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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Glasses. For reading or close-in work only. My eyes are actually fine, just my arms are too short. And I am too old, so the need for glasses. As for contacts, if I stuff anything in my eyes, I would want it to be a pretty woman...
  2. I have held off replying to this post for a couple of reasons, but now is the time to post my reply. Impeachment is an available option, however, similar to other times in the recent past (Nixon/Vietnam Period comes to mind) the timing of the Impeachment process is terrible. The process will do more damage than usual because the United States are simply in too much turmoil at present. The Oil Crisis, the Iraqi war, Afghanistan, and the precarious state of the World economy are too delicate right now and to add the Impeachment process to the mix will not make the US position any better. Better to deal with the Devil you know and show a position of solidarity towards him in public than to have to deal with the unsettling Impeachment process... IMHO. As to the bullying nature of the US throughout the World, I agree. There has been a great influence of "Americanism" in this last century and the US is now the dominant influence. Other countries have been in similar positions before, (USSR in the Eastern Bloc, Great Britain historically) and look where they are today. The USSR has disbanded itself, and Great Britain is not the influence it once was. The lesson here is that given enough time the US will also wither in its dominant position. What will replace it? I don't know for sure, but there is hope that it would be something more "universal". Ideally, a New World Order??? A government of the world??? The United Nations??? There are many faces to the US position. Here in Canada there is as great an influence by the US culture as anywhere else in the World. Something like 80% of our population lives within 100 miles of the border with them and the little influences like the presence of their television signals in our airways has a great impact on our culture, but no influence is as strong as the economic stranglehold on our Economy. And we are "friends". They buy our water, our wood (Softwood Lumber issue aside for now, please. That is another rant.), our mined resources, our food output (grains, corn, etc) and we have allowed them to "own" our manufacturing processes to the maximum extent that they want to. In return, we purchase stuff back from them and give the US Corporations bundles of money as Corporate profits. So, are we any better off than the Iraqi's? Not in my opinion. Only difference is that we let them and there is a noticeable lack of guns involved. And to all the Americans reading this, please don't take this personal. I am not blasting Americans as individuals, just stating an opinion that the United States as a culture and as an economic force is in an advantageous position and are reaping the benefits, as most other countries would do under similar circumstances (refer to USSR and GB info above). Maybe it is time to recognize that the economic issues are what the rest of the World sees most readily. The results are the conflicts it creates. US dependence on foreign oil is not neccisarily best resolved by invading Iraq, or any other country. The Image of the US is as the playground bully described above. Right or wrong, that is the perception. And perceptions are held to be facts until some other influence alters it. If the US was to spend as much on feeding the world as it does on its Military machine, the world would be a better place. And we, as citizens of the World, should remedy the flaws in the system.
  3. Yes, simply set the nameservers on the purchased domain to the Xisto's nameservers and park the domain at your account will work.
  4. jlhaslip

    Rising Gas Prices!

    Your $3.00 per gallon gas is cheap.I just paid $1.139 per litre for gas. Multiply that by 3.78 to get the cost in Cdn Dollars. and then multiply that times .895 to convert to US dollars. Just a second, I have to take off my socks to do the math...*pause*That would be $4.305 times .895 equals $3.853 per US gallon. And there have been no Hurricanes in Alberta. Our Oil costs are tied to the World price, you see. The Government gets to make more money that way... unlike in the States where the Oil companies get to keep it.
  5. Your sense of Humour can be excerised without infringing on the ethnicity of others. I agree that humour is a great way to relieve stress and lighten an atmosphere, but is it really neccesary to do so at other's expense? No, that *bleep*, like all others around the Forum comes from a word checking script. A list of common undesirable words can be editted by most Forum software packages in use today. If I modify a Topic or posting, I have the requirement to add an *eddited by jlhaslip* line in the posting. And you are right, I would have *bleeped* out the "N" word and issued a warning, (if not a Ban) for using the word you suggest. And I am not aware of any derogatory intent with respect to the term "cracker". Please enlighten me by way of PM, please. As to the main point your original posting makes, I think you would be well served to google on "prejudice", "discrimination", "affirmative action", and "reverse discrimination". These are terms you should have an understanding of before you start making accusations about any single race or colour or creed. I'm assuming that you are an American. These terms are an integral part of your culture and legal system, so they should be defined somewhere on the 'net for those who require an explanation about why they are such an important thread in the fabric of your society. And no, I am not suggesting that my country is without fault. Canadians have their History, too.
  6. Thanks for fixing that. As you see, we here at the Trap are somewhat anarchistic (?). There was no "authority" which placed the burden upon you to repair your mis-quoted topic. The members here do just fine, often enough. Thanks to their diligence, there was no need for Moderator intervention, kinda like a lack of Government wouldn't you say?
  7. Yes it is possible and yes it will work. The condition on that answer is the coding of the secondary scripts would need to be done to access the primary log-in database. That's all.I don't have the time right now to search out the topic, maybe later or tomorrow.
  8. Borderline on the referral link thing. Don't make a habit of this... thanks.
  9. This topic has been discussed before on this forum and if I remember correctly, it will be difficult unless the CMS you use has a mod to allow for the cross-registration of clients. I think Wordpress has a mod for that, but I am not certain. And then you will have to mod the other scripts to accept the new registration format.
  10. I think it might have been a social scientist named Veblen who postulated that War, Famine, disease and other Natural disasters were population control factors. He also developed a theory about "conspicuous consumption". Interesting stuff, for sure. I'd like to add that there is also a theory that the natural ratio of males/females has an interesting twist to it. Because it seems that males were always selected to do the stupid stuff, like going to war to get killed, there is a slightly higher proportion of males born to accomodate this propensity. I'm not sure of the details, historically, but it is something like 50.2 : 49.8 . Just enough to make it so that men have a slightly larger representation to accomodate their getting killed in wars. Not too sure where or how I know this, so I can't post a reference to the data. Also, as to the World's ability to support its population, if the entire world today was to live the same lifestyle as we do here in North America, we would need 4 Planet Earths to supply sufficient resources to manage for the next generation. (30 years) It is little wonder that the supply/demand for oil has driven the price of fuel to where it is today. I wouldn't expect it will get any cheaper in the next ten years. The warnings have been available for the last thirty years, so this increase in fuel costs comes as no surprise to me, actually. I've been aware that the resources we consume have been limted for at least that long, and that something would need to be done about it. Anyway, back to the topic. World Population statistics are mind boggling. Not simply with respect to the numbers, but as I indicate above, the lifestyles we choose to live are what will eventually do us in ( well, and another Chernoble or two). We as a Planet cannot continue to consume resources as if there is no tomorrow, or we will soon discover that we have hit the point were the resources are depleted. Last thing I heard, there is enough Oil to allow us to continue consuming at today's rate for about another 50 years or so. Add to this formula the fact that many parts of the world are very quickly developing into more advanced, technological societies and it places a heavier demand on the resources and will shorten the life of that resource. I know that you are all thinking that Technology will be able to extend that period or develop another source of energy to allow us to continue, but the costs will approach the same cost as Oil today because of the 'opportunity cost' of that oil. Simply stated, the opportunity cost of the new source of energy will be the cost of the resource it replaces. Example, do you think it is co-incidental that Hydro costs increase when Oil does? or Propane costs increase when Hydro does? These fuels compete with each other and one can be substituted for another, so their prices are related. A BTU of heat will, over time, cost the same, regardless of the source of the BTU. Similarly, the cost of food and or shelter are driven by the alternatives available, and we as an entire Planet must adjust to these realities. Quickly, I'm thinking, would be best. Well, sorry if I've hijacked this thread, but I guess I jut got involved in the topic.
  11. It is a tough decision isn't it. Whether to tell anyone else about this great service or to keep it a secret for ourselves... I tell others and then the Owner will expand the service and we all benefit.
  12. Check this out: Xisto - Web Hosting Domain Registrations at $2.15 US for a dot info or $7.99 for a dot com: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  13. .htaccess is fully supported and available. I believe mod_rewrite is also available as a standard feature requiring no additional permissions or set-up. I'll do a phpinfo and check it out. If it is disabled, I will post back here, but I'm certain it is allowed.
  14. here is a link to the Hosting Credits page of the Xisto readme file that explains some of what you asked about. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6147-posting-activity-rule-automated-hosting-script-know-about-how-this-system-works/ there is more info on other sections of the readme file, too. Also, NDPA has a pinned topic in the Hosted Members section that explains it quite well.
  15. As a safeguard against your account being inactive for a long period with no credits, the Transfer script requires that Transferring Credits will only work IF there are a certain number of credits remaining in your account AFTER the Transfer. At present, you must have a minimum of thirty (30) credits in your account before and after the transfer takes place, so if you have 33.5 credits in your Hosting account, then you could transfer about 3 point something credits (subject to the surcharge of 3%) to either the Bank or another Hosted member. Transfers to Un-hosted members will fail regardless of the number of credits you have.
  16. here is more information on chmod, file and directory permissions, etc.: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  17. have you set user, group, world permissions to a full "777"?and why print the html br tags and the hr tags to the file? maybe try comma seperated format?
  18. Well, I am not fat. I used another topic here on the Xisto Forums to calculate that my Body Mass Index is within the Normal range. So, the point is that I have little experience with being overweight. I have never been on a diet to speak of. I pretty much eat what I want, when I want, and generally too much. If I need to lose a few pounds, I work an extra hour or two a day, and a bit harder. Eat less, move more is the only approach that I have ever used to adapt my weight. As for their approach to the problem of whether the National Institute of Health is erroneously promoting Weight loss as a money grabbing venture, I'll bet there are similar results from other Research Organizations throughout the world. Must be a conspiracy amongst the scientists. I wonder if the Cancer researchers actually have the cure, but are waiting for offers from the Pharmaceutical companies before it goes public with the news. Fat chance of that. (pardon the pun) I think they are failing to recognize the facts of the matter. If you have to move more weight around, the engine and drive train only work to a certain level. When you try to move too much weight in a small truck, the truck breaks some parts as a result. Why would the human body be any different. The research is more likely to be correct than their claims.
  19. Okay, I went and had a look. Definately something worth supporting, but how do non-american members of this forum support the cause? There isn't an American Congressman for my Province in Canada (yet).
  20. Yup, all of what Shadowx says. Simply points out the problem about responsible pet ownership. If the original owners of the Mom were responsible, these kittens wouldn't be stray in the first place. We all feel for you in the situation you are involved with. Hope the Kitty cat turns out well.
  21. You don't tell use if you have a proxy or Firewall in place. Or have you eliminated them as possible problem areas? ie: have you made your site an allowed site under the Firewall software?The only time I have a problem with a Time-out error is when I leave my Browser on the Xisto for several hours while it is unattended and I am not actively refreshing pages or moving through the Forums, otherwise, I do not receive this error. And I don't mean to suggest there are never any connection problems here at the Trap. Yes, these are complex machines we are using, so there may be instances when they are faulty. Also, since your site is new, perhaps the path from you to the site is not cached along the Internet. Patience is a virtue. Give it a few days and then see if the problem persists.Another thing, it would help us if you were to include a link to your site which was clickable in the problem definition post instead of making us dig it out from the error message. Just a convenience thing. By the way, I had no difficulties getting to your site.
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