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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. My advise is always to "Eat less, Move more". You seem to be focusing on the eat less part.Get a bicycle and use it for short hops to the store, or work, or other short trips instead of driving. Extend the dog walks in both time and distance, maybe adding hillier ground to cover. Swimming is an excellent method to 'tone' yourself, but in my experience, this may not actually lead to weight lose since muscle mass actually adds weight, but you will be 'trimmer' at the same weight.Good luck and keep us posted in your advances towards your goal.
  2. Read the information here: http://ca.php.net/manual/en/function.mkdir.php About the third posting down, the user points out that newer versions of php seem to need the trailing slash in the mkdir path name. You don't specify what version of php you are using, so I don't know if it is the fix you need. ALWAYS go to the php.net documentation FIRST. And read carefully the notes/comments about the function which is failing. Also, checking the mkdir function information, 0777 is the default permissions. Maybe the Server's php.ini is altered to affect that, but the next thing to check is be sure you are using the numeric zero and not the capital 'o' in the mode definition. If this script has worked for you in the past, I would suspect that the Server has been upgraded to a newer version of php. Ask your ISP if that is the case and find out what has been changed relative to the older version by looking for changelog information at the php.net site.
  3. cwconline makes a good point. The most important information should be "above the fold", to coin a newspaper expression. That means that the most interesting and attractive information on your page should be readily available and visible near the top and towards the left side if your width is wider than the user's monitor. Most navbars are in this preferred location, but not always. As to the 'typical' size, the w3schools site keeps stats of their visitors and the results are available here. http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_display.asp In 2002, approximately 50% of monitors were 800 x 600. As of January 2007, 1024 x 800 is the typical size. I design for the 1024 x 800 crowd, so that 'most' users (app 75%) see the entire width, leaving 25% to scroll sideways. I have never received a complaint. Also, I use Fireox Web Developer's extension to change the browser window and check in the smaller sizes to confirm that the page behave acceptably at smaller resolutions.
  4. This isn't my area of expertise, but I think when you create a sub-domain on your account in Cpanel, there is a folder created for the sub-domain and the sub-domain can be accessed using either sub.domain.com/ or domain.com/sub. But I might be wrong.
  5. I think XAMPP is available as a one-click installer for Apache, Mysql and php for OSX. search:XAMPP for the download page and to check whether it will run on your machine.
  6. margin: 0 auto 0 auto;This sets the margins according to the pattern top, right, bottom, left. margin: 0 auto;This sets the margins according to the pattern top and bottom, left and right. Effectively making each of these rules identical, so this is not the rule which is affecting the centring of your page. IE uses text-align: center instead of the margin rule, so these two rules are typically combined in the CSS file to allow IE to center using one rule and the more compliant Browsers to use the margin rule. As per previous posts, we would need to see the entire html code for the page as well as the CSS file. What padding have you applied? And what Browser are you using?
  7. Your request will be reviewed by one of our GFX Crew or members.
  8. Your request will be reviewed by one of our GFX Crew or members.
  9. Discussions of Personal matters relating to other Web Hosts are outside the realm of Xisto. This Topic is closed. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/49115-frigging-oxyhost-bull/
  10. cwconline,Might want to check the Xisto story by clicking the link in my sig block.The Xisto stays ad-free by virtue of the paid Hosting accounts at Xisto - Web Hosting.com. The strategy is that the free Hosting accounts and good service here leads Members into those paid accounts, so it is somewhat self-perpetuating .
  11. I am able to get an IP blocked using this script, but the ipadmin.php is giving an error when adding or removing ip's.I have a good db connection, since it blocks the IP on my localhost, but I had to add the ip using phpadmin in order to acquire the block. Any suggestions? Is there a working link for this script available?
  12. What a fabulous opportunity you have been given by your friend being deaf and teaching you Sign Language. With your interest in the Theatre, or acting, have you considered using them together to support the Community by, example, signing at Local Theatre productions so that the local deaf residents can enjoy the production?
  13. Welcome to Mermaid, finally, an Introduction, and a very detailed one at that.Couple of questions:Where does the Polish language skills come from? Are one of your parents of Polish decent? Or is your community of Polish decent?With all of the skills you describe in your Intro, like acting, etc., I am curious about whether you are involved in any Community activities which benefit from your skill sets. Are you active in any Theater Groups? Or do you volunteer at using your Sign language at a Local School for the Deaf?Just curious.
  14. Glad to have you around. There are lots of postings to be dealt with on many topics/issues which members face and your skills will sure be an asset to the Forum.Thanks for offering your services and all the best with your Hosting request.Biggest thing is to read the Xisto readme file and don't be afraid to ask any questions you might have.
  15. computinghost.com has Flash in its page. https://xisto.com/ Check out the embed and object codes by doing a source view and let us know if it works for you.
  16. What have you got for code so far?Post what you have and suggestions you want improved and someone will come along and make suggestions for your code changes.
  17. Hi.Perhaps you can add some information to this thread telling us something about yourself? Or tell us what your Hobbies are? Or your interests? Or tell us why you are here at the Xisto? Are you looking for a Free Web Hosting service???
  18. jlhaslip


    Read this: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?actE=01&HID=18 to learn about the Credit system, Hosting, and the rules...
  19. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/49034-buqi-healing/ Posting was plagiarised, so the quote tags which are added delete the credits and add a penalty, so that explains the negative credits. we take cut and pasting of information very seriously here at the Xisto. i suggest you become familiar with what is acceptable and ways to "copy" information from other sites. Quote tags are required on copied posts. Period. No exceptions. you place your Hosted status at risk by plagiarising from other sites, so I would suggest you stop doing that.
  20. One sure method to effectively increase the use of your available bandwidth on your account is to use Image Hosting services like Imagefilez instead of your own Hosting space for the images you use on your site. If you insist on storing Images on your account space, optimize them for the web. Usually, you can reduce an image size considerably without losing much detail or having it pixelize. Host any downloadable files on a File Server instead of your hosting account space. Optimize your pages by using external css files instead of embedded CSS, and use div's instead of bulky table based designs for your pages.Just a couple of suggestions.And Members are only allowed one Free Hosting Account, so the second account option is not a possibility. IP checking is done on each application to avoid duplicate accounts.
  21. Exactly. The Transfer script confirms that you have at least 30 credits remaining AFTER the transfer, so, in order to transfer 5 credits to another Hosted Member, you should have at least 35.15 credits when you request the transfer. And you do not need to transfer those extra credits into the Bank. Simply leave them in your Hosted Account. Nobody can steal them there, and it acts as a buffer for days when you are unable to post.
  22. Is it possible that the php script is being run under a different user than yourself, so you do not have the authority to delete them?
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