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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. I am not sure what you mean by 'message board', but are you looking for a 'chat' or 'shoutbox'? I have a script that I use as an email Contact Form that could be used to post those messages onto a page for you. Sample : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It will email you the comments made and then post them to your page, or you can have them posted onto another page if you wish. Let me know if you need the script and I can make it available as a zip file.
  2. Mermaid, There is little tolerance here for the behaviour oTOXiCo portrayed. That member won't be a problem for you or anyone else. Guaranteed.
  3. NO, MYSQL is not a 'messageboard'. It is used to store data, like messages, in a filesystem (of sorts).The messageboard can use MYSQL to keep track of information about your meassageboard though. Most Forum softwares use some sort of database to keep track of its members and all the info relating to the messageboard.search: database mysql for more information. Or use the search feature on the Xisto.
  4. Thanks to both of you. I'll try this tonight when I get back home.One question to rvalkass:Wubi operates from a "file" system rather than a partition. All the Windows files can be viewed and accessed from the Ubuntu file manager, Example: I can open text files from the Windows Desktop after booting into Ubuntu, so will it still be necessary to pen drive those system files and can I download the required files using the Windows Internet access and point to them via Wubi?
  5. Specs:Compaq Presario C304 Laptop with Broadcom 802.11g Wireless Network Adapter PCI Factory installed that works well running Windows XP Home, but I installed a copy of Ubuntu using Wubi and Linux does not connect via the wireless :PI am new to Linux and need some assistance diagnosing the problem. I have read up a little on the Wubi/Ubuntu/Networking and Wireless Forum and am totally confused about some of the issues which may be causing the problem. Where do I start? I have a copy of Everest on the Windows Boot side, so if you require any information about Hardware, I could provide it.If someone could assist here, it would be appreciated.
  6. From the Index Page, and the details listed on the Description for the Internet Forum, which includes the Website Design and Discussion sub-forums: Posting new Topics will require that a Moderator reviews the Topic and makes it Visible, in a fashion similar to the Tutorial Forum. This is required to avoid situations were the Topics being posted there are less than desirable, ie: advertising sites from off-site has been a problem lately.
  7. I'm loving it!!! I will definitely be wearing this with Pride... I can't express myself here. I am overwhelmed by your generosity. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you... Now everyone will be requesting a "Siggy by Tiki"...
  8. Do you have a link for us to show these 'virtual' keyboards and monitors?I really don't understand the concept too well until I see pictures sometimes.
  9. Closed, issue is long since resolved...
  10. Just had a quick look using the web Dev Ext and Firebug in Firefox. Seems there are a couple of things going wrong there, the first of which is the missing Doc Type Declaration. In order to have the Browsers rendering any place close to the same, you should be using a valid Doc Type. Additionally, you are using IE Proprietary codes, so Firefox is probably not rendering them as per the IE version for the simple fact that it does not understand them. Here are the Warnings the HTML Tidy supplies for your page: Result: 0 errors / 13 warningsline 1 column 1 - Warning: missing <!DOCTYPE> declarationline 9 column 141 - Warning: <td> attribute with missing trailing quote markline 9 column 1 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "height"line 9 column 1 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attributeline 9 column 75 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "background"line 9 column 75 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attributeline 9 column 141 - Warning: <td> attribute "width" has invalid value "100% BACKGROUND="line 9 column 190 - Warning: <td> attribute "valign" has invalid value "right"line 9 column 209 - Warning: <img> lacks "alt" attributeline 10 column 1 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "height"line 10 column 1 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attributeline 10 column 49 - Warning: <tr> proprietary attribute "height"line 10 column 49 - Warning: <tr> proprietary attribute "width"Info: Document content looks like HTML Proprietary I suggest you head over to the w3schools.com and check out their Tutorials on Tables if you insist on using them. Otherwise, drops the Tables and use Div based layouts. In my humble opinion, you are, or soon will be, glad to not have tables for the structural layout of your page. CSS is the way to go. Example of a div/css page that is similar to yours : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. Sorry to hear of your loss, Mich, and certainly our thoughts are with you and your friends today.
  12. You have two separate issues here. 1. The placement and positioning of the Images to create a 'bordered' look. 2. The manipulation of the interior contents. What you you have for images? and why frames for the central data? Frames are not Search Engine Friendly, don't allow for bookmarks, can't be searched, and lots of other reasons. I have a template which creates a "framed" look, but uses css to do all of that. Have a look : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ snag it if you want... Also, look here to see a php solution for swapping out the contents: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Send me a PM to receive the link for that php template if you wish.
  13. And you name forces me to award you a 4 out of 10... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numerical_prefix ==> read this and you'll see why...
  14. Just a reminder that discussing Hacks or any illegal methods for pirating software or music is strictly against the Xisto rules and will be dealt with accordingly.In the meantime, good luck with your problem.
  15. Well, when I think {EVIL}, Angels don't fit the Image, so to speak... I might expect a picture of a Slug or another invertebrate... and as per Husker, you did a wonderful job !!!
  16. firefox safari for windows Neither of them are w3c Standards compliant FF3 Alpha will be, though, and Safari for the mac is already compliant. Slowly, but surely, it seems, the browser wars are coming to an end. At least they appear to be heading towards a Universal Standard. CSS3 is on its way, too.
  17. From the php Manual: so, if the date is stored as a numeric value, I think you are comparing apples to oranges and the comparison is failing for that reason. search:php type casting to see if you can compare apples to apples. *edit* Nope. that isn't it. the following code forces a type casting onto the data and the comparison still works, so it must be something else in the code. <?php$lastname = Haslip;$firstname = Jim;$month = (integer) "12"; // except grab it from the database$currentmonth = (string) 12;if ($month == $currentmonth ){echo "$firstname $lastname has a birthday today<br />";} else {echo "no match comparing $firstname $lastname 's birthday month <br />";}?>to continue debugging this problem, insert some echo statements in the output to display both the month from the dob field and the current month as per the date () to compare the results manually. Also, check this line and tell me if the negative assignment for the $month being compared to '00' is correct? if ($month == $currentmonth && $month != 00 )
  18. One thing to check for in the If statement is the data type of the Month and Currentmonth.If one is numeric and the other is text, your comparison might fail for that reason. Not sure, but worth checking out.
  19. Here is another fine example of what NOT to do on a web space https://myspace.com/browser It'll take a minute to get the full effect. Dial-up users be warned.
  20. You forgot the Horns and the Trident...And no Flames??? What's up with that?
  21. Actually, yes, that is still the case. Accounts are under suspension for the time that the account is in Negative credits. While under suspension, the files are still on the server, but not accessible. Once you earn enough credits to bring your account to +4 credits, the script will reinstate your account to active status. If you fail to bring your account to the positive, and the account reaches Minus 30 credits, the files are deleted from the Server and are no longer available to you at all.Site and account backups are the responsiblity of the site owners. Be certain to maintain a copy of you files elsewhere at all times for security of the files and data. There are features in the Cpanel to allow you to backup files (and Databases). I suggest you do that regularly, or at least occaissionally, depending on how often your site/data changes.And welcome back, Joshua...
  22. Might be worthwhile to do this on a computer that you share with someone else, though.Keeps the little sister out of your stuff...
  23. 63 warnings and HTML Proprietary coding. Result: 0 errors / 63 warningsline 3 column 1 - Warning: missing <!DOCTYPE> declarationline 53 column 3 - Warning: missing <tr>line 59 column 5 - Warning: missing <tr>line 67 column 6 - Warning: missing <tr>line 81 column 6 - Warning: missing <tr>line 83 column 126 - Warning: discarding unexpected </a>line 83 column 137 - Warning: discarding unexpected </div>line 85 column 6 - Warning: missing <tr>line 13 column 2 - Warning: <body> proprietary attribute "topmargin"line 19 column 1 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attributeline 23 column 10 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attributeline 27 column 6 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 27 column 88 - Warning: <img> lacks "alt" attributeline 29 column 51 - Warning: <img> lacks "alt" attributeline 33 column 7 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attributeline 35 column 40 - Warning: <img> lacks "alt" attributeline 39 column 8 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attributeline 43 column 9 - Warning: <img> lacks "alt" attributeline 45 column 41 - Warning: <img> lacks "alt" attributeline 47 column 39 - Warning: <img> lacks "alt" attributeline 55 column 2 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attributeline 59 column 5 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 61 column 5 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "background"line 61 column 5 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attributeline 65 column 11 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 67 column 6 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 69 column 10 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 71 column 10 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 73 column 10 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 75 column 10 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 81 column 6 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 83 column 11 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 85 column 6 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 87 column 10 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 89 column 10 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 91 column 10 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 95 column 10 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 97 column 10 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 99 column 10 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 105 column 8 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 111 column 10 - Warning: <td> attribute "height" has invalid value "20px"line 112 column 12 - Warning: <td> attribute "height" has invalid value "20px"line 118 column 4 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attributeline 122 column 7 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 122 column 72 - Warning: <img> lacks "alt" attributeline 124 column 7 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 128 column 8 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "background"line 128 column 8 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attributeline 130 column 13 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 132 column 29 - Warning: <img> lacks "alt" attributeline 134 column 42 - Warning: <img> lacks "alt" attributeline 136 column 42 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attributeline 172 column 41 - Warning: <img> lacks "alt" attributeline 174 column 41 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attributeline 200 column 41 - Warning: <img> lacks "alt" attributeline 244 column 12 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 248 column 12 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 266 column 19 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 280 column 54 - Warning: <img> lacks "alt" attributeline 282 column 9 - Warning: <td> proprietary attribute "background"line 95 column 76 - Warning: trimming empty <span>line 99 column 76 - Warning: trimming empty <span>line 107 column 5 - Warning: trimming empty <center>Info: Document content looks like HTML Proprietary From the HTML Tidy view source out of a FF2 Browser extension
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