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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. Click here In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.
  2. Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. Click here In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.
  3. Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. Click here In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.
  4. Pepino,Seems like you need some advise, and here is a little bit from me... Seek some Professional advise. It seems that you are ready to make some changes in your life, and that is a good thing. That is the first, and most important, step in the process.You don't say if you are a student, but perhaps there is someone in your 'faith' that can assist. For us to try to help would be great, but you need to seek a local, professional source of guidance. Between your Faith and the courage you show towards to tackling this problem, I think you stand a good chance of turning yourself around. I certainly hope you are successful. Peace be with you...
  5. Link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Check that out. The first page has information and the second and has the actual example of its use with sample CSS code. I find that when you visit a site which has a slow server and attempt to view 'large' Image files, it is pretty boring to sit and stare at a blank screen, so this little snippet of code can be used to give the visitor something to see to indicate that the image is being downloaded. I built a small animated gif that sits in the background of the space allocated for the image and it 'rotates' while the Image loads. Once the image is downloaded, the background gif is gone. Hope you find this helpful.
  6. Google can be your best friend. <META NAME="robots" CONTENT="index,follow"><META NAME="revisit-after" CONTENT="1"> This robots tag tell the spiders/bots to index the page, the links on the page and to follow those links to their location, whether the location is on your site or another one doesn't matter. The 'revisit' tag says to come back after 1 day. Ideally, you would have new content or links each day for them to review when you use this setting. If you don't have new content when they come back, they see that the tag is not valid and won't be back for awhile, so be accurate with the time you state, based on how often you intend to have new material for them to review. Also, google "robots.txt" to see about using a file by that name to regulate the robots, too. Your account should have a robots.txt file which the good bots check first thing upon visiting your site. It tells them which files they can see and whether they are actually allowed to index or visit, etcetera. Most good bots obey those commands. The robots.txt file also tells them to stay out of the list of files you name which you do not want indexed. It might be a text file containing all of the log-in information for your site, for example, and you don't want that to be found on google. You should have a robots.txt file in the account root and also in the root folder of each and every sub-domain you set up, or the robots will cause a 404 error if they can't find it.
  7. Go to https://xisto.com/ and use their services to find an available Domain name, arrange to purchase it and then make it your account domain according to the instructions. You will need to set the Name Servers and then wait for the Domain to propogate. That could take as few as 24 hours or as long as 72 hrs. No real way to control that. It depends on too many things happening. Once the Domain Name gets propogated, you will be all set. Good luck with it. Post back here if you need any more assistance.
  8. In order to use the Domain name, it is required that you 'own' the domain and you need to set the Domain Name Servers correctly. As I check, the Name Servers are not currently pointed to the Xisto - Web Hosting Name servers. Review the instructions found in the Xisto readme file for the steps required. the actual details will be different, but the process would be similar. Xisto Readme
  9. Your topics are verging on Spam and I encourage you to raise the level of your posting.For example, instead of simply asking this question, state some facts and figures to provide a basis for YOUR opinion and then declare your position on the Topic to prompt a supporting reply or a rebutal from another member.The Xisto Forum expects a little more than this from its members, and rewards them with a very nice Hosting package. Your choice of what to happens next.
  10. and what did the reply from your email to support@xisto.com say about this issue?
  11. I'm thinking that you need a three column layout something like this one: http://forums.xisto.com Fill the left and right sidebars with your links and have your main page content in the middle? You will need a gage for each link, or a Content Management system like snews http://www.snewscms.com/ or cutenews, perhaps. google that one.
  12. Adding an AEF Forum to sNews CMS Although not truly integrated, here is an explanation of the steps I took to have an AEF Forum Software present itself as an 'integrated' page on the sNews CMS. 1. Download a standard sNews version 1.6 Content Management System. Instructions are found on the sNews site. (refer to link list below) There are several flavours of sNews. This method has only been tested on the sNews 1.6, but should work on other versions as well. 2. Created a MySQL Database and user, Modded the snews.php, and took the usual steps for installing as a package. Note that the sNews is installed into the {root}/snews directory of the Hosting account. 3. Install an AEF Forum into a subdirectory of the sNews install named "forum", so the forum is installed into {root}/snews/forum of the Hosting account.( http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ / ) 4. Ported and Modded a Template from http://andreasviklund.com/ which had 2 column, 1024 pixel layout. The layout is a sidebar left version with the "content" on the right hand side. This is where the Forum will display.(optional, this method will work on a standard sNews layout, if the width is flexible or wide enough) 5. Added a Menu system as per http://www.cssplay.co.uk/ for a Horizontal Centred Unordered List. IE Conditional Comments required for the menu system need to be added to the Template.(optional) 6. Added the Categories into the sNews CMS which I wanted to be shown on the sidebar of the page which contains the Forum. 7. Added a "Welcome" and Forum link at the top of the sidebar in the Template index.php to have the Forum link display on all pages.(from source) <h2> Welcome! </h2> <ul><li> <a href="jlhaslip.com/snews/forum.html&%2334; title="Visit the Forum" >Forum</a> </li></ul> 8. Performed a "View Source", Ctl-A select all, Ctl-C copy and pasted the page into my Text Editor. Then added the following code to have the forum displayed into an iframe. I know they aren't pretty, but it works. Indexing or SEO is not a requirement on this particular site, or I might have re-considered the use of an I-frame. This process is not complete. I will be investigating other methods and will report any success I might have. <iframe src="http://yoursite.com/snews/forum/index.php" style="overflow-x:hidden; overflow-y:scroll; width: 735px; height: 800px; border:0; " ></iframe> >>> change URL to suit your actual Account/Domain information <<< ??? could also be relatively referenced to the base href (not tested)??? 9. Save the page as "forum.html" as per the link added into the top of the sidebar into the same directory as the sNews CMS. (see #7 above) The Forum can be Browsed to directly using this as the endpoint of the url.(see reference below) 10. Note the html code for the iframe is sized for width to fit into the available space of the page. If you use a different Template, both the width and height may need to be adjusted. I set a height to the iframe due to browser differences. Auto or 100% failed in various Browsers, and a fixed height seems to work in all of them (to my satisfaction at least). 11. As a note, I should mention that AEF is a really nice piece of work. I have stats comparing AEf to a phpbb2.0.22 and the AEF Forum uses one third of the bandwidth. Although fairly new, the package is very functional with a News rotator script, a fixed or pop-up shoutbox included, and many more nice features. I encourage you to check it out. Also, Language Packs and IE png support is forthcoming. The version demo'd on this "integration" is utf-8 and IE png ready. The Language system is being developed as I write this Tutorial and will be available very soon. Translations are available for Spanish immediately and several other languages to follow quickly. (Egyptian anyone?) So, that is how I did it. Not a true "integration", since the Logins aren't tied together, but they do fit into a single database. By default, the AEF database is prefixed with "aef_", so unless your Hosting requires one, no prefix would be required for the sNews Tables. Please Note: The copyright on the AEF Forum is mandatory, and the Forum will shutdown if you remove or modify it. Just a warning. It does, however, include an optional second copyright line. The method for adding the copyright and "Ad Bars" are on the AEF Demo site, for your reference. I hope this helps and please post any questions you need answered. I will do my best to reply as quickly as possible. And thanks to all the "Dudes" for getting the sNews package to this point. References: Demo of a combined sNews and AEF Forum: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ AEF Forum as a standalone Forum : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Tutorial on installing an AEF Forum: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Link to AEF Support Forum: http://www.anelectron.com/board/ Download sNews 1.6 here: http://www.snewscms.com/
  13. Would be appropriate for you to include links for the download of the packages required, please and thanks.
  14. From the Terms of Service as found by reading the Xisto Readme file: Once you have an English web-site, feel free to enhance it with a translated version, but the requirement to provide your site in English is enforced. Providing the site with a language system is recommended in this case, but English should be available in order that there is a version which the Moderators and Admins can inspect. Web sites which violate this English Language requirement will be deleted from the server. No questions asked.
  15. Looks like it was. Brandon was mentioned in BH's posting I linked to. He likely checked the Logs files to see the accounts which might have been affected.
  16. PM to Buffalohelp immediately, as per this topic: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/51761-alert-notice-to-hosting-members-urgent/
  17. Apache mod_rewrite will allow the URL to your pages show like that, too. http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/mod/mod_rewrite.html Check out the URL when you navigate on this site. Mod-rewrite is a standard feature of the sNews CMS system. http://www.snewscms.com/ The generated URLs are search engine friendly, can be indexed by the bots, and they are easier to use, too. Of course, using the folder/index method works, too, but for truly dynamic content, try mod-rewrite. You need to set up an .htaccess file for the site and apply the rules according to your query string format. Here is a sample of the .htaccess file as used by the sNews CMS: RewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /snewsRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -fRewriteRule ^(.*) $1 [L]RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?category=$1 [L]RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule ^([a-z_]+)/([^/]+) index.php?category=$1&title=$2 [L]RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule ^([a-z_]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/ index.php?category=$1&title=$2&commentspage=$3 [L]RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule ^([a-z0-9_-]+)/([0-9]+)/ index.php?category=$1 articlespage=$2 [L]The query string in this example will be inspected and the first string is the category, the second string is the title, etc.search: Apache mod re-write for a full explanation of the tool and its usage.
  18. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Have a look, please. Forum link is top of the left-hand sidebar. AEF Forum software can be downloaded from http://anelectron.com/ sNews CMS can be downloaded from http://www.snewscms.com/ The link above shows the two combined using a Wordpress Theme as a base for the layout (modified), and integrates a centred, horizontal Unordered List as a Navigation Bar below the header, courtesy of Stu Nicholls at http://www.cssplay.co.uk/ I need to begin coding a Login integration script next. Right after I do a couple of Tutorials on AEF and sNews. Your thoughts? Notice from serverph: fixed the AEF link, jim
  19. Trap17 does not condone the use of Proxies to avoid the restrictions placed by System Administrators. The restrictions are placed on the System for whatever reason the Sys Admin deems appropriate. You are advised to use a Proxy at your own risk.
  20. This is not acceptable as an opening post to a Topic. State your case about the issue and let others reply, then the discussion begins. Furthermore, I don't think this Topic should be allowed on a Forum which contains a selection of youths, such as this Forum does. Topic Closed.
  21. What method are you using now?Check out mod_rewrite for Apache servers.
  22. What kind of problems?Where is your code?Download a copy of AEF Forum software and rip their code apart to see how they do it.
  23. They call it IrfanVIEW, not IrfanEDIT for a reason. It is a viewer with a couple of effects and a few plugins for resizing and saving as different formats. Far from being an editor. Please stay on topic when replying.
  24. Might I add a little something to the topic? Yes, turtles carried the earth for quite some time, and that explains the hard shells they still have to this day... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  25. Congratulations on putting up with us for an entire year.It has been a pleasure and good luck with the Hosting Company project. Be sure to grow at a 'controlled' rate, don't get any bigger than you can handle... send the surplus over to Xisto - Web Hosting...
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