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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Previous poster says the cpanel phpmyadmin is functioning properly now.I just checked and my Forums are fine, phpmyadmin is operating on my account, is yours working now?As to the Error you report, (Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(include/errors.xml) is not within the allowed path(s): in /home/mrdee/public_html/admin/include/commonfunctions.php on line 682), I suggest you have the error reported at the software Forum site. I suspect the details of the software, and a Guru, will be better able to assist you than us.
  2. It appears that the Athlete involved in the 'demonstration' has doubts about the 'officiating' of the Semi-final bout.His behaviour would not be the correct method of disputing the results. The best method is to win against the same competitor the next time they are in a match. they may not receive the Olym[pic Gold, but they would be able to support their claim of being better than the winner.No doubt that there will be a review, and like the Figure Skating/Officiating scandal of several years ago, hopefully a change in the process to eliminate the possibility of corrupt results.
  3. What I meant to ask was: What software package or application are you running to create this error? A CMS or Blog software? A php page you wrote? A Forum software?
  4. What software package does this file/error come from? Can you describe the directory structure for the application, please.
  5. can you provide a link to the page and the code snippets you are asking about?Html and css, both, please.
  6. The PHP Server is configured on the Xisto to automatically parse any file ending in .php file extension through the correct programs. Files ending in a .php file extension anywhere under the public_html folder should be okay. (ie: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) As for the configuration, it should all work right out of the box. No "configuring" needed.
  7. I have a Kingston 2 gig with almost zero on it.Isn't Christmas wonderful?
  8. sounds like a good plan to remove the horns. Will that have any impact on her besides not getting stuck? Are the horns used for any other reason?
  9. begin an exercise program. eat healthy. get lots of sleep.
  10. It appears that this product was discontinued about eight years ago (2000). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Bookshelf
  11. there is a distinction between Admin and Mod for several reasons, not the least of which is security of the database.n They do stuff which is critical to the operation of the facilities. Mods manage the Forum.
  12. Check out the Tutorial Section here on the Xisto and the html programming topics and the CSS sub-forum.Also, w3schools.com has a fair set of Tutorials.
  13. Any Admin will handle this issue. PM to Buffalohelp as well is a good idea.
  14. re-opened per member request.Apparently the issue remains to be solved. Can you delete/rename all of the .htaccess files on your account to see if it works then?
  15. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  16. Best to ask this question at the Live Support site, https://support.xisto.com/.
  17. maybe this software will do what you want: https://www.giveawayoftheday.com/
  18. PM to Buffalohelp with a copy of the link to this Topic.Thanks.
  19. Try again, and if it fails to accept your Application, PM to Buffalohelp, our Admin, to solve this issue.
  20. You could get all of that in a Laptop for that price.Including a CD/DVD drive or two. Possibly a spare Battery pack, even.
  21. check out AEF Forums for a FREE Forum software. http://www.anelectron.com/ Includes a shoutbox as default feature.
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