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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Yes, the embed tag is not accepted in xhtml strict. It has been replaced by the "object" tag. If you want to know the details, look here at the w3schools site. A full html 4.01 and xhtml reference list is available on that site. I use it all the time. Bookmark it, please. The way to have an object so that it works in both new and old Browsers is to use BOTH the object and the embed tags. There are all kinds of samples of this code around. find a site which has an object similar to the one you which to include in your page and do a "view > source" to learn how they have done it. A great learning method, by the way.
  2. <a href="Large_pic.jpg" width="400px"><img src="thumbnail.jpg width="100px" /></a> This code makes it so that there is a small picture displayed and when you click it, it converts to a larger picture. Problem with it is the full image has to load, so the page may take longer to load. For making "Links" on your page, there doesn't have to be anything displayed. <a id="anchor_name"></a>Place this somewhere inside your page. and when you click on the link here: <a id="#anchor_name">Click this link!</a> you will be taken to that spot on the page. <a id="#">Click this link to go to the top of this page!</a> Using "#" as the named id will move you to the top of the page. Also, use "id=" instead of "name=". "id=" is the standards Compliant (preferred) way. "name=" will work for most Browsers, but is deprecated by the w3c. <a name="DIV TAG NAME">TEXT HERE</a>
  3. Drop the link and related information into a mysql database and use the 'row' number as its unique link number. Have one of the fields contain the actual link information for using as an address. Row Number| URL Adress | Description | Date submitted | Submitter Name | Notes \nSomething like that. Use the Row Number as your $data[0].
  4. Well, thanks for the support. It is nice to know that these efforts are appreciatedWild20: Albus has it right on the mark for changing background-colors to affect the displayed and on:hover colours of the background. To alter the colour of the text, change the color: #fxxxxxx where xxxxxx are hex numbers from 0 to f. ( #ffffff being white and #000000 being black). The pairs indicate the amount of Red, Green, and Blue, so #ff0000 is full red, #00ff00 is full Green and #0000ff is full blue. There are any number of choices available.Albus: Thanks for the comment. Always appreciate help around here.Lyons: Enjoy.Tyssen: thanks for the tip. My old beater doesn't like opacity whether it is proprietary or not. Don't know if it is the Browser or the machine, but others will appreciate the tip.
  5. Tool Tip Tutorial Example Found Here. Please review before continuing. Nice. And no javascript at all to be found. The colours I have used are for demonstration purposes only to show you that they are adjustable to suit the background or to contrast against them. Your choice. That is a styling issue. It is your site, you decide. The original author's idea was to add position:relative to the link, in order to allow the span element inside to position absolutely in respect to the parent link. This code has been tested in Ie5.5, IE6, Opera7.11 and Mozilla 1.4 and works fine. Fails in IE5/mac and NN7/mac, as I found out the hard way. Now, let's have a look at the basic html and css code for the tooltip: An Anchor Tag with a Span for the Tool Tip Text <a class=info href="Your Linked URL goes Here">display text here <span> Tool Tip Text Here </span> </a> How it WorksThe class="info" sets the background colour, the text colour , the position relative and turns off the underlining for the anchors of this class. The span tag of this anchor is used to hide the display of the spanned text (a.info span{display: none}). When it is hovered over, it resets the background colour of the anchor(a.info:hover), then the span is made visible in an offset position from the anchor (a.info:hover span). The attributes of the displayed span are set using the a.info:hover span selector. In this example, it is used to set the text colour and the background colour of the Tool Tip, it locates the displayed text block as an absolutely positioned block from the anchor, adds a border, and alters the text colour. Sounds like a lot of work for one little selector. And here is the CSS for the Anchor and Span a.info{ position:relative; /*this is the key*/ z-index:24; background-color:#f0c0c0; color:#666; text-decoration:none}a.info:hover{z-index:25; background-color:#e1e1e1}a.info span{display: none}a.info:hover span{ /*the span will display just on :hover state*/ display:block; position:absolute; top:2em; left:2em; width:15em; border:1px solid #0cf; background-color:#cfc; color:#cc3366; text-align: center} Enjoy.
  6. Shengeta, Have you tried a Pm to Opaque about moving your stuff? or the helpdesk? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ That registration [could] be completed sooner, but allow 48 hours at least for it to circulate around. Last one I registered at Yahoo was about 24 hrs only, so you never know... Also, did you point the registered Domain to computinghosts' Name Servers? Yahoo does a frame wrapper and redirects, so that will affect the site's indexing. I suggest you point to the Xisto - Web Hosting Name Servers.
  7. LOL, yup, even the Experts started out as beginners and I don't know anyone who hasn't gotten bit by the Syntax bug. HTML is forgiving of the white space in the file, so if you are careful, the structure of your html can assist in finding and solving problems. I am going to give you an example using the code you posted above and see if this makes sense to you. You might want to test it on one of your files to make sure it works. Use a page which you know works good and modify the HTML in such a fashion that the missing pieces "jump" out at you. For example, instead of this code structure on your page: <a href="test.html" onmouseover="domTT_activate(this, event, 'content', 'Shining Silver Breastplate<p>Binds when equipped</p><p>Chest[tab][/tab]Mail</p><p>214 Armor</p><p>+14 Strength</p><p>+6 Stamina</p><p>Durability 120 / 120</p><p>Requires Level 24</p>' ,'styleClass', 'niceTitle', 'x', this.offsetLeft + 5, 'y', this.offsetTop + 5);">Shining Silver Breastplate</a>Use something along these lines: <a href="test.html" onmouseover="domTT_activate(this, event, 'content', 'Shining Silver Breastplate<p>Binds when equipped</p><p>Chest[tab][/tab]Mail</p><p>214 Armor</p><p>+14 Strength</p><p>+6 Stamina</p><p>Durability 120 / 120</p><p>Requires Level 24</p>' ,'styleClass', 'niceTitle', 'x', this.offsetLeft + 5, 'y', this.offsetTop + 5);">Shining Silver Breastplate</a> Well, the tabs didn't survive on this example, but basically, come up with a structured format that suits the eye and eases the 'compactness' of the code so it is easier to spot things like the missing commas. Since I don't do javascript, I don't know for sure that the js portions of the example code will work as I have outlined, but try it on a page which you know works and then you can tell us whether the whitespace is allowed or not in javascript. For the most part, this 'whitespace' is ignored in html. In some places there must be whitespace and in others there can not be whitespace, so there will be some trial and error, but structuring your code will help you find these small syntax errors. this is easier when handcoding, of course because you input the data. If you are using php or another script to dynamically produce the page there will be a different level of control, but using the carriage return, line feed and tab character strings might help, as will breaking up the output into seperate portions. On a similar note, use comments throughout the code to explain what each section or line does, or is expected to do, and you will have a better chance of debugging problems in the future. The comments make it easier on you or the person following you to understand what is supposed to be happening inside the code. Good luck with your project. And I hope this helps.
  8. Well there is no doubt in my mind that this Global Warming thing is for real. A couple hours drive from where I live there is a pretty big and important Glacier in the middle of nowhere that has been a Tourist Attraction for about 100 years. They have stakes in the ground to mark the termination point of the Main reach of the Glacier over those years and the newest ones ( since 1970) are noticeably closer together than the ones from the early part of the Century. I haven't been there in about 6 years to confirm that they are any closer since then, but the effects of Global Warming on this Glacier are indeed a visual warning, if nothing else.Sure, there are cycles of temperature fluctuations in the Atmisphere, but evidence points to pollutants and a lack of certain elements in the Atmosphere which is at fault. But it is not all Doomsday stuff. Science has gotten us this far and I am confident that it will drag us out of this one, too. Ethanol-based fuel which is organic in source and biodegradable by nature is one possible method. Using Hydrogen as a fuel is another. Wind and Solar Power are alternatives as well. Another contributing factor is the Lifestyle you choose. Instead for driving everywhere, take a walk or ride a bike. Recycle resources which require Petroleum products. Lots of good ways to reduce, re-use, recycle.
  9. Hi there, Welcome to the Trap. I see Mich has already been through here. A regular one woman Welcoming committee... j/kAnyway, have a look around and jump into the discussions wherever you see fit to reply. Keep the spam down, don't abuse the Forum at all, and we'll all enjoy your presence.
  10. That's a good summary of Frames and Tables. Biggest problem is they are both 'frowned upon' in the current Web Development environment. Frames are not very search friendly and can't be linked to. Tables make for poor structuring on a site, although there are some uses for them with certain data, they should not be used for the 'layout' of the page.The w3c specs also allow for the <iframe> tag which you didn't mention. Perhaps some info on that could be included on your next posting?
  11. Notice from jlhaslip: A little spamming going on here? Lozbo, the original posting was two weeks back. Two other posts gave the same instructions. What's up with your reply here? Need credits? PM me and I'll send a couple. No need to spam the Forum like this.
  12. Most people that complain about teenagers saving the world are actually teenagers themselves. Heres a list. Sorry to dissappoint you but most of these RPG's while they do have some kids in them, the main characters are older than 19. But a mature player doesn't complain about how young a character is nor how kiddy a game is. A mature gamer has the decency to enjoy a video game based on great gameplay, not how old the character is. Notice from jlhaslip: Lists that account for more than 30% of the post length should be quoted. The new edit feature allows for you to edit your posts. There will be a credit reduction because of the quote tags I have added.
  13. Google searches can be added to your site as per this Topic: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/26996-google-search-in-my-site-i-want/?t=26996 and there is a previous Tutorial written about searching your own database for information, too. Look in the Tutorial Section, or use the Search Feature at the top of this page. Specify "+search +database" (no quotes) as the search criteria within the Tutorial sub-forum and you should find it. Try this : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/32299-searching-with-php-and-mysql-the-easy-way-p/
  14. jlhaslip


    If you need more Bandwidth, contact OpaQue by PM.
  15. A Php Menu-builder Tutorial This Sidebar Menu-builder code and the php scripts are adapted from a Tutorial on the Xisto.com Forum titled : The primary purpose for making this template available is to provide a learning experience, not to provide coders with the end product. Admittedly, this Template is very basic and is not meant to be 'cut and pasted' into a web site, but rather, to be used as a learning tool to provide you with the means to build your site using templating concepts which makes the maintenance of a site easier, and the presentation more consistent across pages. Some html/css knowledge would be required to make changes to the files, but very little. Just a reminder to make any modifications on a 'copy' of the files so if you alter something critical to the function of the code, you will have an un-modified version to resume your work from. Happy coding. Zip File Contents For the Basic Template use : index.php header.php menu.php main.php footer.php For the Sidebar Version use : index2.php header.php menu2.php main.php footer.php sidebar.css Download the sample files here A sample of the original menu code is available in the file named menu.php To build the menu inside a template using php includes as per vujsa's Tutorial: index.php To sample an unstyled 'sidebar menu' : menu2.php To build the Basic Template with the a styled sidebar menu : index2.php To alter the css for the index2.php: sidebar.css Using these files on your Local Computer requires a version of php installed and the files resident in your "localhost" path. Instructions for the use or installation of php is beyond the scope of this article. Google on "xammp" or "wamp" to find out more about those two packages. Download Zip file Here
  16. Merged topics.The member has previously showcased this site and in the future, please just add onto the existing topic. Posting to the same topic helps keep the Forum better organized and less cluttered.As to comments about the site, I think you should push some of the content up to the top. If the 'State Selector' was higher up, it might prompt viewers to click instead of hit the back button. Maybe float the picture to the left to make some room at the top.
  17. I think it best that this topic get closed before it gets out of hand and somebody gets an idea in their head.Having said that, I think the best (and only) way to re-boot a server is by way using its native control panel.Any other way and you are inviting trouble.Topic closed with a reminder that illegal topics are grounds for suspension under the Terms of Service here at the Xisto Forum and most likely your Hosting Account would be suspended as well ...
  18. The IP address for the trap should be available off the Help or Xisto Readme files. The sever is port number 2082 and there is a path to the index page following that, so when I sign on to the cpanel, I get an address like: http://username.trap17.com:2082/frontend/rvblue/index.html. I'm thinking that you should be able to replace the "username.trap17.com" with the IP address like so: http://xx.xx.xx.xx:2082/frontend/rvblue/index.html. I might be wrong. It has happened that way before.
  19. You can google on it, I got a whole whack of replies simply using " html forms ". Here is a favourite place of mine to start with: http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_forms.asp Hotscripts.com is another good place to find stuff. and from a search on the trap: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/32299-searching-with-php-and-mysql-the-easy-way-p/ This one uses some good techniques for security of data. Check at mysql.com and read the manual to find out what information is required to be passed by the form and adapt this one?
  20. Hey, now that I like.....Can I marquee some text across that? Snagged a copy for meself...
  21. I like the effect on the text. The text is too light for the background and I 'hate' crooked text, but that's me...Darken the border and thin it out a bit.My monitor is only 256 colours so it appears a bit grainy, but most of that is at my end I'm sure.Good job overall, 8.5
  22. The Font tag is 'deprecated' in newer versions of (x)html. With the use of Cascading Style Sheets, they are no longer required and, in fact, are no longer supported in the W3C Standards. Only older browsers will recognize them. They are most often replaced with a named span tag or by specifying a class for specific instances where you want to alter the Font or size of text. More information is available at the w3schools web site. link here
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