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What If Marijuana Was Legal? What would happen? Should it be made legal?

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disagreeWhat If Marijuana Was Legal?

I have to say that what you said about marijuana being a gateway drug is bull**** I know hundreds of people that smokes weed for years and years and never done any other drug. Weed is just something to blame peoples problems on and I don't think that is right what about beer have you ever knew anyone that smoked a joint and went for a drive and killed someone NO because it is not possible. What about beer many people get killed for drinking and driving so there is your facts get them straight before you blog on something you probably never tried...

-reply by david

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I don't think Marijjuanna should be fully legalized,it should be decriminalized.That meaning that people would be allowed to smoke it on certain conditions(i.e They smoke it in the privacy of they're own homes). Any breaking of the laws would result in misdemeaner fines,notcriminal convictions. Think of the money the governments could make selling it legally.Think of the tax dollars saved not processing marijuanna users as felons. The police then could spend they're time arresting real criminals and not weed smokers. We all know,Alcahol causes a lot more damage than weed.

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honestly I think one day it will be legal. They do know how to remove the THC from the waky weed. And with price of tabbacco here in the US, I feel as maybe this is a ploy to to try and get the goverment to take a look at making it legal. They have been trying for years and years to do this, and in fact it was at one time. So was Coke and LSD. But that was way back before the FDA and all that.

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Have you heard about the word "Anarchy"?This will be what the consequences of making marijuana legal! Some things need to be just put behind the veil, even though they will be used, people will die for acquiring them. It will all go on, but this is the case when it is not legal, think if it is made legal, then it will be easiliy available and it will just cause disorder in the society. There will always be people who will oppose it- their related ones using it, chaos will be everywhere, governments will be unable to find the results of all of this.Let it be where it is. We should not play with so much sensitive things.

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My Honest opinion: Alcohol, Drugs variants all should be made illegal in every country's government. People waste lot of money and health on such things. Which in turn causes many problems i think.

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lol you are all right !Comign from a cannabis smoker of many years this is an on going problem you are caught with a spliff the goverment (UK) take you to court costs them a bomb you get fined ?80 or something as equaly minor, The goverment has shed out a few grand plus just on man power paperwork and other costs just to get you there...You dont learn cos what is ?80 and a bit of inconvenience every now and then ?! and so the circle repeats and repeats, at the end of the day as i have sad in other posts on this forum the only reason alcohol and tobacco are legal is beause they make so much money off of it...And come on now if the goverment made hash legal and then started to cultivate it they would balls it up like very goverrment balls up everything else it would taste nasty smell nasty and the people who already import a deal dope would still be making there money because the people i purchase from are people who will take there time with the plant...Also could you imagine the goverment giving smokers jobs just to come and test the weed they were growing !!!!! no i cant see that at all....At the end of the day if they were going to leglalise they would but who are they gong to use as the big nasties when it comes to election time, how many votes do you think they win when one party says yeah legalise it and the opposition go noooo, it sends peeple crazy if they (the peopel who want to) get there own way you would have ot heads breaking into your house and raping your cat ! All this is just balls guys i know we all like a debate but at the end of the day it wont happen...also a little fact going on scientific facts if alcohol and tobbaco were created today they would be in class A drug catagory the same as heroin and crack cocaine....any way that is my little rant take from it what you will

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In my opinion, there should be no illegal substance. The artificial flavoring some of our foods (MSG and Aspartame, google it, read up on it) are HORRIBLE for you, but the government in the U.S. actually passed a law that says that you don't need to even put it on the label. I think that there should be a list of substances that companies need to have in warnings for on their label (warning: this product contains cocaine; warning: this product contains MSG).I've smoked weed no many occasions, and it's actually not that bad, the effects that you get from drinking alcohol are much much worse. Nobody's ever died from smoking weed (lung cancer doesn't count, because in those cases, there's probably cigarette smoking involved). Cocaine, Heroin, Meth, ect. may have caused deaths, but I think it's really up to the user. Also, mbafactory, it's not going to cause anarchy. That word seems to lose it's meaning, it's almost something that conservatives use to scare the rest into thinking their way. Anarchy is almost impossible in our society, because, let's say that all the world's governments one day, just disappeared. If that happens, then some other groups would rise up and take control. We MIGHT have a momentary anarchy, but eventually, we'd have governments. Legalizing weed (or other drugs) probably won't cause all of the governments in the world to disappear. Besides, look at amsterdam, weed there, isn't a big deal, it's just what people smoke. In my opinion, the U.S. "War on Drugs" is simply another idiotic liberally paternal attempt to "save the world from themselves". We're not going to succeed, so we might as well stop.

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They want it to be here in New Jersey for Medical reasons, But honestly, you will only get some person getting a fake script to buy the stuff. Don't get me wrong here.yes back in the day I will admit I did have a toke or 2 :P but that was in my youth. I honestly do not think there will ever be a time here in the US that Marijuana will ever be legal. For one if it was the goverment would go nuts with a tax on it just like that did with ciggarettes. The the price would be highter than the high you would get. pardon the pun.

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I believe that it should be legal. Now, I personally do not smoke, and never have, but if you pay attention to the effects it is having on our government spending, you would also agree that it should be legalized.First of all are the hundreds of millions of dollars in anti-drug campaigns being put out every year.Second of all are all the people who are in jail and/or prison that we are paying to keep there.But why? Because they want to do something like smoke weed? Let's assume that we keep it illegal. Look how many are still doing it! We are PAYING to put some people, but not all, behind bars.How does that possibly make sense?

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Marijuana if taken responsibly is not as harmful as alcohol.its even got medicinal properties. I think alcohol and weed should be banned. I dont support either and i hate knowing that im a freaking passive smoker!I have seen people who have destroyed their lives buy continually smoking weed and alcohol.

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Marijuana if taken responsibly is not as harmful as alcohol.
its even got medicinal properties. I think alcohol and weed should be banned. I dont support either and i hate knowing that im a freaking passive smoker!

I have seen people who have destroyed their lives buy continually smoking weed and alcohol.

My question to you is, is it fair, just because some people destroyed their lives by addiction, to keep others from doing it? I know many people who smoke weed and have smoked weed for a long time and they're just fine. If you ban either or both of them, you'll have people getting higher than ever.

Remember, drinking to get drunk wasn't popular until prohibition. Before that, people just drank wine and beer as a beverage. It wasn't until speakeasies that people got up and said "I'm gonna get f*cked up tonight!"

I can smoke as much weed as I want. There was a time, even, when I went smoking everyday for about 2-3 weeks. I didn't lose my ambitions. There are 4.0, Honors, AP students. Valedictorians at my school are stoners. Also, in history, the United States of America was founded by alcoholics. Some of the most famous philosophers and thinkers and "geniuses" were drug addicts or frequently got intoxicated in one way or another. It really all depends on the person. If a guy takes a hit of the blunt and says "*BLEEP* life, I'm just gonna sit here and smoke", he'll ruin his life and one day he'll realize what he's done. But if a guy hits the blunt and says "man, this is fun, I'm gonna do it again, but I also have other things to do", then that guy will enjoy his life more and will have less regrets.

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The only reason the government wont legalize it is because they cant tax it. People will get the seeds and grow it them selfs. This stupid *bottom* country is selfish, they only care about the money, not the people. **** this country, **** this government, and **** the law!

-reply by DJLight


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A bit of an uneasy topic to talk about.If Marijuana was legalized then many people would die from using it. New forms of Lung Cancer will emerge and then people would start to die. Kids will get access to it and then all hell will break loose. And so on and so on. You get my point.

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I don't see why people think that marijuana thinks it makes people peaceful, because it doesn't. I do support marijuana becoming legal, I will say that straight out. I don't see why the government deserves the right to restrict us on that aspect of life, its our choice, sure drugs like crack cocaine, or even regular cocaine or even heroin, those drugs are hardcore. I never want to see those legal and in the stores. However think of it this way.Marijuana right now is a safe drug to use, very little addiction, sure some side effects that can be worse then cigarettes, but you don't smoke marijuana as much as you smoke cigarettes, the occasional smoker of marijuana will smoke 3 joints in a month. Usually thats one session. An occassional cigarette smoker will smoke maybe a pack a week. That is a huge difference. Marijuana doesn't have much of an addiction, cigarettes do, which causes people to get a little stressed out trying to get more money for another pack (for poorer people anyways).Marijuana does NOT make you peaceful. It makes you calm and relaxed, it does not mean it makes you want to go hippie supporting. Thats so false it's unbelieveable. Micheal Phelps wanted to just get calm and relaxed after he did an amazing job support America, do you blame him? I sure as heck don't. He does what a lot of Americans do, and I believe there is nothing wrong with that.Now all those I just typed was the physical and emotional part. Lets talk about the real problem with Marijuana. The deaths, now, we all know it takes so many joints to OD from marijuana it isn't even funny, but what about drug raids, and deals. That is where it hurts us as Americans. There are so many drug dealers and drug lords as you call them, that if we did make marijuana legal, a lot of them would be out of business. Marijuana would be put in stores, and become a little bit safer(more exact amounts of THC etc). Not only that, but less deaths over the drug deals would happen. We would also be paying less from our taxes to hold these so called criminals because they had an ounce of marijuana on their person. Marijuana could be taxed like heck just like cigarettes, and people would be fine with it. We would earn money that way too. People who were in the Marijuana drug trade would be hopefully working legit jobs, and paying taxes (ok it's a stretch but we can all believe right?). More taxes for our government. I don't see how any of that was bad right? Alcohol causes more deaths a year, marijuana I don't think, or I've never heard caused an indirect death (from non-laced marijuana anyways).

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Marijuana will never become legal. Just look at all the current legal highs, they all have really bad side-effects where as side effects to Marijuana are rare if you control it right. I don't smoke myself but I've always took an interest in because I know of alot of friends that do smoke it. The most dangerous substances are all legal... As long as they're made in the same country. Any drug made by the UK/USA (whever you live) by the government is legal and not neccessarily safer than Marijuana. In the US they manage to make it work for medicinal purposes... But not recreational. If it was really that dangerous they wouldn't do either. The reason it isn't legal is because the government can't control it or make any money off it. Tobacco is legal, alcohol is legal, poppers are legal. There are loads of legal drugs that are really bad for you but they just can't make one pretty good one legal. And the main thing to remember is that weed is a plant. It's more natural then a load of chemicals put together to make something.

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