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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. What have you tried so far? To move from page to page on a site and maintain data about the user's log-in status (ie: id and password) and various other info, look at using cookies or sessions.
  2. Yes, sounds like a cool idea. It would be interesting to participate in such a site. Count me in.
  3. Javascript is local to your computer and has nothing to do with the Web Host, as such, it is called a "client-side" scripting language. Php, on the otherhand is "server-side" and is capable of interacting with the databases in your web hosting account, where javascript is not capable of doing that. Also, the newest version of php is capable of using SQLITE which is included in the install of php if the Host allows php5, so then lacking Mysql is not such a big deal.
  4. Hi,If you look in the Freebie topic, there should be topics about Logo's there.Or do a member search for Lyons2. That member has a resource for logo's listed in their signature block.Hope this helps.Moved from Sig requests
  5. Html is used to code web sites for presentation on a Web Browser, so you should learn Html and Css (Cascading Style Sheets) in order to write Web Pages. PHP is used to present Html for serving to the Browser (basicly, php writes the lines of Html) and interacting with files or databases on the server. As such, it is called a "server-side" scripting language and is one of the most popular methods for coding dynamic web sites.Mysql is a typical Database used for storing Web Site information.There are several good PHP authors around. One I like is Larry Ullman and his books cover both php and mysql, either singly or as a combined approach. I would recommend his PhP and Mysql for Dynamic Web Sites 2nd Edition.
  6. I suppose there is a Union involved, so they would be the ones to contact about this. The Contract is negotiated by them, so they would know the details and loopholes. The Teacher is most likely already talking with them, but it might be good for you students to show your support. (note to AD: 'Tenure' is a status the teacher would receive after serving their trial period. (apprenticeship, of sorts))
  7. Yes you can have multiple Domains and "parking" them is how to do it.Use the Search feature. Lots of postings discuss Parked Domains.
  8. There is a way to do that, and I thought I had a script for it, but I can't seem to find it. I'll keep looking for it. It is a recursive loop that does precisely what you want.
  9. What have you tried so far?I don't do frames, but I think an anchor tag with a target= would do that???
  10. I received an error message that the site could not be found. Not a 404 or server error, so check to make sure that the domain name is registered properly and that the DNS is pointed to the Xisto - Web Hosting Domain Name Server correctly.Sorry, I don't know what the DNS is for the Xisto - Web Hosting Server. (You probably have had the correct DNS information given to you some time in an email.)Check the DNS and post back here if you continue to have difficulties.*edit* also, double check the spelling of the URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and confirm it is accurate, please.
  11. Here is a more complete list as per different chipsets. http://www.5starsupport.com/info/beep_codes.htm
  12. Is it acceptable that you have to tell the script which sub-diectories to list the contents of?
  13. Do you want to "hard-code" the sub-directory names? or have the sub-drectories found by the script in that directory? Makes a difference to the scripting involved.
  14. Yes, at best, 24 hours, but plan on 48. It may take 72 hours for some Web Hosts to be able to find it. It has to do with the "propagation" on the Web. Nothing to do with Xisto or your account. The timing depends on how often and when the WWW servers update their caches, and a bunch of other stuff. Everyone's hands are tied on this. Nothing anyone can do.
  15. You could also check out Mod_rewrite to do this, but this is way easier to understand.
  16. The Company, as I understand it, receives payment for the Ads displayed on the Forum. When you come here to post, the ads are displayed and Voila!, the cheque is in the mail. Or if people <- snipped -> or some such thing.I don't mind the ads here. They are unobtrusive and you ignore them after a while anyway. I would rather have them here than on my Hosted site...}}
  17. Just note that you need to have 30 credits remaining in your account after a transfer for the transfer process to work. If you want to transfer 5 credits, you need at least 36 in your account or the transfer will fail.
  18. 1-FTP = File Transfer Protocol - a method used to transfer files from one computer (yours) to another ( the server at your Web Host) or vice versa 2-web hosting service - A place or business which you use to "Host" your Web site. They store your web pages and pictures, etc on their "server" and other people acces the pages through the Web connection the web host provides. 3. bandwidth - a measurement of the amount of data transferred by an account at a web hosting service. If you upload or download a 1 Meg file of data, you have just used 1 Meg of bandwidth. 4. DNS - Domain Name Server - It is a way for a web host to tell others who lives at the Domain. If you think of it as a road sign on the Information Highway, the DNS tells you what places (sub-domains) you can access at a particular roadside turn-off (domain). You must point your domain to a Name server for it to be found by others. And please do not "sign-off" your postings with your name or initials, please. It is not allowed, thanks...
  19. I answered no because :1. I already spend too much time here, less than I used to, but still too much because it is summertime and I enjoy the outdoors during the good weather.2. If i wanted to blog, I would set one up on my Hosting account as a portion of a site.3. Who wants to read the ramblings of a {$_POST['status_id_here']}.
  20. Good catch,Probably posted a big block which was junk or spam and editted it thinking the credits would remain, however, the edit script deducts when you remove text by editting, so they broke even on this one. (zero credits received)There is no way to cheat the system here. Post good posts, earn your credits the right way and enjoy the hosting. That is the only way.I'm going to leave this topic here as a sample of the wrong way to do things and as an explanation of the edit system functionality.
  21. I also like the "surrealism" of Mich's submission. Lots of good ones this week. Good Job everyone.
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