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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. semeticsister,It can be a cruel world out there. Not everything is going to turn up roses. There will no doubt be the odd weed pop up i the garden. It is a good thing to learn this stuff early so the big ole nasty world doesn't hit you too hard when the realizations set in.As for having lots of friends, I believe that it is highly over-rated to have a great number of "best" friends. I would much rather having only a few "great" friends. Great friends are those you can call at 3 o'clock in the morning from 1,000 miles away and they will get put of bed and drive across town to pick up another friend, take them someplace and then return to bed. I know because I have friends that have done that for me. They might not have really liked doing it, but they did it. And lesser friends would not have done that.I suggest you chill out on this. Time is your friend. As noted above, it is more important that you continue to be you rather than trying to be someone you aren't. In due course, those who can appreciate your strengths will come into your life.
  2. Well, the recommendation is going to be based on what sort of 'back-up' you want.If you are a business and have to store the information for seven tax years, then I would reccomend the disk-type of storage.If you need temporary back-up and portability, then the flash drive is the way to go.If cost is a concern, the disks are cheaper to buy, but over time, if there isn't much data to be stored, the flash drives might be beter because they could be overwritten easier. Another issue becomes the capability to use the flash drive on other machines. My machine won't take them because the USB system requires drivers for everything for some reason and it isn't always a simple thing to find them.Of course, a cd-rom is the standard for installing software now, so most machines come with a cd-drive anyway, so there wouldn't be much extra cost except for the price of a pack of 50 disks.Hope this helps.
  3. Well let me see... Eaten by a shark or eaten by a Lion... tough choice, but the same resultsI don't believe that it makes much of a difference which one of these companies get to be Number One... as noted earlier, they both are so focused on the almighty dollar that providing the service to us consumers is not the principal purpose for their existence. Methinks they are both too large for their own good. Google will run into the same size and market share issues that Microsoft did, in one way or another, sooner than later. I'm going to sit on the sidelines and watch it all happen.
  4. Here is a nice Thumbnail creator. http://www.fookes.com/ezthumbs/ And you certainly are on the right track with the size and download issues. There are software packages for doing Photo-galleries. Some do the thumbnails for you, others don't. The Link above does an excellent job. It has been a while, but I think you can batch size them, select the pre- or suffix to include, lots of good options. Have fun and enjoy yourself. And here is a link to a Photo-Gallery software download page. http://www.stadtaus.com/en/php_scripts/gallery_script/ I also have a bit of html that you might want to look at. It isn't automated, but it will fit onto a page that you have already coded into the Design you already have for your site template. Send me a PM and I'll pass it over to you. I'll need your email addy to send you the info.
  5. I read it and thought it was a great posting. I aslo replied. I look forward to using that information when I am having the sort of problem you described, but right now, I don't have any files that are giving me any problems because first of all I am on a Mac and they aren't as likly to have those problems, and secondly,I am pretty cautious when I am on a Windows based machine, so I don't download things which might get me into those troubles. Also, because my Windows machine is an older model with a smaller ram and slower processor, I don't run too much all at once. But if I need the information, I'll find it here. Thanks for making it available.
  6. Welcome to the Trap.My signature contains a link to the Frequently asked questions about the service. As Saint Mike suggested, please read them, and enjoy your visit.See you around the forum.
  7. Alright already. Enough about this version 2.0.18 of phpbb. The latest version is now 2.0.19. It came out just in time for the New Year.I'll close this Topic now.
  8. That's a "long-term relationship"? I don't think so. If I was wassie, I'd stick with Avalon's advise. Twenty years is a long-term relationship.
  9. You might want to send a pm to Saint Mike. He seems to go through them quickly and might have an idea or two about the best ones, or where to get good deal. He just got an 80 gig installed.
  10. Go to the IPB site and they will either have a list of instructions for you to download, a forum for answering this question, or the method will be explained in the upgrade's readme file.
  11. Size: 16 x 16 Theme: ??? Render: no Render Theme: ??? Color: Gold or dark yellow Text: Yes - a single letter - capital 'G' Other effects: nope I would like to have a Favicon built for this site: http://www.goldenhockey.com/ so that when people bookmark it, the Letter 'G' is included in their bookmark and address bar. Please visit the site and if you have another idea, let me know. Thanks.
  12. Old at 21? I don't think so.Even 41 is young to an 85 year old. Relax, your age is only a number on a piece of paper in your wallet if you have a keen mind, a memory of your youth and a spirit to match.As you get older, you will understand that this is just a questioning period in your life. A training program of sorts. We all continue to learn throughout our lives and right now, it seems to you that your child period is over. Trust me, you will have lots of opportunities to continue being young at heart. Don't waste them. It isn't the end of the world to be 30, or 40, or 50 years old. Wanna buy a T-shirt?
  13. Interesting tutorial. Nice injection of humour at certain spots in there. A couple of * bleeps * that might invoke a raised eyebrow from some, but what the heck, live dangerously, I say. Yes, it is a real word. It is the plural form of virus. A Latin root gives it the peculiar 'ii' plural form. 'Viruses' is not the correct plural form of the word. The Queen's English wouldn't allow 'viruses'.
  14. About seven years ago, I started getting headaches towards the end of the day and whenever I did a lot of readng, so in to the Eye Doctor and wouldn't you know that he prescribed reading glasses for when my eyes got sore. It took away the headaches, for sure, but now, seven years later, my eyes are weaker than ever I think because of wearing the reading glasses. Now I have about 5 pairs scattered all over the pace. One on my Computer Desk, a pair in the truck, one in my coat pocket and usually one on my face, too. Of course, I am *cough* older than the average member here, so I guess my eyes and the muscles controlling them are just tired. Gets that way after the first couple of decades past your adolescence. I work Construction, so with all the dust and stuff, Contacts are out, besides, my vision is perfect from across the room or down a road, it is just that my arms are too short to hold a newspaper far enough away. As for whether the ladies are attracted to men with or without glasses, it really doesn't matter once you are my age...
  15. If I can save you some money will you send me half of what I save you??? Doesn't matter which one of those programs you are interested in, I can save you almost all of your money by suggesting that you get OpenOffice from http://www.openoffice.org/. It has pretty much everything the MS packages have, Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Database connect capability, you name it. Even a wysiwyg html editor. And you can't argue with the price. FREE! or it is available already on disk for about $10.00. Download it from openoffice.org. It is Open Source under a GNU licence. I guarantee you won't be disappointed, at least for the money you spent...
  16. To celebrate the 3,400th post from St Mike, have a look here to see the oldest post of his still on the server. And this is his first ever Topic. Thanks to SM for all the good things he has done for the trap and its members. Hip Hip Hooray to Saint Mike, the Patron Saint of Xisto and the Gfx Crew. Notice from jlhaslip: Fixed Typo and inserted topic info.
  17. Might I suggest that you take a slightly different approach and do a group thing for the first "date".Get a couple of friends together and go skating or to a movie as a small manageable groupt, or get together at a mutual friend's house to watch a movie or two one night, Try to break him down slowly... with witnesses???
  18. Resizing the images to match the size they take up on your site will help also. If you have an 800 x 600 image that only takes up 80 x 60 on your site, create a new, smaller version of the image for the clients to use, instead of making the clients download the full sized image. Limiting the number of images on each page will help also. Break up image intensive pages into several smaller ones. Makes the pages easier to manage, and faster for clients to download. Also, using a site wide css file rather than having the same css embedded in to each of your pages will help overall performance. The client ony has to download the css file once into their cache. Here is a link to use to check yur site loading times and it also offers suggestions to do exactly what you are asking about. http://www.websiteoptimization.com/services/analyze/ Use this link to analyze your pages, make the suggested changes, then run the analyzer again to see how effective it was in cleaning up the site.
  19. Qube,Welcome to the Xisto Forums. Lots of topics and areas that should interest you here. Look around and jump in when you can contribute a piece of advise to other members. All input is welcome here, but we really don't like spammers, so place quote tags around all the stuff which isn't your original information,please.If you haven't done so already, please read the Xisto Readme (Frequently Asked Questions in my Siggy). It outlines the guidelines and Tips and Tricks for using this Forum and other information for when you get hosted at the Trap.Good Luck. See you around.
  20. Looks good Mayank. I'd make the top and bottom borders a bit narrower. They seem a bit heavy to me, but the rest of the sig/avatar are great.Keep up the good work.
  21. God Bless our differences. Christians, Jews, Muslims and others. They have a powerful impact on our lives and our history. (the differences) I would prefer to believe that these differences are a strength in the nature of Man rather than a flaw. Without these opposing views, we would not be intellectually challenged and might've missed out on some intellectual advances in the past if it weren't for debates, discussions, and inquiring minds.These differences need not be negative by nature, although they often are. There are religions around which embraces the differences, unlike most other religions. I offer the Bahai Faith as an example. A principle belief in the Bahai religion is that the originating members of a religion are viewed as 'manifestations' of God. Each of the 'manifestations' offer a 'higher demand' on Mankind's need to reach spiritual attainment. That is to say that each new manifistation 'raises the bar', so to speak, and asks that the Societies and Cultures strive for higher standards. I am not exactly a scholar in this topic, but it goes something like this: Abraham, the 'founder' of the Jewish religion, set some standards for his current level of Civilization. Then Christ comes along and sets new, higher goals. Then Mohameed (sp) or whoever it was that is the founder of the Muslim faith adds to the knowledge base. (in whatever time frame/order they each occurred) The Bahai members recognize each of these manifestations and although they have their own 'manifestation', they do not deny the others, rather, they support all religions. They would prefer that Society as a whole would practice a single religion, but they mostly ask that others practice an organized religion, believe in God, and act in their own lives like all this stuff matters not only to individuals, but collectively throughout Society. In practical matters, they believe that the Nature of Man is good, that there is equality between the sexes, that education and the pursuit of intellectual strength is important, that is is one god governing the Universe, there is no proof of re-incarnation,and that eventually, all the strive in the world will be removed. They are hugely in favour of the United Nations.And, no, I am not Bahai. If I were, I would be able to expound further and might have been better able to express these views. I may have some factual errors in there, and if I do, please correct them for me. Thanks.Oh, and I think they recognize 7 manifestations: Buddha, Abraham, Christ, the Muslim, Bahaluah (sp) ( their Prophet), and the others I forgot.
  22. Hey recrush,Might be better if you just cruise the forums and answer questions for people. Several things happen if you do that. First, you get your post count and credits raised. That is important if you are looking to get hosted.Second, your name gets out as a helpful, knowledgeable person to consult.Third, the entire community here at the trap forums get to benefit from the answers which are posted. If you get into private consultations, only one member benefits, so be a good member and let us all benefit from your knowledge and experience.Some people might think your post is a spam, but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. Please read the Xisto readme by using the link in my siggy. If we all abide by the rules around here, the forum experience becomes a good one for all of us.Thanks.
  23. My New Year's Resolution is the same one I make every year.I resolve to make no resolutions I can not keep.
  24. My absolute favourite tea is "Sunshine Tea".A couple of tea bags in a large glass jar ( a one gallon pickle jar is perfect ) filled with tap water, placed in a sunny spot for a few hours, add a touch of sugar or Honey, and a fresh squeezed Lemon, AFTER the tea is removed from the sun, refridgerate and drink out of a tall iced glass on a hot summer day. Perfect.
  25. There are a couple of ideas in this thread: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/28292-need-some-help-with-my-template/ that might be of help. Why doesn't it work as a background image and then place div's over top?
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