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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. 1. Hosted accounts are charged at 1 credit per day. No minimums are required, but 10-15 are suggested as a buffer for unforseen circumstances.2. You will find that there are very few modules that are not allowed. GD is enabled according to phpinfo.3. Safe mode is off.4. If you declare a Domain name, yes, it is displayed.
  2. Well, a little research here and it seems that the Dominion of Canada would probably best be described as a Republic, too. The distinction between a Democracy and a Republic being : that the rights of Individuals are protected by a Constitution, in a written form, which limits the power of a democratically elected Government against violating the inalienable rights of Individuals in a Republic. The Democracy as practiced here in Canada being a representative form of Democracy similar to the United States by virtue of the process of electing our constituency representatives. One difference between the US and Canada is that you must hold your Federal Elections on a regularly schedule basis every 4 years. In Canada, the Federal Elections must be held no later than every 5 years, or when there is an absence of confidence in the Government or when the Government feels it is politically expedient (ie: when they think they are certain of a victory). Definition : Dominion - one of the self-governing nations in the British Commonwealth; body politic, nation, res publica, commonwealth, country, state, land - a politically organized body of people under a single government; Source : The Free Dictionary Definition : Republic - The definition of a Republic is: a constitutionally limited government of the representative type, created by a written Constitution--adopted by the people and changeable (from its original meaning) by them only by its amendment--with its powers divided between three separate Branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. Here the term "the people" means, of course, the electorate. Source : Your Reference Using these definitions, Canada is both a Dominion (as a political entity within the British Commonwealth of Nations) and a Republic ( as per the Definition above, having a Constitution protecting the rights of Minorities) Point being: now that I have done this research, I agree that the "republican" form of Government is better. A Government elected by the Majority with limits on its powers which protect the rights of Minorities.
  3. Yes, the cpanel allows you to upload a zip file and then decompress it. There is a Tutorial about that in the Tuts section.so, to complete the choices, then, here are the three ways to upload a site:1. File manager - one file at a time, slow, but effective. Easy way to begin.2. FTP software - faster to load full sites, requires software. usually drag and drop.3. Zip the site's folders and files, then use either method above to upload the Zip file. Decompress (un-zip) the file.All methods require the site to be uploaded into public_html (or www)` directory or a sub-folder of it, otherwise the files are not accessible from the web.
  4. Zabb is exactly right. Uploads can be done using the File Manager in the cpanel. Click on the ICON BESIDE public_html to select the folder, then select Upload files from th list on the left and you will be taken to a page which will browse your local computer for the files to upload. select one file at a time. public_html and www are the same folder (aliases), so if you delete something from www it is also deleted from public_html, so be careful.Do not delete anything from the main account directory as these are files that tha cpanel or fantastico or the server uses for you account. Only delete them if you know what they do. If you don't know what they do, leave them there.
  5. tetraca,The USA is considered a "Democracy" by virtue of the fact that individual citizens are allowed to vote and elect their representatives regardless of their status other than being a citizen of the US. For instance, once upon a time, only Landowners were given the vote, now the vote is given to citizens regardless of whether they own land or not.As for being a Republic, that has to do with the relationship between the member states and the Federal Government. Here in Canada, we are a Dominion. Same net effect. A collection of "States" or a collection of "Provinces", both are Democracies.Other differences between the US and Canadian systems are the Nature of the "Senates". Yours are elected based on State representation (2 per State), ours are appointed by the Government in Power at the time a vacancy occurs and not based on Provincial representation. And of course, we have the inclusion of a Queen as represented by the Governor-General as the top figurehead, but that is another Topic.
  6. Nice Link. Looks like a good suggestion for the member to follow the recommendations given there. Hope it helps. Also, be sure to use the Spybot Updates regularly. There are new threats added to the lists often, so allow the spybot program to check for Updates before you run it.
  7. try to alter the file's permissions to world write, ie: 777 using the chmod command.
  8. This tells the server to look in a folder named images attached to the folder it is presently in, so if your page is coming from the public_html or www folder (same thing), then you need to have the images stored in public_html/images.And to tell the server that the Initial Page for your site is something different than index.html, there is a way to do that using the .htaccess file. Maybe use the search feature to find a topic about that ...
  9. One reason it would not be a good idea is because the users are familiar with certain default characteristics of Web Pages. Submit buttons on forms and underlining links are several of the standard practices which users are used to seeing. Any deviations might confuse them. For instance, they may think it strange to have a Form with no 'submit' button to use.
  10. Validate early and often, otherwise you have a harder time fixing the errors the validator throws out. Fixing them might cause you to re-think the design and you will have to re-do more code than if you validate often. Just my opinion.
  11. Nice. I see you got your Header fixed.Left a message on your site forum about the Forum Posting page. Doubt you will be able to do anything about it, though.Good Luck with the site and the new Business.
  12. A set of nested loops would do it.Look under the php script sub-forum and check out previously posted scripts. I think there have been a couple written for ittsami. Use a SELECT to pull the information sorted by row and column. Use the outer loop to fill the row and the Inner loop to fill each column in that row. An IF statement in the script to check if the cell is empty, etc. Shouldn't be too hard.
  13. PM'd this link to Buffalohelp.He may be able to do something for you. Don't know.Are you able to reduce your bandwidth by out-sourcing (?) some of your material? ie: getting images hosted elsewhere instead of your account space? or the Gallery here at the Trap?
  14. Looks to me like you should be looking for a Calendar or Scheduling script which shoud have an Admin section to add/modify/delete entries by date and time. There are already plenty of them available that are written for using with php and mysql. Why re-invent the wheel?Try Hotscripts and the SourceForge sites.
  15. Have a look at Dynamic Drive. http://www.dynamicdrive.com/
  16. Yeah, cheap drugs will attract alot of people, but I think you are referring to prescription drugs? (I hope)And Universal Health Care costs around $58.00 per month here for a family. A friend of mine in Ohio pays over $700.00 per month US for almost equivalent package of Health Care Insurance. Yup, we are pretty backwards here about a few things, so no sense you guys trying to take over this backwater land of renegades. Best to leave us alone and we will keep chopping wood and hewing logs.
  17. Yah, good idea to go after them first. We have terrible weather here for 6 months of the year and then the mosquitoes come around, so that's a good enough reason to stay away. And they have better Beaches, too.
  18. Agreed with Tyssen about starting on something smaller than a Photo Gallery for your first project. Also, try removing the position:absolute for that #Layer1 and adding the following instead to centre your site as per the reccomendation above. Replace this code: #Layer1 { position:absolute; width:491px; height:115px; z-index:1; left: 350px; top: 50px;}With this: #Layer1 { margin: 0 auto;// editted to add the colon width:491px; height:115px; }See how that looks. I agree that the logo and navbar look goofy over on the right like that. Otherwise, great job. Nice graphic and terrific rollover effect on the menu. Particularly the "selected" tab feature.
  19. Practice running a Forum on the Free ones and it will be lots easier to run one when you get Hosted here. You will understand the Admin Control Panel better, for instance, and know which security settings to set on/off to suit what you want the Forum to manage like. Also, what Privacy settings, and the effect of allowing certain Groups, etc.
  20. Backup your Registry before you play with any settings in there and be careful, or you could be re-loading the system from scratch. Just a warning.
  21. Thanks for all the praise, folks. Believe it or not, we enjoy helping out. Glad to be able to assist.
  22. Nope. I went here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and saw the Xisto supplied default page which tells me that your account is all set up nice. What you need to do now is replace that Index.html file inside the public_html folder of your account. Two methods to choose from. Use an FTP software to connect to the Xisto servers and upload the file(s) for your site which you have created on your local machine or use the cpanel File Manager to do the same thing. FTP is easier once you are practiced at it and most FTP clients allow you to move whole directories at once, whereas the cpanel File Manager is one file at a time, so if you only have a couple of files, use these to begin. Rather than delete the default Index.html, simply rename it before adding the new Index.html. That way, you have a copy to revert to if you need it. Enter your cpanel using this URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and answer the questions about your login info and you are all set. To move around your account file structure, click on the Icons beside the folder name, not the file name itself. Hope this helps. Post again if you need more info.
  23. Depends on a couple of things, but usually less than a day.The things it depends on are the availability of a Moderator or Admin that is knowledgable on the topic at hand, the complexity of the Tutorial because it requires that the Mod read and check the Tutorial against their sources, do a Plagarism check, try to duplicate the code to confirm it works (or not), correct a typo, reset the title and or description as required, might involve a PM to the author (or two) to check something out.See what I mean? A really simple, straightforward tutorial could be approved in minutes, but others might take a couple of hours of clock-time.
  24. Please read the pinned topics about the requirements for Graphics requests.You do not have enough posts yet.Also, this looks like two requests here. Should be two postings so that different GFX crew members can work on them.
  25. Suppose that works if you have Photoshop. I don't do enough graphics work to need all that power. I only want to match some colours now and again.
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