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Everything posted by Semsem

  1. Anything that has a means to replicate itself. If we look at viruses...hard to say by the ways scientists define it...but, it can replicate and has RNA, thus an organism. And, if it has a way to replicate itself, than any alien life forms can be considered organisms, regardless of whether they have DNA or whatnot.
  2. Tough question indeed. But, I'd have to say a Soviet Volga. I find the black car, tinted windows, and white rims an excellent look. Unfortunately, they still make them, but I don't know exactly where to go to find pricing and shiping info and whatnot.
  3. I don't know...I only use IE. I don't care what anyone says about it. It's the browsern I've used since I got my first computer, and it's the one I'll die using. Best to not force people, otherwise, they might not come back to yor site. As far as HTML5 goes, as far as I know, no browser has complete support for it yet...so, be careful.
  4. To me...Will Power is what keeps us doing what's good in he world. Much the way God intended. However, we can choose to ignore it and go into sinfull acts, but that's the price to pay for free will. Will power keeps us in track with something, so...yes, I agree with how you've summarized.
  5. Just a question...how much does it cost? Can't seem to locate it on XistoBilling.comAnd...can someone give me a better explanation of the decade plan? What does it include, etc.?Thanks.
  6. My idea on this is simple...well, it's technically Russia's idea, but it works. Nuke it. Russia nuked five of their wells that got out of hand, each time a single nuke fixed it. The big question if the government(s) come to ever resorting to it (however, they're prolly against it due to the Non-Nuclear Proliferation Treaty) is which nation'll nuke it,
  7. Wow. This is interesting, but yes, Google has a right to protect itself. Microsoft has many security holes (not sure about Google OS), but they feel safe with leaving MS...so, they most likely know what they're doing. Plus, they're doing themselves a favor (with saving 20K licenses worth), thus allowing them to make a larger profit (even though they don't really need it!)
  8. Welcome! With regards to English...just keep posting and reading. Yes, listening to songs can improve your pronunciation, but you can also expand into listening to speaches and whatnot. English is everywhere, so finding ways to hear it isn't too hard.
  9. I find Xisto.com easy to remember and easy to type in. If you want to change it...couldn't you get Xisto.com to re-direct to Xisto.com?
  10. Welcome to Xisto! Best get to posting!After 5 posts, your MyCENTS will be first calculated, after which, it'll be done every few hours. Don't worry though, you won't see anything right now, since the admins are working on upgrading it to match the new upgraded board. But, that will only take a bit more time I hope.
  11. Semsem

    Hi All!

    Hi! Welcome to Xisto! Enjoy your stay!
  12. PHP for sure. One, I know it...and don't know ASP. And second, it's the most widely used, and it resembles C and whatnot. I like how coding is with it, and don't like how I see ASP done. And, with the fact I've seen a LOT done with PHP (and not so much done with ASP), it makes me lean towards PHP.
  13. Semsem


    Welcome to Xisto! Enjoy your stay! And don't forget to register with Xisto Billing (to redeem our MyCENTS)
  14. Post-to-host = Something that would be great!However, the site itself...I'd choose a different background...but that's just me.
  15. Adsense...yes...only if Google don't ban you (happened to me twice...no idea why).Other than that and Chitika...I don't trust anyone.
  16. Welcome to Xisto! Don't forget to register to Xisto Billing!
  17. Semsem


    As far as I know, that's all that calculates MyCENTS.
  18. Welcome to Xisto! Don't forget to register with Xisto Billing to start earning MyCENTS
  19. I've tried putting ZF in both the public HTML and the PHP folders...editing the code and whatnot...and I can't get anything.Not sure what's wrong with it...
  20. What I start out with... set_include_path('library' . PATH_SEPARATOR . '/home/semsemx/php/'. PATH_SEPARATOR . 'application/models' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());require_once 'Zend/Rest/Client.php';And, this is what I get: Any thoughts as to what I did wrong?
  21. Make good quality posts, that don't need Mods to edit them (and that follow the rules, of course). You're ballance will then start being less in the red, and eventually, you'll get it in the black again.
  22. Well, I feel stupid...how do I point the websites configuration to the Zend installation?
  23. Welcome to Xisto. Don't forget to link your account to Xisto. And, you'll start making MyCENTS after you have 5 posts on the forums. Get to posting and hosting!
  24. Semsem


    Welcome to Xisto. Don't forget to link your account to Xisto. And, you'll start making MyCENTS after you have 5 posts on the forums. Get to posting and hosting!
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