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Everything posted by Zagubadu?

  1. I believe it is the guy. I mean think of it? We pay for everything so on and so forth. It just seems like we are the ones always chasing you know what I mean? At the same time though it always seems like its the girl trying to get the guy to say I love you. Which doesn't really mean anything it is just a word. I still say its the guy. And not just because I am one. If people think like that then there is going to be lots of votes on guys because thats the majority of people on this site. I think there was a poll back and its like 70% guys or something like that.
  2. Agreed all though it seemed to make sense at first I don't think completely ignoring it when its acting up will help it. Especially since its a rescue, and has already been through enough neglect and bad treatment as it is. Where do you live? Are there lots of bad storms or something? If not and its normal like up here in Maine I really would not worry about it.
  3. Thus humans are nature correct? So everything we do is nature. So let the Dog-Cats, Fish-Donkeys, and Gerbil-Lizards birth begin! Seriously though that is really messed up. I usually can look at some messed up stuff. ( Friends always being dicks by sending masked links to me ) But that really just messes with my head and I had to exit withing seconds of opening that page. Its mostly the body. Look at it! Its really gross. Anyways I don't think anything like this happens naturally. This has to be the work of humans.
  4. Yea I think I saw a Tut on how to do that exact same thing mra550. And yes I do believe it was called a glossy effect. Thanks for all the input guys. And Smiley I happen to think your sig is very well done. Nice brush work. Whats the name of the brushes that are pointing towards your render?
  5. That all sounds pretty creepy. I hate racists a lot. I guess you could say I'm racists against racists. Anyways as Sky said you shouldn't really have any major problems. Its still really weird. Why even take the time to do something like that?
  6. Doesn't seem like any real changes there. That talk about the addons though. Thats why I changed to Chrome because I had these four very annoying addons that came from no where and could not be removed or disabled. So I guess thats what they are talking about? Anyways I think anyone should use this. Just as long as they are not using Internet Explorer.
  7. Have you tried sending a email to Microsoft? I'm sure they could help you with your problem. Also are there any ports that need to be forwarded? Maybe after you reformatted some settings were messed up with your router. This is only assuming that you have to port forward anything.
  8. This is all starting to remind me that Crackdown 2 is on its way! Yea also whats the genre called of all the GTAs, Crackdown, and Mercenaries? You know you play one person you do missions and just all around gain progress through the main story line. Plus side missions. Also the control to just free run through the city or wherever you are.
  9. Sounds really interesting. I might go check around for some kind of demo. I hate games that don't come with demos. I mean I like to taste things before I start spending money on it. Pandemic I know I have played a lot of their games. But when I search Pandemic games it only comes up with this game. I've never really payed attention to who made the game.
  10. I too have noticed the lack of posting lately. I have three topics that are almost untouched but have lots of views. I do not see the buttons you are talking about but when I searched "meaningless birthdays" yours was the first. Can I get a picture? I just don't see anything when I search in Google.
  11. Yea, there is a fine line between small and efficient and just too small. If I am going to spend over a hundred dollars on a cell I at least want a full keyboard. Can you imagine that thing having a full keyboard? Yikes that would be pretty ridiculous. Why is it so costly? Because its small? Or is there another feature?
  12. Yea make a website interesting enough that you get good traffic. Ads on the site. I wish it was as simple as how I just said it. But its not and I have failed miserable multiple times at it. I guess there is just too much out there. This time when I try I am going to post a lot more in the forums before jumping right off to making a site. So I can see other peoples website how they design and made them. To maybe give me a better idea.
  13. World of warcraft here. I hit seventy and then bought wrath and hit eighty. But in the end I got bored like I do with every game. They should develop a never ending game with never ending content. If only. The time I spent enjoying WoW was awesome. If you play the game don't hit max level!
  14. Used it at a age so young I didn't know how to download a program. Which was forever ago. Now I have Google Chrome and am very happy with it. I suggest it to anyone who likes the internet! Because believe me its the best way to surf it.
  15. Well thanks for the help. Was just curious and wanted to make sure I wouldn't have to apply for hosting that way. I also second just hiding it. That wouldn't hurt anything and maybe my favorite forum would load just a little bit faster.
  16. I am always trying to stay up to date with all the latest games. But I have never heard of this game before. Was it a small production without any advertising what so ever? Seriously I watch so much tv. I don't think I could have missed it. Is it for the Pc? When I get my new video card I'll check it out.
  17. Wow that thing is tiny. I don't think that that would even reach from your mouth to your ear. I would end up leaving something that tiny in my pocket to get destroyed in the wash. My Trac Phone has gone through the was twice and still works perfectly. I don't think I would ever by a phone that small.
  18. Yea as your waiting for your account to be linked. Don't stop posting! Even though your account is not linked you can still accumulate myCENTS as all your posts before your account was linked will count towards them. So keep up the great posting!
  19. I think we are having enough trouble as it is driving on the ground. It seems to dangerous, and I am pretty sure it will never happen. I'd rather see a more energy efficient, and cleaner car driving around before I see them start flying. I mean think of it? Crashes would be catastrophic, and police chases? Don't even get me started.
  20. Aaah thats funny. Yea someone answered my question a while back and it just kept popping up over and over again to everything I said pretty annoying but only time I really noticed this. At first I thought he was actually retyping it until I looked at the time and realized someone from the past was talking to me.
  21. Thanks for the help!

  22. I was actually just watching that show. I don't think you should rely on Caeser to help you with your dog problems. Obviously he does not help everyone with their dog problems that'd be impossible. Maybe seek other professional help. You are the pack leader.
  23. Why'd they take edit out? I just edited a post yesterday. Anyways if you do pick Xbox I really recommend you buy it online. There are crazy deals at Walmart, Gamestop, BestBuy. Where you can get one for 200 dollars. Not the Arcade version but the Pro version with two controller and everything included for just 200. They are refurbished but its a really good deal. Come with the standard warranty and everything. Believe me you have nothing to worry about buying a refurbished system. Heres One I'd maybe try a different one because this is out of stock. You cannot find this deal anywhere in stores.
  24. Welcome Andrew hope your stay here is pleasant. I hope you've made yourself familiar with the TOS and other rules and if not. Here you go
  25. Knew they were going to go down this road as well. You know what I do instead of Facebook. Go over friends houses. I never understood why people liked the social networking sites so much. I guess I need to stay home more often.
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