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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Simply ask them.The worst thing that happens is they say no and you don't have a date to go out on which is exactly where you started anyway...
  2. Take a hint from the country I live in where we have two Official Languages. English and French. Maybe you we have English ( well, a version of it) and Espanol?
  3. There is also a method to format output from the print command.Check out the php.net manual for the printf function or the sprintf function.
  4. Welcome to the Trap.Enjoy yourself while you are here and have fun.The rules are in place so that everyone can enjoy their visits. Please adhere to them.
  5. Just curious about the Hobbies everyone has. For example, I enjoy working with Wood. Timberframing and playing around in my shop are what I do outside of the Trap Forums.What keeps you busy?
  6. How old is David? Can you contact his parents about this Medication thing? He really should be taking his dosages.
  7. You guys (gals) are making $15.00 per hour for your first jobs?My first job was at 85 cents per hour. Yes. I am that old...
  8. Thanks to everyone for the comments and suggestions.I will very seriously consider them all and will let you know how it goes.Probably won't be for another month or so that it happens (might wait til Xmas, even), but I will certainly let you know which machine I purchase.Thanks again.
  9. Join Procrastinators Anonymous. Their meetings are tomorrow.
  10. I am in need of a new computer system and although I have used both Windows and Macs, I am pretty sure that this next one will be a Windows machine because most of the Software I have is Windows stuff. Anyways, here is what I do with my machine:Browse the Internet, post here, I write some Html for sites, am learning some php to enhance the sites a little bit. Software I run to do all this:Open Office for Word processing and SpreadsheetsA 2D Drafting programA 3D Home Design softwareXAMPP for php and mysql codingA couple of editors for html/phpcoding ie: ContextWhat I don't do:Graphics, Photoshop or anything similarGamingAnd this is a list of what I think I should be looking for in a machine:Laptop - to take it out of the house and to jobsites.1 gig RAM2.5 Ghz cpu (dual?)100 Gig HDr/w cd/dvdWireless capable17" screen with integrated graphics since the drafting and Home design software have fairly low graphic requirements compared to Gaming.Anything else I should add to the specs? Should I be looking for any specific wireless cards or Graphics cards? or specific disk types? or any special Hard drive speeds?I am not a very demanding user. At present, my Laptop is a 233 Mhz processor, cd read-only, and a 7 Gig HD of which I am using about 2 Gigs only, so as you see, my requirements are not severe.I would expect the cost should be in the $1000CDN to $1200CDN ($800 to $1000US) range I am thinking.Your input to helping me sort out these specs is appreciated.
  11. The php Manual can be downloaded to your desktop / Laptop so that it is readily available even if you are off line at the time. It only takes a few minutes ant then you are never without it.
  12. PHP has a selection of string modifying functions to handle this. In fact you will have to use two of them together in the following fashion: <?php$foo = 'HeLlO wOrLd!';echo $foo;$foo = ucwords(strtolower($foo));echo $foo;?> Untested, but it should work exactly as you want. It is slightly modified from the php manual.The strtolower function converts the entire string to lowercase and then the ucwords function converts the starting character of each word to uppercase. How and when and where these functions need to be applied to your Forum is another topic and would be dependent on the Forum specific coding. Essentially, use this code whenever the topic title is displayed.
  13. Saint Mike has around 3950 posts and hasn't been a member for quite two years yet.That averages about 6 posts per day over 23 months. Lots of posting.I'd say that would make him King of the Trap?
  14. I don't think it is possible to transfer between the forums. If it were, I would also do that and I haven't seen where that is possible.
  15. I just heard on the radio that some of the Australian people want a "State Funeral" for him in order to recognize his efforts at bringing Ecology and Nature into the forefront of people's thinking. Might this lead to an International recognition?
  16. Check the Joomla site for their documentation and support forum. https://help.joomla.org/ offers several levels of help for their CMS.
  17. When a Moderator reviews a posting, the only difference is that they can "edit"posts which are not theirs. There is no difference to the posting page other than that. If you select to edit your own posting, that is exactly what a Moderator sees.There are additional sections (for example via pull-down menus) on each and every page of the Forum which Mods see, though. From the pull-down menu the Mods can move or close topics and posts, etc. It really isn't a big deal. Other than the ability to edit posts which are not theirs, there is very little difference between the regular user's screen and a Moderator's.
  18. Phpbb software can be downloaded from phpbb.com or installed on your Xisto account via the Fantastico at your cpanel. Either way, enjoy...
  19. Vision impaired users who depend on text for information via a "reading machine" are the ones who benefit the most from the text on your page. Do an "accessibility" check on your page to see if you are meeting their requirements. Like the w3c validation for your code, an accessibility check will indicate whether your pages are adequate for their needs. It checks colours, contrasts, and whether your page can be navigated without a pointing device, etc. US law requires that certain websites MUST meet certain standards for those with vision disabilities. In order for your site to be properly managed by these individuals, there are certain things which are required. Google on it.
  20. Good Topic. As an "older" member, it is not nearly as relevant to me, however, you younger members are the next "Stewards" of the Earth, so pay lots of attention to this topic because it will have more impact on you than it will on me. There are cycles in Nature and the temperatures are one of the more noticeable cycles, however, the information I have says that the average temperature in many zones is beyond cyclical, in fact, there is a trend towards rising temperatures. One cause of these higher temperatures is Air Pollution. Another is the reduced Ozone due to CFC's and Rain Forest Harvesting is yet anther issue which must be dealt with.These three causes of Global Warming are man-made and it is imperative that Mankind recognize their input to the alteration of the Global environment. No single country is to blame for any of these causes, rather, it is all of us who are responsible. Most of the man-made sources of Pollution and therefore the trend for warming is created by our search for a lifestyle of leisure and convenience. Driving instead of walking, the convenience of Natural Gas for heat rather than using a heat source which is environmentally friendly (ie: Solar). As the Population increases Globally and Third World countries aspire to the luxuries found in Europe and North America, the situation will only become more critical. There are some simple solutions. Looking back in History gives us some clues. Live where you work and work where you live to consume less energy for commuting. Use Local products to build with. If you have trees, use wood. If there is sand and limestone nearby, use bricks or concrete. Buying and using products from afar takes energy to ship. Buy Local goods and services. Live simpler. And most importantly, Think Globally but act Locally. None of us can solve this problem alone. All of us must act each in our own way to reduce energy consumption. It is important that we recognize this fact and that each of us can make a difference.Begin tommorrow. Don't buy Beef from New Zealand if you live in Canada and don't buy Beef from Canada if you live in New Zealand. The Energy to ship it each direction is crazy. See what I mean?
  21. Make a Poster that says:"Remember that we are all here for the three R's... Reduce, Re-use, Recycle...""Support your school recycling program. Give generously."
  22. The biggest problem with this list is that there is too much truth in it.But funny, yes...
  23. Welcome to the Trap.If Hosting is your goal, then adhere to the rules as suggested. They are in place so that everyone can enjoy their visits to the trap. And there are plenty of users here and no shortage of assistance or guidance for any questions you might have. Use the Search feature to see if the answer is already available before starting a new topic, though.Enjoy your time here. Have fun.
  24. Nie looking page, but it is table based.You could use div's and obtain a bunch more flexibility in your design and make it easier to manage multiple pages.
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