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Stupid Teenagers! Grrrr....

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Its almost like saying "I'm going to kill myself in twenty days after drinking one bottle of champagne because its the trend!"

Is that 20 days after drinking the bottle of champagne? Why such a long wait? Why just one bottle?

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I go to an all girls school and the people there are very very *****y. Evry1 is very competitive about EVERYTHING: boys, exam marks, skinniness. I hate how people joke about stuff that really hurts sometimes. I know people mite think that its just a joke, but sometimes u do get really hurt. I have had people make jokes that have really upset me, I know that they are sometimes just having a laugh, but there is sometimes some nastiness to it. if u are not popular, not skinny, not clever enough, don`t have a boyfriend(have never had a boyfriend) then i guess people are gonna think u are a freak. But don`t forget we have feelings too.-stargirl

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I agree with you it is seriously annoying when people act so immature...I do remember when I was immature and I do know how fun it is sometimes and I'm now 16 but I've grown up and I just find immaturity really annoying now...I hate it when people have to put others down are make stupid jokes...It just makes them seem stupider..Not funny-reply by samantha

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haha woah, i say you ignore them.. let them be retarded and live their life the way they want to.. haha dont be such a hater.. woah i dont even know what im saying here.. i dont really understand your problem, are they harrasing you? by calling you happy? aka gay? haha, i do that, call people gay.. but i mean it as your soo uncool.. you know(:i think im gangster.. so ya

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If people doesn't stop pestering you, then try the "Do whatever the hell you want but I'll keep a blank face look act" and see what happens. After they do it, just go on your merry way as if nothing happened. When you see them again[public place or not], tell them that you don't have time for it later so out loud and you would rather have it now as you have other important matters to do...if you don't feel like doing that...... Just ignore and ignore until you graduate or decide to leave school, transfer or have a home tutor.......Whatever the case is, you probably can't hide from the fact that most, if not all, teenagers get a kick out of other people's suffering.....[either by insults/backstabbing/whatever way there may be.....]

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I need funny comebacksStupid Teenagers!My friends are always joking around and throwing sexual jokes and come backs around and when some one makes a insult at me for example they would ask me if I was gay I would say no and then they would ask me if my mom or dad knew that I was gay and I wouldnt have any comeback to make up. And I don't need crapy comebacks like your gay or I heard you had fun with your dad last night because my friends are witty and really fun as for me I'm just a nerd friend to throw insults at.-reply by nohumor

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what I mean...Stupid Teenagers!

what I'm saying that my friends have friends that are ASSES and that don't give a crap what you think. Some of that is wearing off my friends and turning them into ASSES. And when the ASSES throw an insult at me I don't have any comebacks to back me and all of my sensible friends cant back me up because they have reps to backup. So its really hard to hang around them because I have to watch my everthing I do or say. For example if I say (I don't say this but it is all I can think of at the moment) I like bouncey balls (or rubber balls) they all snigger like horny BASTARDS.(sorry for the swearing but it  is true) And I cant just stop being there friends because there the only friends I have. So I just need good insults not just saying your gay but saying your gay with a twist.

-reply by iguest


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Just tell them to eat dicks and f-themselves. It's funny cause when u are all out of school and older they will probably act like nothing happened and try to be all nice and they will probably have crappy jobs or stay in the same town doing nothing. It seems to me they are really immature and lame. Most people like that don't see it though cause they are too worried about looking cool, when in reality they are stupid. Tell them u **** turds smarter than them. Good friends don't let that happen to other friends and if they are the onlty friends you have, I'd say f- it and get rid of them, they sound real dumb like shoot paint balls at em or you could just go on myspace or somewhere and add new friends in your area and hang with them. Throw a party and invite other people. I'm out of school and sometimes even adults act the same way. Some people are just dumb. But you shouldn't put up with it. Hang with like hippy kids or anyone other than those f-tards. 

-reply by buttercup


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People are saying to ignore them, i used to have this probelem when i moved to a new school, and ignoring them DIDNT work.Try to get to know them, it sounds cliche, but if you become freinds with a few peoplewho are a little bit popular, then more popular, etc, you will eventualy become "cool"Get some peoples phone number

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I don't see anything wrong with modern slang. Gay doesn't mean "happy" anymore, it means homosexual or stupid. If you blend in with everyone else, you will find that you aren't offended by terms like gay, *BLEEP*, *BLEEP*, *BLEEP*, or even cuss words anymore (the "F" word has become very common). In fact, you might find yourself thinking of people who are offended by these terms as pussies (another slang term).Every generation will always change the meaning of words and have different slang words. 50 years ago, gay was happy. Today, gay is homosexual or stupid. Today, hot is good-looking, and who knows? Maybe in another 20 years, "Hot" will start meaning homosexual. There's no way to know. All we can know is it will be different and we will probably be offended by it, and the next generation will call us pussies (or the equivalent slang term of that time).

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They are at the stage whereby they want to grab all the attention regardless of the way to do it. Act silly, being a nuisance, try to be cool etc etc. They might seem a silly bunch but come to think of it, we were once at their stage of life before.

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I guess its just culture. But yea its not very intelligent to insult someone's mum or sexuality - its lame actually but people just do it because everybody else is doing it. Glad you're able to deviate from them. If you really snap someday, try telling them if the best they can do is insult ur mum they're pathetic and should go running back to their own moms for milk instead of wasting their time yakking something unintelligent. But of course that almost slipping to their level, best if you can just ignore them. :lol:

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Yeah definitely "your mom" is the most meaningless, base insult in the school playground, its up their with the neo-classic "gay". I'm a teenager (only until December :lol: ) but I do think they get a bit of a raw deal, especially in the media (this may be more true of my native UK but I'd be interested to hear!). People forget that these are not just problems with THIS generation of teenagers. Teenage pregnancy is nothing new, its just in the media more. Knife crime is falling, but the media give it more coverage.I think the media are very much to blame for this negative stereotype of society that unfortunately some to play up to, perhaps because they do not know how else to act.

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Yeah definitely "your mom" is the most meaningless, base insult in the school playground, its up their with the neo-classic "gay".
I'm a teenager (only until December :lol: ) but I do think they get a bit of a raw deal, especially in the media (this may be more true of my native UK but I'd be interested to hear!). People forget that these are not just problems with THIS generation of teenagers. Teenage pregnancy is nothing new, its just in the media more. Knife crime is falling, but the media give it more coverage.

I think the media are very much to blame for this negative stereotype of society that unfortunately some to play up to, perhaps because they do not know how else to act.

Everyone please listen to this guy. There is nothing uniquely wrong with this generation. We're just like you when you were a teen, we just use different slang words and have different styles. This trend has been going on for decades, it didn't start with us.

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