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Everything posted by Zagubadu?

  1. Yea my mobo can handle 4GB of Ram and I have a 64 bit system. So its all good. Yea and I should make sure that 2GB stick is the same as the other one right?
  2. The maximum memory that my mobo can handle is 4 gigs. Its also a 64 bit OS so thats good. So i the long run what will work better talking performance. Two GB with the higher speed? Or 2.5 GB of slower speeds? I mean the fact that there is another half GB shouldn't that still make it better regardless of the speeds? Lets say this is going to work for my computer is it better then just using the 2 GB stick?
  3. Hello I figure there is definitely someone out there who can answer my question. Anyways I just recently upgraded my ram from 1GB too 2GB (Crucial 2GB 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (PC2 6400)) So I took out my two half GB's. I was wondering if I could put one of the half gigs back in too get 2.5gigs of RAM this wouldn't mess anything up due to the fact that they are different right? Heres the half GB specs 512MB PC2-4200 533MHz. I don't know why the 2GB stick doesn't say anything about MHz. I'm not really educated in RAM so forgive me if this question is painfully obvious. Thanks in advance.
  4. Why would you ever need an OS that small? Anyways I do not think its possible not with that size requirement. I think the smallest I've heard of is like sixty megabytes or something around that. I think its Linux based. If you some how manage to find an OS thats two mb it'll probably run like DOS or something like that.
  5. A measly eleven inch screen? At that point I don't really need to here any of the other specs. I mean if your going to be gaming on it 11' sounds too small. Maybe if its really good for the price just use another screen. Any time I think of the brand AlienWare I think bigger and better so an eleven inch screen seems silly for a company known for the best.
  6. I've gone to quite a few midnight releases ( Halo 3, Modern Warfare 2 just to name a few ) I wish I had some money for Mass Effect 2, but I'm a bit short on cash. I'm still getting it just not at the midnight release.
  7. Wow what idiot would make there password that? My password for everything is 21 characters long and consists of number and some caps. If someone guessed my password it would be a miracle. Its funny how the most popular one was 12345678. And password seriously?
  8. Yea I don't think its legal if you mod to cheat while playing Ps3 games. If you mod it to the point where its not even a Ps3 anymore it should be okay. Nonetheless it will definitely void your warranty. This seems possible due to the fact of the Ps3's big hard drive. I think you'll need more then just following someones instructions. Because it does not sound easy and you'll probably need a basic understanding of mobos, and a bunch of other technical stuff. I've never heard of anyone doing it before. So good luck.
  9. Well the non animation part sounds really simple. I mean how hard can it be to make it so theres an image, and when you scroll over a different image takes its place? I don't know it just sounds really simple to me. I don't know any coding or anything but I but someone who does will be able to tell you easily.Also when I clicked the link the top banner changed. So it might be hard to explain to people what your talking about especially if they click the link and its no longer there.
  10. So your thinking about getting an ankle biter, huh? Personally I hate chihuahuas and each one I've encountered has been a yapper and never shuts up. Maybe its just me. I've heard that most of them bark a lot and never really shut up. My dog is a shitsu something else mixed might be like half toy poodle or something. But hes really cute and never barks. I would recommend getting a different kind of dog. Unless you have ear plugs handy.
  11. No sorry needed this actually is all I needed to fully realize how crappy the text is. I just got really lazy with it. Its saved as a PSD so I will be sure to update it soon and put it in this topic. Thanks for all the help.
  12. How about you write a tutorial on how to do that really sweet looking effect you have right there? It looks really cool and I have never seen anything else like it. How'd you do it? Don't keep it a secret. Yea its a really cool effect I would love to learn on how to do it.
  13. Yea the more I look at the text the more I hate it I still have it saved as a PSD so I might edit it later. I just don't get how some people are so good at making them. I've tried to find good tutorials but for the most part I haven't been able to find any. I would do more details and stuff. If I knew how. Yea my knowledge so far is brush brush brush, colorize, render, some what try and do some effects to make the render blend ( Outer Glow ), pixel border, and then suffer through the text. Thats literally it. Maybe you could teach me some stuff?
  14. Yea I have an uncle. And hes younger then me I refuse to call someone younger then me my uncle though. Anyways congratulations I'm glad it all worked out. There were lots of complications. Must have been scary. Reading your story I thought your sister was going to die just because of all the different things that happened. Well my best wishes for the both of them.
  15. Hello everyone. I think I'm getting better. I'm not really proud of the text. Tell me what you think. Its okay to be honest I can take criticism. Do you think I should not have used two renders? I think you'll all agree with me that the text is bad, right?
  16. Yea doing simple tasks with that disorder would make them near impossible. Depending on what type they have. Not that some people just have mild twitches and cannot move the hand on their own and thats it. While others with the more serious one can even cause harm to the person. Yea I don't think I would be doing any driving. If its an evil hand it might grab the wheel and drive you right into a tree.
  17. Oh come on they are appearing off line for a reason. Because they want to be left alone or just feel like chatting with someone else without getting constant messages. Seriously its called privacy. Wouldn't they continue to ignore you anyways.
  18. I see what your saying but hear this. When is it easier to pretend to be different then you actually are? Internet or real life. Well that ones obvious. I'm not saying every single person you meet on the internet is not who they actually are. But you can never really be sure. Also I agree that people over the internet can only hear your voice and thats it. Which is a good thing. That way you will not be judged before hand by how you look.
  19. I thought Avatar was pretty good. Not the best movie but not the worst. It really had that old fashion hero movie feel to it you know? Which I love but at the same time felt as if I'd seen it all before. I just can't recall any but I know theres lots. One man and the apparent enemy which actually reveals itself to be the good side and what was thought to be the good side was actually evil. So he switches sides and saves them. I found the CGI to be a bit fake looking. Good movie overall.
  20. Very true in this game you definitely need team work. Going AFK or dying a lot ( Its called feeding in the DotA world ) will make your team lose and your team mates will become very annoyed. I would try not to flame or be mean to other people. This is going to be hard to explain but I'll try. Ok so people that host these DotA games quite a few of them have a program called Banlist. This program allows them to ban you by IP so that anytime you go into anyones game in which the host has the program it will kick you. So try and be nice. You can be banned for feeding, flaming, AFK, leaving, and anything the host decides. Deadmad depending on how long ago you played this game its changed a lot and its a lot of fun.
  21. Ah yes of course you could always build your own! My favorite website for computer parts and other related stuff is TigerDirect. They have deals that are sometimes border line crazy. Its not as hard as it sounds and its a great idea. Tiger Direct
  22. YES! DotA Is a very fun and awesome game based on Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne ( There are other versions in the non-expansion Warcraft 3 but its not nearly as good ). Ok so in this game there are many different game types. The game mode is put in at the beginning of the game. So the game name might me DotA -Apemso which would be the most common one so thats the one I'll explain. You can choose from all the heroes ( Let me say here that I hope you have a basic understanding of Warcraft ) which are all different and have very cool skills which are customly made. You get a hero and units will beginning moving from your base towards the enemy base same for them. There are towers that defend the three lanes. Your team will go into each of these lanes to defend them and move forward towards the base. You gain levels and money to buy items. Certain items can combine to create more powerful items to help your team win. It has a high learning curve and if you go into a game and start not playing well people will flame you. Believe me. If you are actually interested in playing DotA believe me its a fun game when you get good at it. Luckily enough they've released maps where you can play against computers that are not as good ( Depending on what difficulty you put them on ). There are also strategy sites that can help you with what items to choose for whichever hero you choose. Because its not as simple and every hero has items that work very well with them. The AI Map - You will also find the normal maps on that site. ( Believe me you will need them because most people kick whoever doesn't have the map) Strategies
  23. Slaps your teacher. How about slaps your boss the day you were getting a promotion? I could go on forever about the funny things that could happen with an alien hand. But its still sad really. Yea I tried looking for remedies for this and only found that some people give it an object to "play with". This way its kind of distracted while you can try and live a normal life. Theres a story where this one guy would use a pool ball. And the alien hand through it at someone. Ouch that must of hurt.
  24. How does one handle death? Thats a question I want the answer to. Makes me feel glad that death is a long way for me ( Unless I'm unlucky, speaking dying of old age ) This has really got me thinking. What if I was to die tomorrow? Which is possible. Its possible for me to die right now before even finishing this sentence. Which is sad to think about. I believe the saying goes live every day as if its your last. Very true words because it very well could be.
  25. An interesting look on it. I believe yea thats good. But there are some people out there that care a bit too much about internet friends. I guess it just depends on the person and whether or not they really consider the person on the other side of the internet their real friend.
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