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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Members, please use this category for posting Xisto - Web Hosting related queries only.
  2. WAP sites do no have any special type of requirement. Any php program which can sent out headers is ok.All you have to do is send the header which tells the client that the data is WAP and intended for mobiles. And your pages should load properly.
  3. ComputingHost servers follow the stable configuration option suggested by Cpanel to avoid any security risks.Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.
  4. I suggest you mail support AT Xisto - Web Hosting dot com and ask them to transfer your account from Xisto to Xisto - Web Hosting. The Xisto - Web Hosting support dept. has no knowledge of Xisto and its working. So, basically, I have to order it myself. I m sorry for this inconvenience.
  5. The mail service is offered by Cpanel and hence if you want to use the mail service, you have to use the cpanel login only.If you want to use a third party software, you will have to modify the software or install special software which use mx records and take control over your mails.https://www.google.com/hosted/ is one better option for managing your mails externally.
  6. Abuse Mail recieved against your site. Please reply them, settle the issue.
  7. At Xisto - Web Hosting.com, If you want a free trial, All you have to do is select PayPal as your payment gateway to process your credit card :-)
  8. Your IP has been removed from our BAN List. Be careful and configure your softwares properly. Do not let them connect to servers simultaneously.
  9. Prolonged use without cleaning will cause massive amounts of protein deposits on your contact lens. Which will further cause irritation and bacterial infection.This might lead to further complications and might also hinder your eye growth.For extremely prolonged use, you should opt for contact lenses with very high oxygen content. So, that your eyes can breathe when you are using contacts.
  10. Please format your post properly.. It makes hell of a difference :-)
  11. You can add additional domains to your account using either :-1. Addon Domain2. Parked domain Option in Cpanel. Both work differently and are used depending on the requirement of the user. I will try my best to explain the difference and implementation of the two :-)Parked Domain===========1. You have two domains mysite.com and my-other-site.com. mysite.com is the domain of your website and you want to add my-other-site.com. 2. You want them both to go to the same place. In other words, when someone types either http://www.mysite.com/ or http://my-other-site.com/ they will go to the same page(s) on your website.3. In order to have additional parked domains you need to point those domains to OUR nameservers (ns1.computinghost.com and ns2.computinghost.com)4. In Cpanel, Go to PARKED DOMAINS. And enter your domain name and press submit:)Add-On Domains============1. You have two domains mysite.com and my-other-site.com. 2. You want the two domains to be totally separate/independent websites.3. In order to have additional parked domains you need to point those domains to OUR nameservers (ns1.computinghost.com and ns2.computinghost.com)4. In Cpanel, Go to PARKED DOMAINS. And enter your domain name and press Submit:)5. A Folder will be created and you will have to place the files of that site in that Folder.
  12. I was working on this project and its 30% complete already. its only because of some personal problems that it has been suspended at the moment. i will look over it and finish it as soon as possible.Thanks
  13. LAST and FINAL warning! Do not play with hosting and take the rules LIGHTLY! Site Unsuspended! Continue only if you are sure you can host clean stuff. Another Complaint.. and your site gets deleted. We do not entertain ourself by suspending member's sites, but rules are rules. Fair warning is given. Please enjoy your hosting and share the resources peacefully..
  14. I think there is a javascript code to do this..
  15. Man, When things like these happen, money has no value... Asking for compensation over a dead person... I don't think any money in this world can compensate for his life. If Derek's family appeals to the Govt. for compensation, they will be paid. But they don't want such money. May be that is why they say, Human life is invaluable :-)
  16. I am sorry, I was absent lately. I was broken and confused. There are times, when our minds just stop working.. and everything seems to be a mess. We try to run away from it.. but don't realize that, its going to make things even worse. I just went through all of this and trying my best to come back and restore things back to normal. Please read this. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/40007-topic/
  17. Sorry for updating this thread soo late, but Derek gave up his struggle.This is what I had updated about him, after he passed away to my friends list.-----------I AM JUST UPDATING WHAT ALL HAPPENED :-(2 Days before he passed, I got a call in the morning .. and I had to rush to the hospital. his brain has stopped responding. Heart is beating though... Almost every body actions are now operated by machines.. We are contacting as many neuro-surgeons possible. I guess, nothing much can be done now.. and Doctors too have relaxed their hopes.day before he passed, He had to be shifted to TERNA MEDICAL HOSPITAL. But, after taking him there, the bastard doctors pulled their hands up and refused to admit him due to his CRITICAL condition. Then we had to rush him to VASHI Municipal Hospital where the same happened again. We had to call some Corporates to force the hospital authority to admit him. His conditions have sunk badly due to the transfer from one hospital to another.Day he passed (11th), His kidneys failed due to very low Bloodpressure around 40. They cannot use drugs to get them working back because it will lower the BP even further. He was struggling hard. Yesterday, at around 1 AM, doctors said, he wont make it and has 4-5 hours with him. He was sinking.. However, his pulse is catching up and he is giving a tough fight. I along with 3 other friends were driving to Shirdi to pray for him and on our way, we got the news that he passed away. God, this hurts sooo much. I swear to God, If you ever had a person like Derek in your life, he would be the last person on earth you might ever want to leave.He was sooo mature, yet he was a hyperactive Kid. He was that CraZy worm which everyone has but in the form of a human.. His presence fills up a place. Not a single friend of mine ever saw him sad. He had that million dollar smile on his face all the time. And he himself knew it had a magic. He was filled with innocence from top to bottom. If he ever knew you and came to know that you are in trouble, he would spring to help YOU and tried his best to get you out. While you would be wondering, why this cute mischievous guy is soo sweet and wants to help you. He was a genius and the best. I hope his soul rests in peace? Good Bye my dear friend.
  18. I bet, use that much by providing mass downloads, and you will find your account suspended for spamming. Happens everywhere... nothing new. Also, BW price depends on Quality, network used etx. For 199 USD, We can provide servers with unlimited BW that too at 10 mbps dedicated pipeline (unlike others who provide just 1 or 2 mbps). The argument has no ending if you research the web.... :-)
  19. His kidneys have failed due to very low Bloodpressure around 40.They cannot use drugs to get them working back because it will lower the BP even further. He is struggling hard. Yesterday, at around 1 AM, doctors said, he wont make it and has 4-5 hours with him. He was sinking.. However, his pulse is catching up and he is giving a tough fight. God bless him and give him all the strength...
  20. I got a call in the morning today... and I had to rush to the hospital. his brain has stopped responding. Heart is beating though... Almost every body actions are now operated by machines.. We are contacting as many neuro-surgeons possible. I guess, nothing much can be done now.. and Doctors too have relaxed their hopes. God, this is soooo painful and hurting! I don't know what to do. I have to run back to hospital again .. bye..
  21. Hi Members, Today at around 5:50 PM, unfortunately my best friend "Derek" had a serious accident. It was raining heavily and he urgently had to drop his friend home. I took my bike to fetch his friend and On his way, a car taking an un-turn hit him at 90 degree throwing him right on his head. His front skull took the hit soo badly that it literally cracked and his brain was visible.. He was rushed to a nearby hospital. Very few people dared to help him due to the blood and also for the fear of cops (getting involved in a Police case). A very good kind person, Mr. Kamal helped the poor guy. (God Bless him for that, because he was the only guy who actually came forward and bought both of them to hospital). His friend was badly injured too. She sustained minor injuries on the forehead and her hand. To make things worse, I had offered Derek a gum when he was at my home. This same thing got stuck in his throat after the hit. As a result, he could not breathe and his body got deprived of oxygen. Usually the brain can survive without oxygen for a max. of 5-6 min. After that, the cells start getting destroyed which is a permanent damage. The throat was cleared and he is now on cardiopulmonary Recusitation (CPR). His condition is EXTREMELY CRITICAL. His heart beat was down to 30. After around 3-4 hours, its now back to normal. However, he is still on CPR. I couldn't see him struggling for life and believe me, it bought shivers in my body. Just the mere sight of my wrecked bike is horrifying and nothing further could be imagined of the one on it at the time of accident. I have known Derek since nearly 4 years now, and till date he is the most honest friend I had. He is clean and pure... a truly helpful guy from nature. He means a lot to me and never in my darkest imagination, I can ever think about this world without his presence. He has amazing talents in computers and a very kind hearted person who truly deserves to live. I request everyone reading this to please pray from your heart for his full recovery. For some reason, I believe from deep within that prayers and good wishes have the power to make the impossible... possible. Thank you... Shridhar.Sorry for updating this thread soo late, but Derek gave up his struggle.This is what I had updated about him, after he passed away to my friends list.------------------I AM JUST UPDATING WHAT ALL HAPPENED :-(2 Days before he passed, I got a call in the morning .. and I had to rush to the hospital. his brain has stopped responding. Heart is beating though... Almost every body actions are now operated by machines.. We are contacting as many neuro-surgeons possible. I guess, nothing much can be done now.. and Doctors too have relaxed their hopes.day before he passed, He had to be shifted to TERNA MEDICAL HOSPITAL. But, after taking him there, the bastard doctors pulled their hands up and refused to admit him due to his CRITICAL condition. Then we had to rush him to VASHI Municipal Hospital where the same happened again. We had to call some Corporates to force the hospital authority to admit him. His conditions have sunk badly due to the transfer from one hospital to another.Day he passed (11th of Aug), His kidneys failed due to very low Bloodpressure around 40. They cannot use drugs to get them working back because it will lower the BP even further. He was struggling hard. Yesterday, at around 1 AM, doctors said, he wont make it and has 4-5 hours with him. He was sinking.. However, his pulse is catching up and he is giving a tough fight. I along with 3 other friends were driving to Shirdi to pray for him and on our way, we got the news that he passed away. God, this hurts sooo much. I swear to God, If you ever had a person like Derek in your life, he would be the last person on earth you might ever want to leave.He was sooo mature, yet he was a hyperactive Kid. He was that CraZy worm which everyone has but in the form of a human.. His presence fills up a place. Not a single friend of mine ever saw him sad. He had that million dollar smile on his face all the time. And he himself knew it had a magic. He was filled with innocence from top to bottom. If he ever knew you and came to know that you are in trouble, he would spring to help YOU and tried his best to get you out. While you would be wondering, why this cute mischievous guy is soo sweet and wants to help you. He was a genius and the best. I hope his soul rests in peace? Good Bye my dear friend.
  22. WOW! the menus look soo cool. I am glad Xisto included that.. it makes the navigation soo easy. Especially the credits tab which points to help section and other areas at https://support.xisto.com/
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