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Are You For Or Against Cloning? what would be your reason?

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I'm usually left winged but I stand on the opposing side of this barge. Cloning may be good, it may be bad. But history shows once something good is invented it only a matter of time before someone comes and tries to put their greedy palms and use it for bad. Who would want to clone a murder? a Murderer would and also his accomplice all of this is probable. Technology is growing faster than the common man's maturity and ability to use no tech with common sense if someone doesn't watch out cloning could seriously mess up the world. What happens to the unsuccessfully cloned? Are they destroyed? that's technically murder. Society isn't ready for it yet.

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I agree with Spathi. i think that if we cloned certain animals, we would be able to feed many more people. also, by cloning a certain animal that you know is healthy, you dont have to worry as much about some sort of disease that some cows might be born with or contract because of some kind of medical reasons.



Cloning could also have some scientific data. For example, if we were to create a clone using dinosaur DNA, scientists would be able to study dinosaurs a lot better than they can now, and it would give the hollywood guys something new to play with.


hehe. sounds like Jurassic Park.

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I'm in favour of cloning because it's a step towards the ultimate goal: a near unlimited lifespan for human beings.Your body is basically a biological machine. There's a couple of destructive mechanisms at work that will make you grow old, some are coded into DNA, others are chemical in nature and others are the result of entropy.Cloning is a step towards creating stemcells that are necessary to regenerate other cells. It will also create the necessary knowledge toward repairing DNA on a massive scale in a living human body.The ultimate goal is a near unlimited lifespan. When this has been achieved, we will finally be able to think in a broader perspective, you don't have to rush anymore, it's important to take care of the environment, and a 300 year trip to another world doesn't seem so long anymore.Just my $0.02.

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Cloning animals. . . . yes. . it could be extremely useful to the human race.Cloning humans. . . . no. . . mainly because of the huge ethical thing of people clonging humans and harvestign them for organs and other horrible things liek that. Although if humans were cloned i dont see it as being problem, would be no difference than having identical twins i guess. . . .But the whole designer baby thing could be a problem.Its a;; a very touchy subject i guess. . . .

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I've done a speech on cloning before (it was in french). Cloning is pretty useful for some things, but it is still risky. Some scientists believe that cloning is not good, because the cloned animals won't have "souls". Even though this is more like religion, "souls" may still be real, as scientists say. Cloning is also a lot of work, in money and person. It takes millions of dollars to clone.And eventually, in the future, if people cloned their children as a "backup", the world will be in apartheid. It will be separated between poor, and rich (who can afford cloning). So does that mean if you are cloned, you're rich?

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I'm not against cloning at all. I'm against cloning humans but my idea my change later on. Cloning has so many benefits like stem cell research and stuff like that. I'm pretty sure someone already mentioned it up there. Yes.... With cloning you can advance toward the future. Some people would like to acutally move on and not stay in the past.


Cloning rules

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I think that cloning is not a bad thing, as I see it, if there's a way to make some people walk or see (to say a few examples) it's no t bad at all. If people can get past the moral problem the cloning research could benefit a lot to mankind

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Some scientists believe that cloning is not good, because the cloned animals won't have "souls". Even though this is more like religion, "souls" may still be real, as scientists say.

This reminds me of a Sci-Fi series called "Space: Above and Beyond" that had so-called "Tanks", people that were grown in tanks instead of being born. They were believed to have no souls.

What is a soul? How does it get into a fetus and at what time? Does a soul fit into a single cell (fertilized egg), or does it need a number of cells to "fit"? And if the DNA is replaced (i.e. cloned) inside this fertilized egg, does that have any effect on souls?

What is the relevance of souls if all you're interested in is cloning stemcells, needed to repair damaged body parts?

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All I have to say about cloning is this:When someone donates an organ or sperm or an egg do they eventually care about the moralities of who it gets donated to? Not really. Same here. Who should care if the "clone" would have feelings or not? It won't matter because the being won't even live that long. Plus cloning is getting so that we don't even have to clone an entire being any more. We now are able to clone just parts and organs. That is what is so great about this cloning business. We can actually do some good before the person dies.

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The tasmanian tiger is extinct because of men hunting it to extinction in just 30 years.And even if it is the natural law for unadapted species to became extinct we are only human. The same natural law whould tell us to kill the men which are not fit for reproduction like invalids...but we are human, we like to belive that we are over (better) than the natural law.

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I am also for cloning. I think it can be useful for a ton of things. For example, they can use it to create tissue and organs to keep people alive. As long as it doesn't get out of hand, I think cloning should be explored more in depth. Also, cloning can elimate the flaws of humans by cloning people without these flaws. Having every person all the same would suck, but, I think what we should really be trying to discover about is DNA modification, so you can remove some of the bad things about us. I guess this is still controversial, and it will always be a hot topic :).

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I am for it I suppose. I think creating living things is amazing and wonderful. If however the living thing is in harm and hurting then it should be put to sleep as creating things and causing pain is not good.

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Are you for or against cloning?


I will start by telling you that I am for cloning. Why? It can save many human lives, bring back extinct species and maybe put an end to many of mankind's problems (see world hunger). Of course it can create many more, some of them could seem SF.

Well I see cloning like the nuclear bomb. At first it could and it will probably be an weapon (see hiroshima and nagasaki ... off-topic: two months ago, before the american elections someone intervied a lady in Ney York and they asked her why she will vote for Bush. She sad "because it is good to know he can drop the nuclear bomb again to protect america". Well that kind of thinking seems very, very, very stupid to my but i am not an american citizen so... ) but if that won't wipe us out from the surface of the earth cloning will be the future. Remember that we where near (30 min near) full nuclear war in the '60. But we lived and now the nuclear bomb is still a threat but it's the same technology that gives us energy and maybe one day take us to the stars.


So I ask you once again are you for or are you against cloning?

I have one more question for you...

It has been a documentary on Discovery Channel regarding the cloning of the tasmanian tiger (for the ones who haven't seen it you should see it). Did they do any more progress other then what thay showed on TV?


I am for cloning to a point, if it is for experiments, no, if it is for a life and death situation then that is fine, i wouldnt mind getting a clone of myself so that i can tell u lot my knowlege of technology :) but the problem with cloning is that ur not alive, if you die, ur not alive, ur "clone" is alive but ur heart and sole is dead, it might satisfy ur friends but ur familywill recognise that its not the same to have me than the cline as the clone will know half the stuff you know but i puke myself if the clone went out with the girl i fancee lol, thats just lame and that would be stupid, a clone having sex rather than me, NOT FAIR :)B)

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Here's a little essay it took a while but I'll be using it for extra credit lol. Kill two birds with one stone. In Seoul, South Korea scientist prepare to witness the procedure done to pigs who are used for donor tissue and organs. The South Korean government has funded scientist Hwang Woo-Suk and his cause for better the life expectancy for humans. These cloned pigs provide organs such as hearts, lungs, tissue, etc. Pig heart valves are widely used to patch up human hearts. One of the biggest problems is ensuring that the human body doesn?t reject the transplanted organ. The process is short yet simple. The pregnant pig is sedated while the scientists remove the fetus and placed in a sanitary incubator so that the baby pigs will be germ-free as soon as they are born. The clean environment is important so that the pigs won?t transmit their diseases to human organs. The process takes less than five minutes to complete. Before the whole extraction of the fetus from the impregnated pigs, there is another process to impregnate the pigs. The process starts out in a sterile laboratory, where a bunch of researchers extract pig eggs, then genetically alter them to produce organs that will not be rejected by humans. Then three times a week the eggs are transferred from the lab to a pig farm outside Seoul, and Hwang implants the eggs into a surrogate pig. These pigs have a 30 percent chance of carrying the fetus to completion. He has conducted about 1,500 procedures so far. While the operation is going through, scientist in the other laboratory are artificially severing or cutting the spinal cord of rats, which will undergo stem cell therapy. Last February, Hwang?s research made headlines around the world when he obtained embryonic stem cells from a clone human embryo. The embryos provide stem cell lines- a collection of master cells- which can transform into any tissue in the body, allowing scientist to one day grow replacement tissues to treat spinal cord injuries as well as diabetes and Parkinson?s disease. Hwang has received letters and emails from people suffering from diseases, encouraging the search for cures. However some say that the treatment of animals and its use is inhumane. Religious group argue that it is unethical because the research destroys an embryo that could develop into a human being. Dr. Lee Jong- Ryul told CNN, ?I can imagine five or 10 years from now, transplanting the organs of these pigs after they grow up into people who are in critical need of hearts.? Hwang has already been successful transplanting pig hearts into dogs. Later this year he plans to do the same on monkeys, and so the successful organ transplant from pigs to humans is a possible thing of the future. Although it may seem unethical, but there is a good side effect to using animals and embryos for research. If successful it could save hundreds of lives and maybe even a baby that has some malformation that can be treated. The advances in stem cell research will probably soon help aid in the cure for diseases.

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