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How To Use Html. The easy way to use html.

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The easy way to use html




A fixed example


The easy way to use html is probably using a template.

With a template is ment a file that contains the main parts of a html page.

This can be a simple text file saved by wordpad.

Another simple text editor can be used to.

The template contains the basic needs for a website.

These can be:


The information about the used html edition.

The parts to write the title of the website.

The references.

Space for the title of the content.

Space for the content.

The closing tags.


It seems impossible to show an example of a template in this forum. The server and the browser see the template like instructions for a website. So the template is not shown in a post.


When a template is stored in the computer it can be used each time to make a new website.

All that is needed to do is to change the necessary elements like the title and the references and the title of the content and the content.

Edited by zenia (see edit history)

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<html><head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="description" content="1. description of the webpage" /> <meta name="keywords" content="2. headwords, divided, by, a, comma" /> <title>3. Title of the website</title></head><body><h3>4. Title of the webpage</h3>5. Content of the webpage</body></html>

Explanation: It seems possible to post a template of a website in html on the forum. The above text is a template for a website. The number 1 till and included 5 are the parts that the webmaster can change. 1 Is the description of the website. This can be like for instance: Interesting information about horses. 2. Is the place to write down some words that describe the webpage in a few words. The words have to be divided by comma's. An example can be like: horses, manege, riding-school 3. The title of the website shows up on top of the browser. For instance: Horses. For Xisto the title of this part of the website is like: Open Discussion & Free Web Hosting -> Editing Post How To Use Html. 4. In this part can the title of the webpage that will be shown on the webpage itself be written. For instance: A website about horsed. The tags <h3> and </h3> make the letters of the title bigger. 5. This is the place to type the content of the website. A start can be like: Horses are cool. The template can be copied and pasted into WordPad. The webpage needs to be saved in plain txt mode. The name of the website needs to be: index.html. This webpage can be uploaded into the website using the controp panel of the webhost or an FTP download program.

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I don´t see the point , but this info i all ready know , web is full of this example , Why don´t you try get something new , most of us we all ready know this first step.If i was a newbie reading your "How To Use Html" i really don´t understand nothing.Search some good tut if you want make a quality post .

BTW if i want to learn HTM i simply go here

Have a nice day.

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From past experiences, I would highly recommend the book "Learning Web Design: A Beginner's Guide to (X)HTML, StyleSheets, and Web Graphics" by Jennifer Niederst Robbins (ISBN: 978-0596527525). It covers the basics of HTML and CSS very well, in addition to optimising web graphics and site development processes. Overall, I found it to be good source of reference when I needed to look up information on CSS features.I would also recommend the use of Sitepoint's HTML Reference (http://reference.sitepoint.com/html) and CSS Reference (http://reference.sitepoint.com/css) which is more of a complete reference and guide to every feature in HTML and CSS, in addition to being easily accessible as you can search for your desired information easily.

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Go to http://html.net/ if you want to learn html. Also nowaday there is a lot of Free HTML Editors and WYSIWYG Web Editors.

The best html editor you can use is: Adobe dreamweaver.Dreamweaver is one of the most popular professional web development software packages available. It offers power and flexibility to create pages that meet your needs. I use it for everything from JSP, XHTML, PHP, and XML development. It is a good choice for professional web designers and developers, but if you're working as a solitary freelancer, you might want to look at one of the Creative Suite suites like Web Premium or Design Premium to get graphics editing capability and other features like Flash editing as well. T

For free html editor I recommend Komodo Komodo Edit is hands down the best free XML editor available. It includes a lot of great features for HTML and CSS development. Plus, if that isn't enough, you can get extensions for it to add on languages or other helpful features (like special characters). It's not the best HTML editor, but it's great for for the price, especially if you build in XML. I use Komodo Edit every day for my work in XML and I use it a lot for basic HTML editing as well.

Edited by yordan
Quoted the copied text (see edit history)

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I think it is better to switch to HTML5 if you are going to program for the modern browsers. I think most of the new browsers are supporting HTML5. Your post definitely helps those who are new to HTML. But i think once they learn this then they need to move on to HTML 5 sooner or later. I have observed that there is lot of learning curve going on with new HTML 5 for the geo location and animation features. So overall this loooks like a good opportunity for those to improve their HTML skills. Soon animation using adobe edge and HTML5 will dominate on the web but it is always better to learn the technology when it comes. I mean most of us learned HTML4 and earlier. These days there are some improvement in HTML5 and it is worth learning that as well. Dive into HTML5 is one good online book to read if you want to get more out of HTML5. I mean you can learn a lot from even that simple book and later expand on your HTML skills. I think sticking with CMS often keeps us from using HTML. So it is always better to learn new HTML. W3schools site is not updated for the new HTML 5 features and lessons. But the site dive into HTML5 is showing some good tutorials and are worth to read. I suggest anyone who is interested in web development to read this as early as possible because it helps.

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I agree that if most people will move to HTML5, it will be used much more widely, I usually do new things with a little bit fo HTML5 structure, but when I need a result, sometimes I just use HTML4 and it's enough, maybe it's a bad habit, but sometimes I even use tables and don't see anything bad about it ;)But I think with time I will stick to HTML5 structure and CSS3, but I still will wait a bit for it to get more popular.

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To simply use HTML and see how it works.Just type the following<html><form><body><table><tr><td> Hello </td> </tr><tr> <td> How are you </td> </tr></table></body></form></html>Write the above lines in a notepad and then save the file with .html extension.After you will save it and double click it will run in an internet explorer browser. You will see Hello and How are you getting printed in table format.<tr> stands for a row and <td> stands for column So 2 rows created and each having 1 column.now you like this continue on doing this after referring some book.Unlike XML in HTML every tag you open you have to close that tag using backslash in that order.Like <html> tag was opened first so has to closed last as </html>

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i think the simplest test code would be paste the following codes onto notepad and save it as file_name.htm then run it on your favorite browser

<html>     hello</html>

but ofcourse you would need more then just a hello... and depending on what you want to display, it would probably be best to have a head,body sections as mentioned on first few posts...

i started learning html few years back just using notepad and IE and using w3schools as my guide

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To simply use HTML and see how it works.Just type the following<html>
<tr><td> Hello </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> How are you </td> </tr>

Write the above lines in a notepad and then save the file with .html extension.After you will save it and double click it will run in an internet explorer browser. You will see Hello and How are you getting printed in table format.<tr> stands for a row and <td> stands for column So 2 rows created and each having 1 column.
now you like this continue on doing this after referring some book.Unlike XML in HTML every tag you open you have to close that tag using backslash in that order.Like <html> tag was opened first so has to closed last as </html>

i think the simplest test code would be paste the following codes onto notepad and save it as file_name.htm then run it on your favorite browser


but ofcourse you would need more then just a hello... and depending on what you want to display, it would probably be best to have a head,body sections as mentioned on first few posts...

i started learning html few years back just using notepad and IE and using w3schools as my guide

Okay, there is simple and simply wrong.

First of all: all visible content should be inside the <body> element.
Second: a <header> with a <title> is also a nice start (tough not mandatory afaik)
Third: simply giving a table as example ain't very nice :P . I still remember how confusing it all was the day I started learning HTML :P .

A nicer example is:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Example</title></head><body><h1>This is a header</h1><p>And this is some content</p><p>Here is a new paragraph. <br /> And here is a new line in the paragraph.</p></body></html>

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Okay, there is simple and simply wrong.
First of all: all visible content should be inside the <body> element.
Second: a <header> with a <title> is also a nice start (tough not mandatory afaik)
Third: simply giving a table as example ain't very nice :P . I still remember how confusing it all was the day I started learning HTML :P .

A nicer example is:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Example</title></head><body><h1>This is a header</h1><p>And this is some content</p><p>Here is a new paragraph. <br /> And here is a new line in the paragraph.</p></body></html>

now the guy will have to look up what Doctype is hehe... nicer though :)

Two main parts:

HEAD - Information about the page (METAs, Type and Restrictiveness - Doctype, Favicon, links to other modules - CSS etc...)
BODY - what will be parsed and displayed by the browser (Contents, Videos, Pictures, etc...)

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@manuleka: I have to agree that you example is much better. However the original others, for the most part, show just basic HTML and don't show the more indepth parts that could, will, lead to questions about doc types and what not. I know when I started learning HTML years ago I started with an example like yours and tore it appart trying to figure out what everything in it was. While I have to admit that was one of the most productive and learning intensive points of my HTML experiance I also have to admit that it give me one major headache. Some times its necessary to give a very basic example of a single section rather then try to explain a simple idea inside a complex example.

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