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Everything posted by Semsem

  1. Welcome to Xisto. Don't forget to link your account to Xisto. And, you'll start making MyCENTS after you have 5 posts on the forums. Get to posting and hosting!
  2. Polish newspaper accidentally makes Pedobear Olympic mascot Move over Mukmuk, there's a new mascot in town. Polish newspaper Gazeta Olsztynska made a huge snafu when they ran an article on the 2010 Winter Games which included illustrations of the mascots: Quatchi, Sumi, Miga, sidekick Mukmuk and a new addition -- Pedobear. Read more >> http://theprovince.com/category/opinion
  3. Wow...what a way to refer to your girl...a hobby. I'd get rid of all traces of that if I were you.As for the rest...poker is awesome...never got the hang of it myself.
  4. If I were you, I'd go for a different login. This one is too dang confusing and has pointless stuff in it for normal use.However, sounds to me as though you haven't registered an account (via the script). Do that, or manually add a row in MySQL, and you should be good to go.
  5. Semsem


    Welcome to Xisto! Don't forget to link your account to Xisto and get to posting!
  6. If I am thinking properly, this'll work, just mod it to your own database and mod the table configuration and whatnot. This uses L1 and L2 classes, which are alternating colors. You can do with it what you like. But, it NEEDS the "while" function. <? if ($_GET[XX] == ""){ echo('<tr> <td width=10% class=headersmall></td> <td width=12% align=left class=headersmall>XX</td> <td width=4% align=left class=headersmall></td> <td width=11% align=left class=headersmall>XX</td> <td width=14% align=left class=headersmall></td> </tr>'); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `XX`"); $i = 0; while($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { if($line['id'] == '1'){$XX_name = XX; $XX= '1';} if($line['id'] == '2'){$XX_name = XX; $XX= '2';} if($i%2 == 0) { echo "<tr> <td width=10% class=L1></td> <td width=12% align=left class=L1>".$XX."</td> <td width=4% align=left class=L1></td> <td width=11% align=left class=L1><a class=link href=XX.php?tech=".$XX."'>XX</a></td> <td width=14% align=left class=L1></td> </tr>"; $i++; } else { echo "<tr> <td width=10% class=L2></td> <td width=12% align=left class=L2>".$XX."</td> <td width=4% align=left class=L2></td> <td width=11% align=left class=L2><a class=link href='XX.php?XX=".$techAbbr."'>XX</a></td> <td width=14% align=left class=L2></td> </tr>"; $i++; } } }?>
  7. Can you purchase a domain via Xisto? I think I say an area that said you could...and if you can, can you buy more than one (and have seperate plans) or would you need two accounts for that sort of thing? If this isn't the right place, then please move.
  8. As far as I know, you can create an install disk, but you need to first get the serial number for use by MS. MS needs each OS to have a different number (which I don't like), but you gotta do what you gotta do.Now, I want to know why you WANT Vista!!
  9. For me...I can't wait for all of it to come out mainstream and whatnot...but for TWO browsers to use it...I've heard that FF and Chrome already have support for HTML5, or is my information wrong?
  10. Not really sure if this is supposed to be a thread on Bible facts, but tatoo-ing is spoken against in I think Exodus.
  11. Welcome back to Xisto! Once you're here...you can't leave! So, go get posting!
  12. Hope this is what you are wanting... http://email.about.com/od/yahoomailtips/� <that site will show/tell you how How to Insert an Image Inline in an Email with Yahoo! Mail Instead of attaching pictures to your emails, grab them right off the Web and send them inline so recipients can easily view them without any hassle.Note: I could not bring it up so all you had to do is click on the link...sorry...When you click on the link above the particular link you are looking for is WAY down the list.. As you will see there are MANY solutions to MANY problems or questions on how to use Yahoo...=)) in the link... * AND IF THAT DON'T WORK....GO BELOW ....Have a great day.... In order to embed a picture in the body of a yahoo email your photos needs to be web based on a site like:- https://www.flickr.com/browser/upgrade/?continue=%2F http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://fotopic.net/ https://www.snapfish.com/photo-gift/home?fromUrl=/snapfish/info17/ Then you can right click and copy the picture from the web site and paste onto the body of your email or your signature. This method will not work using the Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browsers. Photos that are based on your computer will not copy and paste in most email providers mail. http://email.about.com/od/yahoomailtips/� I saw this answer that says it cant be done with Yahoo...so, if the above does not work try what is mentioned below... It's simple with yahoo you can not. The only option is to attach the photo and the reciepient will have to open or save it or if you don't have the file you can place a link to the file on the web other email services such as AOL will allow you to insert the picture or you can get some free email accounts like AOL or GMail and set them up in outlook or win mail which allows you to insert photos or if you upgrade to yahoo mail plus for $20/yr you can set up the account in outlook which will allow you to insert pics (you have to upgrade in order to use yahoo with outlook).
  13. Does anyone know if multiple frameworks can be installed on same web server and have everything work fine?I think they can, but I want to be sure before I do something that screws it up.
  14. I think things are getting worse. Nothing is going as it should be. And Obama's administration is not doing anything to get the banks to pay back the cash or help the American people...
  15. Discrimination against Indians in Australia? First time I've heard of this...and aren't they Aboriginies (sp)?It'll always exist in the world however, it is natural. It's how we as humans try to say we are better than eachother.
  16. Seems really stupid to me...plus there are those actually donating to the game...perhaps we all should create assinine games like Farmville, and join the bandwagon of making cash!
  17. Welcome to Xisto!Remember, 5 posts and your MyCENTS will be calculated for the first time. Stay active, post, gain MyCENTS, spend on hosting, and most importantly, have a great time!
  18. Videos will load at a 28.8kbps modem...however, you'll need to load the whole video before you play, for it to actually stream properly.
  19. Welcome to Xisto! Enjoy your stay, and remember to register at Xistro (sp?) to activate the MyCENT ability (5 posts, and things'll get calculated the first time)
  20. I find that Google Translate works semi-well with stuff written in the language (by those who speak it). It works horribly with translating say English into Spanish/French/etc. And then you have SVO that exists for English but differs in a lot of languages.
  21. The issue with using this, is not that they'd block Google as a whole, but TRANSLATE.GOOGLE.COM, which is an entirely different "site" per se. My employers have blocked mail.google.com seperate from google, so don't go and think you're being smart, since they will catch up to in in time and ban your *bottom*! (Then won't you feel stupid! )
  22. Never knew of this, but I prefer the right clicking or the mouse wheel myself. Much less time needed than draging a link.
  23. How well has toothpaste worked for you? For me it worked semi-well (fixed a lot of skips) but it didn't do the best job ever...
  24. Would the $1.95 per month bit be able to have Zend Framwork installed on it? And if so, how would one do that?
  25. Not reading the rest of this thread...but just my thoughts...Steve Jobs says the iPad is better than a netbook? Bull! It's an oversized iPod! It can't even multitask, your limited to what's in the app store, you can't install Linux on it! WTF!!!??? Oh, and the Maxi Pad jokes will never get old now!
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