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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Dear Members, Our Server GAMMA is undergoing a Hard drive change. Some sectors of the Hard disk were found to be inaccessible. We have identified this as an early sign of Disk failure and hence decided to replace the Hard drive. The entire process involves :- Purchasing a New drive. Installing OS and CPanel on this new drive. Switching it to server. Copying accounts on this drive. Mounting this drive as primary. The entire process can take anywhere from 5-8 hours. We will try our level best to restore things as fast as possible. Thank you for your support and assistance.
  2. Thanks a Million times. This is really touching.. got no words to say. thanks again :-)
  3. a man lies, it is for a good and honorable reason, and for the benefit of others
  4. Post Edited. Questions put forth by Hadi and Musiconly have been answered.
  5. Alright. You have a point. However, If I were to make you admin of Trap and told you to keep a watch on spam. One fine day you see, people making MASS posts in Entertainment forum intented only for credits. Posts which cannot be said to be SPAM, but you know its useless. As electriic ink stated :- I expect members to co-operate with the forum credit system. I agree that the credit system is not the most incredible software for judging posts. However it does its job pretty well. Appropriate notes have been added where points are not counted. Besides, We credit tiny posts with HUGE credit amounts in begenning to help members. We shower credits to members who have credits below 0 so that they can accumulate the credits easily to un-suspend their account. I wonder, why no one complained about credit system giving points in Quantity to these members. I seriously have no comments over this cangor. I have been to many POST 2 HOST forums and Xisto has always sided the views of our members. Rather than SUSPENDING ACCOUNTS on admins discretion, We have automated systems which tell you how many credits you have. We give you as much of control as possible so that you have no issues going out for a vaccation. Xisto is a growing community and I am really sorry for the inconvenience you go through to find the topics of your interests. We hope, our community grows upto your expectation so that you find more interesting topics. ;-)
  6. C:\>ping http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Pinging http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ [] with 32 bytes of data:Reply from bytes=32 time=296ms TTL=52Reply from bytes=32 time=331ms TTL=52Reply from bytes=32 time=346ms TTL=52Reply from bytes=32 time=338ms TTL=52Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 296ms, Maximum = 346ms, Average = 327ms If it is some other site, May I have the domain name please ?
  7. Dear Members, We are planning to give out free domains for Xisto Members. This program will be in BETA as we are uncertain about the response. FREE DOMAIN OFFER Any one of the following will be allowed for 250 credits. 1 FREE DOMAIN per Member for 1 Year. 1 Year Free Renewal. Free Transfer REQUIREMENTS To be elligible for a Free Domain, Members are requested to take active participation at this forum and really contribute good posts. Firstly Make sure that, You have a decent grasp over English Language to convey your ideas to other members. You have patience of atleast 2-3 days to make good posts in this forum (in the TOPICS you like) APPLICATION STEPS Signup in this forum. Signup at our Billing & Support Area. This is the area where your earnings from forum participation will be deposited. This money can be used to buy any of our products or if you are our existing customer, you can also pay for your services using this earned balance. You are not required to have any credit-card and there is no age limit. Contribute & Share your knowledge. Participate in this forum to earn myCENTS. (Please observe forum discipline instructions strictly) Once your earning is about $10, you can buy a domain at Xisto - Support.com or Xisto - Web Hosting.com myCENTS : We have a point system called "myCENT". And yes, each myCENT represents 1 American "cent". The goal is to make good posts and gather 100 cents. Every time you cross 100, your cents will be converted to US Dollar and deposited into Xisto - Support.com Billing/Shopping area. Xisto - Support.com : Billing & Support Area of Xisto. https://support.xisto.com/ - This is our official Billing & Support area where we have been servicing Xisto - Web Hosting and Xisto clients. From today, even Xisto and Xisto members are included FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions Do you have to be hosted first and then collect the credits to get the domain? No. Will the domain be a .com or .net .org or other? All domains offered by Xisto - Web Hosting.com / Xisto - Domains.com are available. If the one year of having this domain is over, do you lose your hosting and have to apply for a new one, or it will be replaced by a subdomain? Members will have the opportunity to collect myCENTS again by the next year and apply for renewal before 1 month of expiry. Members also have the option to manually RENEW their domain by payment at https://xisto.com/ (if member wishes to pay by Credit Card later on) How long will this offer be available? This offer is a part of Credit System v3.0. You can read this post for further information. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/61592-credit-system-v30-online-resolved-free-web-hosting-domains-dedicated-ip-digital-certificate-managed/
  8. I would definitely want to remember everything of this life. That way, I can continue to be admin of Trap forever! :-D
  9. I encountered a similar error once. I concluded the following.BGSOUND Tag works in IE.EMBED Tag works in Firefox.Try viewing the site in both the browsers to see any difference.
  10. Some domain registrars want users to configure the DNS at hosting before they allow their domain-nameservers to be modified.I just added a domain recently.So, users having trouble assigning the nameservers should contact support immediately.
  11. CPANEL might be a security risk for Some. However, this is not true. REASON : CPANEL provides 4 levels of installation and upgrades. Build Types EDGE : Edge is the bleeding edge tree. While it has the newest features; It has undergone the least amount of testing (if any). You generally shouldn't run this build unless you need a bug fix or feature in it. Once an equivalent CURRENT or RELEASE build has been released, you should switch away from this. CURRENT : Current builds are more mature than the EDGE builds since they have been tested in a production environment. RELEASE : Release builds are the prefered builds to run. They are generally current enough to have the latest bugfixes and new features, but without the worry of new bugs being introduced. STABLE : Stable builds are for the consverative people who do not wish to run the latest release. We use RELEASE and CURRENT only. Not EDGE.
  12. ComputingHost provides hosting for Xisto, Xisto and Qupis. :-)
  13. The forum is getting pretty large and organizing it under proper categories is getting difficult. The challenge is to organize it in such a way that people find the forum they want to post, as easily as possible. Too many sub->subforums creates lots of confusion (For members as well as the moderators).To many SUB-FORUMS will make the forum so large that it might discourage some members from posting.I am searching for a mod to setup a tree like Forum structure. :-) That should definitely help people locate the forum they are interested in.
  14. OpaQue

    I'm Back!

    Hey! Welcome back :-) I don't know if we have crossed paths before.. but it feels great to see members coming back after a long break. ;-)
  15. You have around 1.8 GB data in your account. Transfering will take a long time. I have initiated it. Please do not touch your account for 1-2 days atleast. Let DNS propagate.
  16. Hello Members, We are proud to introduce a new member to Xisto group of sites. Qupis : Free Web Hosting 150 MB space, 5000 MB Bandwidth, php, mysql, CPanel (Latest). Emails, FTP, Addon domains, Parked Domains etc. Qupis. Feel free to add your reviews and comments about it. -Xisto Management
  17. Hello Members, We are proud to introduce a new member to Xisto group of sites. Qupis : Free Web Hosting 150 MB space, 5000 MB Bandwidth, php, mysql, CPanel (Latest). Emails, FTP, Addon domains, Parked Domains etc. Qupis. Feel free to add your reviews and comments about it.
  18. Yes, Configure your IP address in MYSQL section in CPanel.
  19. I take joy in meditation. Its my work which entangles me in different corners curbing any chances for mediating peacefully. When I do it, It gets highest priority. As *Webber* said, I don't believe in time specific meditating sessions. When I lie down for meditating, I switch off my cell phone, my PC and almost every other thing that can disturb me. Process that I follow :- I switch off the lights. Make sure that the place is not bright that you start seeing colors after you close your eyes. I lie down and align myself w/ my feet pointing to north and head towards south. I align myself in an erect position to make sure my body is perfectly straight. (This step is necessary for few who might feel that their body is slipping away after some time). For begineers, Start with your toes and instruct every part to relax. Break your mental connection with that part. Say in your mind that you have any connection whatsoever with that part. Feel the part being left out on its own. And proceed upwards slowly part by part. After every part of me is totally relaxed, I simply concentrate at the center of my eyes (3 inches away from them). This is a time when your body is totally down and mind is fully charged. Here, I try to keep my mind free of thoughts, pictures, ideas, desires etx. Basically, I try to keep my mind blank. Even if thoughts do come, I just clear them and continue this process. The Key to Meditation is "DON'T THINK". Our basic problem is we think to much all the time.. non-stop. Depending on your experience and your skills in keeping the mind free, you will reach different states. Its after this state, you can sense the presence of something which is pervading the boundaries of your body and giving it life. You can sense the feeling of control. You can sense the answer to the Question "Who am I?". :-)
  20. Dear Members,I am pleased to announce that due to tremendous success with Xisto - Web Hosting.com, We are now pleased to offer our members the new AD-FREE Forums for our Members. Registered members will no longer have to tolerate the annoying ads.However, We also request our members to promote our Paid Web Hosting Service (https://xisto.com/).Please give us your feedback about our decision.-Xisto Management
  21. Dear Members,I am pleased to announce that due to tremendous success with Xisto - Web Hosting.com, We are now pleased to offer our members the new AD-FREE Forums for our Members. Registered members will no longer have to tolerate the annoying ads. However, We also request our members to promote our Paid Web Hosting Service (https://xisto.com/). Please give us your feedback about our decision.-Xisto Management
  22. IPB's availability is through Fantastico Only. If they are providing Trial version setups, then it will be there. However, as of now, there are no IPB setups in Fantastico.
  23. 1. What are the cost if paid monthly. (12 months) Plan 3S : $33.33 Plan 7S : $77.77 Plan 9S : $99.99 2. Is there a download file where I can test the speed? All our sites including Xisto is hosted and managed by Xisto - Web Hosting.com. TEST DOWNLOAD LINK : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 3. Do you offer osCommerce as an Add-On? Or in the future? Its available in FANTASTICO. It can be installed automatically though Control panel. 4. What are the server uptimes? We provide 99.9% Uptime Guarantee.
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