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Addiction To The Computer

Are you addicted to the computer?  

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I am addicted to computers, that is a fact, i do not only need computers all the time, but i am also addicted to browse the internet and everything that it has to offer to me, to us all, and much more, i am also addicted to search the internet for information, i am also addicted to use the internet to explore system/networks/computer vulnerabilities, i am also addicted to use the internet to make money with my websites, i am also addicted to created websites just for the fun of it and to upload it to my favorite free web hosting services on the internet, i am also addicted to chat with new persons i meet on the spot, just for the fun of it, of course, and many more activities that i am used to do for a long time now, at least 5 years.I could say that i a not addicted to computers but i am an honest person, besides, i am 30 years old, almost anyone in my generation would be lying if you know what i mean, my generation loves to use computers/internet/games/, to explore the computers world in every sense of the word.

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I admit it. I'm addicted to the Computer.I can sit in front of a Computer screen for 22 hours and not get the slightest bored!It's like Hoover, it sucks you in, you can't resist the Internet's after all.Ever since I started with computers my social life has plunged into the depths and I mostly spend my time inside now.

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Once I ever got to know how to use a computer and found out many things that a computer can do I was surprised. It all started when I got on a computer for my first time playing a game that my cousin had let me play. This was 5 years ago and now I am very addicted to the computer and if I stop using the computer for about a day or week I feel like i'm gonna die or something. The only time I don't feel like using the computer is when my cousins and families visit from other places. Or when I play a video game that is not on the computer.

Hmm, I'd say you are an addict. That is not always bad. I would say, as long as you are productive on the computer, you are doing fine.

What I mean is, if you are using your computer time to make graphics, do school work, or better yourself in any way or create something, you are merely exercising your creative nature through the computer. That is my objective and in that I hope to see an addiction.

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I cant not live without a compuer! I think I really need computing theropy. Im seriously addicted. I get mood swings coz Im on it so much! I honestly think people should be able to get computing help or somthing, LOLOL.


But.. overall Computers Rules! LOL



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hue., evolke have a great opinion.People should be able get a computer usefull.So what do you do with a computer?I just playing game with computer.nothing special, but game is really addicted., huiks

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I wouldn't say I'm addicted to the computer. I use it a lot, a couple of hours every day, because I enjoy it. I need to use it anyhow for school work and running a website, but in the event that I can't use the computer for a couple of days, I'm able to go without it easy enough. I think its fine to be addicted to something as long as it doesn't interfere with you performing the daily functions necessary to stay healthy and successful. If the computer is keeping you from having a real-world personal life or preventing you from getting necessary household chores and job-related duties done, well, then you might have a problem. Just keep your computer addiction under control, and you should be alright. The computer is a great tool, connecting people all around the world. You may have tons of internet buddies, but it doesn't substitute for the real thing. Try taking a break from the computer for a day or so, or maybe minimize the amount of time you're on it. Some people don't have that option because their jobs require them to be on the computer, but if you can, try it. The computer can cause a lot of health problems, particularly vision, if you overuse it. Put your health first.

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I don't NEED to go on the computer, I go on it because frankly if I'm not out with my friends there really isn't anything else to do. So no. I take my laptop on holidays simply because family holidays are as boring as hell, but apart from that no i'm not addicted.

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I think that using computer is not considered "addicted" but you should not use it all the time, you should spend time doing something else also.Wean yourself off the computer, a little at a time. Set a timer for one hour, to start off, & when the timer goes off, shut down your computer until the next day. When the next day comes, set the timer for 55 minutes, etc. Using 5 minute increments, until you're down to 10 min. per day. When the timer goes off, time is up!!! Then it's family time.Try to get some help. Maybe this is something that you are getting lost in for a reason. Try to figure out what is going on that you feel the need to be on here all the time and neglect your family. Talk to someone that you can trust and talk to your family as well. Family is the most important thing. :lol:Try to reduce computer time *little by little*. If u sit 2 hours, lessen it to 1.30 hrs. Give yourself a *reward* when u get off the computer. Something u can look forward to. Eg. if u love hot chocolate, tell urself u can only have the hot chocolate if u get off the computer. Get out of the house. Socialize. Take a walk. Once you are out, believe me, u wont miss it.computers can be very addictive. try unplugging your pc for a few days or put the keyboard in the closet. try watching movies with your family or dining out. stay focus on other things and limit your time on the pc.I know it has been the best invention since the wheel, is it the computer and electronics I love, or my dependency b/c of pure boredom.... If it is from being bored, I do learn and find out hell of alot of info on this machine I cannot find other howWhy are computers addictive - Because you can sit do nothing and vegetate; while at the same time you feel productive but really did nothing but go up a level. Finding out information is great but becoming a fat, uncoordinated, hart patient is not that cool. Computers are good and bad. They have taken the kids from the playground and sat them in a chair for hours at a time. Being board is a sign of not being creative. Learning to entertain yourself requires that you try new things. If the power went out for a month in any American neighborhood neighbors would be out in the streets meeting each other developing community. People would be having get togethers and BBQs in front of their houses. Kids would be playing together and forming teams to play games, and people would lookout for their neighbors. But computers and TV offer so much more. Don't get me wrong i love them too, but as a community, without them quality of life would be better.I have the same problem; i can spend hours online. It's not through boredom though, there's lots i could be doing - lots of things i SHOULD be doing right now - but the computer provides somewhere i can meet new people, share my thoughts and find out information quickly and easily. There's worse things to be addicted to than the computer. As long as your real life work and relationships aren't suffering then don't worry about it.---> Efrain was here

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Gotta admit I'm addicted to the computer. First thing I do in the morning right after turning alarm off... turn on computer and start using the internet. Last thing I do at night? Turn off lights... right after finishing using the computer. It is just such a great and fun way to kill time, and it would be impossible to give up.

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Yes. Straight forward I am a proud computer addict. Its not just the internet, or just the computer games I play, I just need to go on the computer. Or I feel bored, and really lost. That is a real addiction :)Im a huge sucker for online Virtual World, and games like the SIM's, heck Ill even play Age of Empires if Im bored enough. Hah! I get addicted to games, like strategy games, and computer coding, hence why Im trying to make a website. But I agree alot with what armondtimesbelize has said. When Im on the computer for too long I feel like Im just withering away. That Im wasting my life and I should be outside experiencing it.

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