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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Have either of you submitted a Support Request to the Helpdesk? Mods do not have any access to the Server other than as a regular user like you, so the Support Personnel should be contacted for problems of this nature.Email to support@Xisto - Web Hosting.com should work. They will need account information such as the URL and your cpanel name. You could also supply the ftp password which is failing.
  2. Sam, check the date of the original posting. phpbb came out with a new version 2.0.18 at Thanksgiving and the 2.0.19 at around Xmas time 2005.
  3. I'd check with Buffalohelp or Microscopic^earthling. They are probably the most experienced members for this task. And neither of them need the credits, lol, so it might turn out well for you...
  4. There lots of links that show up here Start there and refine your search by adding new words. For example: "smilies msn" (over 3 million results) could change to "smilies msn downloads free smilie packs" (115 results) to narrow the search. Google is your friend. Then check at the place you downloaded the phpbb "plus" to find out if anything different must to done to arrange the forum transfer. Is it a phpbb Forum with hacks or mods added? and the phpbb.com site has the Manual on-line for adding the smilie packs to the Forum, so try there for instructions. You might want to confirm with the download source whether it would be the same instructions to follow. It most likely is the same, but check first would be my suggestion.
  5. Can you go to your cpanel and change it to what you think it should be and try again to ftp something? The cpanel also has an file manager which uploads quite nicely. Have you tried that to upload your files?
  6. Clear the cache on your local machine. Might be stuck with the error message and not getting past the cached page.Me, too, dark grey background, silverish logo top left looks like a fish (sort of). RED text link in the mid-top middle of the page?
  7. Better let us know what area you are interested in. HTML? php? Visual Basic? You could start by reading through the Tutorials to find someting that interests you and maybe ask questions there: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/169-tutorials/ Lots of us will help you, but we usually answer specific questions.
  8. Another potential problem to recognize at this stage of the development is the fact that unless you take advantage of the auto-increment in SQL, you run the risk of having duplicate numbers. Is this a concern? I think it should be. Seems to me that you are having the Invoices produced manually or you would be using the auto-increment feature of SQL to provide the Invoice number on creation of the Invoice. Am I correct? Do you need the "missing Invoice number" on creation? or on entry of the Invoice data? or only once a month or so when the Customer requests this Audit of the Invoice numbers? And the "ID" number is the database key rather than the "Invoice Number"? I see this making a difference in the answers here. Maybe you should list your Database Schema so we could better understand this problem and assist in developing this code.
  9. I've lived in 'student housing' like this, but it was never that bad. Someone would visit for the weekend or a couple days, if invited by one of the residents, but it sounds like this is out-of-hand. Better discuss this with the rest of the residents and get it straightened out quickly. Good Luck with it.
  10. Paul, To begin with, the Web stats on the cpanel are listed under three different services. I have had the best results from the second, or middle one, Awstats. Sign-on to your cpanel, scroll down to the Analysis and Log File section, click on Web/ftp Stats, click on the picture of the Awstats and the results should be available. Check at the top of the page for the 'Last Run Time', keeping in mind that the stated time is GMT (I think), so there will be an adjustment to your timezone. If the stats are not current, click on the 'Update Now' to have the results produced. Also, there is a bunch of data available in the Log files. Is that working for you? Be careful, that can be a fairly large file, so it may take a minute to process. There is a Cpanel Tutorial in the Xisto Readme. Please review that. It may have some answers for you there? If this method fails for you, for some reason, here is a link to the best source for correcting the Technical Difficulties of your Xisto - Web Hosting Account. Pinned Topic As I replied in this posting, Previous enquiry, we are here in an advisory capacity to try to assist you on Web Hosting questions such as " How do I ... ", or " Can someone explain ... ". The real Server Support is given at the link posted in the pinned topic. There is more than enough experience floating around this Forum to receive answers to you Hosting questions, but the actual Hardware and Software set-up and support is done through the Support link above.
  11. Let her resolve any outstanding issues with her Boyfriend and when it appears that all that stuff is cleared up, let her know that you could become more than friends, nudge, wink.
  12. Notice from jlhaslip: Place a request in the Graphics Request Forum. And don't Hijack threads, please and thanks.
  13. There is more to having your site up than the mysql database being available. The Web is pretty complex and the problem could be anywhere along the route to the server or back. There could be caching of the address somewhere along the path which is reporting the mysql error. Maybe right at your Browser, even. Maybe post your address here and see if others can access it. The blockage might be from your ISP or somewhere in between. We can't tell if we don't have a URL to test. Also, the correct method for this problem is not to come here and rant. There is a support desk which should be used. Check for a pinned topic at the top of this sub-forum. Members of this Forum and the Mods do not have access to the Database and can't correct the server problems. We can only share our web experiences with you and suggest corrective measures. I suggest you contact support at Xisto - Web Hosting.
  14. Quote tags are required on long lists. Thanks.
  15. It'll be awhile before they hit the top ten, but still quite an advancement. There doesn't seem to be an end to where all this technology is taking humankind. Next thing will be a computer to walk your dog...
  16. Just remember that the Servers are machines. They break once in a while, so I think that it is important to remind everyone that "accidents" do happen. The mysql goes down 'occaisionally, but is back up and running as quickly as possible. In the last little while, there has been Server moves and Forum upgrades which lead to a couple of small problems, but overall, I think the sevice here is better than a Paid Service that I have on another provider. Why am I paying for it? Well it comes with the cable connection I use... so I post a couple of things up there that are "private". It goes down way more often than the Trap, doesn't have php, fantastico, etc. They provide a cgi-script for emails, it sux big time.
  17. There is a software named Irfanview which is available as a free download which is a very useful tool for saving pictures in various formats and it allows for resizing images and adjusting colour depths and jpeg quality, etcetera. Their Homepage is here.
  18. The time() function in php measures the time of the server clock in relationship to the Linux epoch on Jan 1, 1970 at midnight ( I think ) using whole seconds. The microtime() function in php measures time for that that same starting point in time (Jan 1, 1970 at 12:00:00 A.M. GMT) (like the time() function) except the seconds are listed in smaller units and whole seconds also. So, this first part of the script assigns a starting time of the page generation to a variable named $starttime and the ending time is calculated and stored into a variable named $mtime. The difference is the amount of time that it took to generate the page on the server. Note that php5 has a different handling of this microtime() function. Refer to the php.net web site for the specifics. http://php.net/ and search for the microtime function there for the particulars. Xisto is running php version 4.4.1 (not php5). There are some differences between versions for this function. Using php4 or earlier, it is required that the seconds and microseconds be 'exploded'. Using php5, it is not neccesary to 'explode' the microseconds. See the manual or refer to the php site per above. there is a listing of a technique to get php4 to work exactly as php5.
  19. Notice from jlhaslip: A good reminder about confidentiality of your Google adsense earnings. Please don'tdivulge anything which would place Opaque's Google account in jeopardy. It may cause us to lose this wonderful Hosting service.
  20. Notice from jlhaslip: I withdraw my original post. It wasn't what you are looking for. I suggest you visit hotscripts.com and find a suitable script and mod it. You don't seem to give us enough information to allow us to assist. The specifications are just too vague and there are many unknowns here. Do you want to retain the info? What's with this receipt thingy? Is there a database involved? Sounds like too much work to provide an answer on a forum. You want an application written. Or at least most of one.There are methods using php to vary an select menu. Google on "html select menu variable size" to see what you come up with. I get over 2 million responses. There is simply too much guess work in this question for me to assist.
  21. Doesn't Opaque offer this service through the Xisto - Web Hosting.com? A recent addition to the services available there... along with the mini-accounts.
  22. But you just did that. I agree that stereotyping is not right or good. Each individual should be considered on their own merits. Same with generalizing. Avoid it if at all possible. The image someone projects is often different than the individual personality behind it. The 'public-self' and the 'private-self' have been much researched and studied by scholars far more capable than I. I'll leave you to google on that.
  23. Well wander over to the Graphics section and have a look around. There are some good Tutorials in the Tut section, maybe review them and add some new ones. I think you will find some good company here. Do us a favour and review the Xisto Readme and the Help files. They are mostly Common Sense and following their guidelines will make this Forum an enjoyable experience for everyone. It only takes a couple of minutes to at least review them. Biggest thing is to not SPAM, please. Spam posts are removed and you lose more credits than you originally gained by them. And feel free to use the Report Button for other Spam postings. Thanks
  24. "I'm just one person, what can I do?""Think Globally, Act Locally..."
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