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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. I would say not... A circle is a collection of contiguous 'points' equal distance from a 'centre' point. I didn't Google this definition, just based it on my understanding of what a circle is/is not. "An infinite number of angles on a straight line"... does not compute, Will Robinson...
  2. And now for the Good News... They are approaching this problem from the correct angle...:unsure:Hope it works for you...
  3. stormsinger, instead of making additional posts, use the Edit button to add or modify your previous posts, otherwise, a member will report the consecutive posts and a Mod will need to reply to the post, meaning you could be reprimanded. It makes the entire Forum cleaner and the credit script will adjust your count so that you earn the same number of credits for adding to a previous post as you would with a new posting.*merged posts*
  4. There are very few changes in php5 that would affect scripts running in php4.The largest changes had to do with Object Oriented Programming Structure (OOPS), and if your code runs in php4, it should be compatible with php5. php5 is backwards compatible. The other direction is when you run into more difficulties.
  5. Welcome to the Xisto. *Start Lecture Here*Just as a matter of explanation, your definition of the "ricer" term used would be considered unacceptable if directed at another member. Since it is you using it towards yourself, the acceptability of the term is, well, acceptable, but members should note that any form of discriminatory or "flaming" expressions are discouraged. Cultural sensitivity is strictly enforced here at the Xisto.We consider ourselves as an Open Community and "Political Correctness" should be applied to your postings, to avoid offending anyone.Thanks for letting me rant... *End Lecture Here*
  6. jlhaslip


    I don't have time to do this coding, but one method would be to create a text file with a single line of data, being the start number last used. Each time the button is clicked, read the file for the last value used, add one and write that to the file as an overwrite of the data, then store the value in the code to be used for the query string.Sorry that i don't have the time to do it for you. Maybe read up on fread, fwrite functions and using the $_GET method to retrieve the query string over at the php.com site.
  7. The new Shoutbox uses Ajax Technology, which Safari doesn't work with well. No doubt the browser's next upgrade will have better support for Ajax, but until then, might be best to download and use Firefox for mac to view the Xisto Forums like Watermonkey and bk2070 have stated.
  8. Optionally, you can download and install phpbb version 3 already, but it is not a stable version yet... It is very similar to the IPB 2.2 in terms of functions. and the price is right...
  9. Do you allow javascript in your Browser? the shoutbox would require that, so if you have it disabled, then the features won't be available.Just a quick thing to check...
  10. Nice stuff, but I don't use tables for lay-out. Could you do this Tutorial for a css layout?
  11. Try adding zero margins and padding to the universal star selector as follows: * html {margin:0;padding:0;}That should eliminate all margins and padding on all elements on the page. You will then need to add back the magins and padding where you want some. Alternately, use a more specific selector to target the UL li UL for the second lists. check this out: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  12. Start by adding a Doc Type so IE6 is not using Quirks Mode.It looks like HTML 4.01 Transitional might be the right Doc Type.
  13. html forum : http://forums.xisto.com/forum/158-html-xml-etc/ css forum : http://forums.xisto.com/forum/277-css-cascading-style-sheets/ and a good source for learning all about making websites is over at http://www.w3schools.com/. They have a pretty fair tutorial system, a pretty good set of references and a question/answer forum, too...
  14. I ran a sub 4:30 mile in time trials in Senior year of High School (4:29). Had a perfect day and a great race. The bummer part was... placed third and didn't make the team for the mile, but made it for the 2 mile. I forget the times for that, though... 9:10 or something. Never ran anything under a 880 yd event. Couldn't sprint to save my soul, but I could run all day long. Used to train around 112 - 120 miles per week. But I was younger then...We had two coaches that ran on the national team, one of them was an 880 yd guy and the other was a Marathoner. Awesome experience. Great to learn from, and we all enjoyed being there, which made it fun...
  15. I read it as 397 by 166 and Ad's is 397 x 149 pixels If that is close enough...
  16. hey, Mummy,Welcome, as Mich says... and there is not a lot of activity on the thread, but there is both an Html and a CSS subforum under the Compter section. If you have questions or need assistance, ask in there about making a site... Lots of knowledgeable folks will reply...
  17. Welcome to the Xisto. Sounds like you stay busy with all those activities... Just curious, are you from Canada? All the "hockey" references is what prompts me to ask... and Curling, of course...
  18. Please submit an email to support@xisto.com. There are several topics about this already. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?acte=%2Bfantastico Any software available on the fantastico are readily available for download and manual install from the Internet. Until further notice, or as a result of your email, please proceed on that basis. If you require assistance, please post a new thread in the appropriate Forum. Thank you for your understanding.
  19. set borders equal to 1 px.Post some code, or a link to the page is preferred.
  20. No, I would like to leave this one open for others to learn from. And I'll move it to the HTML forum, too.
  21. Kubi, First thing you need to do is add a Doc Type Declaration at the very top of the page to try to force IE out of Quirks Mode and into Standards Compliant Mode. Firefox and Opera both look fine, but IE will be in Quirks Mode which is a nightmare to make presentable as a cross-browser page. I would suggest html 4 Loose/Transitional for the Table-based layout you have there.Also, ID'd items can only appear once on a page. Your menu has duplicate ID's for the container and Menu. These should be "classes" since they occur more than once on the page. I can't assist any more than that because I have never done a 'sliced' page before, but these two things will be enough to cause you the grief you are incurring, so fix them and then post back to see what the page look s like then.
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