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Everything posted by Zagubadu?

  1. Agreed I wouldn't want to be treated differently but the thought of just dying like that would be such a shock to those I love. It would be unfair wouldn't it. I guess it would be possible to write a letter explaining the whole situation and why you did not want to tell your family. So that when you died they could read it and know. Kind of funny theres this thing actually someone recently posted about. You type up your message that you want everyone to see when you die. They send you and email every day or whatever. You click a link in that email verifying your alive. If you miss one the message is sent to whoever s email you put in the list. I find this very cool. I'll probably even use it. In about a hundred years.
  2. Alienware? Jeez that is extremely high end. Wouldn't recommend unless you are going to be doing some serious gaming. Also some serious spending. I think their cheapest model is a bit over a grand. So I really wouldn't recommend it. I have been using Emachines for my whole life now. ( About 5 computers ) Its not really about the brand really more then the specs. I have only used Emachines so I can really compare any. But yea Alienware is really costly. Not recommended.
  3. Personally I would try and wait as long as possible before I told people. Like you said I would not want to be treated differently in my final moments. Really would you want to spend the little time you have left with everyone grieving over you? I sure wouldn't. I know this sounds like something that would happen in a movie but I would really want to do all the things I would never normally do. Jump from an airplane you know all that good stuff. I mean your going to die anyways right?
  4. Jhaslip has informed that you can just use Firefox 3.5.5. I recently switched back to Google Chrome and I had no problems. Now for whatever reason the shoutbox is once again messing up for me. So what about us Google Chrome users? I say the admin just change the shoutbox in whatever way that needs to be done in order to fix these problems.
  5. Ah thats scary I never knew you could lose your hearing just by grinding your teeth. I hope thats not how I'm losing my hearing. Its nothing serious I just sometimes have to ask people to repeat themselves in a some what noisy room. I'll be sure to get one of those teeth guard things. But the thought of trying to sleep with that in my mouth. Meh I guess I will get used to it. Thanks for all the info guys.
  6. When I saw the commercials for this thing I thought bullcrap right in front. Not that it wouldn't work but I mean it must not have the same quality and is there caller id, call waiting? They don'y talk about it very much in commercials. Has anyone personally used this?
  7. You bring up a very good point. Lots of people are dying from starvation sure they don't all die from it in one instant but over time millions have died from starvation and lack of medical aid. But you don't really see that on the news.
  8. Yea I tried looking around for treatment and the only thing I have been able to find is that sometimes the person with AHS will give the alien hand an object to fiddle with and it seems to keep it occupied. So funny watched a little bit of this documentary of this guy that had it and his hand was a *BLEEP* so to speak. He walks past a table at a restaurant and his hand just tips over this lady's drink. She gets so pissed its hilarious. I think being allergic to water is a bit more far fetched. Impossible for it to just be H2O must be something in water.
  9. I just quickly skimmed through the articles on the main page. And you gave me full permission to say exactly what I think, eh? Well the layout is nice but the articles lack any real interest that would make people come back for more. Maybe try to find some more interesting content for your website. I wish you luck.
  10. No no it doesn't make them cut their own hand off. They cut off the alien hand because it drives them insane. Not saying they all did but people who have had AHS on the serious side of it causing harm to them. They have removed the hand. Yea I know sounds unbelievable but a lot of unbelievable things happen in this world of ours.
  11. Of course they would. They wouldn't even had a choice. We have helped a lot of countries through their problems. ( I personally think we shouldn't butt into others buisness, but when they needed help thats a different story ) Well they would help if we even let them. I'm not sure how Obamalama would handle that.
  12. Zagubadu?

    Hi All

    Welcome!.... Again! I hope you stick around this time. Yea theres been some changes around here so you probably want to read Smiley's post on the new myCENT Credit System. Which is a lot better then the old one. I hope you have a good stay here at Xisto.
  13. As I have never even heard of this but a lot of those programs are similar to each other. Is there anything on there called like Events or maybe triggers? That would be your best bet. Sorry if this has nothing to do what your talking about but a lot of them use that system.
  14. Ah yes it sounds unbelievable right? How about PSAS? Permanent Sexual Arousal Syndrome? Constant blood flow to the sexual organs which causes the people the have it to be sex addicts. This one woman has about 200 orgasms a day. But she climaxes easy thats what PSAS does. The girl who was allergic to water and broke out in hives almost instantly to even the touch of it. Even people who have permanent hiccups for years. I must say I hate the hiccups so much if I had that I would kill myself. These things are out there try and be a bit more open about them Smiley. Heres one And another Last one Believe me it is real and it sounds ridiculous and far fetched. But its real.
  15. This is giving me some ideas as well. Have you posted a topic about your own site here on trap? Like a What do you think of my site, or Review my Site. If people like what they see maybe they will stick around. I myself am going to be waiting until I have a really good idea before I start making my own website. Good luck with getting some traffic!
  16. Alien Hand Syndrome (AHS) is a neurological disorder that basically makes the hand act own its own. People who suffer this report they can feel things with the hand normally but have literally no control over it. Depending on what causes which could be a side effect from brain surgery, head trauma, a stroke, tumor, and many other related injuries can effect what the hands behavior is. It could just be doing grasping motions. Or it can be doing other things that make it seem science fiction unbuttoning cloths, unzipping pants, tearing clothes. The person may be totally unaware that its doing these things. In some cases the person actually cut off the hand. I'm really glad I do not have this even though the chances are very slim. AHS is a very rare disorder and not many people suffer from it. More serious cases of it have included stuffing food in face, punching or pinching one self, and often preventing the other hand from doing simple tasks. The though of trying to reach for the door to your car to have your other hand grab, slap, or just attack it may seem funny, but could you imagine having it? I was trying to look for any cases in which the hand grabbed a weapon and committed suicide or murder and couldn't find any. I find just the fact that something like this could exist enticing. I just started thinking of this because of a movie I saw a long time ago about the same thing. Except he cut it off and it started to continue murdering people.Any thoughts or comments on this?
  17. I don't think a mouth guard will help. Guys take your lower jaw and move it forward so you have a huge underbite going on. Ok now clench downwards and try moving your teeth to the right. Doesn't feel very good right? I've tried to find this on the internet and it would appear as if the only grinding of teeth in your sleep is just like normal. Its kind of hard to explain how I believe I am grinding them. Am I making sense here.
  18. I believe that putting animals down is wrong unless they are unhealthy and have a lot of problems. Putting down healthy animals is cruel. There will always be someone out there to adopt. It may be hard to find someone but there always is. My family had a dog that was 11 years old and was very sick. Something to do with his blood cell count or something. Anyways we were going to put him down. The day we were going to do it he passed away. It was very sad. So just the thought of putting down a perfectly healthy animal is just wrong.
  19. Normal week days when I have school probably 3-4 hours. Why well I could never get to sleep early. No matter how hard I try. Plus I have to get up at five in the morning. On weekends probably about 10 hours.
  20. So who are they killing and why is it a problem? I've never felt so uneducated by any subject before. I mean if they are killing people they believe to be in terrorist groups more power to them. There obviously must be something more going on here then that right? If so I'm just not getting it.
  21. Your making 3.50 an hour doing that site? Wow the only survey thing I ever did was that Rebel Prize but that got way too boring. So what do you use the auto fill form or something? I might actually get into that if I can make that kind of money sitting at a computer.
  22. I don't mean to scare anyone with my little silly facts from TV which are probably not facts at all. I too have this and also something else that makes me grind my teeth in a weird way. ( I am sleeping so it may not be happening at all ) Well it was one 1000 ways to Die. It described a woman who had nightmares of a devilish creature holding her down and choking her. Its weird because I didn't think it was possible for so many others to share the same experiences I thought were rare. It feels as if something ( I never know what it is I just know its evil and wants to kill me ) is sitting on top of my chest holding my arms at my side. As I try to wake up by moving which I can't at all I try over and over again before finally waking up. Sometimes I will wake up all the way just to slowly start to drift back into it so I have to keep moving to stay awake. I've stayed awake many nights just because I can feel it in the back of my mind. Where I know if I fall back asleep it will happen again. Creeps me out because all people are describing it as something evil or ghost like. I don't know what you guys are talking about with the heart pounding. With me its only suffocation I fear. I can say I have never heard my heart beat while I slept.
  23. Thanks for the info, but it just does not sound like me at all. I'm not depressed at all if anything I'm too happy. Surely there must be other reasons for a person to be grinding their teeth. Its weird really doing things in your sleep you have no control over. I mean pretty soon I'm going to start gnawing my arm off.
  24. Firefox also includes - The total destruction of Trap 17. Firefox 3.6 is guaranteed to break the shoutbox. And totally screw the rich text editor! Seriously guys it does all of those. For some reason version 3.6 is really messed up when it comes to Xisto. I recently installed Firefox for all of a day before switching back to chrome. So anyone experiencing any of these problems this is the reason.
  25. I now know what you think I'm talking about. Should have been more specific. Its not like normal top teeth siting on bottom teeth clenched downwards and moving back and forth. It feels like in my sleep I am putting my bottom teeth in front of my top teeth. ( Like an underbite ) Locking it there and then trying to move it just to one side. It really freaks me out and I think its possible to lose a tooth that way. Go ahead and try it. Of course you couldn't break your teeth right now doing it, because you just wouldn't let yourself. In my sleep though it feels as if they are bending. ( Probably just the nightmare part ) I hate it so much when it happens.
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