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Putting Animals To Sleep

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The real problem I have with kill shelters (versus no-kill shelters) is that perfectly lovable animals have to be killed to make room for new ones that will inevitably come in -- there's an enduring pessimism there. "Of course, we're always going to find new stray animals that have been abandoned by their owners, or that have wandered away from their homes. There's always going to be more." I just wish the fascination with purebreds would leave a little room for mutts -- I have a mutt, and I love her -- who, just because they don't have the correct breeding, are just neglected while puppy farms churn out litters upon litters of idealized dogs. It's really tragic that people can be that fickle about dogs; why not just pick an genuinely charming animal? Maybe the taboo of that animal's being secondhand? I don't know...sigh ;)

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Putting an animal to sleep is disgusting. The animals without homes should NOT NOT NOT be put to sleep if they cant find them a home!!! That's such a cruel thing to do. Do they kill the kids in foster care too? NO! Just because animals cant speak is absolutely no reason to take advantage of them. I can understand a pet being put to sleep if its sick and is suffering, but thats the only reason. MY grandma's dog had cancer and had to be put to sleep, but he was really suffering. If the pets are healthy and arent suffering at all, there is no reason why they should be put down whatsoever. Animals should be treated just as people and they're not and bugs me so much!! I really feel for all these animals that get taken advantage of because of stupid people that buy them and dont want them anymore. THINK BEFORE YOU ACT IDIOT! lol. I feel really strongly about this situation. I love pets and I would never ever put an animal down for no reason nor buy an animal and decide i dont want it anymore so i'll give it to an animal shelter. People that do that are STUPID! & annoying.

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Replying to keiferI'm doing a report in school about putting animals to sleep.I don't think it is very fair to living creatures to die just because they where not adopted soon enough. I work at a animal shelter and see those poor animals there all alone and every day I want to take the home with me.I really wish I could afford it.But yeah I'm with you when you feel bad for not feeding those poor cats.If I lived down there I would come get some of them.Hiphipgurl067-reply by hiphopgurl067

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Its indeed sad to see a animal go if they cant get adopted and so forth. There should be at least measures to save em if they cant get a home for whatever reason. However, if they were sick and somewhat there is no hope after all avenues exhausted, I could understand, but nonetheless tis still a sad occasion for the animal to be put down, sick or not.

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When I was 5 years old I had a beautiful black and fluffy rabbit. I had two actually, but I liked this one the best. I do not really know how this happened, but I guess my rabbit got sick. It went over pretty fast, so I thought he was okey. But after some time again he got sick again... or not really sick but he got some kind of sickness because he had been sick. Hard to explain. Of course me and my mum took him to the vet, because we wanted him to be well again. He was the most beautiful rabbit I had ever seen, he was kind, caring and simply gorgeous. He was the perfect rabbit for me. But the vet said that it was nothing she could do - and even though I loved my rabbit and knew that he could still live, we decided to put him to sleep. It was the best for him, but as the 5 year old I was I did not want to do that. I remember I said something like this: "-I'll rather live with a sick rabbit, then have no rabbit at all." But now I realise it was the best for him. He was suffering.So with this story in mind...When it is best for the animal to be put to sleep, I see no problem with that. When they are suffering I do not see why that should be a problem? Many animals live in animal shelters and when no one wants to have them... well sometimes it is simply better for the animal. What I really find horrible and disgusting, is when animal-owners leave their animals outside to die, drop the off somewhere and leaves them on there own to die or something like that. That is horrible.

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Well that's a tought situation and I certainly wouldn't like to be in one. You should think about it earlier but that doesn't help you right now, does it? So of course, you can't put them to sleep! I'd suggest contacting the media and telling them your story and maybe they'll make a story, which will bring you money and you can also say to people that you have to get rid of some of the cats and they can put your phone number there...or somehting like that! Other option is to print a few posters around the city and give your number aswell...also be sure to post the cutest pictures...Maybe you could also use email-fowarding-medium, which is great for that sort of stuff - just email info and pics to as many friends as you have and ask them to forward to as many friends they can...do the math and you'll se the number of people grows amazingly fast! I don't know...maybe learn a few of those cats to go to neighbours house and maybe they'll want to take one or two :P))I wish you all the best and don't give up!!

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Kindest Measures!;-(Putting Animals To Sleep

Have had previous animals put down at the end of their life's road(s), and it is infinitely and emotionally difficult!  I've had all dogs, don't have one now, but am looking, to save one from these cruel dog and cat pounds or homes and such...  My sister got her current dog from a shelter, in California.  It was an independent much more animal friendly and non animal cruelty shelter.  Unfortunately her dog now, has cancer, he wont eat anymore, and some of his favorite things to do  he is quitting now and it sucks to see it; he's truly the most awesome dog I "ever know" as far as his personality and definitively how insanely smart he is as well like all dogs: "Man and Woman's best Friends!"  Maybe some of you all can pray for him and that he wont have to suffer on, he's been in a lot of pain and won't eat at all amongst other things sadly...  Again, I'm all for adoption, shelters and those of which don't put the animal to sleep and agressively to those interested try to adopt their animals, cause after all what happens if not, and I can't believe Chip, my sisters dog with cancer now!  He'll never, I mean ever be forgotten, as he is/was the most awesome, cheerful, easygoing, yet protective dog loved by many who was adopted, and people ought to first look in shelters, adoption areas, and homes for all animals!  You'd be utterly surprised at the high number of pets in these places...  Also, people out there who think raising up a puppy, even a dog is easy, need a good smack across the skull, and to have a chip installed in them, of which animal stores can scan on these dopes!  This way we wouldn't have this problem hardly ever if at all God Willing 

-reply by Rich

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animal shelters are non-profit organizations, they can't spend money for ads on every pet.

Actually that is not true. They CAN afford to advertise. They get andvertising FREE! Every local television station, newspaper, radio station ALL give free ads to humane societies.
They may be set up as not for profit, but but that is not to ssay they aren't making a killing. (literally) They sell all the adoptable animals. Their work force is mostly volunteer, they get free dog food, they get contributions of cash and other items for the dogs, they also get reduced price or free vetrinarian care.

There are also many internet sites heavily promoted that list only rescue/shelter dogs for adoption. These ads are also free, so there really is no excuse to put down any healthy animals, only those that are not adoptable due to advanced age, or illness or injury.

Because of the push to spay/neuter pet animals, numbers in animal shelters have dropped dramatically in the past 10 years or so. As a matter of fact, in some areas of the country they are actually importing dogs from forign countries to fill the need for adoptable animals in the United States. The Save A Sato program has brought thousands of dogs into the US from Mexico and Puerto Rico. They literally gather feral dogs up off the streets and send them here. I shudder to think of all the diseases they could be risking the lives of peoples beloved pets over these dogs. They are often smuggled in and are not checked to be free of disease by a licenced vetrinarian.

The key here is as someone else also mentioned, spay and neuter your pets.
Unfortunaly, there are a lot of people who are just flat out irrisponsible. Many won't take care of their own children, much less a pet animal. It's a shame that the Humane Society of the United States spends all their money on lobbying congress to pass laws restricting pet ownership instead of coughing up some of the millions of dollars they recieve every year in donations to fund some free or low cost spay programs.

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I feel it's too bad that animals have to be put to sleep.This past summer on a rather cool night, I found this baby sparrow outside on the road, nearlylifeless. Anyway, I took it home and began feeding it from a dropper. Mostly eggs and crushed vegetables. Soon after though, I read that it's a felony to keep a wild animal animal in your possession. The thing is these birds have to be fed about every 15 minutes, so my only option wouldof been to carry it around in a small cage and feed it, since I couldn't be at home all the time.This was basically impossible, considering that it's a felony though, I thought the best thing to do would be to take it to the Toronto humane society. I thought it was rather a cold attitude of the humane society all considered, when I asked if Icould find out how the bird was doing. They basically told me don't be ridiculous. In light of the charges of animal cruelty given recently to the Toronto humane society I really regret taking this bird there.I gave this little bird the name "Rex". Long may it fly.

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I think it is morally wrong. There sohlud be no reason to put down a healthy animal.I know they have to make room for new animals, or they might now have enough food to support them al. But it is wrong to just kill them for a silly insignificant issue like that.They are a living, breathing animal. Would you want to be put to *sleep* for no reason? I do not think so.My dog was recently VERY sick with cancer. It was horrible because she was going through treatment for about 2 or so years. Anyways, the night before they had to put her to sleep, she got much worse. Her speed was incredibly slowed down, she was not eating, and she looked bad. They put her down the next day. That is part of the reason I do not believe in putting healthy animals down.I miss my dog a lot, and I know it was best for her. Putting an animal out is only morally okay if they are suffering and in pain/dying.

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I believe that putting animals down is wrong unless they are unhealthy and have a lot of problems. Putting down healthy animals is cruel. There will always be someone out there to adopt. It may be hard to find someone but there always is. My family had a dog that was 11 years old and was very sick. Something to do with his blood cell count or something. Anyways we were going to put him down. The day we were going to do it he passed away. It was very sad. So just the thought of putting down a perfectly healthy animal is just wrong.

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i 100% agree that putting an animal to sleep because it is taking up too much space is just cruel and immoral. problem is, there is an abundance of animals. this is partly do to the irrisponsibility of the owners not to fix their animals so they can't get pregnant. it is also do to the fact that there are people who make a living off breeding. there are many solutions including finding a good home for your pet and not consider putting your pet in a shelter.when these shelters get an animal, they charge an adotion fee. this includes some of their expenses. BUT! if nobody wants to pay the $50-$100 adoption fee, they wont consider letting the animal go to a good home for free. they will put it to sleep. although these shelters ARE providing a good service, they are also providing a disservice at the same time. each shelter is run independently from others. like sheepdog said, some make a killing. which is GOOD because it means they are finding homes for the animals. personally, i don't mind the ones making a killing because it means they are doing something right.i was never for more laws in this country, but i don't see how we can ever make the world safe for these animals unless individual states create laws to regulate animals and the breeding of animals. many thoughts come to my mind. too many just to list here, but there are ways we can limit the deaths of innocent animals that would make better pets for people who are seeking a pet to love and take care of.one negative aspect of controlling the pet population though, pets would become more expensive since there would be less of them and the same demand would still be there. it would possibly make it unaffordable to many people when a purebred goes for $1000 on average depending on the breed. even now, some people who would want a pet can't even afford a $100 adoption fee. this is why it makes me sick that shelters can't lower their prices before putting any animal to sleep!

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It is devastating how animal shelters would rather kill the poor animal, rather then give them to a good home, just because they don't want to pay the adoption fee. I don't know how anyone could be so heartless. Animals like dogs and cats are so nice and usually friendly, and they just want a nice home. But then they are getting killed by damn shelters. They basically don't even help them, because they most likely will end up dying anyways, except to the hands of a human. They should be shut down if they are only in it for the money, and don't care about the animals life. I couldn't even go hunting, because I would feel bad killing another living creature, let alone killing off a sweet dog who only wants to live in a nice, loving house. They are sick people to do that.

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As a Animal lover and someone who has had to put there beloved pet down. I know it is a hard thing to do, but you have to think of it this way. Your not the owner of the pet, the pet is the owner of you. And if your pet loves you as much as you love them, Do you think they would want you to be in such pain that you could not walk, or control your movements such as bowels or urine? I know that may sound cruel to put a pet to sleep for that. But you have to realize that sometimes it is better for them in the long run. Pets are part of the family, at least in my house they are. So remember this, think not of yourself but of your pets. would you want to go through your life being in pain like they could be? As for unwanted pets or animals? that is a hard choice. The older a dog or cat is, it becomes harder for them to get adopted. So I would have to say yes, put them down. But Only after all options have been used to get them adopted by a loving home. But then again too. You have to think of where that animal may have come from too. It could very well be a puppy or kitten that came from the streets that may have health problems that could arise when they get older. or be eaten up so badly with fleas or mange that there is nothing that anyone can do for them. then yes put them down in a humane way.It is a really hard call for anyone to make. but you have to go back to what I said above. Do you want them to suffer.

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