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Why I Do Believe In God.

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Basically...out of all the ridiculous religion stories?which are greatly, wonderfully ridiculous?the silliest one I've ever heard is, "Yeah...there's this big giant universe and it's expanding, it's all gonna collapse on itself and we're all just here just 'cause...just cause." That, to me, is the most ridiculous explanation ever.

That is why I believe in God. Sure, we can sit here and argue about indoctrination, and how what each other believes is illogical, or whatever, (IMHO though, the Big Bang Theory is just as out there, if not more so, than creation by a higher being) but ultimately arguing over really inconsequential points distracts us from the big picture.

As for religion, I am shamelessly a Christian. This is something personal, and something that is felt, not reasoned. And regardless of what you believe, you can't deny that there is incredible power in faith...not just driving a person to change, but actually manifesting physical changes...

In any case, I'd rather believe in something than believe in nothing.

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My reason for believing in God is this universe, its vast spread, a self driving system and above all, the intellectual life form of human. I always wonder can we even think of making a life form artificially? We have not been successful so far and seeing life all round me it brings a respect for the eternal entity which we all call God. The supreme driver of this big universe, events, time and all the planes we can think of. Life is great and greater is its power to replicate. I am amazed that such a complex system is running with so much of ease. Besides thinking of God brings me internal peace, It stops all the turbulances which keep me engaged in some or the other type of mental conflicts.I believe in the God, for all good this feeling brings to me.

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Dear friend what I think, what ever religion you follow one should belive god. Its entirely my personal view so god fearing people quits sins very easily, what I think you may differ on this. And in other way every one has his own points for his belief and trust on God. But overall there is a superpower who should be trusted and believed who actually runs this universe or I should say controls every movements of this universe.?

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I am very proud to be the part of a christian family.Because in every difficult situation when i look to the almighty am getting relief from all.This is because of the experiance that i got when i accepted Jesus Christ as my personal saviour.We have to look into the truths inside the bible.For this relief and peace am believing in God. and also hopefully looking for the eternal life that is offering from God fore those who believes,Obey his commandments and those who stay faithfully upto his second Arrival..Amen

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well, even i don't look like a religious person to others or even believe in god but i am. and more than others could imagine. i believe in god completely,and from all my heart. ten years ago, i was a believer too but less than now i didn't have a reason to be a one in fact or trust the power or god. but through these ten years , a lot of things happened in my life, i lost dear people to me, family and friends, i was in a true horrible situations that i couldn't depend on any one to fix just me and god. i remember once i prayed from all my heart asking god for help, and my prays granted. the same happened after a while, i was in a trouble, and i prayed again and everything fixed just like magic. since then, i became a true believer, from all my heart. because i knew that there's someone watching after me, and will help me when i need him, someone more bigger than me and you and everyone.

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this is one of my biggest pet peeves. if things go good, they acknowledge god as having something to do with it when in most cases it was due to the efforts of the person who prayed. they thank god when in reality they should be thanking their own self in believing in their self enough to accomplish something great. god forbid they acknowledge their own selves!

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Well i don't understand why people keep on using these type of excuses. I mean if something good happens in life thank our savior Lol. Or if something bad happens then it's related to previous life deeds, free will and controlling your own life etc etc. That imaginary friend is never considered right or wrong. People solve their own problems or get help from others to solve it. And no matter what they do they thank imaginary friend instead of their own capability. Sounds like delusion to the core. Believing in some human as savior with mighty powers who got his own backside kicked by another group of humans is simply delusion. I know people will keep on defending this something like this cartoon.


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I'm just trying to find references of synthetic life, cloning and terraforming in religious books Lol,just to test the wanna-be scientific religions claims. As they claim it words of god lol. Don't know when such BS will be found in such book. Little bit of word manipulation ? yeah maybe.


Thing is that people can't imagine themselves being lonely and helpless. If they found themselves into such situation and got out of it somehow then they'll thank god for that. They try to justify their bias with all possible ways. They can't even imagine that how small our earth in the universe is to get saved by savior who can't save his own backside. if they start to think this broadly then i doubt they'll hardly talk about saviors who got their backside kicked. See pale blue dot picture and imagine the complexity of universe. How many solar systems likely to be there in the universe and how many earth like planets, this will blow away your mind in such way that you'll hardly think of wanna-be saviors.


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If you believe that then would you say that you would treat a child in the same manner?If the child does good, you reward the child. I don't know growing up if I ever did good, got rewarded, and I said I got rewarded because of the grace of my parents, not because of the good I did.God doesn't brag about us being good. He rewards, just as you would a child.In same regard, When we do bad God does not punish us, he allows the consequences to take care of that. When your child does bad, do you just say, oh well it's all you brother. Do you blame the parents for his upbringing that led him to such travesties? No you blame the person, because they made the decision to do that act. You are born with a knowledge of right and wrong. When a child does wrong, it's first reaction is to lie. Why? Because we are born with a sinful nature.People should understand that God is not here to hurt you, he is here to save you.And I think the biggest problem people have with God, is that they know they have done wrong and they are going to have to answer to him for it. Just as you would to your parents, or to authority in general. And people with free will hate that, either here on earth or in heaven.So what do you do when you know you did wrong but dont want to admit it? Blame it on someone else. And a good person to blame it on? God.Ya know God didn't invent disease, man did. God didn't invent death, man did. We chose to make the wrong decision. Simple as that.

Edited by zanzibarjones (see edit history)

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To believe God is better or you will be damned.Why people not believe God even they know there is heaven and earth that who made all things still not believe Jesus.They blinde and Satan did working on their life.

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To believe God is better or you will be damned.Why people not believe God even they know there is heaven and earth that who made all things still not believe Jesus.They blinde and Satan did working on their life.

I don't believe in God and I certainly don't know that there is 'heaven'. You may think I'm blind, that's up to you, but I know the bible pretty well and I'm familiar with Christian theology. I find it pretty silly.
The argument that you have to believe or you are damned is the argument of a sulky child - you have to play the game my way or I'm taking my bat home. The fact remains that the majority of people in the world DON'T believe the same things you do and most of us are content to let you believe what you wish to believe without threats.

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I don't believe in God and I certainly don't know that there is 'heaven'. You may think I'm blind, that's up to you, but I know the bible pretty well and I'm familiar with Christian theology. I find it pretty silly.The argument that you have to believe or you are damned is the argument of a sulky child - you have to play the game my way or I'm taking my bat home. The fact remains that the majority of people in the world DON'T believe the same things you do and most of us are content to let you believe what you wish to believe without threats.

I definitely agree with you that threatening people of eternal torment or being damned for not believing in the existence of God is plain absurd.

Though I believed in the existence of God, I will not use this "Believe in me or I'll kill you" sort of things to try to suggest to people who find it hard to believe in the existence of an intelligent designer (though chances are, its not the existence of the designer that most people don't believed in, but the way they teach what we human should or should not do to appease Him) but rather present to people the logic and reasoning behind why million of people do believe.

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