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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Man, I knew that. Thanks for your quick response. That's what happens late in the day when you start to use shortcuts like Cut & Paste. A fresh set of eyes solves alot of problems. Thanks again. *EDIT* Okay, that solved the problem about getting to the gmha folder. Now I can't get to Localhost, so I placed another tag-set in there for localhost and now I can't get to the gmha.test. I am getting frustrated here. Even tried reversing the order of the containers. It appears to make no difference. Any other ideas out there???
  2. Thanks for any assistance you might be able to provide. As per the topic title, I am having difficulties getting a Virtual Host set up on my machine. XAMPP by itself is okay, in fact it runs perfectly except with several projects on my Local machine for testing purposes only, I wanted to avoid everything being accessed through the localhost/sub-folder method. I would like to go direct to the folder in the htdocs folder etc, blah, blah. You know what I mean... I have been to the sites reccomended by other topics and have tried several different things which have all been failures, so I am posting here to have someone assist me in setting up a named host for an Apache server running on a Windows machine running 98SE. XAMPP version is 1.5.1, in case any of that matters. In summary, I have an install of XAMPP which is un-altered, so I won't post the entire httpd.config file or the vhosts file, either, but here is the coding which I thought would work, but fails: Added to C:\apache\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf and the vhost config file ( seperately & together , with and without quoted paths )" <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot C:/apache/xampp/gmha ServerName gmha.test</VirtualHost><Directory C:/apache/xampp/gmha> Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all</Directory>Contents of C:\WINDOWS\hosts localhost127.0.0.1 gmha.testError received in the Browser: And,of course, I have been stopping and starting the server between attempts as per SOP. Even been bringing down the Browser on each run, but so far, the only thing that works is the original httpd file from the XAMPP install. Since this is a truly "local" machine, connected to the Internet only via a removable disk which plugs into another machine, there is no need for any other security considerations or directives or what have you. Just need an expert opinion on what I might be doing wrong here. Should you require any further information, please request it here and I will provide it. Any, and all, suggestions welcome.
  3. Another thing that will help is Habit and Routine.Get into the habit of doing your homework in the same place, at the same time of day and develop the routine of always placing your books and material in your 'bag' or 'knapsack' when you are finished doing it.Then, no worries, you know the stuff is where it belongs.
  4. Using gmdate() makes the script more portable since all the adjustments are then made against GMT time, so go with that if you plan on making it work on several other servers or if the Server changes time zones.Each user's time adjustment would then be an offset from GMT rather than the Server's Local time.Either way, an adjustment would be required unless they were in the correct zone.
  5. The address you are using is wrong for the Xisto.com accounts. "mysite" is a generic answer for the name of the Host you are using. Change "mysite" to "feipoh.trap17.com" and try again. Check this link Bookmark the page when you get to the cpanel.
  6. jlhaslip

    Share Internet

    Get a wireless router for the Line which goes into his computer and a Wireless Adapter for your machine, then both computers can be on the Internet at the same time.
  7. The IRC (or MIRC) systems needs to be installed on a Server some place in order to function on the internet. Xisto can not be that place.
  8. Too high of a demand on the servers, I think.
  9. Imagine what the Shoutbox woud be like if Pleno, AD, SM and the crowd of crazies got wired up on this junk?SCARY concept.
  10. There are at least two Chat Rooms available in the Fantastico Module of the cPanel, so yes, Chat Rooms are allowed. IRC Chats are not allowed, however, as per the Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy.
  11. What does the data for $buildings look like? Please post a sample for us to review. The explode() needs a unique character or set of characters to use as a delimiter. PHP reference for the function is here: explode ()
  12. They could set up an account over at the Xisto.net which has an xPanel configuration (not the same, but practice is practice) and allows a single database. Free. No posting required, but a small ad banner across the top of the page.
  13. Because Farmers are always up at the crack of Dawn anyways and setting or resetting clocks is one less chore for them to do. And they are smarter than us...
  14. Here is a good proof:1. Punch a wall really hard.2. Now punch a wall really hard with a cast on.Which one hurts more? That'll be the one with the most force.
  15. Here is a code snippet that will work.Do the mysql call and build the links as per your previous posting. <?phpif (isset( $_GET['pix'] )) { echo 'create the specific image here<br /><br />'; echo 'create link for the nick and the start pages here<br /><br />'; echo '<a href="LOCALHOST/image%20code%20test.php?nick=1" > nick1 </a><br /><br />'; echo '<a href="LOCALHOST/image%20code%20test.php" > start over </a>'; } else if ( isset($_GET['nick'] )) { echo 'display image gallery for nick here<br /><br />'; echo 'create list of specific images here<br /><br />'; echo '<a href="LOCALHOST/image%20code%20test.php?nick=1&pix=1" > image1 </a><br /><br />'; echo '<a href="LOCALHOST/image%20code%20test.php?nick=1&pix=2" > image2 </a><br /><br />'; echo '<a href="LOCALHOST/image%20code%20test.php?nick=1&pix=3" > image3 </a><br /><br />'; echo '<a href="LOCALHOST/image%20code%20test.php?nick=1&pix=4" > image4 </a>'; echo '<a href="LOCALHOST/image%20code%20test.php" > start over </a>'; } else { echo 'create list of links for nicks here<br /><br />'; echo '<a href="LOCALHOST/image%20code%20test.php?nick=1" > nick1 </a><br /><br />'; echo '<a href="LOCALHOST/image%20code%20test.php?nick=2" > nick2 </a><br /><br />'; echo '<a href="LOCALHOST/image%20code%20test.php?nick=3" > nick3 </a><br /><br />'; }?> Just add the "pix= x " to the anchor tags in the centre if/else codeblock and it should work marvellously for you. You may want to do a check to confirm that the files exist before you make the links, using the is_file() function. Let us know if you need any more information.Don't forget to finish the ob_start() and close the database. PHP takes care of all that, I know, but attention to detail makes a difference sometimes.
  16. Please read the pinned Topics. This 'What is' topic is to provide answers, not ask questions.Moving.
  17. Can you show us some code please? We can help you, but we need to see what you have available for information to use. For instance, are you storing the filenames in a database or picking them up using a readdir()? See what I mean?The answer will depend on several things, the code will provide us the clues needed to help you solve the problem.
  18. Michaelhelper, and everyone else, too,Thank you for all the gifts, praise and best wishes you have provided. I will use them wisely.Sitting here trying to think of what to type next and the only thing that comes to mind is that it really isn't important to me to have all these good wishes sent my way, because I was raised to believe that it is more important to give, rather than receive. Probably explains why I help out where I can around here.And not to belittle everyone's contribution to the Topic, either. Thank you all for making this such a nice day to be alive.53
  19. Here is a Tutorial about slicing and I am guessing that you would want to place one of the slices onto the page as a background image, then use an html/css technique known as "faux columns' to cause it to repeat down the page for the length of the longest column and the footer. Several good sites have info about the "faux coumns" approach. A really good site to start with is A List Apart.
  20. After reading this posting, I am going to submit a Name Change Request for you which I am certain the Admins will accept. I propose we call you "Too Cool Duck 123456".
  21. Just in case there are questions about it, this is a reminder to check the Clock settings of your computer and also the Time Zone settings on all of the Forums you attend. Some Forums do not allow for Timezone and Daylight Savings Time to be adjusted automatically.
  22. I'll send this page link to SM because he start learning all about Powerpoint this week.Wonder if he knows what Clipart is?
  23. Using a Database for storage of data? or flat-file? Using a Forum or CMS software?We could use a few more specifics, please.One Mysql approach is to have an input field accept the name you want to check for then do a mysql query on that name. Check the number of results. If the query results returns a row count of zero, then it is available.
  24. So you aren't a single Mom attending High School? And the Baby might better looking with age, then? Okay with me.
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