real information about the visitor. I hope, I have got your question right.
  2. Yesterday, When I checked your site, I did realise this. I am really sorry about your site. Please make sure, you don't give out your password to anyone and have the latest version of software.Also, your claims regarding Xisto - Web Hosting being down for more than 4-8 hours didn't make sense. However, all we could do is just request you to cool down :-)As for the new account request, It will be addressed soon :(Thank you for your co-operation.
  3. Please ADD in the NOTES section that you are migrating from Xisto.Put in your profile link, cpanel username and web site name.
  4. I am afraid, that information is wrong. MySQL was NOT down for even more than an hour.
  5. Hi,For Support Queries, Please use the helpdesk.Send mail to support AT Xisto - Web Hosting DOT com.Also, When sending mail, Please give us your cpanel login details and domain name.A link where you are facing the error or Error message that you recieve will help us further to solve your query quickly.Thanks.-OpaQue
  6. We are getting close to setup the monitoring equipments. At the moment, I am making sure that no (service) downtime lasts more than 15 mins.
  7. OMG! This is soo disturbing. I do remember creating this site gamefaqselite.trap17.com.There were some conflicts with the domain and we had two similar domains like those. Its soo disturbing that he passed away at such a young age. I pray my best wishes to him and his family to help them cope with this ugly phase of life.. :lol:May God bless his soul and his family..
  8. This is a risky process and failures can involve DNS curroption which takes a lot of time to fix. And then takes additional time for propagation on internet. Problems occur basically when we try to setup an account which has already been setup on another server. We can however put in links on Xisto to do a easy shift, but the process will be manual. We have links on our main page which mention it. However, Where do you intend us to tell it further ? ads, forums etc. Please give more details about this point. :-) We have introduced 2Checkout.com payment gateway to handle payments from debit cards and credit cards which paypal might not support. It also helps us process payments from countries which paypal does not support.As for charging the customers credit card directly will be implemented later when we have a bigger reputation and a good percentage of market share. :-) Give us suggestions regarding the other forums which you want us to have under Xisto - Web Hosting category. We will definately give it a thought ;-) Thanks..
  9. Since you requested your account to be transfered, it actually transfers each and every detail from the old server.Also, right after the transfer, We do not touch the clients account and wait for a confirmation for 1-2 days just to see if things are working fine on the new server.We have now upgraded your package software to PLAN 9S and the account is reflecting the new settings in your cpanel.Sorry for the inconvenience...The delay is because of the SALES team. Our sales team does not operate 24/7. Therefore, in order to shift you to higher plan, We require confirmation. I have approved it now and the plan details have been changed.
  10. Since you requested your account to be transfered, it actually transfers each and every detail from the old server.Also, right after the transfer, We do not touch the clients account and wait for a confirmation for 1-2 days just to see if things are working fine on the new server.We have now upgraded your package software to PLAN 9S and the account is reflecting the new settings in your cpanel.Sorry for the inconvenience...
  11. You can host 2 domains on a single account.You have 2 options to Do it.1. PArked domains2. Addon domainsUsing option 1, you will be using diffrent domains to show the same site.Using Option 2, you will be using diffrent domains to show diffrent sites.
  12. Those files are not supposed to be deleted as they are created by the ftp transfer software and the ftp server. They contain the details regarding the transfer and messing them up can result in data loss during transfer.Those tmp files are deleted automatically.
  13. YA. This is what a MySQL hog up is.. Even though the remote ping uptime meters show that mysql is online, it is actually choked. So, its really very hard to detect such type of a downtime.Anyway, We are improving our monitoring scripts to detect such outages.
  14. Hi,The database data is intact and the only thing which is changed is the MYSQL version. The new version 4.1 does have charset issues with chinese charset. In our support ticket, we provided the resource links so that you could contact your forum software vendor to add 1-2 line of extra code to database queries to make them work again.Thanks
  15. Hi,We appologise our members for the recent glitches that we came across especially due to DELTA. In order to provide a better service and uptime reliability. Our Engineers have almost finished the advanced load monitoring software and its now up and running in BETA. This should take care of the MYSQL outages and we have made special arrangements for mobile alerts so that level 3 techs are notified of any server issues no matter where they are on their pda devices.We are trying to improve day by day.. And these small advancements should help us take bigger leaps and provide bigger commitments to our customers.Thank You for your support and co-operation.- OpaQueAdministrator
  16. I think, this Google Payment thingy is going to expand further and compete PAYPAL :lol:Anyway, people who are fed up with PayPal can opt for their service
  17. Ok.. you might laugh why I m posting here.. but anyway, I have to agree to the fact that, I have learnt a lot from this community. I am on it everyday. I keep a close eye on the LATEST TOPICS and everyday I learn something new! For example, Just 2 mins back, I went through this topic regarding Partial Birth Abortion..And I never knew things related to this and the laws which applied to it. Anyway, It like a news channel for learning diffrent stuff at one place. I am glad, members share their interests here and help others share their views about it :-) http://forums.xisto.com/topic/34005-partial-birth-abortion-its-legalization/ => Incase you are wondering about that partial birth abortion post.. ;-)
  18. Hi,Give us more details so that we can help you out with this issue...Thanks.
  19. Sorry, Its against the Google terms to reveal the earnings.. So, please do not reveal any of your earnings. Otherwise, unknowingly, you might be violating your contract with Google.
  20. At the time of purchase, In notes section, Give details of your Xisto/Xisto account and also a link to your profile here.We will transfer you and take care of the rest.If you do not have a domain, you can use xxxxx.computinghost.com at the time of signup. You can use a Xisto - Web Hosting.com subdomain.Thanks.
  21. Hi.Its not about our Free sites are having a better uptime than our paid site.Just imagine, Why would we even do this ? Or is there something in our hand that causes mySQL on Paid server to go down ?I really cannot deny the downtime of MySQL, but when there is even one member who abuses the server, he can bring down the SQL service. We found a member by scanning the logs manually (which takes hours) to track down the spammer.Tracking down mySQL spammer is really hard. Its because, once the service experiences lot of load, all other sites quering normally affect the server equally. So, it gets hard to determine, who is actually affecting it.Unlike Free hosting, We cannot simply suspend the suspected sites, because of the very same statement put forth by our customers "We are paying for it, You cannot suspend my site".I can really understand the value of your money and the service you are expecting, but at this moment, All I can request you is, give it a try. Everyone has their bad day.. I've researched the industry, market and the services provided by our competitors.. As for now, I can still say, the uptime provided till date has been far better than competitors who are charging more than double.As mentioned in my other post, We have ordered additional equipments of about $3000 for additional monitoring and failture detection.Also, Please understand that, there is no such software in existence which can give an alarm of any service X mins before it is on the verge of collapsing.You might have noticed, HTTPD has never been down on DELTA ever. Its been working perfectly since the day it was setup. HTTPD service is monitored as closely as MySQL. However, still we get problems from MYSQL because, we have no where to know, if mySQL is answering your software queries or not.If the service Dies off, we can fix it within 2 mins. That's my guarantee, but if for some reason, its hogged and ceases to respond to Queries, its literally impossible to find out.We are working over it hard and be assured, We have a team of programmers who are struggling for giving our members better uptime and quality.thanks.
  22. For the first time, I saw Google site down :-S And I think the link is pretty static so you can visit it diretly and check out the error message that google throws up when they are down
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