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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. PMS : PMS is a collection of symptoms. 150 separate symptoms have been identified. PMT : Premenstrual Torture ___ for guyz. According to my GF, these are the things which relate to me during her PMS :- A SUDDEN Lack of understanding. P@THETIC listener. A Workoholic.. Mental Psycho etc.. Well, if you want to really get the things correct, kindly preFIX the above complaints with your FAV. F word. I can define it by saying ... Something more difficult than managing multiple DDOS attacks on multiple Nameservers and the combined effort by 10 techs working simultaneously. Given an option to take the above or manage my GF during PMS, You know what I would go for :-) - but still.. we both end up in each other's arms by the end of the day -
  2. a thought or a point can be expressed in following ways here :-1. As a Statement. Publically acceptable.2. As an opinion. (which states that the arguement is completely personal)3. OR remarking other member's point.When remarking, try to keep your sentence as a statement. Do not assume things about others which might be offensive.// Lets stick back to the topic. Any comments are welcome by PM.
  3. I have studied only two books till date which guide you into Spirituality. Buddhism and Hinduism.. I have just tried my best to refer things from those. I cannot prove or show whatever I have said. In my above post, by Spirit or by Soul, I mean its one and the same. CONSCIENCE is something between SOUL and BODY (my understanding - can be wrong - please correct me if I am.) We cannot say, THIS IS A BAD SOUL or BAD SPIRIT. The soul is something which I regard as the absolute. Its has no properties or has nothing to do with the material world. You say "SPIRIT" and "SOUL" different. You referring CONSCIENCE as SPIRIT. If I put it in this way, what you say makes sense :-) 1.]-->Your SOUL (unaffected by anything, has no character or anything associated with it.) 2.]---> Your "conscience" (where things like KARMA, past, present and time comes in picture) 3.]-----> Your Mind. (the most un-controllable thing you might have ever come across - which defines your physical plane) 4.]-------> Your Senses. (Eyes, Nose, Ears, Mouth, Skin)
  4. I will try my best to give you my thoughts by my MIND (brain) and not something from my conscience being. "conscience being" is above the level of your mind. And Above this "conscience" is your soul which is the absolute truth. (talking spiritually) LEVELS (my views by the information which I have got through books and my trips*) Your SOUL (unaffected by anything, has no character or anything associated with it.) -> Your "conscience" (where things like KARMA, past, present and time comes in picture) ---> Your Mind. (the most un-controllable thing you might have ever come across - which defines your physical plane) -----> Your Senses. (Eyes, Nose, Ears, Mouth, Skin) Some people refer your MIND as one of your senses. Which I put at the top of the basic senses because it has the power to control the others. As well as to get easily exploited by yourself. True, because of your mind. Your mind is bound to the materialistic world. I know what you are saying. But the only source which gave me answers very near to my experience and understanding was spirituality. I can speak in its terms but it would again mean we are talking about something which is outside the domain of our MIND. I hope, you get what I mean to say. Its like saying, "An artificial intelligence program finally realizes its true identity. It is just a program made up of 0 and 1." You are right. When you speak of conscience, its defined to be extremely minute, in-destructible, ever existent etc. Which means, its different from your physical existence. When you die, its your body that dies. Your memory, your senses are all defined by your brains. But the thing which puts life in it is your "conscience". I am glad you have an understanding of this and may be felt this. You might have a voice ringing in your head trying to pull you to some type of a different reality.. But your mind counteracting and refusing its voice. :-) Happens everywhere.. "conscience" is not bound my material plane. As far as my understanding goes, its just a thought. Following one thing at a time. For "conscience", Time frankly cannot be a parameter. If it was in a tortoise, its time frame of life and death is 200 yrs. Whereas for a human, its about 80-100 years. Besides, according to the science of PRANAYAM, it says your life is calculated on the basis of the no. of breaths you take. It makes sense if you compare the chart of "Breaths per minute" of different animals and their life span. (You will have to do lots of researching to confirm the points I have put forth). Understanding this gives you an idea of theory of relativity. :-) Why did I compare TIME with LIFE & Death? If you believe that your CONSCIENCE never dies. Then conscience belonging to every living Species will be ACTIVE every single time. Consider the FRACTION of a second, where every one of the living being is ALIVE. Every being is defining time in a way it can perceive it. Considering that you are no longer bound to PHYSICAL PLANE (or materialistic plane), Yes, it is ok to say you can do anything. Because, the Physical plane is bound by the rules of CAUSE AND EFFECT - ACTION/REACTION. Or in Hinduism, its said as "KARMA". I do not know much about heaven and hell. But I feel the life we are living is HELL. For some it might be HEAVEN. I personally do not count it as heaven or hell because then I m taking my present condition for granted. Its called a suffering for a reason according to BUDDHISM. It has deep meaning to it. Just imagine the life you are living at the moment, bound by the emotions of your closed ones, responsibilities towards your health, your wealth and your family.. Life is what we make it and its how we define good or bad. Your mind and nothing else has defined GOOD and BAD. You define Right and Wrong. Your conscience being does not know whats good or bad. its more like neutral. Because you were happy (at a higher level) you felt sad (when you climbed down in your emotional level). If you understand that EVERYTHING in this world is finally defined by you and you are the reason for perceiving the world the way it is now. You will understand the ROOT cause of all suffering is "ego". How do I define EGO ? One might say I have no EgO. Did you ever think, Your Name itself is the starting point of ego. When you say, "I am", your ego meter has begun. "I am this.. I did that, I want this. " etc. Not many people have got my point regarding this. But for a FREE life, one must know that the root of all suffering is Ego. I have noticed, in any person THREE factors usually act as constants. 1. HEALTH (his physical and mental health) 2. WEALTH (his assets, his living style.. etc) 3. FAMILY (his friends, relationships, family ..) If one goes up, the other two suffer. :-) Putting it in a simple way.. Anyways, What you are talking about is Spirituality. Which is a vast ocean of knowledge and a whole new dimension of life. I enjoy listening to views of people and their beliefs. I don't mind when people call me crazy, psychotic or anything. Sitting in a group, If 5 people call me with names, its again upto me.. to laugh it off and take it as a joke. Or get emotional and blame myself.. :-) Thanks for the topic which allowed me to contribute my 2 cents.. :-)
  5. Well, I will not do it unless the whole world just turns its back against me for one tiny reason. Anyway, I believe in being satisfied with whatever I have.
  6. I completely agree with zachwyler. I understand your situation and believe me things will change. There are many fears we have within us which stop us from doing something we desire. The talent in you is your gift. Identify the fears you've got which are stopping you from what you want to do. Don't give yourself a chance in future to say that "If you had done something then.. things would had been different." You feel like making comics, keep making them. When others rest with their family and kids .. enjoying their lives, you have the chance to feed your talent with time. Take pleasure in your work and do it with full heart. Give time to each and every minute details to bring out the best you can. Consider yourself fortunate enough to have access to the internet. Put your comics online and create your online profile. Let people see your work and rate you. You need not make money now .. but by the time you find some solution to your financial problems, you will have a good online profile. Use this profile to promote yourself locally. Making Money and exploring your talent are two different things. Both don't start together, but once you explore your talent to the peak, money just follows. There is no rule which says, you must earn money by doing only what you like. This is not possible in many cases.. for eg. like yours. In your case, you need to earn using an alternative source that you can live and practice your skills. Now, When I say practice your skills, its very serious. If you do it by heart, your output will be different than those comic publishers who are doing the job only for money. This is where you stand out and score ahead. :-) Believe me, I worked in a cybercafe for keeping up Xisto. :-) I was at a point where I felt, I m all drained and there is no scope for improvement. Today, I got a wonderful team and members eager to manage Xisto. I will wait for the day when you create a topic saying... you finally found the right job and doing what you always wanted to do. Consider yourself fortunate to know your interest because there are millions of people who still work out of no interest. Who never had a chance to discover themselves and realize what they want to do. Hard Work is like the Stairs, Luck is like a Lift, Lift may fail sometimes but whatever may be the occasion, Stairs will always get you to the Top :-) Best of Luck.
  7. The credit system is very generous for non-hosted members. Hence, collecting 200 credits is piece of cake. We cannot help much with the existing credits, You will have to apply for hosting and then for the domain :-) If you can register a domain at Xisto - Domains.com, you can use the same credits to renew your hosting. (provided you are a hosted member). It does make sense but definitely makes things complicated. SM, when we think of services, we have to think in bulk. If things are complicated it causes Lags. And people coming to Trap for hosting are very impatient .. :-) (but they cool down later) The person who is requesting free Domain from Xisto is the registered owner. The credit Deduction will be the same. There won't be any change. :-) Xisto services do not have hidden conditions or catches. Everything is open, clear and simple :-) Just as always...
  8. I feel, Web designing is fun and challenging. A Bit of programming language can help you design robust and dynamic sites with good effects. I will encourage anyone with interest to step into it. :-)
  9. HAHAA.. I would love to read member's reactions in this thread :-) By the way, I don't understand the point in believing in dead people. If they are dead, they are dead. :-) Are you talking about spirits and souls?
  10. Can you edit the access logs? or is that disabled (i hope so)?NoCan you close ports or have an admin?No, Admins can do it.Is someone able to open a unix shell to edit the server settings or is that somehow blocked?Not Possible. The File permissions won't allow general users to edit them.Can I virus scan the site (the old CPANEL had that option)?Yes.
  11. Update us with your Server Name.
  12. I like both. The only con is the font. Both have used fonts which just STAND out of the signature. It could had been blended better. :-)
  13. Overly psychedelic I can't say its the worst website, I have seen really pathetic ones.
  14. All the hard work, time and money invested feels worthwhile :-) Thank you for supporting us. As for the Admin job, the credit goes to BuffaloHelp. He is the main guy leading Xisto :-) I m more sort of a techy guy. I thank BuffaloHelp for leading this community and maintaining its integrity high as ever.. :-)
  15. We do not experiment with Windows software. At the moment, We are playing very safe with Windows hosting to keep things stable. Windows bugs are harder and require more time to solve.We are just going with stable versions recommended by the market. :-)
  16. Sorry for the spelling mistake. :-) It just happens :unsure:We will make a guide page for shifting to Xisto - Web Hosting. What do you think?
  17. Update : We now have it on few servers. We are ready to transfer, you if you permit.
  18. Being a programmer myself, I have already done that to solve this issue. Its now employed on every server and monitored every 30 seconds.
  19. We have installed a new billing system and you can now change your billing details in Client area. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  20. I guess, you missed to mention new signup during registration. Your domain is working perfectly now : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  21. A TINY SUPPORT TICKET [1 min. task] was required for this issue. http://www.dnsreport.com/tools/dnsreport.cin=KaonZero.com The errors are displayed in red but they are fine and do not mean resolving failures. The ones in yellow are just timeout settings which are again ok unless the site is being transfered from server to server. Its solved. Sorry for the inconvenience. :-/
  22. There was a BUG in whmautopilot that it sent the welcome emails with default server settings on sign-up. This issue has been solved now. Even though, we do resent fresh details after signup, some members face lags due to our sales dept. working hours. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  23. Please create a new ticket if you want any RESTORE PACKAGE FILE to be restored. We have installed a new ticket system and hence its not possible to track your ticket.
  24. # PHP 4.2.0 or better [PRESENT]# MySQL 3.23 or better [PRESENT]# GD2 or Imagemagick [GD LATEST]# Access to cron jobs [PRESENT]
  25. We solved by opening the ports and giving access permissions.
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